#! /usr/bin/env python # # $Source: /cvs/G/DRV/misc/App/scripts/call_ioc_ins,v $ # $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2004/10/07 12:08:26 $ # # Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete # # This script is obsolete. It may be of some interest as an example # of URL access from python. # # Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete ''' Insert boot information about IOCs into the ssrm_public Oracle database. Usage: ----- call_ioc_ins [--help] [-v] [--debug] [-t=<secs>] \\ <system> <ipadd> <procnum> \\ <device> <bootpc> <slsbase> \\ <bootfile> <script> <vxworks> \\ <epicsver> <vxworksver> <ethaddr> Default time-out (-t) = 10 secs. Example: ------- call_ioc_ins X04SA-VME-PLD 0 \\ dc pc3018 /work \\ /ioc/X04SA-VME-PLD/vxWorks \\ /ioc/X04SA-VME-PLD/startup.script \\ /work/epics/base/bin/mv2306/vxWorks \\ 3.13.2 5.3.1 08:00:3e:2e:78:1d ''' #-------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, sys import commands import urllib import string import getopt import time import signal #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def showVersion (): # =========== ''' $Source: /cvs/G/DRV/misc/App/scripts/call_ioc_ins,v $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2004/10/07 12:08:26 $ Installed Location: $SLSBASE/sls/bin ''' print showVersion.__doc__ return #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def showUsage (): # ========= print __doc__ return #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The program starts here! if __name__ == "__main__": sys.stderr = sys.stdout # # Analyse the options # debug = 0 timeout = 10 try: (opts, items) = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], "h?vt:", \ ("help", "debug")) for opt in opts: if opt[0] == "-h": raise "Help" if opt[0] == "-?": raise "Help" if opt[0] == "--help": raise "Help" if opt[0] == "-v": raise "Version" if opt[0] == "-t": timeout = int (opt[1]) if timeout <= 0: print "\aTime-out must be a positive integer." raise #endif #endif if opt[0] == "--debug": debug = 1 #endfor except "Help": showUsage () sys.exit (0) except "Version": showVersion () sys.exit (0) except: print "\aBad option. Specify \"-h\" for help." sys.exit (1) #endtry if debug: print "Time-out = %d secs" % timeout print "Arguments:" for i in range (len (items)): print " ", items[i] #endfor #endif if len (items) != 12: print "\aTwelve arguments are needed, not %d" % len (items) sys.exit (1) #endif args = {} args["SYSTEM"] = items[ 0] args["IPADDR"] = items[ 1] args["PROCNUM"] = items[ 2] args["DEVICE"] = items[ 3] args["BOOTPC"] = items[ 4] args["SLSBASE"] = items[ 5] args["BOOTFILE"] = items[ 6] args["SCRIPT"] = items[ 7] args["VXWORKS"] = items[ 8] args["EPICSVER"] = items[ 9] args["VXWORKSVER"] = items[10] args["ETHADDR"] = items[11] encArgs = urllib.urlencode (args) url = "http://pc4860.psi.ch/testplan/IOC_INFOS/ioc_boot_ins.php?" + encArgs if debug: print "The URL is \"%s\"" % url print "Forking child process to do the work ..." #endif childPID = os.fork () if childPID == 0: try: ufo = urllib.urlopen (url) # Query the database lines = ufo.readlines () # Get the result ufo.close () except: print "Error inserting data into database!" raise #endtry sys.exit (0) else: if debug: print "Child's pid = %d" % childPID for i in range (int (timeout)): time.sleep (1) (pid, status) = os.waitpid (childPID, os.WNOHANG) if debug: print "waitpid return status = (%d, %d)" % (pid, status) if pid == childPID: if debug: print "Child has exited." sys.exit (0) #endif #endfor os.kill (childPID, signal.SIGKILL) print "Time-out inserting data into database!" #endif #endif #--------------------------------------------------# # emacs setup - force text mode to prevent emacs # # from helping with the indentation! # # Local Variables: # # mode:text # # indent-tabs-mode:nil # # End: # #--------------------------------------------------# # # $Log: call_ioc_ins,v $ # Revision 1.7 2004/10/07 12:08:26 maden # Mark this file as obsolete # # Revision 1.6 2004/07/26 14:27:13 maden # No longer python2 dependent (there is no python2 on boot nodes yet). # # Revision 1.5 2004/07/26 11:39:38 maden # Add time-out # # Revision 1.4 2004/07/26 09:33:25 maden # Disable database update ... server is in trouble. # # #---------------------------------------------- End of $RCSfile: call_ioc_ins,v $