2.0.2ed618854 · ·
Change broker IP address list from string in type to waveform type to support a bigger broker's list. It was set to 255 characters
3.0.186fe23af · ·
Fix bootstrap.servers character limitation. Previous to this bootstrap.server configuration in kafka.conf could only have up to 40 characters due to EPICS limitations. Now it can go up to 255, meaning 11 comma-separated IPs.
3.0.088bac2b3 · ·
ad00 schema formatting and serialization were moved to the ad00 plugin. Now the Kafka Plugin is more generic and will accept other schema formats performed by other plugins.
2.0.1da3877f8 · ·
Modify unsigned long to long for timestamp and dimensions variables. Using flatbuffers and streaming-data-types conda modules now instead of manually copying the headers.
0.0.27cfba829 · ·
v0.0.2 - Increasing KAFKA_MAX_MSG_SIZE and KAFKA_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE; which caused limitations during tests;