From 6b17c23b5fd2f444997aa54ae07a264f530711c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rose <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 13:10:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed shfmt errors

 tests/test_versions/ | 249 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 125 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/test_versions/ b/tests/test_versions/
index 64eaac96..52f10e3b 100755
--- a/tests/test_versions/
+++ b/tests/test_versions/
@@ -6,168 +6,169 @@ MODULENAME=testversions
-if which ack &> /dev/null ; then
-    __SEARCH_COMMAND__="ack --passthru"
+if which ack &>/dev/null; then
+  __SEARCH_COMMAND__="ack --passthru"
-    echo "ack is not installed; defaulting to grep, but note that the log will be missing the IOC log" >&2
-    __SEARCH_COMMAND__=grep
+  echo "ack is not installed; defaulting to grep, but note that the log will be missing the IOC log" >&2
+  __SEARCH_COMMAND__=grep
 function usage {
-    echo "Usage:"
-    echo "  bash [-b <EPICS_BASE>] [-r <REQUIRE_VER>] [-h] testfile"
-    exit 0
+  echo "Usage:"
+  echo "  bash [-b <EPICS_BASE>] [-r <REQUIRE_VER>] [-h] testfile"
+  exit 0
 function show_header {
-    echo "Testing require version loader"
-    echo "============================================================"
-    echo -e "EPICS base:          \033[34m${EPICS_BASE}\033[0m"
-    echo -e "Require version:     \033[34m${REQUIRE_VER}\033[0m"
-    echo "============================================================"
+  echo "Testing require version loader"
+  echo "============================================================"
+  echo -e "EPICS base:          \033[34m${EPICS_BASE}\033[0m"
+  echo -e "Require version:     \033[34m${REQUIRE_VER}\033[0m"
+  echo "============================================================"
-function install_vers
-    for ver in $@; do
-        echo "=========================================="
-        echo "Installing local version version '$ver'"
-        echo "=========================================="
-        make -C test clean cellinstall __DEBUG_VERSION=$ver __EPICS_BASE_LOCATION="$EPICS_BASE" __REQUIRE_VERSION="$REQUIRE_VER" E3_NO_TEST=true
-    done
+function install_vers {
+  for ver in $@; do
+    echo "=========================================="
+    echo "Installing local version version '$ver'"
+    echo "=========================================="
+    make -C test clean cellinstall __DEBUG_VERSION=$ver __EPICS_BASE_LOCATION="$EPICS_BASE" __REQUIRE_VERSION="$REQUIRE_VER" E3_NO_TEST=true
+  done
-function clean_vers
-    rm -rf test/cellMods
+function clean_vers {
+  rm -rf test/cellMods
-function test_require
-    if [ "$#" -lt "3" ]; then
-        usage
-        return
-    fi
-    required=$1
-    shift
-    expected=$1
-    shift
-    args=$@
-    if [ "$required" = "-" ]; then
-        req_str="$MODULENAME"
-    else
-        req_str="$MODULENAME,$required"
-    fi
-    echo "============================================================"
-    echo "Running test case:"
-    echo "Requested: $required"
-    echo "Expected:  $expected"
-    echo "Installed: $args"
-    echo "============================================================"
-    required=$(sed 's/+/\\+/g' <<< $required)
-    expected=$(sed 's/+/\\+/g' <<< $expected)
-    clean_vers
-    install_vers $args
-    echo "=========================================="
-    echo "Running iocsh.bash -l cellMods -r $req_str"
-    echo "=========================================="
-    iocsh_args="-l test/cellMods -c 'var requireDebug 1' -r $req_str"
-    if [ "$expected" = "-" ]; then
-        search_string="^Module $MODULENAME (not available|version $required not available|version $required not available \(but other versions are available\))\$"
-    else
-        search_string="^Loaded $MODULENAME version $expected\$"
-    fi
-    # The funny sed command here is from
-    # The reason this is needed is because the "Starting iocInit" message seems to be threaded 
-    # differently than the regular flow of output and sometimes will separate the strings that
-    # we are looking for. If we simply cut it out then we seem to be able to more consistently
-    # get meaningful tests.
-    echo exit | eval iocsh.bash "$iocsh_args" | \
-    sed -e '1h;2,$H;$!d;g' -e 's/Starting iocInit\niocRun: All initialization complete\n//' | \
+function test_require {
+  if [ "$#" -lt "3" ]; then
+    usage
+    return
+  fi
+  required=$1
+  shift
+  expected=$1
+  shift
+  args=$@
+  if [ "$required" = "-" ]; then
+    req_str="$MODULENAME"
+  else
+    req_str="$MODULENAME,$required"
+  fi
+  echo "============================================================"
+  echo "Running test case:"
+  echo "Requested: $required"
+  echo "Expected:  $expected"
+  echo "Installed: $args"
+  echo "============================================================"
+  required=$(sed 's/+/\\+/g' <<<$required)
+  expected=$(sed 's/+/\\+/g' <<<$expected)
+  clean_vers
+  install_vers $args
+  echo "=========================================="
+  echo "Running iocsh.bash -l cellMods -r $req_str"
+  echo "=========================================="
+  iocsh_args="-l test/cellMods -c 'var requireDebug 1' -r $req_str"
+  if [ "$expected" = "-" ]; then
+    search_string="^Module $MODULENAME (not available|version $required not available|version $required not available \(but other versions are available\))\$"
+  else
+    search_string="^Loaded $MODULENAME version $expected\$"
+  fi
+  # The funny sed command here is from
+  # The reason this is needed is because the "Starting iocInit" message seems to be threaded
+  # differently than the regular flow of output and sometimes will separate the strings that
+  # we are looking for. If we simply cut it out then we seem to be able to more consistently
+  # get meaningful tests.
+  echo exit | eval iocsh.bash "$iocsh_args" |
+    sed -e '1h;2,$H;$!d;g' -e 's/Starting iocInit\niocRun: All initialization complete\n//' |
     $__SEARCH_COMMAND__ "${search_string}"
 function format_output {
-    result=$1
-    shift
-    requested=$1
-    shift
-    expected=$1
-    shift
-    versions=$@
-    if [ "$result" = "0" ]; then
-        result_str="\033[32mpassed\033[0m"
-    else
-        result_str="\033[31mfailed\033[0m"
-    fi
-    printf "Test: $result_str\n"
-    printf "requested: %-20s     expected: %-20s\n" "$requested" "$expected"
-    printf "Given versions: %s\n" "$versions"
-    printf "============================================================\n"
+  result=$1
+  shift
+  requested=$1
+  shift
+  expected=$1
+  shift
+  versions=$@
+  if [ "$result" = "0" ]; then
+    result_str="\033[32mpassed\033[0m"
+  else
+    result_str="\033[31mfailed\033[0m"
+  fi
+  printf "Test: $result_str\n"
+  printf "requested: %-20s     expected: %-20s\n" "$requested" "$expected"
+  printf "Given versions: %s\n" "$versions"
+  printf "============================================================\n"
 while getopts "hb:r:c:" opt; do
-    case $opt in
-        b) EPICS_BASE="$OPTARG"
-            ;;
-        r) REQUIRE_VER="$OPTARG"
-            ;;
-        c) COMMAND="$OPTARG"
-            ;;
-        h) HELP=true
-            ;;
-        *)
-            usage
-            exit 1
-    esac
+  case $opt in
+    b)
+      ;;
+    r)
+      ;;
+    c)
+      ;;
+    h)
+      HELP=true
+      ;;
+    *)
+      usage
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
-shift $((OPTIND-1))
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
 if [ "$HELP" = true ]; then
-    usage
-    exit 0
+  usage
+  exit 0
 rm -f "$LOGFILE"
 if [ ! -f "$ENV_SRC" ]; then
-    echo "setE3Env.bash not found at location $ENV_SRC" >&2
-    exit 1
+  echo "setE3Env.bash not found at location $ENV_SRC" >&2
+  exit 1
-source "$ENV_SRC" &> /dev/null
+source "$ENV_SRC" &>/dev/null
 if [ -n "$COMMAND" ]; then
-    test_require $COMMAND &>> "$LOGFILE"
-    result=$?
-    [ "$result" = 0 ] || ((failed_tests++))
-    format_output $result $COMMAND
+  test_require $COMMAND &>>"$LOGFILE"
+  result=$?
+  [ "$result" = 0 ] || ((failed_tests++))
+  format_output $result $COMMAND
 if [ -f "$TESTFILE" ]; then
-    while read -r line; do
-        test_require $line &>> "$LOGFILE"
-        result=$?
-        [ "$result" = 0 ] || ((failed_tests++))
-        format_output $result $line
-    done < <(sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*#.*//; /^[[:space:]]*$/d' "$TESTFILE")
+  while read -r line; do
+    test_require $line &>>"$LOGFILE"
+    result=$?
+    [ "$result" = 0 ] || ((failed_tests++))
+    format_output $result $line
+  done < <(sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*#.*//; /^[[:space:]]*$/d' "$TESTFILE")
 [ "$failed_tests" = 0 ]