#  Copyright (c) 2018 - Present  European Spallation Source ERIC
#  The program is free software: you can redistribute
#  it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
#  License, or any newer version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
#  more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
# Author  : jhlee
# email   : jhlee@esss.se
# Date    : generated by 2018Sep15-1203-30CEST
# version : 0.0.0 
# template file is generated by e3TemplateGenerator.bash with b01084b
# Please look at many other _module_.Makefile in e3-* repository

## The following lines are mandatory, please don't change them.
where_am_I := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
include $(E3_REQUIRE_TOOLS)/driver.makefile
include $(where_am_I)/../configure/DECOUPLE_FLAGS

# If one would like to use the module dependency restrictly,
# one should look at other modules makefile to add more
# In most case, one should ignore the following lines:

#ifneq ($(strip $(ASYN_DEP_VERSION)),)

## Exclude linux-ppc64e6500
##EXCLUDE_ARCHS = linux-ppc64e6500

# APP:=calcApp
# APPDB:=$(APP)/Db
# APPSRC:=$(APP)/src

# USR_INCLUDES += -I$(where_am_I)$(APPSRC)

# USR_CFLAGS   += -Wno-unused-variable
# USR_CFLAGS   += -Wno-unused-function
# USR_CFLAGS   += -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
# USR_CPPFLAGS += -Wno-unused-variable
# USR_CPPFLAGS += -Wno-unused-function
# USR_CPPFLAGS += -Wno-unused-but-set-variable

# TEMPLATES += $(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.db)

# DBDINC_SRCS += $(APPSRC)/swaitRecord.c
# DBDINC_SRCS += $(APPSRC)/sseqRecord.c
# DBDINC_SRCS += $(APPSRC)/aCalcoutRecord.c
# DBDINC_SRCS += $(APPSRC)/sCalcoutRecord.c
# DBDINC_SRCS += $(APPSRC)/transformRecord.c

# DBDINC_DBDS = $(subst .c,.dbd,   $(DBDINC_SRCS:$(APPSRC)/%=%))
# DBDINC_HDRS = $(subst .c,.h,     $(DBDINC_SRCS:$(APPSRC)/%=%))
# DBDINC_DEPS = $(subst .c,$(DEP), $(DBDINC_SRCS:$(APPSRC)/%=%))

# HEADERS += $(APPSRC)/sCalcPostfix.h
# HEADERS += $(APPSRC)/aCalcPostfix.h

# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/sCalcPostfix.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/sCalcPerform.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/aCalcPostfix.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/aCalcPerform.c

# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/calcUtil.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/myFreeListLib.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/devsCalcoutSoft.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/devaCalcoutSoft.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/subAve.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/swaitRecord.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/editSseq.st
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/interp.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/arrayTest.c
# SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/aCalcMonitorMem.c
# # DBDINC_SRCS should be last of the series of SOURCES

# DBDS += $(APPSRC)/calcSupport_LOCAL.dbd
# DBDS += $(APPSRC)/calcSupport_withSNCSEQ.dbd
# DBDS += $(APPSRC)/calcSupport_withSSCAN.dbd

# .dbd.h:
# .PHONY: $(DBDINC_DEPS) .dbd.h
# The following lines could be useful if one uses the external lib
# Examples...
# USR_INCLUDES += -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0
# USR_LDFLAGS += -lusb-1.0
# USR_LDFLAGS += -L /opt/etherlab/lib
# USR_LDFLAGS += -lethercat
# USR_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=/opt/etherlab/lib

# USR_LIBS += boost_regex
# USR_LIBS += readline
# USR_LIBS += xml2


# # We don't have LIB_INSTALLS, so will tackle later
# ifeq ($(T_A),linux-x86_64)
# USR_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--enable-new-dtags
# USR_LDFLAGS += -lflycapture
# endif

# According to its makefile
# VENDOR_LIBS += $(SUPPORT)/os/linux-x86_64/libflycapture.so.
# VENDOR_LIBS += $(SUPPORT)/os/linux-x86_64/libflycapture.so.2
# VENDOR_LIBS += $(SUPPORT)/os/linux-x86_64/libflycapture.so

## This RULE should be used in case of inflating DB files 
## db rule is the default in RULES_DB, so add the empty one
## Please look at e3-mrfioc2 for example.


.PHONY: db 

# USR_DBFLAGS += -I . -I ..
# SUBS=$(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.substitutions)
# TMPS=$(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.template)
# db: $(SUBS) $(TMPS)

# $(SUBS):
#	@printf "Inflating database ... %44s >>> %40s \n" "$@" "$(basename $(@)).db"
#	@rm -f  $(basename $(@)).db.d  $(basename $(@)).db
#	@$(MSI) -D $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db -S $@  > $(basename $(@)).db.d
#	@$(MSI)    $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db -S $@

# $(TMPS):
#	@printf "Inflating database ... %44s >>> %40s \n" "$@" "$(basename $(@)).db"
#	@rm -f  $(basename $(@)).db.d  $(basename $(@)).db
#	@$(MSI) -D $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db $@  > $(basename $(@)).db.d
#	@$(MSI)    $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db $@

# .PHONY: db $(SUBS) $(TMPS)


.PHONY: vlibs

# vlibs: $(VENDOR_LIBS)

# 	$(QUIET)$(SUDO) install -m 555 -d $(E3_MODULES_VENDOR_LIBS_LOCATION)/
# 	$(QUIET)$(SUDO) install -m 555 $@ $(E3_MODULES_VENDOR_LIBS_LOCATION)/

# .PHONY: $(VENDOR_LIBS) vlibs