index 587290a51d7074a2cbd31373ef9410c594b38968..b4586ce84972c86ec690f75f55722f8e82776fb0 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+* Support for firmware 1.0.0
+* Support for sis8300llrfdrv 6.0.0
+* Remove unused codes and PVs (special mode and pulse type)
+* Support for LPS fast recover interlock
+* Include PVs to set/get LPS Dead Time
+* Remove PVs related to the sample count and Include new position in cycles and us
+* Unify the way to update control table
+* Included new Select Ouput Source
+* Update the maximum ctrl table size to 0xFFFFFF on iocsh file
+* Include a PV for FSM Fimrware
+* Include a PV with the Interlock Cause
+* Improve interlock PVs
+* Improve table speed PVs
+* Include a repetition for small tables on circular mode to avoid issue on firmware
+* Include PVs for RF End Cause and DAQ End Cause
+* Change DAQ values to ms
+* Include PVs to set/get Max RF Length / Max DAQ Length (in ms)
+* Include read of Frequency Sampling Measurament from firmware
+* Include PVs to label channels
+* Include snippets for 1, 2, 3 and 4 boards
+* Change open loop implementation (use FF tables and mode for it)
+* Block Clock-Synchronous Speed mode when in Closed Loop
+* Include PVs to indicate when the cycle position were triggered
+* Change the control tables implementation to be faster and in a specific thread
+* Include an internal PV to force interlock
+* Update SigMon PVs and removed not used ones
 * Improve tests and add option for remote tests 
 * Include PI in Mag/Ang format with calibration