diff --git a/app/api/inventory.py b/app/api/inventory.py
index ff573d9475763a090d6148990b2b9c471214bb40..c2b0102b0a9f5b47d97ebd9c98668d74d6e19fe9 100644
--- a/app/api/inventory.py
+++ b/app/api/inventory.py
@@ -269,3 +269,26 @@ def create_status():
     :jsonparam description: (optional) description
     return create_generic_model(models.Status)
+def get_macs():
+    """Return mac addresses
+    .. :quickref: Inventory; Get mac addresses
+    """
+    return get_generic_model(models.Mac, order_by=models.Mac.address)
+@bp.route("/macs", methods=["POST"])
+@login_groups_accepted("admin", "inventory")
+def create_macs():
+    """Create a new mac address
+    .. :quickref: Inventory; Create new mac address
+    :jsonparam address: MAC address
+    :jsonparam item_id: (optional) linked item primary key
+    """
+    return create_generic_model(models.Mac, mandatory_fields=("address",))
diff --git a/app/api/network.py b/app/api/network.py
index 706cbce9433504ca0a422ed7f9c3d26074bddc43..73c98c702b7c3f60e57f19667a3f44ca4ff1eb8e 100644
--- a/app/api/network.py
+++ b/app/api/network.py
@@ -232,29 +232,6 @@ def delete_host(host_id):
     return utils.delete_generic_model(models.Host, host_id)
-def get_macs():
-    """Return mac addresses
-    .. :quickref: Network; Get mac addresses
-    """
-    return utils.get_generic_model(models.Mac, order_by=models.Mac.address)
-@bp.route("/macs", methods=["POST"])
-@login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
-def create_macs():
-    """Create a new mac address
-    .. :quickref: Network; Create new mac address
-    :jsonparam address: MAC address
-    :jsonparam item_id: (optional) linked item primary key
-    """
-    return utils.create_generic_model(models.Mac, mandatory_fields=("address",))
 def get_domains():
diff --git a/tests/functional/test_api.py b/tests/functional/test_api.py
index 8c2b5ae02ac178aba2b78f716f624f4d7a54bc88..12609a4db29ec8773f5806b50b0fbb8048a4d072 100644
--- a/tests/functional/test_api.py
+++ b/tests/functional/test_api.py
@@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ ENDPOINT_MODEL = {
     "inventory/locations": models.Location,
     "inventory/statuses": models.Status,
     "inventory/items": models.Item,
+    "inventory/macs": models.Mac,
     "network/networks": models.Network,
     "network/interfaces": models.Interface,
     "network/hosts": models.Host,
     "network/groups": models.AnsibleGroup,
-    "network/macs": models.Mac,
     "network/domains": models.Domain,
     "network/cnames": models.Cname,
     for key in ENDPOINT_MODEL.keys()
-    if key.startswith("inventory") and key != "inventory/items"
+    if key.startswith("inventory") and key not in ("inventory/items", "inventory/macs")
     for key in ENDPOINT_MODEL.keys()
     if key.startswith("inventory")
-    and key not in ("inventory/items", "inventory/actions")
+    and key not in ("inventory/items", "inventory/actions", "inventory/macs")
     key for key in ENDPOINT_MODEL.keys() if key != "inventory/actions"
@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ def test_get_macs(client, mac_factory, readonly_token):
     mac1 = mac_factory()
     mac2 = mac_factory()
-    response = get(client, f"{API_URL}/network/macs", token=readonly_token)
+    response = get(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", token=readonly_token)
     assert response.status_code == 200
     assert len(response.get_json()) == 2
     check_input_is_subset_of_response(response, (mac1.to_dict(), mac2.to_dict()))
@@ -1200,17 +1200,17 @@ def test_get_macs(client, mac_factory, readonly_token):
 def test_create_mac(client, item_factory, user_token):
     item = item_factory()
     # check that address is mandatory
-    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/macs", data={}, token=user_token)
+    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data={}, token=user_token)
     check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'address'", 422)
     data = {"address": "b5:4b:7d:a4:23:43"}
-    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
+    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
     assert response.status_code == 201
     assert {"id", "address", "item"} == set(response.get_json().keys())
     assert response.get_json()["address"] == data["address"]
     # Check that address shall be unique
-    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
+    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
         "(psycopg2.IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique constraint",
@@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ def test_create_mac(client, item_factory, user_token):
     # Check that all parameters can be passed
     data2 = {"address": "b5:4b:7d:a4:23:44", "item_id": item.id}
-    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/macs", data=data2, token=user_token)
+    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data=data2, token=user_token)
     assert response.status_code == 201
     # check that all items were created
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ def test_create_mac(client, item_factory, user_token):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("address", ("", "foo", "b5:4b:7d:a4:23"))
 def test_create_mac_invalid_address(address, client, user_token):
     data = {"address": address}
-    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
+    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
         response, f"'{address}' does not appear to be a MAC address", 422