function flash_alert(message, category) { var htmlString = '<div class="alert alert-' + category + ' alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; htmlString += '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">'; htmlString += '<span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>' + message + "</div>"; $(htmlString).prependTo("#mainContent").hide().slideDown(); } function remove_alerts() { $(".alert").slideUp("normal", function () { $(this).remove(); }); } function update_progress_bar(value) { // Assume that there is only one progress bar $(".progress-bar") .css("width", value + "%") .attr("aria-valuenow", value) .text(value + "%"); } // Send a request to the server every 500 ms // until the job is done function check_job_status(status_url, $modal) { // cache shall be set to false for this to work in IE! $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: status_url, cache: false, success: function (data, status, request) { switch (data.status) { case "unknown": $modal.modal("hide"); flash_alert("Unknown job id", "danger"); break; case "finished": $modal.modal("hide"); switch (data.func_name) { case "generate_items_excel_file": window.location.href = $SCRIPT_ROOT + "/static/files/" + data.result; break; } break; case "failed": $modal.modal("hide"); flash_alert(data.message, "danger"); break; case "started": if (data.progress !== null) { update_progress_bar(data.progress); } default: // queued/started/deferred setTimeout(function () { check_job_status(status_url, $modal); }, 500); } }, }); } // Function to dynamically update a select field function update_selectfield(field_id, data, selected_value) { var $field = $(field_id); $field.empty(); $.map(data, function (option, index) { if (option == "None") { var text = ""; } else { var text = option; } $field.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", option).text(text)); }); if (selected_value == "") { $field.prop("disabled", true); } else { $field.val(selected_value); $field.prop("disabled", false); } } // Function to populate dynamically the stack_member field // in the create and edit item forms function update_stack_member() { // Retrieve free stack members var host_id = $("#host_id").val(); $.getJSON( $SCRIPT_ROOT + "/inventory/_retrieve_free_stack_members/" + host_id, { ics_id: $("#ics_id").val(), }, function (json) { update_selectfield( "#stack_member",, ); $("#stack_member").prop("disabled",; } ); } // Function to initialize tooltip on DataTables search box // Only used when using server side processing function configure_search_tooltip() { $(".dataTables_filter").tooltip({ title: "Enter keyword(s) or use wildcard character '*' for partial match. See the help for more information.", }); // Hide the tooltip when clicking in the search box $("input[type='search'").focus(function () { $(".dataTables_filter").tooltip("hide"); }); } $(document).ready(function () { // When an invalid input was submitted, the server // adds the "is-invalid" class to form fields to display // them in red with an error message // When starting to type again, we want to remove the error // message to not confuse the user $('input[type="text"]').keyup(function (event) { $(this).removeClass("is-invalid"); }); // Initialize selectize with the default options // for all Select and MultiSelect fields with the // selectize-default class $(".selectize-default").selectize(); });