From fa0a8f73a3c620df6376b31e8516b10e83301a7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rose <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 16:39:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove sequencer rules from driver.makefile

 require-ess/tools/driver.makefile | 37 -------------------------------
 1 file changed, 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile b/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile
index 55c6822e..dd0ec706 100644
--- a/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile
+++ b/require-ess/tools/driver.makefile
@@ -522,10 +522,6 @@ DBDFILES += $(patsubst %.stt,%_snl.dbd,$(notdir $(filter %.stt,${SRCS})))
 # Create dbd file for GPIB code.
 DBDFILES += $(patsubst,%.dbd,$(notdir $(filter,${SRCS})))
-# snc location
-SNCALL=$(shell ls  -dv $(E3_SITEMODS_PATH)/sequencer/$(sequencer_VERSION)/bin/$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH) 2> /dev/null)
-SNC=$(lastword $(SNCALL))/snc
 ifneq (,$(strip $(VLIBS)))
 USR_LDFLAGS_$(T_A) += $(foreach l,$(VLIBS),-L../$(dir $(l)))
 USR_LDFLAGS_$(T_A) += -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN/vendor"
@@ -714,39 +710,6 @@ ${INSTALL_BINS}: $(addprefix ../,$(filter-out /%,${BINS})) $(filter /%,${BINS})
 	@echo "Installing binaries $^ to $(@D)"
 	$(INSTALL) -d -m$(BIN_PERMISSIONS) $^ $(@D)
-# Create SNL code from st/stt file.
-# Important to have %.o: and %.o: %.stt rule before %.o: %.c rule!
-CPPSNCFLAGS1  = $(filter -D%, ${OP_SYS_CFLAGS})
-CPPSNCFLAGS1 += -I $(dir $(SNC))../../include
-	@echo ">> Preprocessing $(<F)"
-	$(CPP) ${CPPSNCFLAGS1} $< > $(*F).i
-%.c: %.i
-	@echo ""
-	@echo ">> SNC building process .... "
-	@echo ">> SNC                  : $(SNC)"
-	@echo ">> SNC_VERSION          : $(sequencer_VERSION)"
-	@echo ">> SNC is defined as $(SNC)"
-	$(SNC) $(TARGET_SNCFLAGS) $(SNCFLAGS) $(*F).i -o $(*F).c
-%_snl.dbd: %.c
-	@echo ">> Building $(*F)_snl.dbd"
-	awk -F [\(\)]  '/epicsExportRegistrar/ { print "registrar (" $$2 ")"}' $(*F).c > $(*F)_snl.dbd
-%.c: %.stt
-	@echo ""
-	@echo ">> SNC building process .... "
-	@echo ">> SNC                  : $(SNC)"
-	@echo ">> SNC_VERSION          : $(sequencer_VERSION)"
-	@echo ">> SNC is defined as $(SNC)"
-	$(SNC) $(TARGET_SNCFLAGS) $(SNCFLAGS) $< -o $(*F).c
 # Create GPIB code from *.gt file.
 %.c %.dbd %.list:
 	@echo "Converting $*.gt"