import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useContext } from "react"; import AccessControl from "../../auth/AccessControl"; import { ConfirmationDialog, useAPIMethod } from "@ess-ics/ce-ui-common"; import { Box, Button, Typography, Grid, Tooltip, TextField, CircularProgress, Alert, Autocomplete } from "@mui/material"; import { useTypingTimer } from "../../common/SearchBoxFilter/TypingTimer"; import { transformHostQuery } from "../../common/Helper"; import { apiContext } from "../../../api/DeployApi"; export default function ChangeHostAdmin({ ioc, getIOC, resetTab, buttonDisabled, setButtonDisabled }) { const initHost = useMemo( () => ({ csEntryHost: { fqdn:, id: } }), [ioc?.activeDeployment?.host] ); const [host, setHost] = useState(initHost); const client = useContext(apiContext); const { value: hosts, wrapper: getHosts, loading: loadingHosts } = useAPIMethod({ fcn: client.apis.Hosts.listHosts, call: false }); const [query, onHostKeyUp] = useTypingTimer({ interval: 500 }); const noModification = useCallback( () => !host || ===, [host, ioc] ); // for the dialog const [error, setError] = useState(); const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const { value: updatedIoc, wrapper: updateHost, error: updateHostError } = useAPIMethod({ fcn: client.apis.IOCs.updateActiveDeploymentHost, call: false }); useEffect(() => { if (updateHostError) { setButtonDisabled(false); setError(updateHostError?.message); } }, [updateHostError, setError, setButtonDisabled]); useEffect(() => { if (updatedIoc) { getIOC(); resetTab(); setButtonDisabled(false); } }, [updatedIoc, getIOC, resetTab, setButtonDisabled]); useEffect(() => { getHosts({ query: transformHostQuery(`${query}`) }); }, [query, getHosts]); const onClose = useCallback(() => { setOpen(false); setHost(initHost); }, [setOpen, initHost]); const onConfirm = useCallback(() => { setButtonDisabled(true); updateHost( { ioc_id: }, { requestBody: { hostCSEntryId: } } ); }, [updateHost, ioc, host?.csEntryHost?.id, setButtonDisabled]); let disabledButtonTitle = ""; if (buttonDisabled || ioc.operationInProgress) { disabledButtonTitle = "There is an ongoing operation, you cannot 'undeploy' the IOC right now"; } else { if (!ioc.activeDeployment) { disabledButtonTitle = "IOC has no active deployment"; } } return ( <> <AccessControl allowedRoles={["DeploymentToolAdmin"]} renderNoAccess={() => <></>} > <ConfirmationDialog title="Modifying deployment host" description={ <> <Typography component="span"> Are you sure want to modify deployment host of <Typography component="span" fontFamily="monospace" > {" "} {ioc.namingName} </Typography>{" "} ? </Typography> </> } confirmText="Modify Host" cancelText="Cancel" open={open} onClose={onClose} onConfirm={onConfirm} /> <Box sx={{ pt: 2 }}> <Typography sx={{ my: 2.5 }} variant="h3" > Change deployment host </Typography> <Grid container spacing={1} > {error ? ( <Grid item xs={12} > <Alert severity="error">{error}</Alert> </Grid> ) : ( <></> )} <Grid item xs={12} > <Autocomplete autoHighlight id="host" options={query ? hosts?.csEntryHosts ?? [] : []} loading={loadingHosts} clearOnBlur={false} value={host} getOptionLabel={(option) => { return option?.csEntryHost?.fqdn ?? ""; }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="host" variant="outlined" required InputProps={{ ...params.InputProps, endAdornment: ( <React.Fragment> {loadingHosts ? ( <CircularProgress color="inherit" size={20} /> ) : null} {params.InputProps.endAdornment} </React.Fragment> ) }} /> )} onChange={(event, value, reason) => { setHost(value); }} onInputChange={(event, value, reason) => { event && onHostKeyUp(event.nativeEvent); }} autoSelect filterOptions={(options, state) => options} /> </Grid> <Grid item xs={12} > <Tooltip title={disabledButtonTitle}> <span> <Button color="primary" variant="contained" onClick={() => setOpen(true)} disabled={ buttonDisabled || ioc.operationInProgress || !ioc.activeDeployment || noModification() } > CHANGE HOST </Button> </span> </Tooltip> </Grid> </Grid> </Box> </AccessControl> </> ); }