diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab5ee88d9ef0dfc45d89607e3330d98d3f1e3e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*.makefile gitlab-language=make
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 1d0afc9e4f1d1ba7e78e05edb9e4732bad3ce78f..29b6724c8df5fb06fdf49c9d39e214ba3662dcb8 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   - repo: https://github.com/ambv/black
-    rev: 21.12b0
+    rev: 22.3.0
       - id: black
   - repo: https://gitlab.com/PyCQA/flake8
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 7148863438e1252d4deef81bd85d35cb4f422394..26ba041c00c87cb0b2132f58cb54a367dd4d3a32 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ## [Unreleased]
 ### New Features
+* Recursive dependency for headers at build-time. This is a more major change that involves:
+  * Module dependecies are now fetched from `CONFIG_MODULE` in the sense that `X_DEP_VERSION` is parsed as a
+    dependency on the module `x`
+  * It is no longer necessary to specify `REQUIRED += ...` nor `x_VERSION = $(X_DEP_VERSION)` within the module makefile
 ### Bugfixes
@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 * Autocompletion for `iocsh.bash` has been added
 * Removed `iocsh_gdb.bash` and `iocsh_nice.bash`, both of whose functionality can be called via `iocsh.bash -dg` and `iocsh.bash -n`, respectively.
 * Patch file location has been change from `patch/Site/$VERSION-description.p0.patch` to `patch/Site/$VERSION/description.p0.patch`
-* Require will automatically build `.template` and `.substitutions` files into the common build directory instead of into the source Db path
+* Require will automatically build `.template` and `.substitutions` files into the common build directory instead of into the source Db path
 * Rudimentary testing has been added:
 * * Tests that the correct version is loaded
 * * Tests that elementary patching/building works as expected
diff --git a/configure/E3/CONFIG_EXPORT b/configure/E3/CONFIG_EXPORT
index c3cfd358889fa1cac42808f1e055904eeccc5382..159a88ee8fe08de35f26519edad7ca48148b6661 100644
--- a/configure/E3/CONFIG_EXPORT
+++ b/configure/E3/CONFIG_EXPORT
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ EXPORT_VARS+=E3_SITEMODS_PATH
+EXPORT_VARS+=$(foreach v,$(.VARIABLES),$(if $(findstring _DEP_VERSION,$v),$v))
diff --git a/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile b/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile
index 346d825e31ed33f458d8cefd2ab1776a5f21e826..d9c499d6c226e04fe874094dd6cf890125fcead3 100644
--- a/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile
+++ b/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile
@@ -146,6 +146,23 @@ define FETCH_BUILD_NUMBER
 $(shell $(MAKEHOME)/build_number.sh $(1) $(2) $($(2)_VERSION))
+# Functions used for recursive dependency fetching. These are modified from https://github.com/markpiffer/gmtt.git
+space := $(strip) $(strip)#
+comma := ,#
+list2param = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $1))
+exec = $(eval -exec=$1)$(eval -exec:=$$(call -exec,$(call list2param,$2)))$(-exec)
+while = $(if $(call exec,$1),$(eval $2)$(call while,$1,$2,$3),$(eval $3))
+# This simply assures that we fetch all of the rest of the table when we run $(wordlist n,$(max_int_size),$(table_data))
+max_int_size := 2147483647
+# Used to select from table-like data; syntax is SELECT what FROM where WHEN condition. This has been tailored to parse .dep files.
+select = $(strip $(call -select,$(strip $2),$1,$3))
+-select = $(if $1,$(if $(call exec,$3,$(call list2param,$(wordlist 1,2,$1))), $(word $2,$1))$(call -select,$(wordlist 3,$(max_int_size),$1),$2,$3))
+str-eq = $(if $(subst x$1,,x$2),,t)
+# End of functions from https://github.com/markpiffer/gmtt.git
 ## RUN 1
 # In source directory
@@ -423,6 +440,52 @@ ifeq ($(filter O.%,$(notdir ${CURDIR})),)
 ## RUN 3
 # Target architecture defined.
 # Still in source directory, third run.
+# Add sources for specific epics types or architectures.
+ARCH_PARTS = ${T_A} $(subst -, ,${T_A}) ${OS_CLASS}
+REQ :=
+INSTALLED_MODULES := $(sort $(notdir $(wildcard $(E3_SITEMODS_PATH)/* $(EPICS_MODULES)/*)))
+# Converts all of the X_DEP_VERSIONs to x_VERSION and records them
+define fetch_module_versions
+  lm := $$(shell echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+  ifneq ($$(strip $$(filter $(INSTALLED_MODULES),$$(lm))),)
+    $$(lm)_VERSION := $($1_DEP_VERSION$2)
+    MODULES += $$(lm)
+    REQ += $$(lm)
+  else
+    $$(warning Invalid dependency "$1_DEP_VERSION$2"; pruning)
+  endif
+$(foreach m,$(patsubst %_DEP_VERSION,%,$(filter %_DEP_VERSION,$(.VARIABLES))),$(eval $(call fetch_module_versions,$m)))
+$(foreach x,$(VAR_EXTENSIONS),\
+  $(foreach m,$(patsubst %_DEP_VERSION_$(x),%,$(filter %_DEP_VERSION_$(x),$(.VARIABLES))),$(eval $(call fetch_module_versions,$m,_$(x))))\
+export REQ
+# Fetches the data from .dep files to be parsed by the above
+define fetch_deps
+$(shell cat $(lastword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$1/$($1_VERSION)/lib/$(T_A)/$1.dep,$(E3_SITEMODS_PATH) $(EPICS_MODULES)))) | sed '1d')
+# Used to recurse through versions: recursively fetches all of the dependencies from the given module
+define update_dep_versions
+  m := $$(firstword $$(MODULES))
+  $$m_TBL := $$(call fetch_deps,$$m)
+  $$m_DEPS := $$(call select,1,$$($$m_TBL),1)
+  MODULES := $$(filter-out $$(PROCESSED_MODULES),$$(MODULES) $$($$m_DEPS))
+  $$(foreach mm,$$($$m_DEPS),$$(eval $$(mm)_VERSION := $$(call select,2,$$($$m_TBL),$$$$(call str-eq,$$$$1,$$(mm)))))
+$(call while,$$(MODULES),$(update_dep_versions))
+$(foreach m,$(PROCESSED_MODULES),$(eval export $m_VERSION))
 	@echo "===================== Pass 3: T_A = $(T_A) ====================="
 	@echo "BINS = $(BINS)"
@@ -463,14 +526,6 @@ install build debug:: O.${EPICSVERSION}_${T_A}
-# Add sources for specific epics types or architectures.
-ARCH_PARTS = ${T_A} $(subst -, ,${T_A}) ${OS_CLASS}
-REQ = ${REQUIRED} $(foreach x, ${VAR_EXTENSIONS}, ${REQUIRED_$x})
-export REQ
 SRCS += $(foreach x, ${VAR_EXTENSIONS}, ${SOURCES_$x})
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index b78ea835ab16e17bd9bfe4b1a5795da0cc4c35cc..1f9a531387023a28ee1af2eb6023151f14d56c44 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ class Wrapper:
         self.config_dir = self.path / "configure"
+        self.config_module = self.path / "CONFIG_MODULE"
+        self.config_module.touch()
         self.makefile = self.path / f"{name}.Makefile"
         makefile_contents = f"""
@@ -34,6 +37,8 @@ E3_MODULE_VERSION?=0.0.0+0
@@ -62,6 +67,10 @@ include $(E3_REQUIRE_TOOLS)/driver.makefile
             for var, value in config_vars.items():
                 f.write(f"{var} = {value}\n")
+    def add_var_to_config_module(self, makefile_var: str, value: str, modifier="+"):
+        with open(self.config_module, "a") as f:
+            f.write(f"{makefile_var} {modifier}= {value}\n")
     def add_var_to_makefile(self, makefile_var: str, value: str, modifier="+"):
         with open(self.makefile, "a") as f:
             f.write(f"{makefile_var} {modifier}= {value}\n")
diff --git a/tests/test_build.py b/tests/test_build.py
index e66ed7ca869ae3aa5e80037eb4377afd1eca113a..6670f6c7d88bd3e412cce484cee0b670596bc8ee 100644
--- a/tests/test_build.py
+++ b/tests/test_build.py
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ def test_missing_source_file(wrapper):
 def test_missing_requirement(wrapper):
-    wrapper.add_var_to_makefile("REQUIRED", "foo")
+    wrapper.add_var_to_config_module("FOO_DEP_VERSION", "bar")
     rc, _, errs = wrapper.run_make("build")
-    assert rc == 2
-    assert "REQUIRED module 'foo' version '' does not exist" in errs
+    assert rc == 0
+    assert 'Invalid dependency "FOO_DEP_VERSION"; pruning' in errs
 def test_header_install_location(wrapper):
@@ -125,9 +125,8 @@ def test_updated_dependencies(wrappers):
     old_version = "0.0.0+0"
-    wrapper_main.add_var_to_makefile("REQUIRED", wrapper_dep.name)
-    wrapper_main.add_var_to_makefile(
-        f"{wrapper_dep.name}_VERSION", old_version, modifier=""
+    wrapper_main.add_var_to_config_module(
+        f"{wrapper_dep.name}_DEP_VERSION", old_version, modifier=""
     rc, *_ = wrapper_dep.run_make(
@@ -149,8 +148,8 @@ def test_updated_dependencies(wrappers):
     assert rc == 0
-    wrapper_main.add_var_to_makefile(
-        f"{wrapper_dep.name}_VERSION", new_version, modifier=""
+    wrapper_main.add_var_to_config_module(
+        f"{wrapper_dep.name}_DEP_VERSION", new_version, modifier=""
     rc, *_ = wrapper_main.run_make("cellinstall", module_version=new_version)
@@ -161,3 +160,107 @@ def test_updated_dependencies(wrappers):
     assert rc == 0
     assert f"Loaded {wrapper_dep.name} version {new_version}" in outs
+def test_automated_dependency(wrappers):
+    wrapper_a = wrappers.get()
+    wrapper_b = wrappers.get()
+    cell_path = wrapper_a.path / "cellMods"
+    module_version = "0.0.0+0"
+    wrapper_a.add_var_to_config_module(f"{wrapper_b.name}_DEP_VERSION", module_version)
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_b.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_a.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    for dep_file in (cell_path / wrapper_a.name).rglob("*.dep"):
+        with open(dep_file, "r") as f:
+            contents = f.readlines()
+        assert len(contents) == 2
+        assert contents[0].strip() == "# Generated file. Do not edit."
+        assert f"{wrapper_b.name} {module_version}" == contents[1]
+def test_architecture_dependent_dependency(wrappers):
+    wrapper_a = wrappers.get()
+    wrapper_b = wrappers.get()
+    wrapper_c = wrappers.get()
+    cell_path = wrapper_a.path / "cellMods"
+    module_version = "0.0.0+0"
+    wrapper_a.add_var_to_config_module(
+        f"{wrapper_b.name}_DEP_VERSION_linux", module_version
+    )
+    wrapper_a.add_var_to_config_module(
+        f"{wrapper_c.name}_DEP_VERSION_not_an_arch", module_version
+    )
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_c.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_b.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_a.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, outs, _ = run_ioc_get_output(
+        wrapper_a.name, module_version, wrapper_a.path / "cellMods"
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    assert f"Loaded {wrapper_b.name} version {module_version}" in outs
+    assert f"Loaded {wrapper_c.name} version {module_version}" not in outs
+def test_recursive_header_include(wrappers):
+    wrapper_a = wrappers.get()
+    wrapper_b = wrappers.get()
+    wrapper_c = wrappers.get()
+    cell_path = wrapper_a.path / "cellMods"
+    module_version = "0.0.0+0"
+    wrapper_b.add_var_to_config_module(f"{wrapper_c.name}_DEP_VERSION", module_version)
+    wrapper_a.add_var_to_config_module(f"{wrapper_b.name}_DEP_VERSION", module_version)
+    wrapper_c.add_var_to_makefile("HEADERS", f"{wrapper_c.name}.h")
+    (wrapper_c.module_dir / f"{wrapper_c.name}.h").touch()
+    wrapper_a.add_var_to_makefile("SOURCES", f"{wrapper_a.name}.c")
+    with open(wrapper_a.module_dir / f"{wrapper_a.name}.c", "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'#include "{wrapper_c.name}.h"')
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_c.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_b.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, *_ = wrapper_a.run_make(
+        "cellinstall", module_version=module_version, cell_path=cell_path
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    rc, outs, _ = run_ioc_get_output(
+        wrapper_a.name, module_version, wrapper_a.path / "cellMods"
+    )
+    assert rc == 0
+    assert f"Loaded {wrapper_c.name} version {module_version}" in outs