diff --git a/iocsh/rheotest.iocsh b/iocsh/rheotest.iocsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 899f5541e98f8411f4275527a817c9b58ec8255d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/iocsh/rheotest.iocsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# This should be the included snippet to configure and run the deployed IOC. It should be loaded with
-#   iocshLoad("$(rheotest_DIR)/rheotest.iocsh")
-require rheotest,0.2
-epicsEnvSet("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", "$(rheotest_DIR)/db")
-#drvAsynIPPortConfigure("rheo", "")
-drvAsynIPPortConfigure("rheo", "")
-dbLoadRecords("rheo_comm.db", "P=rheo")
diff --git a/rheotest.Makefile b/rheotest.Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index dc85b57cf6d1c5b7aeebba45e6a0be0ae9ec7524..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/rheotest.Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#  Copyright (c) 2019 - 2022, European Spallation Source ERIC
-#  The program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-#  under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# Author  : Jim Larsson
-# email   : jim.larsson@ess.eu
-# Date    : 2022-09-05
-# version : 0.0.0 
-# This template file is based on one generated by e3TemplateGenerator.bash.
-# Please look at many other module_name.Makefile in the https://gitlab.esss.lu.se/epics-modules/ 
-# repositories.
-## The following lines are mandatory, please don't change them.
-where_am_I := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
-include $(E3_REQUIRE_TOOLS)/driver.makefile
-# Add any required modules here that come from startup scripts, etc.
-REQUIRED += stream
-# If you want to exclude any architectures:
-# EXCLUDE_ARCHS += linux-ppc64e6500
-# Relevant directories to point to files
-# Add any files that should be copied to $(module)/Db
-TEMPLATES += $(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.db)
-TEMPLATES += $(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.proto)
-# TEMPLATES += $(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.template)
-# USR_INCLUDES += -I$(where_am_I)$(APPSRC)
-# Add any files that need to be compiled (e.g. .c, .cpp, .st, .stt)
-SOURCES   += $(APPSRC)/rheotestMain.cpp
-# Add any .dbd files that should be included (e.g. from user-defined functions, etc.)
-#DBDS   += 
-# Add any header files that should be included in the install (e.g. 
-# StreamDevice or asyn header files that are used by other modules)
-#HEADERS   += 
-# Add any startup scripts that should be installed in the base directory
-SCRIPTS += $(wildcard iocsh/*.iocsh)
-# If you have any .substitution files, and template files, add them here.
-# SUBS=$(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.substitutions)
-# TMPS=$(wildcard $(APPDB)/*.template)
-USR_DBFLAGS += -I . -I ..
-db: $(SUBS) $(TMPS)
-	@printf "Inflating database ... %44s >>> %40s \n" "$@" "$(basename $(@)).db"
-	@rm -f  $(basename $(@)).db.d  $(basename $(@)).db
-	@$(MSI) -D $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db -S $@  > $(basename $(@)).db.d
-	@$(MSI)    $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db -S $@
-	@printf "Inflating database ... %44s >>> %40s \n" "$@" "$(basename $(@)).db"
-	@rm -f  $(basename $(@)).db.d  $(basename $(@)).db
-	@$(MSI) -D $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db $@  > $(basename $(@)).db.d
-	@$(MSI)    $(USR_DBFLAGS) -o $(basename $(@)).db $@
-.PHONY: db $(SUBS) $(TMPS)
-.PHONY: vlibs
diff --git a/rheotestApp/Db/.rheo_comm.db.swp b/rheotestApp/Db/.rheo_comm.db.swp
deleted file mode 100644
index 701432f58c375804f6ec7c7c332d176f5104532e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/rheotestApp/Db/.rheo_comm.db.swp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/rheotestApp/Db/rheo_comm.db b/rheotestApp/Db/rheo_comm.db
deleted file mode 100644
index 45dbfde38010f72ba798be7129931b02c6f72177..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/rheotestApp/Db/rheo_comm.db
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-record(ai, $(P):Error){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto getError rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "Passive")
-	#field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#	Run commands							       
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-record(waveform, $(P):Version){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto getVersion rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "Passive")
-	field(FTVL, "STRING")
-	field(NELM, "10")
-record(subArray, $(P):VersionCompany){
-	field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
-	field(INP, "$(P):Version.VAL CPP")
-	field(INDX, "1")
-record(stringin, $(P):RUN){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto run rheo")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):ResetBuffers.PROC")
-record(stringin, $(P):STOP){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto stop rheo")
-record(calcout, $(P):DONE) {
-	field(INPA, "$(P):npoints-RB PP")
-	field(INPB, "$(P):NUMB-RB PP")
-	field(VAL, "0")
-	field(CALC, "(A=B) ? 1 : VAL")
-	field(OOPT, "When Non-zero")
-	field(OUT, 
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Initalization
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-record(stringin, $(P):Init){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto initRheo rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "Passive")
-record(stringin, $(P):Init-RB){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto initRheo:end rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-record(waveform, $(P):Values){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto getValues rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "5 second")
-	field(FTVL, "STRING")
-	field(NELM, "38")	
-record(subArray, $(P):Temperature-RB){
-	field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
-	field(INP, "$(P):Values.VAL PP")
-	field(INDX, "5")
-	field(MALM, "38")
-	field(NELM, "1")	
-	field(SCAN, "5 second")
-record(stringin, $(P):sniff) {
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto sniffing rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
-record(ao, $(P):setTemperature-S) {
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(OUT, "@rheo_comm.proto setTemperature rheo")
-	field(DRVL, "295")
-	field(DRVH, "305")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):setTemperature-RB")
-record(ai, $(P):setTemperature-RB) {
-	field(INP, "$(P):setTemperature-S NPP")
-record(stringin, $(P):TemperatureSettings-S) {
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto setTemperatureSettings rheo")
-record(calcout, $(P):loadMeasConfig){
-	field(INPA, "$(P):npoints-S PP")
-	field(INPB, "$(P):FirstMeasInterval-S PP")
-	field(INPC, "$(P):LastMeasInterval-S PP")
-	field(INPD, "$(P):FirstMeasTime-S PP")
-	field(INPE, "$(P):LastMeasTime-S PP")
-	field(CALC, "0")
-	field(SCAN, "Passive")
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(OUT, "@rheo_comm.proto loadMeasConfig_viscometry($(P):errMessage) rheo")
-record(ai, $(P):npoints-S){
-	field(DESC, "Number of measurement points.")
-	field(VAL, "5")	
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):npoints-RB")
-record(ai, $(P):npoints-RB) {
-	field(INP, "$(P):npoints-S NPP")
-	field(PINI, "YES")
-record(ai, $(P):FirstMeasInterval-S) {
-	field(VAL, "10")
-	field(DESC, "Viscometry rotational speed.")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):FirstMeasInterval-RB")
-	field(EGU, "rad/s")
-record(ai, $(P):LastMeasInterval-S) {
-	field(VAL, "4.119995729")
-	field(DESC, "Viscometry rotational speed.")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):LastMeasInterval-RB")
-	field(EGU, "rad/s")
-record(ai, $(P):FirstMeasInterval-RB){
-	field(INP, "$(P):FirstMeasInterval-S NPP")
-	field(PINI, "YES")
-	field(EGU, "rad/s")
-record(ai, $(P):LastMeasInterval-RB) {
-	field(INP, "$(P):LastMeasInterval-S NPP")
-	field(PINI, "YES")
-	field(EGU, "rad/s")
-record(ai, $(P):FirstMeasTime-S) {
-	field(DESC, "First point measuring time.")
-	field(VAL, "0.25")
-	field(EGU, "s")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):FirstMeasTime-RB")
-record(ai, $(P):LastMeasTime-S) {
-	field(DESC, "Last point measuring time.")
-	field(VAL, "20")
-	field(EGU, "s")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):LastMeasTime-RB")
-record(ai, $(P):FirstMeasTime-RB) {
-	field(INP, "$(P):FirstMeasTime-S NPP")
-	field(PINI, "YES")
-	field(EGU, "s")
-record(ai, $(P):LastMeasTime-RB) {
-	field(INP, "$(P):LastMeasTime-S NPP")
-	field(PINI, "YES")
-	field(EGU, "s")
-record(stringout, $(P):debug) {
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(OUT, "@rheo_comm.proto debug rheo")
-record(stringin, $(P):KCONFIG) {
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto Kconfig_viscometry($(P):errMessage) rheo")
-record(stringin, $(P):errMessage){
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-#											#
-#	Reading measurements								#
-#											#
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-#record(waveform, $(P):getMeasurmentHeader) {
-#	field(DTYP, "stream")
-#	field(INP, )
-#	field(FTVL, "STRING")
-record(longin, $(P):MeasNumber){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto getMeasurementValues($(P):TEMP-RB,$(P):TORQ-RB,$(P):SPEE-RB,$(P):NUMB-RB) rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
-	#field(FLNK, "$(P):TriggerBuffers.PROC")
-record(ai, $(P):TEMP-RB){
-	field(DESC, "Temperature in control system")
-	field(EGU, "K")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):ArrayTEMP-RB.PROC")
-record(ai, $(P):TORQ-RB){
-	field(DESC, "Torque")
-	field(EGU, "Nm")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):ArrayTORQ-RB.PROC")
-record(ai, $(P):SPEE-RB){
-	field(DESC, "Rotational speed.")
-	field(EGU, "Hz (?)")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):ArraySPEE-RB.PROC")}
-record(longin, $(P):NUMB-RB) {
-	field(DESC, "Measurement number.")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):ArrayMeasNumber-RB.PROC")	
-record(stringin, $(P):debugMEAS){
-	field(DTYP, "stream")
-	field(INP, "@rheo_comm.proto debugMeasVal rheo")
-	field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#	Save measurment values as circular buffer for phoebus x/y plot
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-record(compress, $(P):ArrayTORQ-RB){
-	field(ALG, "Circular Buffer")
-	field(INP, "$(P):TORQ-RB NPP")
-	field(NSAM, "20")
-	field(BALG, "FIFO Buffer")
-record(compress, $(P):ArrayTEMP-RB){
-	field(ALG, "Circular Buffer")
-	field(INP, "$(P):TEMP-RB NPP")
-	field(NSAM, "20")
-	field(BALG, "FIFO Buffer")
-record(compress, $(P):ArraySPEE-RB){
-	field(ALG, "Circular Buffer")
-	field(INP, "$(P):SPEE-RB NPP")
-	field(NSAM, "20")
-	field(BALG, "FIFO Buffer")
-record(compress, $(P):ArrayMeasNumber-RB){
-	field(ALG, "Circular Buffer")
-	field(INP, "$(P):NUMB-RB NPP")
-	field(NSAM, "20")
-	field(BALG, "FIFO Buffer")
-	field(FLNK, "$(P):arrayViscosity")
-#record(fanout, "$(P):TriggerBuffers"){
-#	field(LNK0, "$(P):ArrayMeasNumber-RB.PROC")
-#	field(LNK1, "$(P):ArrayTEMP-RB.PROC")
-#	field(LNK2, "$(P):ArrayTORQ-RB.PROC")
-#	field(LNK3, "$(P):ArraySPEE-RB.PROC")
-record(dfanout, $(P):ResetBuffers) {
-	field(DOL, "1")
-	field(OUTA, "$(P):ArrayMeasNumber-RB.RES")
-	field(OUTB, "$(P):ArrayTEMP-RB.RES")
-	field(OUTC, "$(P):ArrayTORQ-RB.RES")
-	field(OUTD, "$(P):ArraySPEE-RB.RES")
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#	Calculate parameters of interest
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-record(ai, $(P):CSSfactor) {
-	field(DESC, "CSS factor, defined by the measuring system.")
-	field(VAL, "3876.2")
-	field(EGU, "Pa/Nm")
-record(ai, $(P):CSRfactor) {
-	field(DESC, "CSR factor defined by the measuring system.")
-	field(VAL, "149.382")
-	field(EGU, "s/s")
-record(calc, $(P):ShearStress) {
-	field(DESC, "CSS form factor * torque")
-	field(INPA, "$(P):TORQ-RB PP")
-	field(INPB, "$(P):CSSfactor PP")
-	field(CALC, "A*B")
-	field(EGU, "Pa")
-record(calc, $(P):ShearRate) {
-	field(DESC, "Rotational speed / CSR factor")
-	field(INPA, "$(P):SPEE-RB PP")
-	field(INPB, "$(P):CSRfactor PP")
-	field(CALC, "A/B")
-	field(EGU, "Hz")
-record(calc, $(P):Viscosity) {
-	field(DESC, "shear stress / shear rate")
-	field(INPA, "$(P):ShearStress PP")
-	field(INPB, "$(P):ShearRate PP")
-	field(CALC, "A/B")
-	field(EGU,"Pa*s")
-record(compress, $(P):ArrayViscosity) {
-	field(ALG, "Circular Buffer")
-	field(INP, "$(P):Viscosity PP")
-	field(NSAM, "20")
-	field(BALG, "FIFO Buffer")
diff --git a/rheotestApp/Db/rheo_comm.proto b/rheotestApp/Db/rheo_comm.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b5d6a485c40c329676bb7bb9627c8fb9d6a71d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/rheotestApp/Db/rheo_comm.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-initRheo {
-	ReadTimeout = 30000;
-	out ":GETC[\"FHUBINIT[?]\"]";
-	in "%s";
-	in "%*s";
-initRheo:end {
-	in ":GETC[\"FHUBINIT[]\"]";
-	in "%s";
-getVersion {
-	out "#VERS[?]";
-	separator = ",";
-	in "#VERS[%[^,]";
-getError {
-	out "ERROR?";
-	#in "$DERR[%i,'""','""','""']";
-	in "$DERR[%i%*s";
-getRand {
-	out "RAND?";
-	in "%f";
-	}
-getValues {
-	ReplyTimeout = 5000;
-	out ":GETC[\"VALUES[?]\"]";
-	separator = ",";	
-	in ":GETC[\"VALUES[%[^,]";
-sniffing {
-	in "%s";
-setTemperature {
-	out ":DEVC[\"KTHERMS[2,1,%f]\"]";
-	in "%*s";
-setTemperatureSettings {
-	out ":DEVC[\"KTHERMO[2,0,123.15,473.15,0,0,0,1,9600,n,8,1,n]\"]";
-	in "%s";
-setMSconfig {
-	# MS = measuring system;
-	MS_VISC = ":DEVC[\"KCONFIG[0,3876.2,0.000063028,0,116200,9500,149.382,2,1.65,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,250,10000,0.25,0.00165,0,0,20,0,0,0.59,0,0,13,0,0,0.00165,0.23,0,26423,1,1,7681,7681,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]\"]"
-	out MS_VISC;
-	in "%s";
-#Add user variables into config mode, later add protocol arguments.;
-loadMeasConfig_viscometry {
-	npoints = "%(A)i";
-	interval_mode = "LOG";
-	meas_interval = "(%(B)f,%(C)f)"; # VISC_MODE is rotational speed [rad/s ?];
-	time_interval = "(%(D)f,%(E)f)";
-	time_mode = "LOG";
-	out ":PROG[\"Test\",TEST[(PART[(NUMB["$npoints",LAST],DTIM[FUNC["$interval_mode","$meas_interval"],4,REL]),(),(),(),(SRAT[1,FUNC["$time_mode","$time_interval"]]),(),(),,(DAPT[TEMP[2,??T]],DAPT[TORQ[1,??T]],DAPT[SPEE[1,??T]],DAPT[EXCU[1,??T]],DAPT[FORC[1,??T]],DAPT[DIST[1,??T]],GSTR[STAT[1,??T]],DAPT[VELO[1,??T]],DAPT[DGAP[1,??T]],DAPT[TIMA[1,??T]],DAPT[TIMP[1,??T]],DAPT[EXCE[1,??T]],DAPT[ETRQ[1,??T]]),(GENP[0,(IFDT[EX])],SETV[0,(IFST[IN,(16)])]),(EXCU[1,!?])])],EXIT[()],CANC[()]]";
-	in "%(\$1)s";
-loadMeasConfig_ampltiude_sweep {
-	out = ":PROG[\"Test\",TEST[(PART[(NUMB[25,LAST]),(),(),(),(STRA[1,OSCI[FUNC[LOG,(0.0001,1)],1.591549431,SIN]]),(),(),VALF[STRA[1,?&]],(VALF[STRA[1,?&]],DAPT[TEMP[2,??T]],COMP[MODU[1,??F],1,PHAS],COMP[TORQ[1,??F],0,CABS],COMP[TORQ[1,??F],1,CABS],DAPT[KFAC[1,??T]],COMP[SPEE[1,??F],0,CABS],COMP[EXCU[1,??F],0,CABS],COMP[EXCU[1,??F],1,CABS],COMP[FORC[1,??F],0,REAL],DAPT[DIST[1,??T]],GSTR[STAT[1,??T]],DAPT[VELO[1,??T]],DAPT[DGAP[1,??T]],DAPT[TIMA[1,??T]],DAPT[TIMP[1,??T]],COMP[EXCE[1,??F],0,CABS],COMP[EXCE[1,??F],1,CABS],COMP[ETRQ[1,??F],0,CABS],COMP[ETRQ[1,??F],1,CABS]),(GENP[0,(IFST[IN,(17)])],SETV[0,(IFST[IN,(16)])]),()])],EXIT[()],CANC[()]]"; 
-debug {
-	ExtraInput = Ignore;
-	out "%s";
-	in "%39c";
-stop {
-	out ":STOP[]";
-	in "%s";
-run {
-	out ":RUN[]";
-	in "%s";
-Kconfig_viscometry {
-	ReplyTimeout = 5000;
-	out ":DEVC[\"KCONFIG[0,3876.2,0.000063028,0,116200,9500,149.382,2,1.65,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,250,10000,0.25,0.00165,0,0,20,0,0,0.59,0,0,13,0,0,0.00165,0.23,0,26423,1,1,7681,7681,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]\"]";
-	in ":DEVC[\"KCONFIG[1,1]\"]";
-	@mismatch {
-		in "%(\$1)s";
-	}
-Kconfig_amp_sweep {
-	ReplyTimeout = 5000;
-	out ":DEVC[\"KCONFIG[0,3876.2,0.000063028,0,116200,9500,149.382,2,1.65,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,250,10000,0.1,0.00165,0,0,20,0,0,0.59,0,0,13,0,0,0.00165,0.23,0,26423,1,1,7681,7681,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]\"]";
-	in ":DEVC[\"KCONFIG[1,1]\"]";
-	@mismatch {
-		in "%(\$1)s";
-	}
-getMeasurementValues {
-	in ":MEAS[%(\$4)i,%*i,%*f,%*f,%*i,(),(%(\$1)f,%(\$2)f,%(\$3)f,%*f,%*f,%*f,%*s,%*i,%*f,%*f,%*f,%*f)]";	
-debugMeasVal {
-	in "MEAS[%s]";
diff --git a/rheotestApp/src/rheotestMain.cpp b/rheotestApp/src/rheotestMain.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed713fd5c563375dcf953871f29b3de789a43a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/rheotestApp/src/rheotestMain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* rheotestMain.cpp */
-/* Author:  Jim Larsson */
-/* Date:    2022-09-05 */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "epicsExit.h"
-#include "epicsThread.h"
-#include "iocsh.h"
-int main(int argc,char *argv[])
-    if(argc>=2) {    
-        iocsh(argv[1]);
-        epicsThreadSleep(.2);
-    }
-    iocsh(NULL);
-    epicsExit(0);
-    return(0);