diff --git a/require-ess/tools/iocsh_complete.bash b/require-ess/tools/iocsh_complete.bash
index acd88422f60491d1193fc3205aa5b69cf705cc72..ca83b0b88ad86d45cefd1dc374095915b5f89dbd 100644
--- a/require-ess/tools/iocsh_complete.bash
+++ b/require-ess/tools/iocsh_complete.bash
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ _iocsh_bash_completion()
         return 0
-    #  -r should try to determine modules, maybe?
-    # Note that this does not return anything in cellMods; but that may be a bit tough, since that will depend
+    #  -r should try to determine modules
+    # Note that this does not return anything in cellMods, which would require us to
+    # determine what cellpath to use.
     if [[ ${prev} == -r ]]; then
         if [ -n "${EPICS_BASE}" ] && [ -n "${E3_REQUIRE_VERSION}" ]; then
             mods=$(ls "${EPICS_BASE}/require/${E3_REQUIRE_VERSION}/siteMods/" 2>/dev/null)
@@ -29,16 +30,6 @@ _iocsh_bash_completion()
         return 0
-    #  -c should provide a list of reasonable commands.
-    # This is imperfect, because most of these should look like:
-    #    iocsh.bash -c 'var requireDebug 1'
-    # i.e. with quotes. But whatever.
-    if [[ ${prev} == -c ]]; then
-        opts="dbLoadDatabase dbLoadRecords dbLoadTemplate epicsEnvSet epicsEnvUnset iocshLoad require runScript system var"
-        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$opts" -- ${cur}))
-        return 0
-    fi
     opts="-h -v -c -s -r -e -dg -dv -l -n"
     if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then
         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )