From 9b6daaff5f380d532364704c93493850adbc5fd5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Bertrand <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 14:57:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add endpoints to patch host and interface

Endpoints required to update host and interface via the API

JIRA INFRA-1406 #action In Progress
 app/api/           |  83 ++++++-
 app/api/             |  51 +++-
 app/                |  34 +--
 app/network/         |  13 +-
 app/                 |  74 +++++-
 tests/functional/ | 454 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 6 files changed, 645 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/api/ b/app/api/
index 585bb82..0373fa0 100644
--- a/app/api/
+++ b/app/api/
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ This module implements the network API.
 from flask import Blueprint, request
 from flask_login import login_required, current_user
+from wtforms import ValidationError
 from .. import models
 from ..decorators import login_groups_accepted
-from ..utils import CSEntryError
+from ..utils import CSEntryError, validate_ip
 from . import utils
 bp = Blueprint("network_api", __name__)
@@ -156,6 +157,54 @@ def create_interface():
+@bp.route("/interfaces/<int:interface_id>", methods=["PATCH"])
+@login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
+def patch_interface(interface_id):
+    r"""Patch an existing interface
+    .. :quickref: Network; Update an existing interface
+    :param interface_id: interface primary key
+    :jsonparam ip: interface IP
+    :jsonparam name: interface name
+    :jsonparam network: network name
+    :jsonparam mac: MAC address
+    """
+    interface = models.Interface.query.get_or_404(interface_id)
+    # User shall have access to both the current and new network (if provided)
+    if not current_user.has_access_to_network(
+        raise CSEntryError("User doesn't have the required group", status_code=403)
+    data = utils.get_json_body()
+    if "network" in data:
+        new_network = models.Network.query.filter_by(
+            vlan_name=data["network"]
+        ).first_or_404()
+        if not current_user.has_access_to_network(new_network):
+            raise CSEntryError("User doesn't have the required group", status_code=403)
+    # Ensure that the IP is in the network (current one or new one if passed)
+    # This is required because validate_interfaces is only called when a new network
+    # is assigned. So the check is needed even when new_network ==
+    # (same network given in argument)
+    if "ip" in data:
+        try:
+            if "network" in data:
+                validate_ip(data["ip"], new_network)
+            else:
+                validate_ip(data["ip"],
+        except ValidationError as e:
+            raise CSEntryError(str(e), status_code=422)
+    # The method doesn't allow to update the interface host
+    # I don't think it makes much sense (and an interface shall start by the host name)
+    # To add a new cname, use create_cname
+    allowed_fields = (
+        ("ip", str, None),
+        ("name", str, None),
+        ("network", models.Network, "vlan_name"),
+        ("mac", str, None),
+    )
+    return utils.update_generic_model(models.Interface, interface_id, allowed_fields)
 @bp.route("/interfaces/<int:interface_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
 def delete_interface(interface_id):
@@ -235,6 +284,38 @@ def create_host():
+@bp.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=["PATCH"])
+@login_groups_accepted("admin", "network")
+def patch_host(host_id):
+    r"""Patch an existing host
+    .. :quickref: Network; Update an existing host
+    :param host_id: host primary key
+    :jsonparam device_type: Physical|Virtual|...
+    :jsonparam is_ioc: True|False
+    :jsonparam description: description
+    :jsonparam items: list of items ICS id linked to the host
+    :jsonparam ansible_vars: Ansible variables
+    :jsonparam ansible_groups: list of Ansible groups names
+    """
+    host = models.Host.query.get_or_404(host_id)
+    if not current_user.has_access_to_network(host.main_network):
+        raise CSEntryError("User doesn't have the required group", status_code=403)
+    # The method currently doesn't allow to update the host name
+    # If we do, we have to update all the linked interface name as well!
+    # Interfaces shall always start by the host name
+    allowed_fields = (
+        ("device_type", models.DeviceType, "name"),
+        ("is_ioc", bool, None),
+        ("description", str, None),
+        ("items", [models.Item], "ics_id"),
+        ("ansible_vars", dict, None),
+        ("ansible_groups", [models.AnsibleGroup], "name"),
+    )
+    return utils.update_generic_model(models.Host, host_id, allowed_fields)
 @bp.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
 def delete_host(host_id):
diff --git a/app/api/ b/app/api/
index 9a2269c..15f389b 100644
--- a/app/api/
+++ b/app/api/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from .. import utils
 def commit():
-    except (sa.exc.IntegrityError, sa.exc.DataError) as e:
+    except sa.exc.SQLAlchemyError as e:
         raise utils.CSEntryError(str(e), status_code=422)
@@ -110,11 +110,29 @@ def search_generic_model(model):
     return jsonify(data), 200, header
-def create_generic_model(model, mandatory_fields=("name",), **kwargs):
+def get_json_body():
+    """Return the json body from the current request
+    Raise a CSEntryError if the body is not a json object
+    """
     data = request.get_json()
     if data is None:
         raise utils.CSEntryError("Body should be a JSON object")
     current_app.logger.debug(f"Received: {data}")
+    if not data:
+        raise utils.CSEntryError("At least one field is required", status_code=422)
+    return data
+def create_generic_model(model, mandatory_fields=("name",), **kwargs):
+    """Create an instance of the model
+    :param model: model class
+    :param mandatory_fields: list of fields that shall be passed in the body
+    :param kwargs: extra fields to use
+    :returns: representation of the created instance as json
+    """
+    data = get_json_body()
     for mandatory_field in mandatory_fields:
         if mandatory_field not in data:
@@ -143,3 +161,32 @@ def delete_generic_model(model, primary_key):
     return jsonify(), 204
+def update_generic_model(model, primary_key, allowed_fields):
+    """Update the model based on the primary_key
+    :param model: model class
+    :param primary_key: primary key of the instance to update
+    :param allowed_fields: list of fields that can be updated
+    :returns: representation of the updated model as json
+    """
+    data = get_json_body()
+    # Use a list and not a set because the order is important
+    allowed_keys = [field[0] for field in allowed_fields]
+    for key in data:
+        if key not in allowed_keys:
+            raise utils.CSEntryError(f"Invalid field '{key}'", status_code=422)
+    instance = model.query.get_or_404(primary_key)
+    data = utils.convert_to_models(data, allowed_fields)
+    try:
+        # Loop on allowed_keys and not data to respect
+        # the order in which the fields are set
+        # setting ip before network is important for Interface
+        for key in allowed_keys:
+            if key in data:
+                setattr(instance, key, data[key])
+    except Exception as e:
+        raise utils.CSEntryError(str(e), status_code=422)
+    commit()
+    return jsonify(instance.to_dict()), 200
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
index 8408cc6..87be9fc 100644
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
@@ -901,30 +901,16 @@ class Network(CreatedMixin, db.Model):
         """Return the list of IP addresses available"""
         return [addr for addr in self.ip_range() if addr not in self.used_ips()]
-    @staticmethod
-    def ip_in_network(ip, address):
-        """Ensure the IP is in the network
-        :param str user_id: unicode ID of a user
-        :returns: a tuple with the IP and network as (IPv4Address, IPv4Network)
-        :raises: ValidationError if the IP is not in the network
-        """
-        addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
-        net = ipaddress.ip_network(address)
-        if addr not in net:
-            raise ValidationError(f"IP address {ip} is not in network {address}")
-        return (addr, net)
     def validate_first_ip(self, key, ip):
         """Ensure the first IP is in the network"""
-        self.ip_in_network(ip, self.address)
+        utils.ip_in_network(ip, self.address)
         return ip
     def validate_last_ip(self, key, ip):
         """Ensure the last IP is in the network and greater than first_ip"""
-        addr, net = self.ip_in_network(ip, self.address)
+        addr, net = utils.ip_in_network(ip, self.address)
         if addr < self.first:
             raise ValidationError(
                 f"Last IP address {ip} is less than the first address {self.first}"
@@ -934,19 +920,7 @@ class Network(CreatedMixin, db.Model):
     def validate_interfaces(self, key, interface):
         """Ensure the interface IP is in the network range"""
-        addr, net = self.ip_in_network(interface.ip, self.address)
-        # Admin user can create IP outside the defined range
-        try:
-            # current_user is a local proxy and is not
-            # valid outside of a request context.
-            is_admin = current_user.is_admin
-        except AttributeError:
-            is_admin = False
-        if not is_admin:
-            if addr < self.first or addr > self.last:
-                raise ValidationError(
-                    f"IP address {interface.ip} is not in range {self.first} - {self.last}"
-                )
+        utils.validate_ip(interface.ip, self)
         return interface
@@ -1228,7 +1202,7 @@ class Host(CreatedMixin, SearchableMixin, db.Model):
         # Automatically convert items to a list of instances if passed as a list of ics_id
         if "items" in kwargs:
             kwargs["items"] = [
-                utils.convert_to_model(item, Item, filter="ics_id")
+                utils.convert_to_model(item, Item, filter_by="ics_id")
                 for item in kwargs["items"]
         # Automatically convert ansible groups to a list of instances if passed as a list of strings
diff --git a/app/network/ b/app/network/
index 30743fe..d1d7a1e 100644
--- a/app/network/
+++ b/app/network/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ This module defines the network blueprint forms.
 :license: BSD 2-Clause, see LICENSE for more details.
-import ipaddress
 from flask import current_app
 from flask_login import current_user
 from wtforms import (
@@ -62,17 +61,7 @@ def ip_in_network(form, field):
             "Can't validate the IP. No network was selected."
     network = models.Network.query.get(
-    ip = ipaddress.ip_address(
-    if ip not in network.network_ip:
-        raise validators.ValidationError(
-            f"IP address {ip} is not in network {network.address}"
-        )
-    # Admin user can create IP outside the defined range
-    if current_user.is_authenticated and not current_user.is_admin:
-        if ip < network.first or ip > network.last:
-            raise validators.ValidationError(
-                f"IP address {ip} is not in range {network.first} - {network.last}"
-            )
+    utils.validate_ip(, network)
 class DomainForm(CSEntryForm):
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
index a8a44a4..b053226 100644
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This module implements utility functions.
 import base64
 import datetime
+import ipaddress
 import io
 import random
 import sqlalchemy as sa
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from flask import current_app, jsonify, url_for
 from flask.globals import _app_ctx_stack, _request_ctx_stack
 from flask_login import current_user
+from wtforms import ValidationError
 from .extensions import db
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ def format_field(field):
     return str(field)
-def convert_to_model(item, model, filter="name"):
+def convert_to_model(item, model, filter_by="name"):
     """Convert item to an instance of model
     Allow to convert a string to an instance of model
@@ -87,15 +89,37 @@ def convert_to_model(item, model, filter="name"):
     :returns: an instance of model
-    if item is None:
-        return None
-    if not isinstance(item, model):
-        kwarg = {filter: item}
-        instance = model.query.filter_by(**kwarg).first()
-        if instance is None:
-            raise CSEntryError(f"{item} is not a valid {model.__name__.lower()}")
-        return instance
-    return item
+    if item is None or isinstance(item, model):
+        return item
+    kwarg = {filter_by: item}
+    instance = model.query.filter_by(**kwarg).first()
+    if instance is None:
+        raise CSEntryError(f"{item} is not a valid {model.__name__.lower()}")
+    return instance
+def convert_to_models(d, fields):
+    """Convert the values of the dictionary to the given type
+    :param d: dictionary with the values to update
+    :param fields: list of tuple (key, type_, filter_by)
+    :returns: new updated dictionary
+    """
+    new = d.copy()
+    for key, type_, filter_by in fields:
+        if filter_by is None or key not in d:
+            # This is not an instance of db.Model but a standard type
+            continue
+        if isinstance(type_, list):
+            values = new[key]
+            if not isinstance(values, list):
+                values = [values]
+            new[key] = [
+                convert_to_model(value, type_[0], filter_by) for value in values
+            ]
+        else:
+            new[key] = convert_to_model(new[key], type_, filter_by)
+    return new
 def attribute_to_string(value):
@@ -493,3 +517,33 @@ def update_ansible_vars(host, vars):
         host.ansible_vars = vars
     return True
+def ip_in_network(ip, address):
+    """Ensure the IP is in the network
+    :returns: a tuple with the IP and network as (IPv4Address, IPv4Network)
+    :raises: ValidationError if the IP is not in the network
+    """
+    addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
+    net = ipaddress.ip_network(address)
+    if addr not in net:
+        raise ValidationError(f"IP address {ip} is not in network {address}")
+    return (addr, net)
+def validate_ip(ip, network):
+    """Ensure the IP is in the network range"""
+    addr, net = ip_in_network(ip, network.address)
+    # Admin user can create IP outside the defined range
+    try:
+        # current_user is a local proxy and is not
+        # valid outside of a request context.
+        is_admin = current_user.is_admin
+    except AttributeError:
+        is_admin = False
+    if not is_admin:
+        if addr < network.first or addr > network.last:
+            raise ValidationError(
+                f"IP address {ip} is not in range {network.first} - {network.last}"
+            )
diff --git a/tests/functional/ b/tests/functional/
index 41cc3b0..c5988c9 100644
--- a/tests/functional/
+++ b/tests/functional/
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ def test_create_model_auth_fail(endpoint, client, readonly_token):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("endpoint", GENERIC_CREATE_ENDPOINTS)
 def test_create_generic_model(endpoint, client, user_token):
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/{endpoint}", data={}, token=user_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'name'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     data = {"name": "Foo"}
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/{endpoint}", data=data, token=user_token)
     assert response.status_code == 201
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def test_create_generic_model_invalid_param(endpoint, client, user_token):
 def test_create_item(client, user_token):
     # check that serial_number is mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/items", data={}, token=user_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'serial_number'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     # check create with only serial_number
     data = {"serial_number": "123456"}
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ def test_create_network(client, admin_token, network_scope_factory):
     scope = network_scope_factory(supernet="")
     # check that vlan_name, vlan_id, address, first_ip, last_ip, gateway and scope are mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/networks", data={}, token=admin_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'vlan_name'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     response = post(
@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ def test_create_interface_fails(client, host, network_factory, no_login_check_to
     response = post(
         client, f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces", data={}, token=no_login_check_token
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'network'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     response = post(
@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ def test_create_mac(client, item_factory, user_token):
     item = item_factory()
     # check that address is mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data={}, token=user_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'address'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     data = {"address": "b5:4b:7d:a4:23:43"}
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/inventory/macs", data=data, token=user_token)
@@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ def test_get_ansible_groups(client, ansible_group_factory, readonly_token):
 def test_create_ansible_group(client, admin_token):
     # check that name is mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/groups", data={}, token=admin_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'name'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     data = {"name": "mygroup"}
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/groups", data=data, token=admin_token)
@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ def test_create_host(client, device_type_factory, user_token):
     device_type = device_type_factory(name="Virtual")
     # check that name and device_type are  mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts", data={}, token=user_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'name'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     response = post(
         client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts", data={"name": "myhost"}, token=user_token
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ def test_get_domains(client, domain_factory, readonly_token):
 def test_create_domain(client, admin_token):
     # check that name is mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/domains", data={}, token=admin_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'name'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     data = {"name": ""}
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/domains", data=data, token=admin_token)
@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ def test_get_cnames_by_domain(
 def test_create_cname(client, interface, admin_token):
     # check that name and interface_id are mandatory
     response = post(client, f"{API_URL}/network/cnames", data={}, token=admin_token)
-    check_response_message(response, "Missing mandatory field 'name'", 422)
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
     response = post(
         client, f"{API_URL}/network/cnames", data={"name": "myhost"}, token=admin_token
@@ -1822,3 +1822,439 @@ def test_pagination(endpoint, client, host_factory, readonly_token):
         f'{API_URL}/{endpoint}?per_page=25&page=2{extra_args}>; rel="last"'
         in response.headers["link"]
+def test_patch_host_no_data(client, host_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory()
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data={}, token=admin_token
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("field,value", [("foo", "xxxx"), ("name", "myhost")])
+def test_patch_host_invalid_fields(client, host_factory, admin_token, field, value):
+    host = host_factory()
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}",
+        data={field: value},
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, f"Invalid field '{field}'", 422)
+    "field,value",
+    [
+        ("description", "This is a test"),
+        ("ansible_vars", {"myvar": "hello", "another": "world"}),
+        ("is_ioc", False),
+        ("is_ioc", True),
+    ],
+def test_patch_host(client, host_factory, admin_token, field, value):
+    # Create a host
+    host = host_factory()
+    data = {field: value}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()[field] == value
+    updated_host = models.Host.query.get(
+    assert getattr(updated_host, field) == value
+def test_patch_host_device_type(client, host_factory, device_type_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory()
+    device_type = device_type_factory(name="MyDevice")
+    data = {"device_type":}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["device_type"] ==
+    updated_host = models.Host.query.get(
+    assert updated_host.device_type == device_type
+def test_patch_host_invalid_device_type(client, host_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory()
+    data = {"device_type": "foo"}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, f"foo is not a valid devicetype", 400)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("groups", (["group1"], ["group1", "group2"]))
+def test_patch_host_ansible_groups(
+    client, host_factory, ansible_group_factory, admin_token, groups
+    host = host_factory()
+    for group_name in groups:
+        ansible_group_factory(name=group_name)
+    data = {"ansible_groups": groups}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["ansible_groups"] == groups
+    updated_host = models.Host.query.get(
+    for group_name in groups:
+        group = models.AnsibleGroup.query.filter_by(name=group_name).first()
+        assert group.hosts == [updated_host]
+def test_patch_host_single_ansible_group(
+    client, host_factory, ansible_group_factory, admin_token
+    host = host_factory()
+    group = ansible_group_factory(name="my_group")
+    data = {"ansible_groups":}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["ansible_groups"] == []
+    updated_host = models.Host.query.get(
+    assert updated_host.ansible_groups == [group]
+def test_patch_host_invalid_ansible_group(client, host_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory()
+    data = {"ansible_groups": "unknown_group"}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, f"unknown_group is not a valid ansiblegroup", 400)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("items", (["AAA001"], ["AAB001", "AAB002"]))
+def test_patch_host_items(client, host_factory, item_factory, admin_token, items):
+    host = host_factory()
+    for ics_id in items:
+        item_factory(ics_id=ics_id)
+    data = {"items": items}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["items"] == items
+    updated_host = models.Host.query.get(
+    for ics_id in items:
+        item = models.Item.query.filter_by(ics_id=ics_id).first()
+        assert == updated_host
+def test_patch_host_single_item(client, host_factory, item_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory()
+    item = item_factory(ics_id="BBB001")
+    data = {"items": item.ics_id}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["items"] == [item.ics_id]
+    updated_host = models.Host.query.get(
+    assert updated_host.items == [item]
+def test_patch_host_invalid_item(client, host_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory()
+    data = {"items": "ABC002"}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=admin_token
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, f"ABC002 is not a valid item", 400)
+def test_patch_host_network_permission(
+    client,
+    network_scope_factory,
+    network_factory,
+    host_factory,
+    interface_factory,
+    user_token,
+    scope = network_scope_factory(name="FooNetworks")
+    network = network_factory(
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope,
+    )
+    host = host_factory()
+    interface_factory(ip="", host=host, network=network)
+    data = {"description": "Hello world"}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=user_token
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+def test_patch_host_invalid_network_permission(
+    client,
+    network_scope_factory,
+    network_factory,
+    host_factory,
+    interface_factory,
+    user_token,
+    scope = network_scope_factory(name="ProdNetworks")
+    network = network_factory(
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope,
+    )
+    host = host_factory()
+    interface_factory(ip="", host=host, network=network)
+    data = {"description": "Hello world"}
+    response = patch(
+        client, f"{API_URL}/network/hosts/{}", data=data, token=user_token
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, "User doesn't have the required group", 403)
+def test_patch_interface_no_data(client, interface_factory, admin_token):
+    interface = interface_factory()
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data={},
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, "At least one field is required", 422)
+    "field,value", [("foo", "xxxx"), ("host", "myhost"), ("cnames", "alias")]
+def test_patch_interface_invalid_fields(
+    client, interface_factory, admin_token, field, value
+    interface = interface_factory()
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data={field: value},
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, f"Invalid field '{field}'", 422)
+def test_patch_interface_mac(client, interface_factory, admin_token):
+    interface = interface_factory()
+    data = {"mac": "02:42:42:b2:01:c6"}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["mac"] == data["mac"]
+    updated_interface = models.Interface.query.get(
+    assert updated_interface.mac == data["mac"]
+def test_patch_interface_ip(client, interface_factory, network_factory, admin_token):
+    network = network_factory(
+        address="", first_ip="", last_ip=""
+    )
+    interface = interface_factory(network=network, ip="")
+    data = {"ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(
+        response, f"IP address {data['ip']} is not in network {network.address}", 422
+    )
+    data = {"ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["ip"] == data["ip"]
+    updated_interface = models.Interface.query.get(
+    assert updated_interface.ip == data["ip"]
+def test_patch_interface_name(client, host_factory, interface_factory, admin_token):
+    host = host_factory(name="myhost")
+    interface = interface_factory(host=host)
+    data = {"name": "foo"}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(
+        response, f"Interface name shall start with the host name '{}'", 422
+    )
+    data = {"name": + "-2"}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["name"] == data["name"]
+    updated_interface = models.Interface.query.get(
+    assert == data["name"]
+def test_patch_interface_network(
+    client, network_factory, interface_factory, admin_token
+    network1 = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="mynetwork",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+    )
+    network2 = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="new-network",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+    )
+    interface = interface_factory(network=network1, ip="")
+    data = {"network": "unknown"}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, "Resource not found", 404)
+    data = {"network": network2.vlan_name}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(
+        response, f"IP address {interface.ip} is not in network {network2.address}", 422
+    )
+    data = {"network": network2.vlan_name, "ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(
+        response, f"IP address {data['ip']} is not in network {network2.address}", 422
+    )
+    data = {"network": network2.vlan_name, "ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=admin_token,
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    assert response.get_json()["network"] == data["network"]
+    assert response.get_json()["ip"] == data["ip"]
+    updated_interface = models.Interface.query.get(
+    assert == network2
+def test_patch_interface_current_network_permission(
+    client, network_scope_factory, network_factory, interface_factory, user_token
+    scope_prod = network_scope_factory(name="ProdNetworks")
+    scope_foo = network_scope_factory(name="FooNetworks")
+    network_prod = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="prod-network",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope_prod,
+    )
+    network_foo = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="foo-network",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope_foo,
+    )
+    # User can't update an interface part of the ProdNetworks
+    interface_prod = interface_factory(network=network_prod, ip="")
+    data = {"ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=user_token,
+    )
+    check_response_message(response, "User doesn't have the required group", 403)
+    # but can on the FooNetworks
+    interface_foo = interface_factory(network=network_foo, ip="")
+    data = {"ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=user_token,
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+def test_patch_interface_new_network_permission(
+    client, network_scope_factory, network_factory, interface_factory, user_token
+    scope_prod = network_scope_factory(name="ProdNetworks")
+    scope_foo = network_scope_factory(name="FooNetworks")
+    network_prod = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="prod-network",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope_prod,
+    )
+    network_foo1 = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="foo-network1",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope_foo,
+    )
+    network_foo2 = network_factory(
+        vlan_name="foo-network2",
+        address="",
+        first_ip="",
+        last_ip="",
+        scope=scope_foo,
+    )
+    interface_foo = interface_factory(network=network_foo1, ip="")
+    # User can't change the network to the ProdNetworks
+    data = {"network": network_prod.vlan_name}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=user_token,
+    )
+    # but can on the same scope it has access to
+    check_response_message(response, "User doesn't have the required group", 403)
+    data = {"network": network_foo2.vlan_name, "ip": ""}
+    response = patch(
+        client,
+        f"{API_URL}/network/interfaces/{}",
+        data=data,
+        token=user_token,
+    )
+    assert response.status_code == 200