# 2.1.1+0 * Fix issue with Modulator being stopped when in On Demand (and 14Hz mode selected) * Block Start pulses when in Free Running # 2.1.0+0 * Remove island mode (ICSHWI-13679) * Include On-Demand for Mixed Mode (ICSHWI-10130) * Load the latest value of Mixed Mode delay and use it for Moduator at 14Hz delay (ICSHWI-13062) # 2.0.0+0 * Change evrisland snippet to be loaded with mrfioc2 from a generic evr template (ICSHWI-13440) # 1.10.1+0 * Fix how the initial waveform are set (labels and sequencer) # 1.10.0+0 * Change the way to load initial values (now using only database) # 1.9.0+0 * Include dependency on mrfioc2 * Fix startup snippet to allow internal reference (for loopback mode) # 1.8.4 * Fix counter start for Mixed/Global mode # 1.8.3 * Fix issue when starts the IOC in Mixed/Global mode (now for real) # 1.8.2 * Reduces FIM trigger width to 250ns # 1.8.1 * Fix issue when starts the IOC in Mixed/Global mode # 1.8.0 * Include list of PVs to be archived # 1.7.6 * Disable modulator at 14Hz when in island mode # 1.7.5 * Include databuffer records # 1.7.4 * Set default delay for modulator run at 14Hz # 1.7.3 * Include option for MEBT # 1.7.2 * Load the default values from a .sav file * Use only 1 snippet for all IOCs (everisland-base) # 1.7.1 * Allow to use modulator at 14 Hz * Change mixed mode frequency to ao and add a readback # 1.6.1 * New frequency events to accomodate new 1Hz event