Leading spaces are inserted in Internal PVs
According to ESS Naming Convention (ESS-0000757, section 9.1) properties can start with hash character. However, dbformat is not supporting the case when these PVs are used within a record, and it is applying the DB009: In-line comments
rule and adding 2 Leading spaces before the #.
record(bo, "$(P)$(R=)$(N=0)PID-ON-S") {
field(DESC, "Controls PID output action")
field(VAL, "0")
field(ZNAM, "PID OFF") field(ZSV, "NO_ALARM")
field(ONAM, "PID ON") field(OSV, "NO_ALARM")
field(OUT, "$(P)$(R=)#$(N=0)PID-ON-proc PP")
record(bo, "$(P)$(R=)$(N=0)PID-ON-S") {
field(DESC, "Controls PID output action")
field(VAL, "0")
field(ZNAM, "PID OFF") field(ZSV, "NO_ALARM")
field(ONAM, "PID ON") field(OSV, "NO_ALARM")
field(OUT, "$(P)$(R=) #$(N=0)PID-ON-proc PP")
Source: https://gitlab.esss.lu.se/e3/wrappers/e3-prltcb/-/blob/master/prltcb/Db/prl-pid.template#L29