diff --git a/app/api/network.py b/app/api/network.py
index 93b2dcb7e4ca7f7ea268f8ecc5ebb03f2a233e7b..706cbce9433504ca0a422ed7f9c3d26074bddc43 100644
--- a/app/api/network.py
+++ b/app/api/network.py
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ This module implements the network API.
 from flask import Blueprint, request
-from flask_login import login_required
+from flask_login import login_required, current_user
 from .. import models
 from ..decorators import login_groups_accepted
+from ..utils import CSEntryError
 from . import utils
 bp = Blueprint("network_api", __name__)
@@ -136,6 +137,18 @@ def create_interface():
     # setting interface.network. This is why we don't pass network_id here
     # but network (as vlan_name string)
     # Same for host
+    data = request.get_json()
+    # Check that the user has the permissions to create an interface on this network
+    try:
+        network = models.Network.query.filter_by(
+            vlan_name=data["network"]
+        ).first_or_404()
+    except Exception:
+        # If we can't get a network, an error will be raised in create_generic_model
+        pass
+    else:
+        if not current_user.has_access_to_network(network):
+            raise CSEntryError("User doesn't have the required group", status_code=403)
     return utils.create_generic_model(
         models.Interface, mandatory_fields=("network", "ip", "name", "host")
diff --git a/app/decorators.py b/app/decorators.py
index 6f0a7164f458327325d8028c67bb3d65a463ba50..66048e29f0b6173386b5ff92b0e0f25215e31f56 100644
--- a/app/decorators.py
+++ b/app/decorators.py
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ def login_groups_accepted(*groups):
     def wrapper(fn):
         def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
+            # LOGIN_DISABLED can be set to True to turn off authentication check when testing.
+            # This variable is also used by flask-login
+            if current_app.config.get("LOGIN_DISABLED"):
+                return fn(*args, **kwargs)
             if not current_user.is_authenticated:
                 return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized()
             if not current_user.is_member_of_one_group(groups):
diff --git a/app/models.py b/app/models.py
index 491198bf11509fec2ae6515e79ff62b31947dd06..89d11fe34636f24fbf48687167ec99b6613fd311 100644
--- a/app/models.py
+++ b/app/models.py
@@ -213,26 +213,65 @@ class User(db.Model, UserMixin):
     def csentry_groups(self):
-        groups = []
-        for key, values in current_app.config["CSENTRY_LDAP_GROUPS"].items():
-            for value in values:
-                if value in self.groups:
-                    groups.append(key)
-        return groups
+        """Return the list of CSEntry groups the user belong to
+        Groups are assigned based on the CSENTRY_LDAP_GROUPS mapping with LDAP groups
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, "_csentry_groups"):
+            self._csentry_groups = []
+            for csentry_group, ldap_groups in current_app.config[
+                "CSENTRY_LDAP_GROUPS"
+            ].items():
+                if set(self.groups) & set(ldap_groups):
+                    self._csentry_groups.append(csentry_group)
+            # Add the network group based on CSENTRY_DOMAINS_LDAP_GROUPS
+            network_ldap_groups = set(
+                itertools.chain(
+                    *current_app.config["CSENTRY_DOMAINS_LDAP_GROUPS"].values()
+                )
+            )
+            if set(self.groups) & network_ldap_groups:
+                self._csentry_groups.append("network")
+        return self._csentry_groups
+    @property
+    def csentry_domains(self):
+        """Return the list of CSEntry domains the user has access to
+        Domains are assigned based on the CSENTRY_DOMAINS_LDAP_GROUPS mapping with LDAP groups
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, "_csentry_domains"):
+            self._csentry_domains = []
+            for domain, ldap_groups in current_app.config[
+            ].items():
+                if set(self.groups) & set(ldap_groups):
+                    self._csentry_domains.append(domain)
+        return self._csentry_domains
     def is_admin(self):
-        for group in current_app.config["CSENTRY_LDAP_GROUPS"]["admin"]:
-            if group in self.groups:
-                return True
-        return False
+        return "admin" in self.csentry_groups
     def is_member_of_one_group(self, groups):
-        """Return True if the user is at least member of one of the given groups"""
-        names = []
-        for group in groups:
-            names.extend(current_app.config["CSENTRY_LDAP_GROUPS"].get(group))
-        return bool(set(self.groups) & set(names))
+        """Return True if the user is at least member of one of the given CSEntry groups"""
+        return bool(set(groups) & set(self.csentry_groups))
+    def has_access_to_network(self, network):
+        """Return True if the user has access to the network
+        - admin users have access to all networks
+        - normal users must have access to the network domain
+        - normal users don't have access to admin_only networks (whatever the domain)
+        - LOGIN_DISABLED can be set to True to turn off authentication check when testing.
+          In this case, this function always returns True.
+        """
+        if current_app.config.get("LOGIN_DISABLED") or self.is_admin:
+            return True
+        if network is None or network.admin_only:
+            # True is already returned for admin users
+            return False
+        return str(network.domain) in self.csentry_domains
     def favorite_attributes(self):
         """Return all user's favorite attributes"""
@@ -1081,6 +1120,14 @@ class Host(CreatedMixin, SearchableMixin, db.Model):
         except IndexError:
             return None
+    @property
+    def main_network(self):
+        """Return the host main interface network"""
+        try:
+            return self.main_interface.network
+        except AttributeError:
+            return None
     def fqdn(self):
         """Return the host fully qualified domain name
diff --git a/app/network/forms.py b/app/network/forms.py
index e218479765fa8c6435a30d542583ee15d29cdbf4..a8ea9defff94cf96233dd9b9716a9379f95e6f70 100644
--- a/app/network/forms.py
+++ b/app/network/forms.py
@@ -209,19 +209,18 @@ class InterfaceForm(CSEntryForm):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.host_id.choices = utils.get_model_choices(models.Host)
         if current_user.is_admin:
-            network_query = models.Network.query
             tags_query = models.Tag.query
-            network_query = models.Network.query.filter(
-                models.Network.admin_only.is_(False)
-            )
             tags_query = models.Tag.query.filter(models.Tag.admin_only.is_(False))
-        self.network_id.choices = utils.get_model_choices(
-            models.Network, allow_none=False, attr="vlan_name", query=network_query
-        )
         self.tags.choices = utils.get_model_choices(
             models.Tag, attr="name", query=tags_query
+        # Only return the networks the user has access to
+        self.network_id.choices = [
+            (str(network.id), network.vlan_name)
+            for network in models.Network.query.order_by(models.Network.vlan_name).all()
+            if current_user.has_access_to_network(network)
+        ]
 class HostInterfaceForm(HostForm, InterfaceForm):
diff --git a/app/network/views.py b/app/network/views.py
index 0b57c1ecc2e95d3c1a79e8dc173635806bafa122..cf617b2e149fea22b549c3454d6a9f86f0994947 100644
--- a/app/network/views.py
+++ b/app/network/views.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from flask import (
+    abort,
 from flask_login import login_required, current_user
 from wtforms import ValidationError
@@ -74,6 +75,9 @@ def create_host():
     del form.interface_name
     if form.validate_on_submit():
         network_id = form.network_id.data
+        network = models.Network.query.get(network_id)
+        if not current_user.has_access_to_network(network):
+            abort(403)
         ansible_groups = [
             models.AnsibleGroup.query.get(id_) for id_ in form.ansible_groups.data
@@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ def create_host():
-                network=models.Network.query.get(network_id),
+                network=network,
             interface.cnames = [
@@ -194,6 +198,8 @@ def view_host(name):
 @login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
 def edit_host(name):
     host = models.Host.query.filter_by(name=name).first_or_404()
+    if not current_user.has_access_to_network(host.main_network):
+        abort(403)
     form = HostForm(request.form, obj=host)
     # Passing ansible_groups as kwarg to the HostForm doesn't work because
     # obj takes precedence (but host.ansible_groups contain AnsibleGroup instances and not id)
@@ -235,11 +241,18 @@ def edit_host(name):
 @login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
 def create_interface(hostname):
     host = models.Host.query.filter_by(name=hostname).first_or_404()
+    # User shall have access to the host main interface domain
+    if not current_user.has_access_to_network(host.main_network):
+        abort(403)
     random_mac = host.device_type.name.startswith("Virtual")
     form = InterfaceForm(
         request.form, host_id=host.id, interface_name=host.name, random_mac=random_mac
     if form.validate_on_submit():
+        # User shall have access to the new interface domain
+        network = (models.Network.query.get(form.network_id.data),)
+        if not current_user.has_access_to_network(network):
+            abort(403)
         # The total number of tags will always be quite small
         # It's more efficient to retrieve all of them in one query
         # and do the filtering here
@@ -251,7 +264,7 @@ def create_interface(hostname):
-                network=models.Network.query.get(form.network_id.data),
+                network=network,
             interface.cnames = [
@@ -284,6 +297,8 @@ def create_interface(hostname):
 @login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
 def edit_interface(name):
     interface = models.Interface.query.filter_by(name=name).first_or_404()
+    if not current_user.has_access_to_network(interface.network):
+        abort(403)
     cnames_string = " ".join([str(cname) for cname in interface.cnames])
     form = InterfaceForm(
@@ -303,13 +318,16 @@ def edit_interface(name):
     form.tags.default = [tag.id for tag in interface.tags]
     if form.validate_on_submit():
+        network = models.Network.query.get(form.network_id.data)
+        if not current_user.has_access_to_network(network):
+            abort(403)
             interface.name = form.interface_name.data
             interface.ip = form.ip.data
             interface.mac = form.mac.data
             # Setting directly network_id doesn't update the relationship and bypass the checks
             # performed on the model
-            interface.network = models.Network.query.get(form.network_id.data)
+            interface.network = network
             # Delete the cnames that have been removed
             new_cnames_string = form.cnames_string.data.split()
             for (index, cname) in enumerate(interface.cnames):
@@ -357,6 +375,8 @@ def edit_interface(name):
 @login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
 def delete_interface():
     interface = models.Interface.query.get_or_404(request.form["interface_id"])
+    if not current_user.has_access_to_network(interface.network):
+        abort(403)
     hostname = interface.host.name
     # Explicitely remove the interface from the host to make sure
     # it will be re-indexed
diff --git a/app/settings.py b/app/settings.py
index 640fd8f185571c4b1e5951d2c2ccee9ffee51239..15becaf52df48e63429c32254d1207ef23801f5b 100644
--- a/app/settings.py
+++ b/app/settings.py
@@ -60,10 +60,18 @@ LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERS_ATTR = "member"
 LDAP_GET_USER_ATTRIBUTES = ["cn", "sAMAccountName", "mail"]
+# Mapping between CSEntry groups and LDAP groups
+# The generic "network" group is automatically added based
     "admin": ["ICS Control System Infrastructure group"],
     "inventory": ["ICS Employees", "ICS Consultants"],
-    "network": ["ICS Employees", "ICS Consultants"],
+# Domains the user has access to based on LDAP groups
+    "esss.lu.se": ["ICS Control System Infrastructure group"],
+    "tn.esss.lu.se": ["ICS Employees", "ICS Consultants"],
+    "cslab.esss.lu.se": ["ICS Employees", "ICS Consultants"],
diff --git a/app/templates/user/profile.html b/app/templates/user/profile.html
index f91800c812621fb8ad4a05a5d1d11fbb1398db50..479c0ae52b1cf68bc9d043dc01510ffd02cf6cf6 100644
--- a/app/templates/user/profile.html
+++ b/app/templates/user/profile.html
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
     <dt>CSEntry Groups</dt>
     <dd>{{ user.csentry_groups | join(', ') }}</dd>
+    <dt>CSEntry Domains</dt>
+    <dd>{{ user.csentry_domains | join(', ') }}</dd>
   <h3>Personal access tokens</h3>
diff --git a/tests/functional/conftest.py b/tests/functional/conftest.py
index 35c5313caf671cc25602be9e98da0de47621453a..2d3d276519adbb5e82ae8d079de9a334789984c7 100644
--- a/tests/functional/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/functional/conftest.py
@@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ def app(request):
             "admin": ["CSEntry Admin"],
             "inventory": ["CSEntry User"],
-            "network": ["CSEntry User", "CSEntry Consultant"],
+        },
+            "prod.example.org": ["CSEntry Prod"],
+            "lab.example.org": ["CSEntry Lab"],
+            "foo.example.org": ["CSEntry User", "CSEntry Consultant"],
     app = create_app(config=config)
@@ -156,6 +160,14 @@ def patch_ldap_authenticate(monkeypatch):
             response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.success
             response.user_info = {"cn": "User RO", "mail": "user_ro@example.com"}
             response.user_groups = [{"cn": "ESS Employees"}]
+        elif username == "user_prod" and password == "userprod":
+            response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.success
+            response.user_info = {"cn": "User Prod", "mail": "user_prod@example.com"}
+            response.user_groups = [{"cn": "CSEntry Prod"}]
+        elif username == "user_lab" and password == "userlab":
+            response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.success
+            response.user_info = {"cn": "User Lab", "mail": "user_lab@example.com"}
+            response.user_groups = [{"cn": "CSEntry Lab"}]
             response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.fail
         return response
diff --git a/tests/functional/test_api.py b/tests/functional/test_api.py
index c678b848175e34a47241f187da31336f4ad169f5..8c2b5ae02ac178aba2b78f716f624f4d7a54bc88 100644
--- a/tests/functional/test_api.py
+++ b/tests/functional/test_api.py
@@ -112,6 +112,16 @@ def admin_token(client):
     return get_token(client, "admin", "adminpasswd")
+def no_login_check_token(request, app):
+    app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = True
+    client = app.test_client()
+    # We still need to login, otherwise an AnonymousUserMixin is returned
+    # An AnonymousUser doesn't have all the User methods
+    yield get_token(client, "user_ro", "userro")
+    app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = False
 def check_response_message(response, msg, status_code=400):
     assert response.status_code == status_code
@@ -963,44 +973,46 @@ def test_get_interfaces_with_model(
     assert response.get_json()[0]["model"] == "EX3400"
-def test_create_interface_fails(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
+def test_create_interface_fails(client, host, network_factory, no_login_check_token):
     network = network_factory(
         address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
     # check that network_id and ip are mandatory
-    response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data={}, token=user_token)
+    response = post(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data={}, token=no_login_check_token
+    )
     check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'network'", 422)
     response = post(
         data={"ip": ""},
-        token=user_token,
+        token=no_login_check_token,
     check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'network'", 422)
     response = post(
         data={"network": network.address},
-        token=user_token,
+        token=no_login_check_token,
     check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'ip'", 422)
     data = {"network": network.vlan_name, "ip": "", "name": "interface1"}
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
     check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'host'", 422)
     data["host"] = host.name
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
         response, f"Interface name shall start with the host name '{host.name}'", 422
-def test_create_interface(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
+def test_create_interface(client, host, network_factory, no_login_check_token):
     network = network_factory(
         address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
@@ -1011,7 +1023,7 @@ def test_create_interface(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
         "host": host.name,
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
     assert response.status_code == 201
     assert {
@@ -1043,7 +1055,7 @@ def test_create_interface(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
         "mac": "7c:e2:ca:64:d0:68",
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data2, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data2, token=no_login_check_token
     assert response.status_code == 201
@@ -1052,7 +1064,7 @@ def test_create_interface(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
     # Check that IP and name shall be unique
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
@@ -1062,7 +1074,9 @@ def test_create_interface(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("ip", ("", "foo", "192.168"))
-def test_create_interface_invalid_ip(ip, client, host, network_factory, user_token):
+def test_create_interface_invalid_ip(
+    ip, client, host, network_factory, no_login_check_token
     network = network_factory(
         address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
@@ -1074,14 +1088,16 @@ def test_create_interface_invalid_ip(ip, client, host, network_factory, user_tok
         "host": host.name,
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
         response, f"'{ip}' does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address", 422
-def test_create_interface_ip_not_in_network(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
+def test_create_interface_ip_not_in_network(
+    client, host, network_factory, no_login_check_token
     network = network_factory(
         address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
@@ -1093,14 +1109,16 @@ def test_create_interface_ip_not_in_network(client, host, network_factory, user_
         "host": host.name,
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
         response, "IP address is not in network", 422
-def test_create_interface_ip_not_in_range(client, host, network_factory, user_token):
+def test_create_interface_ip_not_in_range(
+    client, host, network_factory, no_login_check_token
     network = network_factory(
         address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
@@ -1112,7 +1130,7 @@ def test_create_interface_ip_not_in_range(client, host, network_factory, user_to
         "host": host.name,
     response = post(
-        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=user_token
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data=data, token=no_login_check_token
diff --git a/tests/functional/test_models.py b/tests/functional/test_models.py
index 02e69e7f9440e64d9a2d78c0f2dc25bfdab012c1..0f2186c30b7c9a47944cfca94615d659d98040c8 100644
--- a/tests/functional/test_models.py
+++ b/tests/functional/test_models.py
@@ -44,6 +44,39 @@ def test_user_is_member_of_one_group(user_factory):
     assert user.is_member_of_one_group(["admin"])
+def test_user_domains(user_factory):
+    user = user_factory(groups=["CSEntry Prod", "CSEntry User"])
+    assert user.csentry_domains == ["prod.example.org", "foo.example.org"]
+    user = user_factory(groups=["foo", "CSEntry Lab"])
+    assert user.csentry_domains == ["lab.example.org"]
+def test_user_has_access_to_network(user_factory, domain_factory, network_factory):
+    domain_prod = domain_factory(name="prod.example.org")
+    domain_lab = domain_factory(name="lab.example.org")
+    network_prod = network_factory(domain=domain_prod)
+    network_lab = network_factory(domain=domain_lab)
+    network_lab_admin = network_factory(domain=domain_lab, admin_only=True)
+    user = user_factory(groups=["CSEntry Prod", "CSEntry Lab"])
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(network_prod)
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(network_lab)
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(network_lab_admin)
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(None)
+    user = user_factory(groups=["foo", "CSEntry Lab"])
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(network_prod)
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(network_lab)
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(network_lab_admin)
+    user = user_factory(groups=["one", "two"])
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(network_prod)
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(network_lab)
+    assert not user.has_access_to_network(network_lab_admin)
+    user = user_factory(groups=["CSEntry Admin"])
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(network_prod)
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(network_lab)
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(network_lab_admin)
+    assert user.has_access_to_network(None)
 def test_network_ip_properties(network_factory):
     # Create some networks
     network1 = network_factory(
diff --git a/tests/functional/test_web.py b/tests/functional/test_web.py
index 8d4267fa3701602c19b5a70819dd74101d267036..2c39473df52badbdcb9ce1a54598eb16123af69a 100644
--- a/tests/functional/test_web.py
+++ b/tests/functional/test_web.py
@@ -35,6 +35,17 @@ def logged_rw_client(client):
     return client
+def no_login_check_client(request, app):
+    app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = True
+    client = app.test_client()
+    # We still need to login, otherwise an AnonymousUserMixin is returned
+    # An AnonymousUser doesn't have all the User methods
+    login(client, "user_ro", "userro")
+    yield client
+    app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = False
 def test_login_logout(client):
     response = login(client, "unknown", "invalid")
     assert b"<title>Login - CSEntry</title>" in response.data
@@ -201,7 +212,9 @@ def test_retrieve_hosts_by_ip(logged_client, interface_factory):
     assert r["data"][0]["name"] == interface1.host.name
-def test_delete_interface_from_index(logged_rw_client, interface_factory, host_factory):
+def test_delete_interface_from_index(
+    no_login_check_client, interface_factory, host_factory
     host1 = host_factory(name="host1")
     interface_factory(name="host1", host=host1)
     interface2 = interface_factory(name="host1b", host=host1)
@@ -210,7 +223,7 @@ def test_delete_interface_from_index(logged_rw_client, interface_factory, host_f
     assert list(instances) == [host1]
     assert nb == 1
     # Delete the interface
-    response = logged_rw_client.post(
+    response = no_login_check_client.post(
         "/network/interfaces/delete", data={"interface_id": interface2.id}
     assert response.status_code == 302
@@ -246,9 +259,13 @@ def test_edit_item_comment_in_index(
     assert list(instances) == [item1]
-def test_create_host(logged_rw_client, network_factory, device_type):
+def test_create_host(client, domain_factory, network_factory, device_type):
+    domain = domain_factory(name="prod.example.org")
     network = network_factory(
-        address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        domain=domain,
     name = "myhost"
     ip = ""
@@ -266,7 +283,14 @@ def test_create_host(logged_rw_client, network_factory, device_type):
         "random_mac": False,
         "cnames_string": "",
-    response = logged_rw_client.post(f"/network/hosts/create", data=form)
+    # Permission denied with user_lab user
+    login(client, "user_lab", "userlab")
+    response = client.post(f"/network/hosts/create", data=form)
+    assert response.status_code == 403
+    logout(client)
+    # Success with user_prod user
+    login(client, "user_prod", "userprod")
+    response = client.post(f"/network/hosts/create", data=form)
     assert response.status_code == 302
     # The host was created
     host = models.Host.query.filter_by(name=name).first()