ESS Reference & Lookup Tables

# Directory description

* init: will be loaded during the initialization. The facility constant configuration.
* supercycles: will be loaded upon the selection (memorized PV with the supercycle table selection). The dynamic routines/cycles (runtime).
* tools: productivity enhancements.
* doc: other documents and references.

# Supercycle manual

# References
* Description of Modes for ESS Accelerator Operation: ESS-0038258
  * $(ESS-0038258->Revision) == $ProtVer
* Beam Configuration:
* Master events according to: ESS-1837307: Time Structure of the Proton Beam Pulses in the LINAC.

# Tag versioning
* MAJOR = {ProtNum}
* MINOR = {ESS-0038258 revision, ProtVer}
* PATH = {supercycle adds, bug corrections}

e.g. 1.5.0 contains ProtNum == 1, ESS-0038258 revision == 5 and ProtVer == 5 and it is compatible with all 1.5.x.