From d3c5e5dc07682fc37b6197d9f8425d90ba9f5393 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "ben.franksen" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 16:18:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] reduce pv layer to what is needed: a thin wrapper around CA
 client API

This patch gets rid of most of the pv layer, including all remaining C++
code. Also removed is the C++ test/example code for the pv layer. The
interface (pv.h) is not the same, but similar; mostly it is much simpler
and more statically typed.
 src/pv/Makefile       |   45 +-
 src/pv/pv.c           |  306 +++++++++
 src/pv/          |  560 ----------------
 src/pv/pv.h           |  374 ++---------
 src/pv/pvAlarm.h      |   11 -
 src/pv/        |  871 -------------------------
 src/pv/pvCa.h         |  119 ----
 src/pv/      |  337 ----------
 src/pv/pvFile.h       |   82 ---
 src/pv/       | 1416 -----------------------------------------
 src/pv/pvKtl.h        |  273 --------
 src/pv/    |  295 ---------
 src/pv/pvKtlCnv.h     |   55 --
 src/pv/       |   49 --
 src/pv/pvType.h       |   69 +-
 src/seq/seqCom.h      |    1 -
 src/seq/seqPvt.h      |   25 +-
 src/seq/seq_ca.c      |  115 ++--
 src/seq/seq_if.c      |   19 +-
 src/seq/seq_main.c    |   14 -
 src/seq/seq_prog.c    |   17 +-
 src/seq/seq_task.c    |   11 +-
 test/Makefile         |    1 -
 test/pv/Makefile      |   30 -
 test/pv/     |   52 --
 test/pv/   |   43 --
 test/pv/pvsimpleC.c   |   59 --
 test/pv/ |   56 --
 test/pv/     |  108 ----
 29 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 4963 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/pv/pv.c
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/pvCa.h
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/pvFile.h
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/pvKtl.h
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/pvKtlCnv.h
 delete mode 100644 src/pv/
 delete mode 100644 test/pv/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 test/pv/
 delete mode 100644 test/pv/
 delete mode 100644 test/pv/pvsimpleC.c
 delete mode 100644 test/pv/
 delete mode 100644 test/pv/

diff --git a/src/pv/Makefile b/src/pv/Makefile
index 4e1f058d..0ff3a94e 100644
--- a/src/pv/Makefile
+++ b/src/pv/Makefile
@@ -4,54 +4,17 @@ include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
-#  Message system-independent support
-INC     += pv.h pvAlarm.h pvType.h
+INC += pv.h pvAlarm.h pvType.h
 LIBRARY += pv
-pv_SRCS +=
+pv_SRCS += pv.c
 pv_LIBS += ca Com
 # For R3.13 compatibility only
+OBJLIB_vxWorks = pv
-#  KTL (Keck Task Library) supported? (never under VxWorks)
-ifeq "$(PVKTL)" "TRUE"
-USR_CPPFLAGS_vxWorks += -nil-
-USR_INCLUDES_vxWorks += -nil-
-USR_INCLUDES_DEFAULT += -I$(KROOT)/rel/default/include
-pv_SRCS_vxWorks   += -nil-
-#  CA (Channel Access) supported? also link into pvLibrary under VxWorks
-ifeq "$(PVCA)" "TRUE"
-pv_SRCS           +=
-#  FILE (Demo File... from the manual) supported?
-ifeq "$(PVFILE)" "TRUE"
-pv_SRCS       +=
 include $(TOP)/configure/RULES
diff --git a/src/pv/pv.c b/src/pv/pv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a16f0270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pv/pv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "errlog.h"
+#include "cadef.h"
+#define epicsExportSharedSymbols
+#include "pv.h"
+#define INVOKE(expr) \
+    {\
+        int _status = expr;\
+        if (!(_status & CA_M_SUCCESS)) {\
+            errlogSevPrintf(sevrFromCA(_status), "%s: %s", #expr, ca_message(_status));\
+            return statFromCA(_status);\
+        }\
+    }
+epicsShareDef const struct pvSystem nullPvSys = {NULL};
+epicsShareDef const struct pvVar nullPvVar = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
+/* utilities */
+static pvSevr sevrFromCA(long status);  /* CA severity as pvSevr */
+static pvStat statFromCA(long status);  /* CA status as pvStat */
+static pvType typeFromCA(long type);    /* DBR type as pvType */
+static chtype typeToCA(pvType type);    /* pvType as DBR type */
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvSysCreate(pvSystem *pSys)
+    assert(pSys);
+    assert(!ca_current_context());
+    INVOKE(ca_context_create(ca_enable_preemptive_callback));
+    pSys->id = ca_current_context();
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvSysFlush(pvSystem sys)
+    INVOKE(ca_flush_io());
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvSysAttach(pvSystem sys)
+    if (!ca_current_context())
+        INVOKE(ca_attach_context(;
+    return pvStatOK;
+static void pvCaConnectionHandler(struct connection_handler_args args)
+    pvVar *var = (pvVar *)ca_puser(args.chid);
+    var->conn_handler(args.op == CA_OP_CONN_UP, var->arg);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarCreate(pvSystem sys, const char *name,
+    pvConnFunc *conn_func, pvEventFunc *event_func, void *arg, pvVar *var)
+    assert(var);
+    var->conn_handler = conn_func;
+    var->event_handler = event_func;
+    var->arg = arg;
+    INVOKE(ca_create_channel(name, pvCaConnectionHandler, var, CA_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, &var->chid));
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarDestroy(pvVar *var)
+    assert(var);
+    INVOKE(ca_clear_channel(var->chid));
+    *var = nullPvVar;
+    return pvStatOK;
+static void pvCaEventHandler(struct event_handler_args args, pvEventType evt)
+    pvVar *var = (pvVar *)ca_puser(args.chid);
+    unsigned count = (unsigned)args.count;
+    assert(args.count >= 0);
+    assert((long)count == args.count);
+    var->event_handler(evt, args.usr, typeFromCA(args.type), count, (pvValue*)args.dbr, statFromCA(args.status));
+static void pvCaGetHandler(struct event_handler_args args)
+    pvCaEventHandler(args, pvEventGet);
+static void pvCaPutHandler(struct event_handler_args args)
+    pvCaEventHandler(args, pvEventPut);
+static void pvCaMonitorHandler(struct event_handler_args args)
+    pvCaEventHandler(args, pvEventMonitor);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarGetCallback(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, void *arg)
+    assert(var);
+    assert(pv_is_valid_type(type));
+    INVOKE(ca_array_get_callback(
+        typeToCA(type), count, var->chid, pvCaGetHandler, arg));
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarPutNoBlock(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value)
+    assert(var);
+    assert(pv_is_simple_type(type));
+    INVOKE(ca_array_put(typeToCA(type), count, var->chid, value));
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarPutCallback(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg)
+    assert(var);
+    assert(pv_is_simple_type(type));
+    INVOKE(ca_array_put_callback(
+        typeToCA(type), count, var->chid, value, pvCaPutHandler, arg));
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarMonitorOn(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, void *arg)
+    assert(var);
+    assert(pv_is_valid_type(type));
+    if (var->monid == NULL) {
+        INVOKE(ca_create_subscription(typeToCA(type), count, var->chid,
+            DBE_VALUE | DBE_ALARM, pvCaMonitorHandler, arg, &var->monid));
+    }
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarMonitorOff(pvVar *var)
+    assert(var);
+    if (var->monid != NULL) {
+        INVOKE(ca_clear_event(var->monid));
+        var->monid = NULL;
+    }
+    return pvStatOK;
+epicsShareFunc unsigned pvVarGetCount(pvVar *var)
+    unsigned long c = ca_element_count(var->chid);
+    assert(c <= UINT_MAX);
+    return (unsigned)c;
+epicsShareFunc int pvTimeGetCurrentDouble(double *pTime)
+    epicsTimeStamp stamp;
+    assert(pTime);
+    *pTime = 0.0;
+    if (epicsTimeGetCurrent(&stamp) == epicsTimeERROR)
+        return pvStatERROR;
+    *pTime = (double) stamp.secPastEpoch +  ((double) stamp.nsec / 1e9);
+    return pvStatOK;
+#include "alarm.h"
+static pvSevr sevrFromCA(long status)
+    switch (CA_EXTRACT_SEVERITY(status)) {
+        case CA_K_INFO:    return pvSevrNONE;
+        case CA_K_SUCCESS: return pvSevrNONE;
+        case CA_K_WARNING: return pvSevrMINOR;
+        case CA_K_ERROR:   return pvSevrMAJOR;
+        case CA_K_SEVERE:  return pvSevrINVALID;
+        default:           return pvSevrERROR;
+    }
+static pvStat statFromCA(long status)
+    pvSevr sevr = sevrFromCA(status);
+    return (sevr == pvSevrNONE || sevr == pvSevrMINOR) ?
+                pvStatOK : pvStatERROR;
+static pvType typeFromCA(long type)
+    switch (type) {
+        case DBR_CHAR:          return pvTypeCHAR;
+        case DBR_SHORT:         return pvTypeSHORT;
+        case DBR_ENUM:          return pvTypeSHORT;
+        case DBR_LONG:          return pvTypeLONG;
+        case DBR_FLOAT:         return pvTypeFLOAT;
+        case DBR_DOUBLE:        return pvTypeDOUBLE;
+        case DBR_STRING:        return pvTypeSTRING;
+        case DBR_TIME_CHAR:     return pvTypeTIME_CHAR;
+        case DBR_TIME_SHORT:    return pvTypeTIME_SHORT;
+        case DBR_TIME_ENUM:     return pvTypeTIME_SHORT;
+        case DBR_TIME_LONG:     return pvTypeTIME_LONG;
+        case DBR_TIME_FLOAT:    return pvTypeTIME_FLOAT;
+        case DBR_TIME_DOUBLE:   return pvTypeTIME_DOUBLE;
+        case DBR_TIME_STRING:   return pvTypeTIME_STRING;
+        default:                return pvTypeERROR;
+    }
+static chtype typeToCA(pvType type)
+    switch (type) {
+        case pvTypeCHAR:        return DBR_CHAR;
+        case pvTypeSHORT:       return DBR_SHORT;
+        case pvTypeLONG:        return DBR_LONG;
+        case pvTypeFLOAT:       return DBR_FLOAT;
+        case pvTypeDOUBLE:      return DBR_DOUBLE;
+        case pvTypeSTRING:      return DBR_STRING;
+        case pvTypeTIME_CHAR:   return DBR_TIME_CHAR;
+        case pvTypeTIME_SHORT:  return DBR_TIME_SHORT;
+        case pvTypeTIME_LONG:   return DBR_TIME_LONG;
+        case pvTypeTIME_FLOAT:  return DBR_TIME_FLOAT;
+        case pvTypeTIME_DOUBLE: return DBR_TIME_DOUBLE;
+        case pvTypeTIME_STRING: return DBR_TIME_STRING;
+        default:                return -1;
+    }
+#include "db_access.h"
+typedef struct dbr_time_char    pvTimeChar;
+typedef struct dbr_time_short   pvTimeShort;
+typedef struct dbr_time_long    pvTimeLong;
+typedef struct dbr_time_float   pvTimeFloat;
+typedef struct dbr_time_double  pvTimeDouble;
+typedef struct dbr_time_string  pvTimeString;
+epicsShareDef const size_t pv_sizes[] = {
+    sizeof(pvChar      ),
+    sizeof(pvShort     ),
+    sizeof(pvLong      ),
+    sizeof(pvFloat     ),
+    sizeof(pvDouble    ),
+    sizeof(pvString    ),
+    sizeof(pvTimeChar  ),
+    sizeof(pvTimeShort ),
+    sizeof(pvTimeLong  ),
+    sizeof(pvTimeFloat ),
+    sizeof(pvTimeDouble),
+    sizeof(pvTimeString),
+epicsShareDef const size_t pv_value_sizes[] = {
+    sizeof(pvChar  ),
+    sizeof(pvShort ),
+    sizeof(pvLong  ),
+    sizeof(pvFloat ),
+    sizeof(pvDouble),
+    sizeof(pvString),
+    sizeof(pvChar  ),
+    sizeof(pvShort ),
+    sizeof(pvLong  ),
+    sizeof(pvFloat ),
+    sizeof(pvDouble),
+    sizeof(pvString),
+epicsShareDef const size_t pv_value_offsets[] = {
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , value),
+    offsetof(pvTimeShort , value),
+    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , value),
+    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , value),
+    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, value),
+    offsetof(pvTimeString, value),
+epicsShareDef const size_t pv_status_offsets[] = {
+    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , status),
+    offsetof(pvTimeShort , status),
+    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , status),
+    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , status),
+    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, status),
+    offsetof(pvTimeString, status),
+epicsShareDef const size_t pv_severity_offsets[] = {
+    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , severity),
+    offsetof(pvTimeShort , severity),
+    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , severity),
+    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , severity),
+    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, severity),
+    offsetof(pvTimeString, severity),
+epicsShareDef const size_t pv_stamp_offsets[] = {
+    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , stamp),
+    offsetof(pvTimeShort , stamp),
+    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , stamp),
+    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , stamp),
+    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, stamp),
+    offsetof(pvTimeString, stamp),
diff --git a/src/pv/ b/src/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc5c2d76..00000000
--- a/src/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementation of EPICS sequencer message system-independent library (pv)
- * (NB, "pv" = "process variable").
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <epicsString.h>
-#define epicsExportSharedSymbols
-#include "pv.h"
- * Routine:	pvSystem::pvSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	pvSystem constructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-pvSystem::pvSystem( int debug ) :
-    magic_( PV_MAGIC ),
-    debug_( debug ),
-    status_( 0 ),
-    sevr_( pvSevrNONE ),
-    stat_( pvStatOK ),
-    mess_( NULL )
-#if 0
-    ,lock_( epicsMutexMustCreate() )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: pvSystem::pvSystem( %d )\n", (void *)this, debug );
- * Routine:	pvSystem::~pvSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	pvSystem destructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: pvSystem::~pvSystem()\n", (void *)this );
-#if 0
- * Routine:	pvSystem::lock()/unlock()
- *
- * Purpose:	Take/give lock
- *
- * Description: 
- *
- * Function value:
- */
-void pvSystem::lock()
-    epicsMutexMustLock( lock_ );
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-	printf( "%8p: pvSystem::lock()\n", (void *)this );
-void pvSystem::unlock()
-    epicsMutexUnlock( lock_ );
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-	printf( "%8p: pvSystem::unlock()\n", (void *)this );
- * Routine:	pvSystem::setError()
- *
- * Purpose:	Copy error information
- *
- * Description: 
- *
- * Function value:
- */
-void pvSystem::setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat,
-			 const char *mess )
-    status_ = status;
-    sevr_   = sevr;
-    stat_   = stat;
-    mess_   = mess;
- * Routine:     pvVariable::pvVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     pvVariable constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvVariable::pvVariable( pvSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func,
-		        void *priv, int debug ) :
-    magic_( PV_MAGIC ),
-    debug_( debug ),
-    func_( func ),
-    system_( system ),
-    name_( epicsStrDup( name ) ),
-    private_( priv ),
-    status_( 0 ),
-    sevr_( pvSevrNONE ),
-    stat_( pvStatOK ),
-    mess_( NULL )
-    if ( getDebug() == 0 )
-	setDebug( system->getDebug() );
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: pvVariable::pvVariable( %s, %d )\n",
-		(void *)this, name, debug );
- * Routine:     pvVariable::~pvVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     pvVariable destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: pvVariable::~pvVariable()\n", (void *)this );
-    if ( name_ != NULL )
-	free( name_ );
- * Routine:	pvVariable::setError()
- *
- * Purpose:	Copy error information
- *
- * Description: 
- *
- * Function value:
- */
-void pvVariable::setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat,
-			   const char *mess )
-    status_ = status;
-    sevr_   = sevr;
-    stat_   = stat;
-    mess_   = mess;
- * Routine:     pvCallback::pvCallback
- *
- * Purpose:     pvCallback constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvCallback::pvCallback( pvVariable *variable, pvType type, unsigned count,
-			pvEventFunc func, void *arg, int debug ) :
-    magic_( PV_MAGIC ),
-    debug_( debug ),
-    variable_( variable ),
-    type_( type ),
-    count_( count ),
-    func_( func ),
-    arg_( arg ),
-    private_( NULL )
-    // should be associated with a system?
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: pvCallback::pvCallback( %d, %d, %p, %p, %d )\n",
-		(void *)this, type, count, (void *)func, arg, debug );
- * Routine:     pvCallback::~pvCallback
- *
- * Purpose:     pvCallback destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: pvCallback::~pvCallback()\n", (void *)this );
-//epicsSingleton < tsFreeList < class pvCallback > > pvCallback::pFreeList;
-/* C interface */
-#define SYS_CHECK(_erract) \
-    pvSystem *Sys = ( pvSystem * ) sys; \
-    if ( Sys == NULL || Sys->getMagic() != PV_MAGIC ) \
-	_erract
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysCreate( const char *name, int debug, void **pSys ) {
-    *pSys = newPvSystem( name, debug );
-    return ( *pSys == NULL ) ? pvStatERROR : pvStatOK;
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysDestroy( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    delete Sys;
-    return pvStatOK;
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysAttach( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->attach();
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysFlush( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->flush();
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysPend( void *sys, double seconds, int wait ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->pend( seconds, wait );
-#if 0
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysLock( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    Sys->lock();
-    return pvStatOK;
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysUnlock( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    Sys->unlock();
-    return pvStatOK;
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvSysGetMagic( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->getMagic();
-epicsShareFunc void epicsShareAPI pvSysSetDebug( void *sys, int debug ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( {} );
-    Sys->setDebug( debug );
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvSysGetDebug( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->getDebug();
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvSysGetStatus( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->getStatus();
-epicsShareFunc pvSevr epicsShareAPI pvSysGetSevr( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvSevrERROR );
-    return Sys->getSevr();
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysGetStat( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Sys->getStat();
-epicsShareFunc const char * epicsShareAPI pvSysGetMess( void *sys ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return "" );
-    return Sys->getMess();
-#define VAR_CHECK(_erract) \
-    pvVariable *Var = ( pvVariable * ) var; \
-    if ( Var == NULL || Var->getMagic() != PV_MAGIC ) \
-	_erract
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarCreate( void *sys, const char *name, pvConnFunc func, void *priv,
-		    int debug, void **pVar ) {
-    SYS_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    *pVar = Sys->newVariable( name, func, priv, debug );
-    return ( *pVar == NULL ) ? pvStatERROR : pvStatOK;
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarDestroy( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    delete Var;
-    return pvStatOK;
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGet( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->get( type, count, value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGetNoBlock( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getNoBlock( type, count, value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGetCallback( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-		         pvEventFunc func, void *arg ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getCallback( type, count, func, arg );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarPut( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->put( type, count, value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarPutNoBlock( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->putNoBlock( type, count, value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarPutCallback( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-                         pvEventFunc func, void *arg ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->putCallback( type, count, value, func, arg );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarMonitorOn( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-                       pvEventFunc func, void *arg, void **pCallback ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->monitorOn( type, count, func, arg, ( pvCallback ** ) pCallback);
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarMonitorOff( void *var, void *callback ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->monitorOff( ( pvCallback * ) callback );
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvVarGetMagic( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getMagic();
-epicsShareFunc void epicsShareAPI pvVarSetDebug( void *var, int debug ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( {} );
-    Var->setDebug( debug );
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvVarGetDebug( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getDebug();
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvVarGetConnected( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getConnected();
-epicsShareFunc pvType epicsShareAPI pvVarGetType( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvTypeERROR );
-    return Var->getType();
-epicsShareFunc unsigned epicsShareAPI pvVarGetCount( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getCount();
-epicsShareFunc void epicsShareAPI pvVarSetPrivate( void *var, void *priv ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( {} );
-    Var->setPrivate( priv );
-epicsShareFunc char *epicsShareAPI pvVarGetName( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return NULL );
-    return Var->getName();
-epicsShareFunc void *epicsShareAPI pvVarGetPrivate( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return NULL );
-    return Var->getPrivate();
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvVarGetStatus( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getStatus();
-epicsShareFunc pvSevr epicsShareAPI pvVarGetSevr( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvSevrERROR );
-    return Var->getSevr();
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGetStat( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return pvStatERROR );
-    return Var->getStat();
-epicsShareFunc const char *epicsShareAPI pvVarGetMess( void *var ) {
-    VAR_CHECK( return "" );
-    return Var->getMess();
- * Time utilities
- */
-epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI pvTimeGetCurrentDouble( double *pTime ) {
-    epicsTimeStamp stamp;
-    *pTime = 0.0;
-    if ( epicsTimeGetCurrent( &stamp ) == epicsTimeERROR )
-	return pvStatERROR;
-    *pTime = ( double ) stamp.secPastEpoch +  ( ( double ) stamp.nsec / 1e9 );
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Type tables
- */
-epicsShareDef const size_t pv_sizes[] = {
-    sizeof(pvChar      ),
-    sizeof(pvShort     ),
-    sizeof(pvLong      ),
-    sizeof(pvFloat     ),
-    sizeof(pvDouble    ),
-    sizeof(pvString    ),
-    sizeof(pvTimeChar  ),
-    sizeof(pvTimeShort ),
-    sizeof(pvTimeLong  ),
-    sizeof(pvTimeFloat ),
-    sizeof(pvTimeDouble),
-    sizeof(pvTimeString),
-epicsShareDef const size_t pv_value_sizes[] = {
-    sizeof(pvChar  ),
-    sizeof(pvShort ),
-    sizeof(pvLong  ),
-    sizeof(pvFloat ),
-    sizeof(pvDouble),
-    sizeof(pvString),
-    sizeof(pvChar  ),
-    sizeof(pvShort ),
-    sizeof(pvLong  ),
-    sizeof(pvFloat ),
-    sizeof(pvDouble),
-    sizeof(pvString),
-epicsShareDef const size_t pv_value_offsets[] = {
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , value),
-    offsetof(pvTimeShort , value),
-    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , value),
-    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , value),
-    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, value),
-    offsetof(pvTimeString, value),
-epicsShareDef const size_t pv_status_offsets[] = {
-    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , status),
-    offsetof(pvTimeShort , status),
-    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , status),
-    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , status),
-    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, status),
-    offsetof(pvTimeString, status),
-epicsShareDef const size_t pv_severity_offsets[] = {
-    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , severity),
-    offsetof(pvTimeShort , severity),
-    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , severity),
-    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , severity),
-    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, severity),
-    offsetof(pvTimeString, severity),
-epicsShareDef const size_t pv_stamp_offsets[] = {
-    offsetof(pvTimeChar  , stamp),
-    offsetof(pvTimeShort , stamp),
-    offsetof(pvTimeLong  , stamp),
-    offsetof(pvTimeFloat , stamp),
-    offsetof(pvTimeDouble, stamp),
-    offsetof(pvTimeString, stamp),
- *,v
- * Revision 1.4  2001/02/16 21:45:16  norume
- * Many 3.14-related changes.
- *
- * Revision 1.3  2001/02/16 18:45:39  mrk
- * changes for latest version of 3.14
- *
- * Revision 1.2  2000/04/14 21:53:28  jba
- * Changes for win32 build.
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:13  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.16  2000/03/29 01:59:14  wlupton
- * added pvVarGetName
- *
- * Revision 1.15  2000/03/18 04:00:25  wlupton
- * converted to use new configure scheme
- *
- * Revision 1.14  2000/03/16 02:10:24  wlupton
- * added newly-needed debug argument
- *
- * Revision 1.13  2000/03/07 09:27:39  wlupton
- * drastically reduced use of references
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2000/03/06 19:19:13  wlupton
- * avoided compilation warnings
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/03/01 02:07:14  wlupton
- * converted to use new OSI library
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/02/19 01:08:55  wlupton
- * added dynamic allocation of message string (and support for both sys & var)
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/02/16 02:31:43  wlupton
- * merged in v1.9.5 changes
- *
- * Revision 1.8  1999/07/07 03:14:36  wlupton
- * corrected get/putNoBlock (mis-edit)
- *
- * Revision 1.7  1999/07/01 20:50:18  wlupton
- * Working under VxWorks
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/06/15 10:11:02  wlupton
- * demo sequence mostly working with KTL
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/06/10 00:35:03  wlupton
- * demo sequencer working with pvCa
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/06/08 19:21:43  wlupton
- * CA version working; about to use in sequencer
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/06/08 03:25:20  wlupton
- * nearly complete CA implementation
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/06/07 21:46:44  wlupton
- * working with simple pvtest program
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/06/04 20:48:27  wlupton
- * initial version of pv.h and
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/pv.h b/src/pv/pv.h
index ea2df5e4..9f86f8d0 100644
--- a/src/pv/pv.h
+++ b/src/pv/pv.h
@@ -11,22 +11,14 @@ in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
  * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
 #ifndef INCLpvh
 #define INCLpvh
-#include "shareLib.h" /* reset share lib defines */
-#include "epicsThread.h"	/* for thread ids */
-#if 0
-#include "epicsMutex.h"		/* for locks */
+#include "shareLib.h"       /* reset share lib defines */
-#include "pvAlarm.h"		/* status and severity definitions */
-#include "pvType.h"		/* pv type definitions */
+#include "pvAlarm.h"        /* status and severity definitions */
+#include "pvType.h"         /* pv type definitions */
- * Standard FALSE and TRUE macros
- */
 #ifndef FALSE
 #define FALSE 0
@@ -35,340 +27,58 @@ in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
 #define TRUE 1
- * Magic number for validating structures / versions
- */
-#define PV_MAGIC 0xfeddead	/* ...a sad tale of food poisoning? */
- * Connect (connect/disconnect and event (get, put and monitor) functions
- */
-typedef void (*pvConnFunc)( void *var, int connected );
-typedef void (*pvEventFunc)( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-			     pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status );
- * Most of the rest is C++. The C interface is at the bottom.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- * Forward references
- */
-class pvVariable;
-class pvCallback;
- * System
- *
- * This is somewhat analogous to a cdevSystem object (CA has no equivalent)
- */
-class epicsShareClass pvSystem {
-    pvSystem( int debug = 0 );
-    virtual ~pvSystem();
-    inline pvSystem *getSystem() { return this; } 
-    virtual pvStat attach() { return pvStatOK; }
-    virtual pvStat flush() { return pvStatOK; }
-    virtual pvStat pend( double seconds = 0.0, int wait = FALSE ) = 0;
-    virtual pvVariable *newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-				     void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 ) = 0;
-#if 0
-    void lock();
-    void unlock();
-    inline int getMagic() const { return magic_; }
-    inline void setDebug( int debug ) { debug_ = debug; }
-    inline int getDebug() const { return debug_; }
+typedef enum {
+    pvEventGet,
+    pvEventPut,
+    pvEventMonitor
+} pvEventType;
-    void setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat, const char *mess );
-    inline int getStatus() const { return status_; }
-    inline pvSevr getSevr() const { return sevr_; }
-    inline pvStat getStat() const { return stat_; }
-    inline void setStatus( int status ) { status_ = status; }
-    inline void setStat( pvStat stat ) { stat_ = stat; }
-    inline const char *getMess() const { return mess_?mess_:""; }
+typedef struct pvSystem pvSystem;
+typedef struct pvVar pvVar;
+typedef void pvConnFunc(int connected, void *arg);
+typedef void pvEventFunc(pvEventType evt, void *arg, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, pvStat status);
-    int		magic_;		/* magic number (used for authentication) */
-    int		debug_;		/* debugging level (inherited by pvs) */
+/* structures must be allocated by client code */
-    int		status_;	/* message system-specific status code */
-    pvSevr	sevr_;		/* severity */
-    pvStat	stat_;		/* status */
-    const char	*mess_;		/* error message */
-#if 0
-    epicsMutexId	lock_;		/* prevents more than one thread in library */
+struct pvSystem {
+    struct ca_client_context *id;
- * Process variable
- *
- * This is somewhat analogous to a cdevDevice object (or a CA channel)
- */
-class epicsShareClass pvVariable {
-    // private data is constructor argument so that it is guaranteed set
-    // before connection callback is invoked
-    pvVariable( pvSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-		void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    virtual ~pvVariable();
-    virtual pvStat get( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat getNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat getCallback( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat put( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat putNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat putCallback( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat monitorOn( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL,
-		pvCallback **pCallback = NULL ) = 0;
-    virtual pvStat monitorOff( pvCallback *callback = NULL ) = 0;
-    virtual int getConnected() const = 0;
-    virtual pvType getType() const = 0;
-    virtual unsigned getCount() const = 0;
-    inline int getMagic() const { return magic_; }
-    inline void setDebug( int debug ) { debug_ = debug; }
-    inline int getDebug() const { return debug_; }
-    inline pvConnFunc getFunc() const { return func_; }
-    inline pvSystem *getSystem() const { return system_; }
-    inline char *getName() const { return name_; }
-    inline void setPrivate( void *priv ) { private_ = priv; }
-    inline void *getPrivate() const { return private_; }
-    void setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat, const char *mess );
-    inline int getStatus() const { return status_; }
-    inline pvSevr getSevr() const { return sevr_; }
-    inline pvStat getStat() const { return stat_; }
-    inline void setStatus( int status ) { status_ = status; }
-    inline void setStat( pvStat stat ) { stat_ = stat; }
-    inline const char *getMess() const { return mess_?mess_:""; }
-    int		magic_;		/* magic number (used for authentication) */
-    int		debug_;		/* debugging level (inherited from system) */
-    pvConnFunc	func_;		/* connection state change function */
-    pvSystem	*system_;	/* associated system */
-    char	*name_;		/* variable name */
-    void	*private_;	/* client's private data */
-    int		status_;	/* message system-specific status code */
-    pvSevr	sevr_;		/* severity */
-    pvStat	stat_;		/* status */
-    const char	*mess_;		/* error message */
- * Callback
- *
- * This is somewhat analogous to a cdevCallback object
- */
-#include "tsFreeList.h"
-#include "epicsSingleton.h"
-class epicsShareClass pvCallback {
-    pvCallback( pvVariable *variable, pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg, int debug = 0);
-    ~pvCallback();
-    inline int getMagic() { return magic_; }
-    inline void setDebug( int debug ) { debug_ = debug; }
-    inline int getDebug() { return debug_; }
-    inline pvVariable *getVariable() { return variable_; }
-    inline pvType getType() { return type_; }
-    inline unsigned getCount() { return count_; };
-    inline pvEventFunc getFunc() { return func_; };
-    inline void *getArg() { return arg_; };
-    inline void setPrivate( void *priv ) { private_ = priv; }
-    inline void *getPrivate() { return private_; }
-    // static inline void* operator new(size_t size);
-    // static inline void operator delete(void *pCadaver, size_t size);
-    int		magic_;		/* magic number (used for authentication) */
-    int		debug_;		/* debugging level (inherited from variable) */
-    pvVariable  *variable_;	/* associated variable */
-    pvType	type_;		/* variable's native type */
-    int		count_;		/* variable's element count */
-    pvEventFunc func_;		/* user's event function */
-    void	*arg_;		/* user's event function argument */
-    void	*private_;	/* message system's private data */
-    // static epicsSingleton < tsFreeList < class pvCallback > > pFreeList;
+struct pvVar {
+    struct oldChannelNotify *chid;
+    struct oldSubscription *monid;
+    pvConnFunc *conn_handler;
+    pvEventFunc *event_handler;
+    void *arg;
+    const char *msg;
-// inline void * pvCallback::operator new ( size_t size )
-// {
-    // epicsSingleton < tsFreeList < class pvCallback > >::reference ref = 
-            // pFreeList.getReference ();
-    // return ref->allocate ( size );
-// }
+#define pvSysIsDefined(x) ((x).id != NULL)
+#define pvVarIsDefined(x) ((x).chid != NULL)
+#define pvMonIsDefined(x) ((x).monid != NULL)
-// inline void pvCallback::operator delete ( void *pCadaver, size_t size )
-// {
-    // epicsSingleton < tsFreeList < class pvCallback > >::reference ref = 
-            // pFreeList.getReference ();
-    // ref->release ( pCadaver, size );
-// }
+epicsShareExtern const struct pvSystem nullPvSys;
+epicsShareExtern const struct pvVar nullPvVar;
- * End of C++.
- */
-#endif	/* __cplusplus */
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvSysCreate(pvSystem *pSys);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvSysFlush(pvSystem sys);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvSysAttach(pvSystem sys);
- * C interface
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-epicsShareFunc pvSystem * epicsShareAPI newPvSystem( const char *name, int debug = 0 );
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarCreate(pvSystem sys, const char *name,
+    pvConnFunc *conn_func, pvEventFunc *event_func, void *arg, pvVar *var);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarDestroy(pvVar *var);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarGetCallback(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, void *arg);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarPutNoBlock(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarPutCallback(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg);
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysCreate( const char *name, int debug, void **pSys );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysDestroy( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysFlush( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysPend( void *sys, double seconds, int wait );
-#if 0
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysLock( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysUnlock( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysAttach( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvSysGetMagic( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc void   epicsShareAPI pvSysSetDebug( void *sys, int debug );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvSysGetDebug( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvSysGetStatus( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc pvSevr epicsShareAPI pvSysGetSevr( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvSysGetStat( void *sys );
-epicsShareFunc const char * epicsShareAPI pvSysGetMess( void *sys );
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarMonitorOn(pvVar *var, pvType type, unsigned count, void *arg);
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvVarMonitorOff(pvVar *var);
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarCreate( void *sys, const char *name, pvConnFunc func, void *priv,
-		    int debug, void **pVar );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarDestroy( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGet( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGetNoBlock( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGetCallback( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-		         pvEventFunc func, void *arg );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarPut( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarPutNoBlock( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarPutCallback( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-		         pvEventFunc func, void *arg );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarMonitorOn( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-		       pvEventFunc func, void *arg, void **pId );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarMonitorOff( void *var, void *id );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvVarGetMagic( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc void   epicsShareAPI pvVarSetDebug( void *var, int debug );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvVarGetDebug( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvVarGetConnected( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc pvType epicsShareAPI pvVarGetType( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc unsigned epicsShareAPI pvVarGetCount( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc char * epicsShareAPI pvVarGetName( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc void   epicsShareAPI pvVarSetPrivate( void *var, void *priv );
-epicsShareFunc void * epicsShareAPI pvVarGetPrivate( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvVarGetStatus( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc pvSevr epicsShareAPI pvVarGetSevr( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI pvVarGetStat( void *var );
-epicsShareFunc const char * epicsShareAPI pvVarGetMess( void *var );
+epicsShareFunc unsigned pvVarGetCount(pvVar *var);
- * Time utilities
- */
-epicsShareFunc int    epicsShareAPI pvTimeGetCurrentDouble( double *pTime );
+#define pvVarGetPrivate(var) (var).arg
+#define pvVarGetMess(var) (var).msg
-#ifdef __cplusplus
+epicsShareFunc pvStat pvTimeGetCurrentDouble(double *pTime);
 #endif /* INCLpvh */
- * pv.h,v
- * Revision 1.3  2001/02/16 18:45:39  mrk
- * changes for latest version of 3.14
- *
- * Revision 1.2  2000/04/14 21:53:28  jba
- * Changes for win32 build.
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:13  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.18  2000/03/31 23:00:42  wlupton
- * added default attach and flush implementations; added setStatus
- *
- * Revision 1.17  2000/03/29 01:58:48  wlupton
- * split off pvAlarm.h; added pvVarGetName
- *
- * Revision 1.16  2000/03/18 04:00:25  wlupton
- * converted to use new configure scheme
- *
- * Revision 1.15  2000/03/16 02:10:24  wlupton
- * added newly-needed debug argument
- *
- * Revision 1.14  2000/03/07 09:27:39  wlupton
- * drastically reduced use of references
- *
- * Revision 1.13  2000/03/07 08:46:29  wlupton
- * created ktlKeyword class (works but a bit messy)
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2000/03/06 19:19:43  wlupton
- * misc type conversion and error reporting mods
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/03/01 02:07:14  wlupton
- * converted to use new OSI library
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/02/19 01:09:51  wlupton
- * added PV_SIMPLE() and prototypes for var-level error info
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/02/16 02:31:44  wlupton
- * merged in v1.9.5 changes
- *
- * Revision 1.8  1999/09/07 20:42:59  epics
- * removed unnecessary comment
- *
- * Revision 1.7  1999/07/07 18:50:33  wlupton
- * supported full mapping from EPICS status and severity to pvStat and pvSevr
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/07/01 20:50:18  wlupton
- * Working under VxWorks
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/06/10 00:35:03  wlupton
- * demo sequencer working with pvCa
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/06/08 19:21:43  wlupton
- * CA version working; about to use in sequencer
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/06/08 03:25:21  wlupton
- * nearly complete CA implementation
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/06/07 21:46:44  wlupton
- * working with simple pvtest program
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/06/04 20:48:27  wlupton
- * initial version of pv.h and
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/pvAlarm.h b/src/pv/pvAlarm.h
index ac13bfca..91830420 100644
--- a/src/pv/pvAlarm.h
+++ b/src/pv/pvAlarm.h
@@ -60,14 +60,3 @@ typedef enum {
 } pvSevr;
 #endif /* INCLpvAlarmh */
- * pvAlarm.h,v
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:15  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/03/29 01:58:59  wlupton
- * initial insertion
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/ b/src/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index bec9e8f7..00000000
--- a/src/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,871 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementation of EPICS sequencer CA library (pvCa)
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#  include <malloc.h>
-#elif (__STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-#  include <alloca.h>
-#include "alarm.h"
-#include "cadef.h"
-#define epicsExportSharedSymbols
-#include "pvCa.h"
-/* handlers */
-extern "C" {
-void pvCaConnectionHandler( struct connection_handler_args args );
-void pvCaAccessHandler( struct event_handler_args args );
-void pvCaMonitorHandler( struct event_handler_args args );
-/* utilities */
-static pvSevr sevrFromCA( int status );	/* CA severity as pvSevr */
-static pvSevr sevrFromEPICS( int sevr );
-					/* EPICS severity as pvSevr */
-static pvStat statFromCA( int status );	/* CA status as pvStat */
-static pvStat statFromEPICS( int stat );
-					/* EPICS status as pvStat */
-static pvType typeFromCA( int type );	/* DBR type as pvType */
-static int typeToCA( pvType type );	/* pvType as DBR type */
-static void copyToCA( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		      const pvValue *value, union db_access_val *caValue );
-					/* copy pvValue to DBR value */
-static void copyFromCA( int type, unsigned count,
-			const union db_access_val *caValue, pvValue *value );
-					/* copy DBR value to pvValue */
-/* invoke CA function and send error details to system or variable object */
-#define INVOKE(_function) \
-    do { \
-	int _status = _function; \
-	if ( _status & CA_M_SUCCESS ) \
-	    setStat( pvStatOK ); \
-	else \
-	    setError( _status, sevrFromCA( _status ), \
-		      statFromCA( _status ), ca_message( _status ) ); \
-    } while ( FALSE )
- * Routine:	caSystem::caSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	caSystem constructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-caSystem::caSystem( int debug ) :
-    pvSystem( debug ),
-    context_( NULL )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: caSystem::caSystem( %d )\n", this, debug );
-    INVOKE( ca_context_create(ca_enable_preemptive_callback) );
-    this->context_ = ca_current_context ();
- * Routine:	caSystem::~caSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	caSystem destructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: caSystem::~caSystem()\n", this );
-    INVOKE( ca_task_exit() );
- * Routine:     caSystem::attach
- *
- * Purpose:     caSystem attach to context of creator of caSystem
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caSystem::attach()
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caSystem::attach()\n", this );
-    INVOKE( ca_attach_context( context_ ) );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caSystem::flush
- *
- * Purpose:     caSystem flush routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caSystem::flush()
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caSystem::flush()\n", this );
-    INVOKE( ca_flush_io() );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caSystem::pend
- *
- * Purpose:     caSystem pend routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caSystem::pend( double seconds, int wait )
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: caSystem::pend( %g, %d )\n", this, seconds, wait );
-    if ( seconds <= 0.0 || !wait ) seconds = 1e-8;
-    INVOKE( ca_pend_event( seconds ) );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caSystem::newVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     caSystem variable creation routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvVariable *caSystem::newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func, void *priv,
-				   int debug )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caSystem::newVariable( %s, %p, %p, %d )\n",
-		this, name, func, priv, debug );
-    return new caVariable( this, name, func, priv, debug );
- * Routine:     caVariable::caVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-caVariable::caVariable( caSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func,
-		        void *priv, int debug ) :
-    pvVariable( system, name, func, priv, debug ),
-    chid_( NULL )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: caVariable::caVariable( %s, %d )\n",
-		this, name, debug );
-    if ( getFunc() != NULL )
-	INVOKE( ca_search_and_connect( name, &chid_, pvCaConnectionHandler, this ));
-    else
-	INVOKE( ca_search_and_connect( name, &chid_, NULL, NULL ));
- * Routine:     caVariable::~caVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::~caVariable()\n", this );
-    INVOKE( ca_clear_channel( chid_ ) );
- * Routine:     caVariable::get
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable blocking get routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::get( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::get( %d, %d )\n", this, type, count );
-    int caType = typeToCA( type );
-#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__GNUC__)
-    char caValue[dbr_size_n( caType, count )];
-    char *caValue = (char*)alloca( dbr_size_n( caType, count ) );
-    INVOKE( ca_array_get( caType, count, chid_, caValue ) );
-    // ### must block so can convert value; should use ca_get_callback()
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK )
-	INVOKE( ca_pend_io( 5.0 ) );
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK )
-	copyFromCA( caType, count, ( union db_access_val * ) caValue, value );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caVariable::getNoBlock
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable non-blocking get routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::getNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::getNoBlock( %d, %d )\n", this,
-		type, count );
-    // ### must block so can convert value; should use ca_get_callback()
-    return get( type, count, value );
- * Routine:     caVariable::getCallback
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable get with callback routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::getCallback( pvType type, unsigned count,
-			        pvEventFunc func, void *arg )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::getCallback( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    pvCallback *callback = new pvCallback( this, type, count, func, arg,
-					   getDebug() );
-    INVOKE( ca_array_get_callback( typeToCA( type ), count, chid_,
-				   pvCaAccessHandler, callback ) );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caVariable::put
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable blocking put routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::put( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::put( %d, %d )\n", this, type, count );
-    int caType = typeToCA( type );
-#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__GNUC__)
-    char caValue[dbr_size_n( caType, count )];
-    char *caValue = (char*)alloca( dbr_size_n( caType, count ) );
-    copyToCA( type, count, value, ( union db_access_val * ) caValue );
-    INVOKE( ca_array_put( caType, count, chid_, caValue ) );
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK )
-	INVOKE( ca_pend_io( 5.0 ) );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caVariable::putNoBlock
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable non-blocking put routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::putNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::putNoBlock( %d, %d )\n", this,
-		type, count );
-    int caType = typeToCA( type );
-#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__GNUC__)
-    char caValue[dbr_size_n( caType, count )];
-    char *caValue = (char*)alloca( dbr_size_n( caType, count ) );
-    copyToCA( type, count, value, ( union db_access_val * ) caValue );
-    INVOKE( ca_array_put( caType, count, chid_, caValue ) );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caVariable::putCallback
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable put with callback routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::putCallback( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-			        pvEventFunc func, void *arg )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::putCallback( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    pvCallback *callback = new pvCallback( this, type, count, func, arg,
-					   getDebug() );
-    INVOKE( ca_array_put_callback( typeToCA( type ), count, chid_, value,
-				   pvCaAccessHandler, callback ) );
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caVariable::monitorOn
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable monitor enable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::monitorOn( pvType type, unsigned count, pvEventFunc func,
-			      void *arg, pvCallback **pCallback )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::monitorOn( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    pvCallback *callback = new pvCallback( this, type, count, func, arg,
-					   getDebug() );
-    evid id = NULL;
-    INVOKE( ca_add_masked_array_event( typeToCA( type ), count, chid_,
-			pvCaMonitorHandler, callback, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-			&id, DBE_VALUE|DBE_ALARM  ) );
-    callback->setPrivate( id );
-    if ( pCallback != NULL )
-	*pCallback = callback;
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     caVariable::monitorOff
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable monitor disable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat caVariable::monitorOff( pvCallback *callback )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::monitorOff()\n", this );
-    if ( callback != NULL ) {
-	evid id = ( evid ) callback->getPrivate();
-	INVOKE( ca_clear_event( id ) );
-	delete callback;
-	return getStat();
-    } else {
-        return pvStatOK;
-    }
- * Routine:     caVariable::getConnected
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable "are we connected?" routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-int caVariable::getConnected() const
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::getConnected()\n", this );
-    return ( ca_state( chid_ ) == cs_conn );
- * Routine:     caVariable::getType
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable "what type are we?" routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvType caVariable::getType() const
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::getType()\n", this );
-    return typeFromCA( ca_field_type( chid_ ) );
- * Routine:     caVariable::getCount
- *
- * Purpose:     caVariable "what count do we have?" routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-unsigned caVariable::getCount() const
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: caVariable::getCount()\n", this );
-    return ca_element_count( chid_ );
- * Routine:     pvCaConnectionHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     CA connection handler
- *
- * Description:
- */
-void pvCaConnectionHandler( struct connection_handler_args args )
-    pvVariable *variable = ( pvVariable * ) ca_puser( args.chid );
-    pvConnFunc func = variable->getFunc();
-    ( *func ) ( ( void * ) variable, ( args.op == CA_OP_CONN_UP ) );
- * Routine:     pvCaAccessHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     CA get/put callback event handler
- *
- * Description:
- */
-void pvCaAccessHandler( struct event_handler_args args )
-    pvCaMonitorHandler( args );
-    pvCallback *callback = ( pvCallback * ) args.usr;
-    delete callback;
- * Routine:     pvCaMonitorHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     CA monitor event handler
- *
- * Description:
- */
-void pvCaMonitorHandler( struct event_handler_args args )
-    pvCallback *callback = ( pvCallback * ) args.usr;
-    pvEventFunc func = callback->getFunc();
-    pvVariable *variable = callback->getVariable();
-    pvType type = callback->getType();
-    unsigned count = callback->getCount();
-    void *arg = callback->getArg();
-    // put completion messages pass a NULL value
-    if ( args.dbr == NULL ) {
-	( *func ) ( ( void * ) variable, type, count, NULL, arg,
-		    statFromCA( args.status ) );
-    } else {
-#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__GNUC__)
-        char value[pv_size_n(typeFromCA(args.type), count)];
-        char *value = (char*)alloca( pv_size_n(typeFromCA(args.type), count) );
-	copyFromCA( args.type, args.count, ( union db_access_val * ) args.dbr,
-		    (pvValue *) value );
-	// ### should assert args.type is equiv to type and args.count is count
-	( *func ) ( ( void * ) variable, type, count, (pvValue *) value, arg,
-		    statFromCA( args.status ) );
-    }
- * Routine:     sevrFromCA
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvSevr from CA status
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvSevr sevrFromCA( int status )
-    switch ( CA_EXTRACT_SEVERITY( status ) ) {
-      case CA_K_INFO:    return pvSevrNONE;
-      case CA_K_SUCCESS: return pvSevrNONE;
-      case CA_K_WARNING: return pvSevrMINOR;
-      case CA_K_ERROR:   return pvSevrMAJOR;
-      case CA_K_SEVERE:  return pvSevrINVALID;
-      default:           return pvSevrERROR;
-    }
- * Routine:     sevrFromEPICS
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvSevr from EPICS severity
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvSevr sevrFromEPICS( int sevr )
-    switch ( sevr ) {
-      case NO_ALARM:      return pvSevrNONE;
-      case MINOR_ALARM:   return pvSevrMINOR;
-      case MAJOR_ALARM:   return pvSevrMAJOR;
-      case INVALID_ALARM: return pvSevrINVALID;
-      default:            return pvSevrERROR;
-    }
- * Routine:     statFromCA
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvStat from CA status
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvStat statFromCA( int status )
-    pvSevr sevr = sevrFromCA( status );
-    return ( sevr == pvSevrNONE || sevr == pvSevrMINOR ) ?
-		pvStatOK : pvStatERROR;
- * Routine:     statFromEPICS
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvStat from EPICS status
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvStat statFromEPICS( int stat )
-    switch ( stat ) {
-      case NO_ALARM:           return pvStatOK;
-      case READ_ALARM:         return pvStatREAD;
-      case WRITE_ALARM:        return pvStatWRITE;
-      case HIHI_ALARM:         return pvStatHIHI;
-      case HIGH_ALARM:         return pvStatHIGH;
-      case LOLO_ALARM:         return pvStatLOLO;
-      case LOW_ALARM:          return pvStatLOW;
-      case STATE_ALARM:        return pvStatSTATE;
-      case COS_ALARM:          return pvStatCOS;
-      case COMM_ALARM:         return pvStatCOMM;
-      case TIMEOUT_ALARM:      return pvStatTIMEOUT;
-      case HW_LIMIT_ALARM:     return pvStatHW_LIMIT;
-      case CALC_ALARM:         return pvStatCALC;
-      case SCAN_ALARM:         return pvStatSCAN;
-      case LINK_ALARM:         return pvStatLINK;
-      case SOFT_ALARM:         return pvStatSOFT;
-      case BAD_SUB_ALARM:      return pvStatBAD_SUB;
-      case UDF_ALARM:          return pvStatUDF;
-      case DISABLE_ALARM:      return pvStatDISABLE;
-      case SIMM_ALARM:         return pvStatSIMM;
-      case READ_ACCESS_ALARM:  return pvStatREAD_ACCESS;
-      case WRITE_ACCESS_ALARM: return pvStatWRITE_ACCESS;
-      default:                 return pvStatERROR;
-    }
- * Routine:     typeFromCA
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvType from DBR type
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvType typeFromCA( int type )
-    switch ( type ) {
-      case DBR_CHAR:        return pvTypeCHAR;
-      case DBR_SHORT:       return pvTypeSHORT;
-      case DBR_ENUM:        return pvTypeSHORT;
-      case DBR_LONG:        return pvTypeLONG;
-      case DBR_FLOAT:       return pvTypeFLOAT;
-      case DBR_DOUBLE:      return pvTypeDOUBLE;
-      case DBR_STRING:      return pvTypeSTRING;
-      case DBR_TIME_CHAR:   return pvTypeTIME_CHAR;
-      case DBR_TIME_SHORT:  return pvTypeTIME_SHORT;
-      case DBR_TIME_ENUM:   return pvTypeTIME_SHORT;
-      case DBR_TIME_LONG:   return pvTypeTIME_LONG;
-      case DBR_TIME_FLOAT:  return pvTypeTIME_FLOAT;
-      case DBR_TIME_DOUBLE: return pvTypeTIME_DOUBLE;
-      case DBR_TIME_STRING: return pvTypeTIME_STRING;
-      default:              return pvTypeERROR;
-    }
- * Routine:     typeToCA
- *
- * Purpose:     extract DBR type from pvType
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static int typeToCA( pvType type )
-    switch ( type ) {
-      case pvTypeCHAR:        return DBR_CHAR;
-      case pvTypeSHORT:       return DBR_SHORT;
-      case pvTypeLONG:        return DBR_LONG;
-      case pvTypeFLOAT:       return DBR_FLOAT;
-      case pvTypeDOUBLE:      return DBR_DOUBLE;
-      case pvTypeSTRING:      return DBR_STRING;
-      case pvTypeTIME_CHAR:   return DBR_TIME_CHAR;
-      case pvTypeTIME_SHORT:  return DBR_TIME_SHORT;
-      case pvTypeTIME_LONG:   return DBR_TIME_LONG;
-      case pvTypeTIME_FLOAT:  return DBR_TIME_FLOAT;
-      case pvTypeTIME_DOUBLE: return DBR_TIME_DOUBLE;
-      case pvTypeTIME_STRING: return DBR_TIME_STRING;
-      default:	              return -1;
-    }
- * Routine:     copyToCA
- *
- * Purpose:     copy pvValue to DBR value
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void copyToCA( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		      const pvValue *value, union db_access_val *caValue )
-    // ### inefficient to do all this here
-    dbr_char_t  *charval  = (dbr_char_t   *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_CHAR  );
-    dbr_short_t *shrtval  = (dbr_short_t  *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_SHORT );
-    dbr_long_t  *longval  = (dbr_long_t   *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_LONG  );
-    dbr_float_t *fltval   = (dbr_float_t  *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_FLOAT );
-    dbr_double_t*doubleval= (dbr_double_t *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_DOUBLE);
-    dbr_string_t*strval   = (dbr_string_t *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_STRING);
-    int s = sizeof( dbr_string_t );
-    unsigned i;
-    switch ( type ) {
-      case pvTypeCHAR:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    charval[i] = value->charVal[i];
-	break;
-      case pvTypeSHORT:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    shrtval[i] = value->shortVal[i];
-	break;
-      case pvTypeLONG:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    longval[i] = value->longVal[i];
-	break;
-      case pvTypeFLOAT:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    fltval[i] = value->floatVal[i];
-	break;
-      case pvTypeDOUBLE:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    doubleval[i] = value->doubleVal[i];
-	break;
-      case pvTypeSTRING:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-	    strncpy( strval[i], value->stringVal[i], s );
-	    strval[i][s-1] = '\0';
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	// ### no check for invalid types
-	// ### assume that no TIME_XXX types are written to CA
-	break;
-    }
- * Routine:     copyFromCA
- *
- * Purpose:     copy DBR value to pvValue
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void copyFromCA( int type, unsigned count,
-			const union db_access_val *caValue, pvValue *value )
-    // ### inefficient to do all this here
-    dbr_char_t  *charval  = (dbr_char_t   *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_CHAR  );
-    dbr_short_t *shrtval  = (dbr_short_t  *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_SHORT );
-    dbr_long_t  *longval  = (dbr_long_t   *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_LONG  );
-    dbr_float_t *fltval   = (dbr_float_t  *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_FLOAT );
-    dbr_double_t*doubleval= (dbr_double_t *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_DOUBLE);
-    dbr_string_t*strval   = (dbr_string_t *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_STRING);
-    dbr_char_t  *tchrval  = (dbr_char_t   *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_TIME_CHAR  );
-    dbr_short_t *tshrtval = (dbr_short_t  *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_TIME_SHORT );
-    dbr_long_t  *tlngval  = (dbr_long_t   *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_TIME_LONG  );
-    dbr_float_t *tfltval  = (dbr_float_t  *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_TIME_FLOAT );
-    dbr_double_t*tdblval  = (dbr_double_t *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_TIME_DOUBLE);
-    dbr_string_t*tstrval  = (dbr_string_t *) dbr_value_ptr(caValue, DBR_TIME_STRING);
-    int s = sizeof( pvString );
-    unsigned i;
-    switch ( type ) {
-      case DBR_CHAR:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->charVal[i] = charval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_SHORT:
-      case DBR_ENUM:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->shortVal[i] = shrtval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_LONG:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->longVal[i] = longval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_FLOAT:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->floatVal[i] = fltval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_DOUBLE:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->doubleVal[i] = doubleval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_STRING:
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-	    strncpy( value->stringVal[i], strval[i], s );
-	    value->stringVal[i][s-1] = '\0';
-	}
-	break;
-      case DBR_TIME_CHAR:
-	value->timeCharVal.status = statFromEPICS( caValue->tchrval.status );
-	value->timeCharVal.severity = sevrFromEPICS( caValue->tchrval.severity);
-	value->timeCharVal.stamp = caValue->tchrval.stamp;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->timeCharVal.value[i] = tchrval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_TIME_SHORT:
-      case DBR_TIME_ENUM:
-	value->timeShortVal.status = statFromEPICS( caValue->tshrtval.status );
-	value->timeShortVal.severity =sevrFromEPICS(caValue->tshrtval.severity);
-	value->timeShortVal.stamp = caValue->tshrtval.stamp;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->timeShortVal.value[i] = tshrtval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_TIME_LONG:
-	value->timeLongVal.status = statFromEPICS( caValue->tlngval.status );
-	value->timeLongVal.severity = sevrFromEPICS( caValue->tlngval.severity);
-	value->timeLongVal.stamp = caValue->tlngval.stamp;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->timeLongVal.value[i] = tlngval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_TIME_FLOAT:
-	value->timeFloatVal.status = statFromEPICS( caValue->tfltval.status );
-	value->timeFloatVal.severity = sevrFromEPICS(caValue->tfltval.severity);
-	value->timeFloatVal.stamp = caValue->tfltval.stamp;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->timeFloatVal.value[i] = tfltval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_TIME_DOUBLE:
-	value->timeDoubleVal.status = statFromEPICS( caValue->tdblval.status );
-	value->timeDoubleVal.severity =sevrFromEPICS(caValue->tdblval.severity);
-	value->timeDoubleVal.stamp = caValue->tdblval.stamp;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	    value->timeDoubleVal.value[i] = tdblval[i];
-	break;
-      case DBR_TIME_STRING:
-	value->timeStringVal.status = statFromEPICS( caValue->tstrval.status );
-	value->timeStringVal.severity =sevrFromEPICS(caValue->tstrval.severity);
-	value->timeStringVal.stamp = caValue->tstrval.stamp;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-	    strncpy( value->timeStringVal.value[i], tstrval[i], s );
-	    value->timeStringVal.value[i][s-1] = '\0';
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	// ### no check for invalid types
-	break;
-    }
- *,v
- * Revision 1.7  2001/10/04 18:33:25  jhill
- * context_ variable wasnt initialized
- *
- * Revision 1.6  2001/07/05 14:42:15  mrk
- * ca changed client contect
- *
- * Revision 1.5  2001/03/21 19:42:45  mrk
- * handlers must be C callable and external to satisfy all compilers
- *
- * Revision 1.4  2001/03/21 15:03:35  mrk
- * declare extern "C"
- *
- * Revision 1.3  2001/03/09 21:11:51  mrk
- * ca_pend no longer exists
- *
- * Revision 1.2  2000/04/14 21:53:28  jba
- * Changes for win32 build.
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:14  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.17  2000/03/29 01:59:38  wlupton
- * accounted for possibility of NULL args.dbr in callback
- *
- * Revision 1.16  2000/03/18 04:00:25  wlupton
- * converted to use new configure scheme
- *
- * Revision 1.15  2000/03/16 02:11:28  wlupton
- * supported KTL_ANYPOLY (plus misc other mods)
- *
- * Revision 1.14  2000/03/07 19:55:32  wlupton
- * nearly sufficient tidying up
- *
- * Revision 1.13  2000/03/07 09:27:39  wlupton
- * drastically reduced use of references
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2000/03/07 08:46:29  wlupton
- * created ktlKeyword class (works but a bit messy)
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/03/06 19:20:22  wlupton
- * only set error on failure; tidy error reporting
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/03/01 02:07:14  wlupton
- * converted to use new OSI library
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/02/19 01:11:33  wlupton
- * changed INVOKE to operate on current object (sys or var)
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2000/02/16 02:31:44  wlupton
- * merged in v1.9.5 changes
- *
- * Revision 1.7  1999/07/07 18:50:33  wlupton
- * supported full mapping from EPICS status and severity to pvStat and pvSevr
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/07/01 20:50:19  wlupton
- * Working under VxWorks
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/06/15 10:11:03  wlupton
- * demo sequence mostly working with KTL
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/06/10 00:35:04  wlupton
- * demo sequencer working with pvCa
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/06/08 19:21:44  wlupton
- * CA version working; about to use in sequencer
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/06/08 03:25:21  wlupton
- * nearly complete CA implementation
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/06/07 21:46:45  wlupton
- * working with simple pvtest program
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/pvCa.h b/src/pv/pvCa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 562350c9..00000000
--- a/src/pv/pvCa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found
-in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
-/* Definitions for EPICS sequencer CA library (pvCa)
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#ifndef INCLpvCah
-#define INCLpvCah
-#include "alarm.h"
-#include "cadef.h"
-#include "shareLib.h"
-#include "pv.h"
- * System
- */
-class caSystem : public pvSystem {
-    caSystem( int debug = 0 );
-    ~caSystem();
-    virtual pvStat attach();
-    virtual pvStat flush();
-    virtual pvStat pend( double seconds = 0.0, int wait = FALSE );
-    virtual pvVariable *newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-				     void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    ca_client_context *context_; /* channel access context of creator */
- * Process variable
- */
-class caVariable : public pvVariable {
-    caVariable( caSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-		void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    ~caVariable();
-    virtual pvStat get( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat getNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat getCallback( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat put( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat putNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat putCallback( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat monitorOn( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL,
-		pvCallback **pCallback = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat monitorOff( pvCallback *callback = NULL );
-    virtual int getConnected() const;
-    virtual pvType getType() const;
-    virtual unsigned getCount() const;
-    chid chid_;		/* channel access id */
-#endif /* INCLpvCah */
- * pvCa.h,v
- * Revision 1.4  2001/10/15 21:41:42  jhill
- * fixed to match R3.14 CA client lib
- *
- * Revision 1.3  2001/07/05 14:42:16  mrk
- * ca changed client contect
- *
- * Revision 1.2  2000/04/14 21:53:28  jba
- * Changes for win32 build.
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:14  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/03/18 04:00:25  wlupton
- * converted to use new configure scheme
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/03/16 02:11:29  wlupton
- * supported KTL_ANYPOLY (plus misc other mods)
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/03/07 09:27:39  wlupton
- * drastically reduced use of references
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2000/02/19 01:13:03  wlupton
- * fixed log entry formatting
- *
- * Revision 1.7  2000/02/16 02:31:44  wlupton
- * merged in v1.9.5 changes
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/07/07 18:50:34  wlupton
- * supported full mapping from EPICS status and severity to pvStat and pvSevr
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/07/01 20:50:19  wlupton
- * Working under VxWorks
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/06/10 00:35:04  wlupton
- * demo sequencer working with pvCa
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/06/08 19:21:44  wlupton
- * CA version working; about to use in sequencer
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/06/08 03:25:22  wlupton
- * nearly complete CA implementation
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/06/07 21:46:46  wlupton
- * working with simple pvtest program
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/ b/src/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7280cef1..00000000
--- a/src/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementation of demonstration EPICS sequencer file library (pvFile)
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pvFile.h"
- * Routine:	fileSystem::fileSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	fileSystem constructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-fileSystem::fileSystem( int debug ) :
-    pvSystem( debug ),
-    ifd_( fopen( "iFile", "r" ) ),
-    ofd_( fopen( "oFile", "a" ) )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: fileSystem::fileSystem( %d )\n", this, debug );
-    // check for file open failure
-    if ( ifd_ == NULL || ofd_ == NULL ) {
-	setError( -1, pvSevrERROR, pvStatERROR, "failed to open iFile or "
-		  "oFile" );
-	return;
-    }
-    // initialize fd_set for select()
-    FD_ZERO( &readfds_ );
-    FD_SET( fileno( ifd_ ), &readfds_ );
- * Routine:	fileSystem::~fileSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	fileSystem destructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: fileSystem::~fileSystem()\n", this );
-    if ( ifd_ != NULL ) fclose( ifd_ );
-    if ( ofd_ != NULL ) fclose( ofd_ );
- * Routine:     fileSystem::pend
- *
- * Purpose:     fileSystem pend routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileSystem::pend( double seconds, int wait )
-    double secsAtStart;         // OSI time at start
-    double secsNow;             // OSI time now
-    double secsWaited;          // number of seconds waited
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileSystem::pend( %g, %d )\n", this, seconds, wait );
-    // if not asked to wait, return immediately (there is no async activity)
-    if ( !wait )
-	return pvStatOK;
-    // utility macro for setting a timeval structure (not very portable)
-#define DOUBLE_TO_TIMEVAL(_t) { ( time_t ) (_t), \
-                                ( long )   ( 1e6 * ( (_t) - ( int ) (_t) ) ) }
-    // loop waiting for activity and handling events until the requested
-    // timeout has elapsed (always go through the loop at least once in case
-    // timeout is zero, which is a poll; negative timeout means for ever)
-    for ( pvTimeGetCurrentDouble( &secsAtStart ), secsWaited = 0.0;
-          secsWaited == 0.0 || seconds < 0.0 || secsWaited < seconds;
-          pvTimeGetCurrentDouble( &secsNow ),
-                                        secsWaited = secsNow - secsAtStart ) {
-        // collect fds (copy because select() modifies them)
-        fd_set readfds = readfds_;
-        // select (read fds only)
-        int nfd;
-        if ( seconds < 0.0 ) {
-            nfd = select( FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL );
-        } else {
-            struct timeval timeout = DOUBLE_TO_TIMEVAL( seconds - secsWaited );
-            nfd = select( FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout );
-        }
-        // ignore EINTR; fail on other errors
-        if ( nfd < 0 ) {
-            if ( errno == EINTR ) {
-                continue;
-            } else {
-                setError( -errno, pvSevrMAJOR, pvStatERROR, "select failure" );
-                return pvStatERROR;
-            }
-        }
-        // continue on timeout
-        if ( nfd == 0 )
-	    continue;
-        // otherwise, read and parse file
-	char line[132];
-	while ( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), ifd_ ) != NULL ) {
-	    char key[132];
-	    pvValue val;
-	    if ( sscanf( line, "%s %s", key, val.stringVal[0] ) != 2 ) {
-		fprintf( stderr, "invalid line ignored: %s", line );
-	    } else {
-		// ### create and set variable (very inefficient!)
-		pvVariable *var = newVariable( key );
-		var->put( pvTypeSTRING, 1, &val );
-		delete var;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     fileSystem::newVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     fileSystem variable creation routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvVariable *fileSystem::newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func,
-				     void *priv, int debug )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileSystem::newVariable( %s, %p, %p, %d )\n",
-		this, name, func, priv, debug );
-    return new fileVariable( this, name, func, priv, debug );
- * Routine:     fileVariable::fileVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-fileVariable::fileVariable( fileSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc
-			    func, void *priv, int debug ) :
-    pvVariable( system, name, func, priv, debug )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: fileVariable::fileVariable( %s, %d )\n",
-		this, name, debug );
- * Routine:     fileVariable::~fileVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::~fileVariable()\n", this );
- * Routine:     fileVariable::get
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable blocking get routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::get( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::get( %d, %d )\n", this, type, count );
-    // ### not implemented (assumes string)
-    printf( "would read %s\n", getName() );
-    strcpy( value->stringVal[0], "string" );
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     fileVariable::getNoBlock
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable non-blocking get routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::getNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::getNoBlock( %d, %d )\n", this,
-		type, count );
-    // ### must block so can convert value
-    return get( type, count, value );
- * Routine:     fileVariable::getfilellback
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable get with filellback routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::getCallback( pvType type, unsigned count,
-			          pvEventFunc func, void *arg )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::getCallback( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    // ### larger than needed (status not checked)
-    pvValue *value = new pvValue[count];
-    pvStat stat = get( type, count, value );
-    ( *func ) ( ( void * ) this, type, count, value, arg, stat );
-    delete [] value;
-    return stat;
- * Routine:     fileVariable::put
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable blocking put routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::put( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::put( %d, %d )\n", this, type, count );
-    // ### not implemented
-    printf( "would write %s\n", getName() );
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     fileVariable::putNoBlock
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable non-blocking put routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::putNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::putNoBlock( %d, %d )\n", this,
-		type, count );
-    return put( type, count, value );
- * Routine:     fileVariable::putfilellback
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable put with filellback routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::putCallback( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-			          pvEventFunc func, void *arg )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::putCallback( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    pvStat stat = put( type, count, value );
-    ( *func ) ( ( void * ) this, type, count, value, arg, stat );
-    return stat;
- * Routine:     fileVariable::monitorOn
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable monitor enable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::monitorOn( pvType type, unsigned count, pvEventFunc func,
-			        void *arg, pvCallback **pCallback )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::monitorOn( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    // ### not implemented
-    printf( "would monitor %s\n", getName() );
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     fileVariable::monitorOff
- *
- * Purpose:     fileVariable monitor disable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat fileVariable::monitorOff( pvCallback *callback )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: fileVariable::monitorOff()\n", this );
-    // ### not implemented
-    printf( "would cancel monitor on %s\n", getName() );
-    return pvStatOK;
- *,v
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:15  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/03/31 23:00:06  wlupton
- * initial insertion
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/pvFile.h b/src/pv/pvFile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94418cb0..00000000
--- a/src/pv/pvFile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found
-in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
-/* Definitions for demonstration EPICS sequencer file library (pvFile)
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#ifndef INCLpvFileh
-#define INCLpvFileh
-#include "osiSock.h"
-#include "pv.h"
- * System
- */
-class fileSystem : public pvSystem {
-    fileSystem( int debug = 0 );
-    ~fileSystem();
-    virtual pvStat pend( double seconds = 0.0, int wait = FALSE );
-    virtual pvVariable *newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-				     void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    FILE *ifd_;		/* input file descriptor */
-    FILE *ofd_;		/* output file descriptor */
-    fd_set readfds_;	/* read file descriptor (contains fileno(ifd_)) */
- * Process variable
- */
-class fileVariable : public pvVariable {
-    fileVariable( fileSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-		  void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    ~fileVariable();
-    virtual pvStat get( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat getNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat getCallback( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat put( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat putNoBlock( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat putCallback( pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat monitorOn( pvType type, unsigned count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL,
-		pvCallback **pCallback = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat monitorOff( pvCallback *callback = NULL );
-    virtual int getConnected() const { return TRUE; }
-    virtual pvType getType() const { return pvTypeSTRING; }
-    virtual unsigned getCount() const { return 1; }
-    char *value_;	/* current value */
-#endif /* INCLpvFileh */
- * pvFile.h,v
- * Revision 1.2  2001/02/23 20:45:22  jba
- * Change for win32.
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:15  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/03/31 23:00:07  wlupton
- * initial insertion
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/ b/src/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index 020fa493..00000000
--- a/src/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1416 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementation of EPICS sequencer KTL library (pvKtl)
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-// ### check all object creation and call cantProceed on failure
-// ### review locking policy (need to be clear on why, how and when)
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "gpHash.h"
-#include "pvKtl.h"
-#include "pvKtlCnv.h"
-/* handlers */
-static void connectionHandler( ktlKeyword *variable, char *name,
-			       int connected );
-static void accessHandler( char *name, pvCallback *callback,
-			   KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, KTL_CONTEXT *context );
-static void monitorHandler( char *name, ktlKeyword *keyword,
-			    KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, KTL_CONTEXT *context );
-static void commonHandler( char *name, pvCallback *callback,
-			    KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, KTL_CONTEXT *context );
-/* utilities */
-static char *serviceName( const char *name );
-					/* service name from "srv.key" name */
-static char *keywordName( const char *name );
-					/* keyword name from "srv.key" name */
-static pvSevr sevrFromKTL( int status );
-					/* severity as pvSevr */
-static pvStat statFromKTL( int status );
-					/* status as pvStat */
-static pvType typeFromKTL( int type );
-					/* KTL type as pvType */
-static int copyFromKTL( int ktlFlags, KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, int ktlCount,
-			const KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, pvType type, int count,
-			pvValue *value );
-					/* copy KTL value to pvValue */
-static int copyToKTL( pvType type, int count, const pvValue *value,
-		KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, int ktlCount, KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlValue );
-					/* copy pvValue to KTL value */
-static int mallocKTL( KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, int ktlCount,
-					    KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlValue );
-					/* alloc dynamic data ref'd by value */
-static void freeKTL( KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlValue );
-					/* free dynamic data ref'd by value */
-/* invoke KTL function and send error details to system or variable object */
-#define INVOKE(_function) \
-    do { \
-	int _status = _function; \
-	if ( _status >= 0 ) { \
-	    setStatus( _status ); \
-	    setStat( pvStatOK ); \
-	} \
-	else \
-	    setError( _status, sevrFromKTL( _status ), \
-		      statFromKTL( _status ), ktl_get_errtxt() ); \
-    } while ( FALSE )
-/* lock / unlock shorthands */
-#define LOCK   getSystem()->lock()
-#define UNLOCK getSystem()->unlock()
- * Routine:	ktlSystem::ktlSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	ktlSystem constructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-ktlSystem::ktlSystem( int debug ) :
-    pvSystem( debug ),
-    attach_( FALSE )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlSystem::ktlSystem( %d )\n", this, debug );
- * Routine:	ktlSystem::~ktlSystem
- *
- * Purpose:	ktlSystem destructor
- *
- * Description:	
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlSystem::~ktlSystem()\n", this );
- * Routine:     ktlSystem::attach
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlSystem attach routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlSystem::attach()
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlSystem::attach()\n", this );
-    // attach all services that are already open
-    for ( ktlService *service = ktlService::first(); service != NULL;
-		      service = service->next() )
-	( void ) ktl_ioctl( service->getHandle(), KTL_ATTACH );
-    // attach all future services as they are opened
-    attach_ = TRUE;
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     ktlSystem::flush
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlSystem flush routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlSystem::flush()
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlSystem::flush()\n", this );
-    // KTL has no way of deferring buffer flush
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     ktlSystem::pend
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlSystem pend routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlSystem::pend( double seconds, int wait )
-    double secsAtStart;		// OSI time at start
-    double secsNow;		// OSI time now
-    double secsWaited;		// number of seconds waited
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlSystem::pend( %g, %d )\n", this, seconds, wait );
-    // if wait==FALSE, should wait for all operations initiated via KTL_NOWAIT
-    // (assuming that the keyword library really supports KTL_NOWAIT as
-    // documented in KSD/28, which is very unlikely)
-    // ### for now, ignore the above issue
-    // utility macro for setting a timeval structure (not very portable)
-#define DOUBLE_TO_TIMEVAL(_t) { ( time_t ) (_t), \
-				( long )   ( 1e6 * ( (_t) - ( int ) (_t) ) ) }
-    // loop waiting for activity and handling events until the requested
-    // timeout has elapsed (always go through the loop at least once in case
-    // timeout is zero, which is a poll; negative timeout means for ever)
-    for ( pvTimeGetCurrentDouble( &secsAtStart ), secsWaited = 0.0;
-    	  secsWaited == 0.0 || seconds < 0.0 || secsWaited < seconds;
-	  pvTimeGetCurrentDouble( &secsNow ),
-					secsWaited = secsNow - secsAtStart ) {
-	// collect fds from all services
-	fd_set *readfds = ktlService::getFdsetsAll();
-	// select (read fds only)
-	int nfd;
-	if ( seconds < 0.0 ) {
-	    nfd = select( FD_SETSIZE, readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL );
-	} else {
-	    // ### hard-code 0.1s pending better solution
-	    //struct timeval timeout = DOUBLE_TO_TIMEVAL( seconds - secsWaited);
-	    struct timeval timeout = DOUBLE_TO_TIMEVAL( 0.1 );
-	    nfd = select( FD_SETSIZE, readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout );
-	}
-	// ignore EINTR; fail on other errors
-	if ( nfd < 0 ) {
-	    if ( errno == EINTR ) {
-		continue;
-	    } else {
-		setError( -errno, pvSevrMAJOR, pvStatERROR, "select failure" );
-		return pvStatERROR;
-	    }
-	}
-	// continue or break on timeout (depending on "wait"; not an error)
-	if ( nfd == 0 ) {
-	    if ( wait )
-		continue;
-	    else
-		break;
-	}
-	// otherwise, dispatch all open services
-	pvStat stat = ktlService::dispatchAll();
-	if ( stat != pvStatOK ) {
-	    return pvStatERROR;
-	}
-    }
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     ktlSystem::newVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlSystem variable creation routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvVariable *ktlSystem::newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func, void *priv,
-				    int debug )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlSystem::newVariable( %s, %p, %p, %d )\n",
-		this, name, func, priv, debug );
-    return new ktlVariable( this, name, func, priv, debug );
- * list of ktlService objects (statically initialized)
- */
-ELLLIST ktlService::list_ = {{NULL,NULL}, 0};
- * Routine:     ktlService::ktlService
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlService::ktlService( ktlSystem *system, const char *name, int debug ) :
-    debug_( debug ),
-    name_( strdup( name ) ),
-    flags_( 0 ),
-    keys_( NULL ),
-    status_( 0 ),
-    sevr_( pvSevrNONE ),
-    stat_( pvStatOK ),
-    mess_( NULL )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlService::ktlService( %s, %d )\n",
-		this, name, debug );
-    handle_ = NULL;
-    INVOKE( ktl_open( name_, "keyword", 0, &handle_ ) );
-    if ( system->getAttach() )
-	( void ) ktl_ioctl( handle_, KTL_ATTACH );
-    // use KTL_SUPERSUPP to see whether KTL_SUPER is supported
-    ( void ) ktl_ioctl( handle_, KTL_SUPERSUPP, &flags_ );
-    flags_ = flags_ ? ( KTL_SUPER | KTL_STAMP ) : 0;
-    // create keyword hash table (aborts on failure)
-    gphInitPvt( &keys_, 256 );
-    // ### not calling FDREG but perhaps should try to?
-    // link into list of services
-    node_.setData( this );
-    ellAdd( &list_, ( ELLNODE * ) &node_ );
- * Routine:     ktlService::~ktlService
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlService::~ktlService()\n", this );
-    // remove from list of services
-    ellDelete( &list_, ( ELLNODE * ) &node_ );
-    // free keyword hash table memory
-    gphFreeMem( keys_ );
-    // close KTL connection (ignore failure)
-    INVOKE( ktl_close( handle_ ) );
-    // free name
-    if ( name_ != NULL )
-	free( name_ );
- * Routine:     ktlService::getService
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService static accessor routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlService *ktlService::getService( ktlSystem *system, char *name, int debug )
-    // search for service with this name; return if found; create if not
-    ktlService *service;
-    for ( service = ktlService::first(); service != NULL;
-					 service = service->next() ) {
-	if ( strcmp( service->name_, name ) == 0 )
-	    break;
-    }
-    return ( service != NULL ) ? service : new ktlService( system, name, debug);
- * Routine:     ktlService::first
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService first service routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlService *ktlService::first()
-    ktlNode *node = ( ktlNode * ) ellFirst( &list_ );
-    return ( node != NULL ) ? ( ktlService * ) node->getData() : NULL; 
- * Routine:     ktlService::next
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService next service routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlService *ktlService::next() const
-    ktlNode *node = ( ktlNode * ) ellNext( ( ELLNODE * ) &node_ );
-    return ( node != NULL ) ? ( ktlService * ) node->getData() : NULL; 
- * Routine:     ktlService::add
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService add keyword to hash table routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-void ktlService::add( const ktlKeyword *keyword )
-    // ignore failure (means keyword had already been added)
-    GPHENTRY *ent = gphAdd( keys_, keyword->getKeyName(), NULL );
-    if ( ent != NULL ) ent->userPvt = ( void * ) keyword;
- * Routine:     ktlService::remove
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService remove keyword from hash table routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-void ktlService::remove( const ktlKeyword *keyword )
-    gphDelete( keys_, keyword->getKeyName(), NULL );
- * Routine:     ktlService::find
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService find keyword in hash table routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlKeyword *ktlService::find( const char *keyName )
-    GPHENTRY *ent = gphFind( keys_, keyName, NULL );
-    return ( ent != NULL ) ? ( ktlKeyword * ) ent->userPvt : NULL;
- * Routine:     ktlService::getFdsetsAll
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService routine to return fd_set combining fds from all
- *		open services
- *
- * Description:
- */
-fd_set *ktlService::getFdsetsAll()
-    static fd_set fdset;
-    FD_ZERO( &fdset );
-    for ( ktlService *service = ktlService::first(); service != NULL;
-		      service = service->next() ) {
-	if ( service->handle_ == NULL )
-	    continue;
-	fd_set temp;
-	( void ) ktl_ioctl( service->handle_, KTL_FDSET, &temp );
-	for ( int fd = 0; fd < FD_SETSIZE; fd++ ) {
-	    if ( FD_ISSET( fd, &temp ) ) {
-		FD_SET( fd, &fdset );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return &fdset;
- * Routine:     ktlService::dispatchAll
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlService routine to dispatch events on all open services
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlService::dispatchAll()
-    for ( ktlService *service = ktlService::first(); service != NULL;
-		      service = service->next() ) {
-	if ( service->handle_ == NULL )
-	    continue;
-	if ( ktl_dispatch( service->handle_ ) < 0 ) {
-	    service->setError( -1, pvSevrMAJOR, pvStatERROR,
-			       "dispatch failure" );
-	    return pvStatERROR;
-	}
-    }
-    return pvStatOK;
- * Routine:     ktlService::setError()
- *
- * Purpose:     Copy error information
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Function value:
- */
-void ktlService::setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat,
-                           const char *mess )
-    status_ = status;
-    sevr_   = sevr;
-    stat_   = stat;
-    mess_   = Strdcpy( mess_, mess );
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::ktlKeyword
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlKeyword::ktlKeyword( ktlService *service, const char *keyName, int debug ) :
-    debug_( debug ),
-    service_( service ),
-    keyName_( strdup( keyName ) ),
-    monitored_( FALSE ),
-    status_( 0 ),
-    sevr_( pvSevrNONE ),
-    stat_( pvStatOK ),
-    mess_( NULL )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::ktlKeyword( %d )\n", this, debug );
-    // add to service's hash table of keywords
-    service->add( this );
-    // initialize list of associated variables
-    ellInit( &list_ );
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::~ktlKeyword
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::~ktlKeyword()\n", this );
-    // remove any remaining associated variables from list and free list
-    for ( ktlVariable *variable = first(); variable != NULL;
-					   variable = next( variable ) ) {
-	remove( variable );
-    }
-    ellFree( &list_ );
-    // remove from service's hash table of keywords
-    service_->remove( this );
-    // free keyword name
-    if ( keyName_ != NULL )
-	free( ( char * ) keyName_ );
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::getKeyword
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword static accessor routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlKeyword *ktlKeyword::getKeyword( ktlService *service, const char *keyName,
-				    int debug )
-    // search for keyword with this name; return if found; create if not
-    ktlKeyword *keyword = service->find( keyName );
-    return ( keyword != NULL ) ? keyword :
-				 new ktlKeyword( service, keyName, debug );
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::add
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword add variable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-int ktlKeyword::add( ktlVariable *variable )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::add( %p )\n", this, variable );
-    ktlNode *node = variable->getNode();
-    node->setData( variable );
-    ellAdd( &list_, ( ELLNODE * ) node );
-    // attempt to enable connection handler
-    INVOKE( ktl_ioctl( variable->getHandle(), KTL_KEYCONNREG,
-		       variable->getKeyName(), connectionHandler, this ) );
-    return getStatus();
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::remove
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword remove variable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-void ktlKeyword::remove( ktlVariable *variable )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::remove( %p )\n", this, variable );
-    ( void ) monitorOff( variable );
-    ellDelete( &list_, ( ELLNODE * ) variable->getNode() );
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::monitorOn
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword monitor on variable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-int ktlKeyword::monitorOn( ktlVariable *variable )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::monitorOn( %p, %d )\n", this, variable,
-		monitored_ );
-    if ( ! monitored_++ ) {
-	KTL_CONTEXT *context;
-	INVOKE( ktl_context_create( variable->getHandle(), ( int(*)() )
-				    monitorHandler, NULL, NULL, &context ) );
-	if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	    int flags = KTL_ENABLEREADCONT | KTL_NOPRIME | variable->getFlags();
-	    INVOKE( ktl_read( variable->getHandle(), flags, variable->
-			      getKeyName(), ( void * ) this, NULL, context ) );
-	    ( void ) ktl_context_delete( context );
-	}
-    }
-    return getStatus();
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::monitorOff
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword monitor off variable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-int ktlKeyword::monitorOff( ktlVariable *variable )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::monitorOff( %p, %d )\n", this, variable,
-		monitored_ );
-    if ( ! --monitored_ ) {
-	int flags = KTL_DISABLEREADCONT | variable->getFlags();
-	INVOKE( ktl_read( variable->getHandle(), flags, variable->getKeyName(),
-			  NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
-    }
-    return getStatus();
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::first
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword first variable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlVariable *ktlKeyword::first()
-    ktlNode *node = ( ktlNode * ) ellFirst( &list_ );
-    return ( node != NULL ) ? ( ktlVariable * ) node->getData() : NULL; 
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::next
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlKeyword next variable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlVariable *ktlKeyword::next( ktlVariable *variable )
-    ktlNode *node = ( ktlNode * ) ellNext( ( ELLNODE * ) variable->getNode() );
-    return ( node != NULL ) ? ( ktlVariable * ) node->getData() : NULL; 
- * Routine:     ktlKeyword::setError()
- *
- * Purpose:     Copy error information
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Function value:
- */
-void ktlKeyword::setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat,
-                           const char *mess )
-    status_ = status;
-    sevr_   = sevr;
-    stat_   = stat;
-    mess_   = Strdcpy( mess_, mess );
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::ktlVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable constructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-ktlVariable::ktlVariable( ktlSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func,
-		          void *priv, int debug ) :
-    pvVariable( system, name, func, priv, debug ),
-    service_( ktlService::getService( system, serviceName( name ), getDebug())),
-    keyName_( strdup( keywordName( name ) ) ),
-    keyword_( ktlKeyword::getKeyword( service_, keyName_, getDebug() ) ),
-    type_( KTL_DOUBLE ),
-    count_( 1 ),
-    readNot_( FALSE ),
-    writeNot_( FALSE ),
-    readCont_( FALSE ),
-    connected_( FALSE ),
-    monitor_( NULL )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::ktlVariable( %s, %d )\n",
-		this, name, debug );
-    // use KTL_FLAGS to check whether keyword exists
-    // ### ignored at the moment (don't want to abort part of constructor
-    //     because complicates destructor)
-    int flags;
-    INVOKE( ktl_ioctl( getHandle(), KTL_FLAGS, keyName_, &flags ) );
-    // cache keyword attributes
-    INVOKE( ktl_ioctl( getHandle(), KTL_TYPE | KTL_BINOUT, keyName_,
-		       &type_, &count_ ) );
-    KTL_IMPL_CAPS impl_caps;
-    INVOKE( ktl_ioctl( getHandle(), KTL_IMPLCAPS, &impl_caps ) );
-    // ### will be FALSE (should have per keyword inquiry)
-    readNot_ = impl_caps.read_notify;
-    INVOKE( ktl_ioctl( getHandle(), KTL_CANWRITENOTIFY, keyName_,
-		       &writeNot_ ) );
-    INVOKE( ktl_ioctl( getHandle(), KTL_CANREADCONTINUOUS, keyName_,
-		       &readCont_ ) );
-    // monitor the keyword (won't result in any user callbacks being called
-    // because no callback object has yet been allocated; is done to force
-    // a connection request to be sent to the control system)
-    INVOKE( keyword_->monitorOn( this ) );
-    // add variable to keyword object's list; this enables the connection
-    // handler (interpret error as meaning that KTL_KEYCONNREG is not
-    // supported, so mark connected and invoke function, if supplied)
-    INVOKE( keyword_->add( this ) );
-    if ( getStat() != pvStatOK ) {
-	connected_ = TRUE;
-	if ( func != NULL )
-	    ( *func ) ( ( void * ) this, connected_ );
-    }
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::~ktlVariable
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable destructor
- *
- * Description:
- */
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::~ktlVariable( %s )\n", this, keyName_ );
-    // remove variable from keyword object's list
-    keyword_->remove( this );
-    // ### if this is last variable for this keyword, destroy keyword
-    // ### if this is last variable for this service, destroy service
-    // free keyword name
-    if ( keyName_ != NULL )
-	free( ( void * ) keyName_ );
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::get
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable blocking get routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::get( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::get( %d, %d )\n", this, type, count );
-    KTL_ANYPOLY ktlValue;
-    LOCK;
-    INVOKE( ktl_read( getHandle(), KTL_WAIT | getFlags() , keyName_, NULL,
-		      &ktlValue, NULL ) );
-    UNLOCK;
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	INVOKE( copyFromKTL( getFlags(), type_, count_, &ktlValue,
-			     type, count, value ) );
-	freeKTL( type_, KTL_POLYDATA( getFlags(), &ktlValue ) );
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::getNoBlock
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable non-blocking get routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::getNoBlock( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::getNoBlock( %d, %d )\n", this,
-		type, count );
-    KTL_ANYPOLY ktlValue;
-    LOCK;
-    INVOKE( ktl_read( getHandle(), KTL_NOWAIT | getFlags(), keyName_, NULL,
-		      &ktlValue, NULL ) );
-    UNLOCK;
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-        INVOKE( copyFromKTL( getFlags(), type_, count_, &ktlValue,
-			     type, count, value ) );
-	freeKTL( type_, KTL_POLYDATA( getFlags(), &ktlValue ) );
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::getCallback
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable get with callback routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::getCallback( pvType type, int count,
-			         pvEventFunc func, void *arg )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::getCallback( %d, %d, %p, %p )\n",
-		this, type, count, func, arg );
-    if ( !readNot_ ) {
-	// ### larger than needed (status not checked)
-	pvValue *value = new pvValue[count];
-	pvStat stat = get( type, count, value );
-	( *func ) ( ( void * ) this, type, count, value, arg, stat );
-	delete [] value;
-    } else {
-	pvCallback *callback = new pvCallback( this, type, count, func, arg,
-					       getDebug() );
-	KTL_CONTEXT *context;
-	INVOKE( ktl_context_create( getHandle(), ( int(*)() ) accessHandler,
-				    NULL, NULL, &context ) );
-	if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	    LOCK;
-	    INVOKE( ktl_read( getHandle(), KTL_NOTIFY | getFlags(), keyName_,
-			      ( void * ) callback, NULL, context ) );
-	    context->state = KTL_MESSAGE_STATE;
-	    UNLOCK;
-	}
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::put
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable blocking put routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::put( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::put( %d, %d )\n", this, type, count );
-    KTL_POLYMORPH ktlValue;
-    INVOKE( copyToKTL( type, count, value, type_, count_, &ktlValue ) );
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	INVOKE( ktl_write( getHandle(), KTL_WAIT, keyName_, NULL, &ktlValue,
-			   NULL ) );
-	freeKTL( type_, &ktlValue );
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::putNoBlock
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable non-blocking put routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::putNoBlock( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::putNoBlock( %d, %d )\n", this,
-		type, count );
-    KTL_POLYMORPH ktlValue;
-    INVOKE( copyToKTL( type, count, value, type_, count_, &ktlValue ) );
-    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	INVOKE( ktl_write( getHandle(), KTL_NOWAIT, keyName_, NULL, &ktlValue,
-			   NULL ) );
-	freeKTL( type_, &ktlValue );
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::putCallback
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable put with callback routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::putCallback( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value,
-			         pvEventFunc func, void *arg )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::putCallback( %d, %d )\n",
-		this, type, count );
-    if ( !writeNot_ ) {
-	pvStat stat = put( type, count, value ); 
-	( *func ) ( ( void * ) this, type, count, value, arg, stat );
-    } else {
-	pvCallback *callback = new pvCallback( this, type, count, func, arg,
-					       getDebug() );
-	INVOKE( copyToKTL( type, count, value, type_, count_, &ktlValue ) );
-	if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	    KTL_CONTEXT *context;
-	    INVOKE( ktl_context_create( getHandle(), ( int(*)() ) accessHandler,
-					NULL, NULL, &context ) );
-	    if ( getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-		LOCK;
-		INVOKE( ktl_write( getHandle(), KTL_NOTIFY, keyName_,
-				   ( void * ) callback, &ktlValue, context ) );
-		context->state = KTL_MESSAGE_STATE;
-	    }
-	}
-	freeKTL( type_, &ktlValue );
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::monitorOn
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable monitor enable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::monitorOn( pvType type, int count, pvEventFunc func,
-			       void *arg, pvCallback **pCallback )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::monitorOn( %s, %d, %d )\n",
-		this, keyName_, type, count );
-    if ( !readCont_ ) {
-	setError( -1, pvSevrMAJOR, pvStatERROR, "monitoring not supported" );
-	if ( pCallback != NULL )
-	    *pCallback = NULL;
-    // ### can only have single monitor enabled per variable (can have
-    //     multiple variables per keyword though)
-    } else if ( monitor_ != NULL ) {
-	setError( -1, pvSevrMAJOR, pvStatERROR, "monitor already enabled" );
-	if ( pCallback != NULL )
-	    *pCallback = NULL;
-    } else {
-	monitor_ = new pvCallback( this, type, count, func, arg, getDebug() );
-	INVOKE( keyword_->monitorOn( this ) );
-	if ( pCallback != NULL )
-	    *pCallback = monitor_;
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::monitorOff
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable monitor disable routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvStat ktlVariable::monitorOff( pvCallback *callback )
-    if ( getDebug() > 0 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::monitorOff()\n", this );
-    LOCK;
-    keyword_->monitorOff( this );
-    UNLOCK;
-    // ### are we sure that no further monitors can be delivered?
-    if ( monitor_ != NULL ) {
-	delete monitor_;
-	monitor_ = NULL;
-    }
-    return getStat();
- * Routine:     ktlVariable::getType
- *
- * Purpose:     ktlVariable "what type are we?" routine
- *
- * Description:
- */
-pvType ktlVariable::getType() const
-    if ( getDebug() > 1 )
-        printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::getType()\n", this );
-    return typeFromKTL( type_ ); 
- * Routine:     connectionHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     KTL connection handler
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void connectionHandler( ktlKeyword *keyword, char *, int connected )
-    if ( keyword->getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::connectionHandler( %d )\n", keyword,
-		connected );
-    for ( ktlVariable *variable = keyword->first(); variable != NULL;
-				       variable = keyword->next( variable ) ) {
-	if ( variable->getDebug() > 0 )
-	    printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::connectionHandler( %s, %d )\n", variable,
-		    variable->getKeyName(), connected );
-	variable->setConnected( connected );
-	pvConnFunc func = variable->getFunc();
-	if ( func != NULL ) 
-	    ( *func ) ( ( void * ) variable, connected );
-    }
- * Routine:     accessHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     KTL get/put completion event handler
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void accessHandler( char *keyName, pvCallback *callback,
-			   KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, KTL_CONTEXT *context )
-    ktlVariable *variable = ( ktlVariable * ) callback->getVariable();
-    int ktlFlags = variable->getFlags();
-    if ( variable->getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::accessHandler( %s, %d )\n", variable,
-		variable->getKeyName(), KTL_POLYDATA(ktlFlags,ktlValue)->i );
-    commonHandler( keyName, callback, ktlValue, context );
-    delete callback;
- * Routine:     monitorHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     KTL monitor event handler
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void monitorHandler( char *keyName, ktlKeyword *keyword,
-			    KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, KTL_CONTEXT *context )
-    int ktlFlags = keyword->getFlags();
-    if ( keyword->getDebug() > 0 )
-	printf( "%8p: ktlKeyword::monitorHandler( %d )\n", keyword,
-		KTL_POLYDATA(ktlFlags,ktlValue)->i );
-    for ( ktlVariable *variable = keyword->first(); variable != NULL;
-				       variable = keyword->next( variable ) ) {
-	if ( variable->getDebug() > 0 )
-	    printf( "%8p: ktlVariable::monitorHandler( %s )\n", variable,
-		    variable->getKeyName() );
-	pvCallback *monitor = variable->getMonitor();
-	if ( monitor != NULL )
-	    commonHandler( keyName, monitor, ktlValue, context );
-    }
- * Routine:     commonHandler
- *
- * Purpose:     KTL completion/monitor event handler (work routine)
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void commonHandler( char *, pvCallback *callback,
-			   KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, KTL_CONTEXT *context )
-    pvEventFunc func = callback->getFunc();
-    ktlVariable *variable = ( ktlVariable * ) callback->getVariable();
-    int ktlFlags = variable->getFlags();
-    KTL_DATATYPE ktlType = variable->getKtlType();
-    int ktlCount = variable->getCount();
-    pvType type = callback->getType();
-    int count = callback->getCount();
-    void *arg = callback->getArg();
-    // ### larger than needed (status not checked)
-    pvValue *value = new pvValue[count];
-    // ### function not called if copy from KTL failed
-    if ( copyFromKTL( ktlFlags, ktlType, ktlCount, ktlValue,
-		      type, count, value ) >= 0 ) {
-	( *func ) ( ( void * ) variable, type, count, value, arg,
-		    statFromKTL( context->status ) );
-    }
-    delete [] value;
- * Routine:     serviceName()
- *
- * Purpose:     service name from "srv.key" name
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static char *serviceName( const char *name )
-    static char temp[256];
-    size_t len = strcspn( name, "." );
-    strncpy( temp, name, len );
-    temp[255] = '\0';
-    return temp;
- * Routine:     keywordName
- *
- * Purpose:     keyword name from "srv.key" name
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static char *keywordName( const char *name )
-    static char temp[256];
-    size_t len = strcspn( name, "." );
-    strncpy( temp, name + len + 1, 256 - len - 1 );
-    temp[255] = '\0';
-    return temp;
- * Routine:     sevrFromKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvSevr from KTL status
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvSevr sevrFromKTL( int status )
-    return ( status < 0 ) ? pvSevrERROR : pvSevrNONE;
- * Routine:     statFromKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvStat from KTL status
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvStat statFromKTL( int status )
-    pvSevr sevr = sevrFromKTL( status );
-    return ( sevr == pvSevrNONE || sevr == pvSevrMINOR ) ?
-		pvStatOK : pvStatERROR;
- * Routine:     typeFromKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     extract pvType from KTL type
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static pvType typeFromKTL( int type )
-    switch ( type ) {
-      case KTL_INT:          return pvTypeLONG;
-      case KTL_BOOLEAN:      return pvTypeLONG;
-      case KTL_ENUM:         return pvTypeLONG;
-      case KTL_ENUMM:        return pvTypeLONG;
-      case KTL_MASK:         return pvTypeLONG;
-      case KTL_FLOAT:        return pvTypeFLOAT;
-      case KTL_DOUBLE:       return pvTypeDOUBLE;
-      case KTL_STRING:       return pvTypeSTRING;
-      case KTL_INT_ARRAY:    return pvTypeLONG;
-      case KTL_FLOAT_ARRAY:  return pvTypeFLOAT;
-      case KTL_DOUBLE_ARRAY: return pvTypeDOUBLE;
-      default:               return pvTypeERROR;
-    }
- * Routine:     copyFromKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     copy KTL value to pvValue
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static int copyFromKTL( int ktlFlags, KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, int ktlCount,
-			const KTL_ANYPOLY *ktlValue, pvType type, int count,
-			pvValue *value )
-    // map types to ktlCnv's types (indices into conversion table)
-    ktlCnv::type inpType = ktlCnv::getType( ktlType );
-    ktlCnv::type outType = ktlCnv::getType( type );
-    // if type is not simple, copy status, severity and time stamp
-    // (note assumption that STAT and SEVR can be cast; this is in fact true)
-    if ( !PV_SIMPLE( type ) ) {
-	epicsTimeStamp stamp;
-	if ( ktlFlags & KTL_SUPER ) {
-	    value->timeCharVal.status = ( pvStat ) ktlValue->super.stat;
-	    value->timeCharVal.severity = ( pvSevr ) ktlValue->super.sevr;
-	    if ( ktlFlags & KTL_STAMP ) {
-		epicsTimeFromTimeval( &value->timeCharVal.stamp,
-				    &ktlValue->super.stamp );
-	    }
-	    else {
-		( void ) epicsTimeGetCurrent( &stamp );
-		value->timeCharVal.stamp = stamp;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    ( void ) epicsTimeGetCurrent( &stamp );
-	    value->timeCharVal.status = pvStatOK;
-	    value->timeCharVal.severity = pvSevrNONE;
-	    value->timeCharVal.stamp = stamp;
-	}
-    }
-    // convert data
-    const KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlData = KTL_POLYDATA( ktlFlags, ktlValue );
-    return ktlCnv::convert( inpType, ktlCount, KTL_VALPTR( ktlType, ktlData ),
-			    outType, count,    PV_VALPTR( type, value ) );
- * Routine:     copyToKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     copy pvValue to KTL value
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static int copyToKTL( pvType type, int count, const pvValue *value,
-		KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, int ktlCount, KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlValue )
-    // map types to ktlCnv's types (indices into conversion table)
-    ktlCnv::type inpType = ktlCnv::getType( type );
-    ktlCnv::type outType = ktlCnv::getType( ktlType );
-    // allocate memory for KTL array or string
-    if ( mallocKTL( ktlType, ktlCount, ktlValue ) < 0 )
-	return -1;
-    // convert data
-    return ktlCnv::convert( inpType, count,    PV_VALPTR( type, value ),
-			    outType, ktlCount, KTL_VALPTR( ktlType, ktlValue ));
- * Routine:     mallocKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     allocate dynamic data referenced from a polymorph
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static int mallocKTL( KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, int ktlCount,
-					    KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlValue )
-    switch ( ktlType ) {
-      case KTL_STRING:
-	ktlValue->s = new char[sizeof(pvString)];
-	if ( ktlValue->s == NULL ) goto error;
-	break;
-      case KTL_INT_ARRAY:
-	ktlValue->ia = new int[ktlCount];
-	if ( ktlValue->ia == NULL ) goto error;
-	break;
-      case KTL_FLOAT_ARRAY:
-	ktlValue->fa = new float[ktlCount];
-	if ( ktlValue->fa == NULL ) goto error;
-	break;
-      case KTL_DOUBLE_ARRAY:
-	ktlValue->da = new double[ktlCount];
-	if ( ktlValue->da == NULL ) goto error;
-	break;
-      default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-    ktl_set_errtxt( "memory allocation failure" );
-    return -1;
- * Routine:     freeKTL
- *
- * Purpose:     free data referenced from a polymorph
- *
- * Description:
- */
-static void freeKTL( KTL_DATATYPE ktlType, KTL_POLYMORPH *ktlValue )
-    // do nothing if pointer (this is also ia, fa and da) is NULL
-    if ( ktlValue->s == NULL )
-	return;
-    switch ( ktlType ) {
-      case KTL_STRING:
-	delete [] ktlValue->s;
-	break;
-      case KTL_INT_ARRAY:
-	delete [] ktlValue->ia;
-	break;
-      case KTL_FLOAT_ARRAY:
-	delete [] ktlValue->fa;
-	break;
-      case KTL_DOUBLE_ARRAY:
-	delete [] ktlValue->da;
-	break;
-      default:
-	break;
-    }
- *,v
- * Revision 1.2  2001/02/16 18:45:39  mrk
- * changes for latest version of 3.14
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:14  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.19  2000/03/31 23:01:41  wlupton
- * supported setStatus
- *
- * Revision 1.18  2000/03/29 23:28:05  wlupton
- * corrected comment typo
- *
- * Revision 1.17  2000/03/29 02:00:45  wlupton
- * monitor all keywords (forces connect request to be sent)
- *
- * Revision 1.16  2000/03/18 04:00:25  wlupton
- * converted to use new configure scheme
- *
- * Revision 1.15  2000/03/16 02:11:29  wlupton
- * supported KTL_ANYPOLY (plus misc other mods)
- *
- * Revision 1.14  2000/03/08 01:32:29  wlupton
- * cut out some early error exits in constructors (to avoid crashes in destructors)
- *
- * Revision 1.13  2000/03/07 19:55:32  wlupton
- * nearly sufficient tidying up
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2000/03/07 09:27:39  wlupton
- * drastically reduced use of references
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/03/07 08:46:29  wlupton
- * created ktlKeyword class (works but a bit messy)
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/03/06 19:21:04  wlupton
- * misc error reporting and type conversion mods
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/03/01 02:07:14  wlupton
- * converted to use new OSI library
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2000/02/19 01:12:22  wlupton
- * misc tidy-up and bug fixes
- *
- * Revision 1.7  2000/02/14 21:33:07  wlupton
- * fixed workshop 5.0 compilation error
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/10/12 02:53:13  wlupton
- * fixed KTL_NOTIFY support (cannot have been tested)
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/09/07 20:43:21  epics
- * increased debug level for pend() call
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/07/01 20:50:20  wlupton
- * Working under VxWorks
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/06/29 01:56:25  wlupton
- * always use 0.1s select() timeout because of startup problem seeing fds open
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/06/15 10:11:03  wlupton
- * demo sequence mostly working with KTL
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/06/11 02:20:32  wlupton
- * nearly working with KTL
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/pvKtl.h b/src/pv/pvKtl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a589b52..00000000
--- a/src/pv/pvKtl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found
-in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
-/* Definitions for EPICS sequencer KTL library (pvKtl)
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#ifndef INCLpvKtlh
-#define INCLpvKtlh
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "pv.h"
-#include "ellLib.h"
-#include "ktl.h"
-#include "ktl_keyword.h"
- * Pointer to value
- */
-#define KTL_SIMPLE(_type) \
-    ( (_type) != KTL_STRING      && (_type) != KTL_INT_ARRAY    && \
-      (_type) != KTL_FLOAT_ARRAY && (_type) != KTL_DOUBLE_ARRAY )
-#define KTL_VALPTR(_type,_poly) \
-    ( ( KTL_SIMPLE(_type) ? ( void * ) (_poly) : ( void * ) (_poly)->s ) )
- * Forward references
- */
-class ktlKeyword;
-class ktlVariable;
- * Linked list node (is cast to and from an ELLNODE)
- */
-// ### is this portable/standard? definitely better to use an STL class
-class ktlNode {
-    inline void setData( const void * data ) { data_ = data; }
-    inline const void *getData() const { return data_; }
-    ELLNODE node_;
-    const void *data_;
- * System
- */
-class ktlSystem : public pvSystem {
-    ktlSystem( int debug = 0 );
-    ~ktlSystem();
-    virtual pvStat attach();
-    virtual pvStat flush();
-    virtual pvStat pend( double seconds = 0.0, int wait = FALSE );
-    virtual pvVariable *newVariable( const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-				     void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    int getAttach() const { return attach_; }
-    int attach_;		/* whether to attach on open */
- * Service
- */
-class ktlService {
-    ktlService( ktlSystem *system, const char *name, int debug = 0 );
-    ~ktlService();
-    static ktlService *getService( ktlSystem *system, char *name,
-				   int debug = 0 );
-    inline void setDebug( int debug ) { debug_ = debug; }
-    inline int getDebug() const { return debug_; }
-    inline char *getName() const { return name_; }
-    inline KTL_HANDLE *getHandle() const { return handle_; }
-    inline int getFlags() const { return flags_; }
-    void add( const ktlKeyword *keyword );
-    void remove( const ktlKeyword *keyword );
-    ktlKeyword *find( const char *keyName );
-    static ktlService *first();
-    ktlService *next() const;
-    static fd_set *getFdsetsAll();
-    static pvStat dispatchAll();
-    // provide same error-handling interface as system and variable
-    void setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat, const char *mess );
-    inline int getStatus() const { return status_; }
-    inline pvSevr getSevr() const { return sevr_; }
-    inline pvStat getStat() const { return stat_; }
-    inline void setStatus( int status ) { status_ = status; }
-    inline void setStat( pvStat stat ) { stat_ = stat; }
-    inline char *getMess() const { return mess_?mess_:(char *)""; }
-    int		debug_;         /* debugging level (inherited from varaible) */
-    static ELLLIST list_;	/* list of ktlService objects */
-    ktlNode     node_;		/* linked list node */
-    char	*name_;		/* service name */
-    KTL_HANDLE	*handle_;	/* KTL handle */
-    int		flags_;		/* KTL_SUPER | KTL_STAMP ...or 0 */
-    void	*keys_;		/* hash table of ktlKeyword objects */
-    int         status_;        /* message system-specific status code */
-    pvSevr      sevr_;          /* severity */
-    pvStat      stat_;          /* status */
-    char        *mess_;         /* error message */
- * Keyword (distributes connection and monitor events to process variables)
- */
-// ### some duplicate info between keyword and variable; should move cached
-//     k/w info to keyword (and maybe do all KTL calls from keyword)
-class ktlKeyword {
-    ktlKeyword( ktlService *service, const char *keyName, int debug = 0 );
-    ~ktlKeyword();
-    static ktlKeyword *getKeyword( ktlService *service, const char *keyName,
-				   int debug = 0 );
-    inline void setDebug( int debug ) { debug_ = debug; }
-    inline int getDebug() { return debug_; }
-    inline const ktlService *getService() const { return service_; }
-    inline int getFlags() const { return getService()->getFlags(); }
-    inline const char *getKeyName() const { return keyName_; }
-    inline int getMonitored() { return monitored_; }
-    int add( ktlVariable *variable );
-    void remove( ktlVariable *variable );
-    int monitorOn( ktlVariable *variable );
-    int monitorOff( ktlVariable *variable );
-    ktlVariable *first();
-    ktlVariable *next( ktlVariable *variable );
-    // provide same error-handling interface as system and variable
-    void setError( int status, pvSevr sevr, pvStat stat, const char *mess );
-    inline int getStatus() const { return status_; }
-    inline pvSevr getSevr() const { return sevr_; }
-    inline pvStat getStat() const { return stat_; }
-    inline void setStatus( int status ) { status_ = status; }
-    inline void setStat( pvStat stat ) { stat_ = stat; }
-    inline char *getMess() const { return mess_?mess_:(char *)""; }
-    int		debug_;         /* debugging level (inherited from variable) */
-    ktlService	*service_;	/* associated KTL service */
-    const char  *keyName_;	/* keyword name (not including service name) */
-    ELLLIST	list_;		/* list of associated variables */
-    int		monitored_;	/* whether currently monitored */
-    int         status_;        /* message system-specific status code */
-    pvSevr      sevr_;          /* severity */
-    pvStat      stat_;          /* status */
-    char        *mess_;         /* error message */
- * Process variable (several process variables may map to the same keyword)
- */
-class ktlVariable : public pvVariable {
-    ktlVariable( ktlSystem *system, const char *name, pvConnFunc func = NULL,
-		 void *priv = NULL, int debug = 0 );
-    ~ktlVariable();
-    virtual pvStat get( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat getNoBlock( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat getCallback( pvType type, int count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat put( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat putNoBlock( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value );
-    virtual pvStat putCallback( pvType type, int count, pvValue *value,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat monitorOn( pvType type, int count,
-		pvEventFunc func, void *arg = NULL,
-		pvCallback **pCallback = NULL );
-    virtual pvStat monitorOff( pvCallback *callback = NULL );
-    inline void setConnected( int connected ) { connected_ = connected; }
-    inline virtual int getConnected() const { return connected_; }
-    virtual pvType getType() const;
-    inline KTL_DATATYPE getKtlType() const { return type_; }
-    inline virtual int getCount() const { return count_; }
-    inline ktlNode *getNode() { return &node_; }
-    inline const ktlService *getService() const { return service_; }
-    inline KTL_HANDLE *getHandle() const { return getService()->getHandle(); }
-    inline int getFlags() const { return getService()->getFlags(); }
-    inline const char *getKeyName() const { return keyName_; }
-    inline pvCallback *getMonitor() { return monitor_; }
-    ktlNode	node_;		/* linked list node */
-    ktlService	*service_;	/* associated KTL service */
-    const char	*keyName_;	/* keyword name (not including service name) */
-    ktlKeyword	*keyword_;	/* associated KTL keyword */
-    KTL_DATATYPE type_;		/* native KTL type */
-    int		count_;		/* native KTL number of elements (fixed) */
-    int		readNot_;	/* can read with notify */
-    int		writeNot_;	/* can write with notify */
-    int		readCont_;	/* can read continuously (monitor) */
-    int		connected_;	/* whether keyword is connected */
-    pvCallback	*monitor_;	/* monitor callback object */
-#endif /* INCLpvKtlh */
- * pvKtl.h,v
- * Revision 1.2  2000/04/14 21:53:29  jba
- * Changes for win32 build.
- *
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:15  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/03/31 23:01:29  wlupton
- * supported setStatus
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/03/18 04:00:25  wlupton
- * converted to use new configure scheme
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/03/16 02:11:29  wlupton
- * supported KTL_ANYPOLY (plus misc other mods)
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2000/03/07 19:55:32  wlupton
- * nearly sufficient tidying up
- *
- * Revision 1.7  2000/03/07 09:27:39  wlupton
- * drastically reduced use of references
- *
- * Revision 1.6  2000/03/07 08:46:30  wlupton
- * created ktlKeyword class (works but a bit messy)
- *
- * Revision 1.5  2000/03/06 19:21:04  wlupton
- * misc error reporting and type conversion mods
- *
- * Revision 1.4  2000/03/01 02:07:15  wlupton
- * converted to use new OSI library
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/07/01 20:50:20  wlupton
- * Working under VxWorks
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/06/15 10:11:04  wlupton
- * demo sequence mostly working with KTL
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/06/11 02:20:33  wlupton
- * nearly working with KTL
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/ b/src/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9bbd1e..00000000
--- a/src/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementation of EPICS sequencer KTL type conversion (pvKtlCnv)
- *
- * Uses large amounts of code from the cdevData class
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pvKtlCnv.h"
- * typedef for all conversion functions (pointers to the functions are
- * in the conversion matrix - see below; the functions should be
- * only via the "get" methods)
- */
-typedef int ( *converter ) ( int inpCount, const void *inpValue,
-			     int outCount, void *outValue );
- * conversion matrix (elements are filled in at the bottom of the file, after
- * all the conversion functions have been defined)
- */
-extern converter ktlCnvMatrix[ktlCnv::NUMBER][ktlCnv::NUMBER];
- * map pvType and KTL_DATATYPE types to "type" enumeration for use in indexing
- * the conversion matrix
- */
-ktlCnv::type ktlCnv::getType( pvType t )
-    switch ( t ) {
-	case pvTypeCHAR:        return CHAR;
-	case pvTypeSHORT:       return SHORT;
-	case pvTypeLONG:        return LONG;
-	case pvTypeFLOAT:       return FLOAT;
-	case pvTypeDOUBLE:      return DOUBLE;
-	case pvTypeSTRING:      return STRING;
-	case pvTypeTIME_CHAR:   return CHAR;
-	case pvTypeTIME_SHORT:  return SHORT;
-	case pvTypeTIME_LONG:   return LONG;
-	case pvTypeTIME_FLOAT:  return FLOAT;
-	case pvTypeTIME_DOUBLE: return DOUBLE;
-	case pvTypeTIME_STRING: return STRING;
-	default:		return INVALID;
-    }
-ktlCnv::type ktlCnv::getType( KTL_DATATYPE t )
-    // KTL doesn't support a "long" type; handle ints and longs the same, but
-    // check that they are indeed the same size
-    assert( sizeof( int ) == sizeof( long ) );
-    switch ( t ) {
-	case KTL_INT:          return LONG;
-	case KTL_BOOLEAN:      return LONG;
-	case KTL_ENUM:         return LONG;
-	case KTL_ENUMM:        return LONG;
-	case KTL_MASK:         return LONG;
-	case KTL_FLOAT:        return FLOAT;
-	case KTL_DOUBLE:       return DOUBLE;
-	case KTL_STRING:       return STRING;
-	case KTL_INT_ARRAY:    return LONG;
-	case KTL_FLOAT_ARRAY:  return FLOAT;
-        default:               return INVALID;
-    }
- * convert method
- */
-int ktlCnv::convert( ktlCnv::type inpType, int inpCount, const void *inpValue,
-                     ktlCnv::type outType, int outCount, void *outValue )
-    return ktlCnvMatrix[(int)inpType][(int)outType]
-		     ( inpCount, inpValue, outCount, outValue );
-// *********************************************************************
-// the remainder of this file implements the various conversion functions;
-// functions can assume that the to/from variables _do_ contain values of
-// the expected types
-// typedefs so "type" names can be used in declarations
-typedef char    ktlCnvCHAR;
-typedef short   ktlCnvSHORT;
-typedef long    ktlCnvLONG;
-typedef float   ktlCnvFLOAT;
-typedef double  ktlCnvDOUBLE;
-typedef char    ktlCnvSTRING; /* stet */
-// macro for generating a conversion involving an invalid type
-#define invfunc(INP,OUT) \
-static int convert_##INP##_to_##OUT( int, const void *, \
-			             int, void *) \
-{ \
-    return -1; \
-// macro for generating a numeric -> numeric conversion function
-#define numfunc(INP,OUT) \
-static int convert_##INP##_to_##OUT( int inpCount, const void *inpValue, \
-                                     int outCount, void *outValue ) \
-{ \
-    ktlCnv##INP *inp = ( ktlCnv##INP * ) inpValue; \
-    ktlCnv##OUT *out = ( ktlCnv##OUT * ) outValue; \
-    int cpyCount = ( inpCount < outCount ) ? inpCount : outCount; \
-    int i; \
-    for ( i = 0; i < cpyCount; i++ ) \
-	out[i] = ( ktlCnv##OUT ) inp[i]; \
-    for ( ; i < outCount; i++ ) \
-	out[i] = ( ktlCnv##OUT ) 0; \
-    return 0; \
-// macro for generating a numeric -> string conversion function
-// (only works if inpCount and outCount are both 1 (checked via assert())
-// (can assume string is of size sizeof( pvString ))
-#define strfunc(INP,OUT,set) \
-static int convert_##INP##_to_##OUT( int inpCount, const void *inpValue, \
-                                     int outCount, void *outValue ) \
-{ \
-    ktlCnv##INP *inp = ( ktlCnv##INP * ) inpValue; \
-    char *out = ( char * ) outValue; \
-    assert( inpCount == 1 && outCount == 1 ); \
-    return ( set ); \
-// macro for generating a string -> numeric conversion function
-// (only works if inpCount and outCount are both 1 (checked via assert())
-#define funcstr(INP,OUT,set) \
-static int convert_##INP##_to_##OUT( int inpCount, const void *inpValue, \
-                                     int outCount, void *outValue ) \
-{ \
-    char *inp = ( char * ) inpValue; \
-    ktlCnv##OUT *out = ( ktlCnv##OUT * ) outValue; \
-    assert( inpCount == 1 && outCount == 1 ); \
-    return ( set ); \
-// INVALID conversions
-invfunc( INVALID, INVALID )
-invfunc( INVALID, CHAR    )
-invfunc( INVALID, SHORT   )
-invfunc( INVALID, LONG    )
-invfunc( INVALID, FLOAT   )
-invfunc( INVALID, DOUBLE  )
-invfunc( INVALID, STRING  )
-// CHAR conversions
-invfunc( CHAR, INVALID )
-numfunc( CHAR, CHAR    )
-numfunc( CHAR, SHORT   )
-numfunc( CHAR, LONG    )
-numfunc( CHAR, FLOAT   )
-numfunc( CHAR, DOUBLE  )
-strfunc( CHAR, STRING  , sprintf( out, "%c", *inp ) > 0 ? 0 : -1 )
-// SHORT conversions
-invfunc( SHORT, INVALID )
-numfunc( SHORT, CHAR    )
-numfunc( SHORT, SHORT   )
-numfunc( SHORT, LONG    )
-numfunc( SHORT, FLOAT   )
-numfunc( SHORT, DOUBLE  )
-strfunc( SHORT, STRING  , sprintf( out, "%hd", *inp ) > 0 ? 0 : -1 )
-// LONG conversions
-invfunc( LONG, INVALID )
-numfunc( LONG, CHAR    )
-numfunc( LONG, SHORT   )
-numfunc( LONG, LONG    )
-numfunc( LONG, FLOAT   )
-numfunc( LONG, DOUBLE  )
-strfunc( LONG, STRING  , sprintf( out, "%ld", *inp ) > 0 ? 0 : -1 )
-// FLOAT conversions
-invfunc( FLOAT, INVALID )
-numfunc( FLOAT, CHAR    )
-numfunc( FLOAT, SHORT   )
-numfunc( FLOAT, LONG    )
-numfunc( FLOAT, FLOAT   )
-numfunc( FLOAT, DOUBLE  )
-strfunc( FLOAT, STRING  , sprintf( out, "%g", *inp ) > 0 ? 0 : -1 )
-// DOUBLE conversions
-invfunc( DOUBLE, INVALID )
-numfunc( DOUBLE, CHAR    )
-numfunc( DOUBLE, SHORT   )
-numfunc( DOUBLE, LONG    )
-numfunc( DOUBLE, FLOAT   )
-numfunc( DOUBLE, DOUBLE  )
-strfunc( DOUBLE, STRING  , sprintf( out, "%g", *inp ) > 0 ? 0 : -1 )
-// STRING conversions
-invfunc( STRING, INVALID )
-funcstr( STRING, CHAR    , sscanf( inp, "%c",  out ) == 1 ? 0 : -1 )
-funcstr( STRING, SHORT   , sscanf( inp, "%hd", out ) == 1 ? 0 : -1 )
-funcstr( STRING, LONG    , sscanf( inp, "%ld", out ) == 1 ? 0 : -1 )
-funcstr( STRING, FLOAT   , sscanf( inp, "%f",  out ) == 1 ? 0 : -1 )
-funcstr( STRING, DOUBLE  , sscanf( inp, "%lf", out ) == 1 ? 0 : -1 )
-funcstr( STRING, STRING  , ( strcpy( out, inp ), 0 ) )
-// contents of conversion matrix defined earlier
-converter ktlCnvMatrix[ktlCnv::NUMBER][ktlCnv::NUMBER] =
-    {
-	convert_INVALID_to_INVALID,
-	convert_INVALID_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_INVALID_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_INVALID_to_LONG, 
-	convert_INVALID_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_INVALID_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_INVALID_to_STRING,
-    },
-    {
-	convert_CHAR_to_INVALID,
-	convert_CHAR_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_CHAR_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_CHAR_to_LONG, 
-	convert_CHAR_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_CHAR_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_CHAR_to_STRING, 
-    },
-    {
-	convert_SHORT_to_INVALID,
-	convert_SHORT_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_SHORT_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_SHORT_to_LONG, 
-	convert_SHORT_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_SHORT_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_SHORT_to_STRING,
-    },
-    {
-	convert_LONG_to_INVALID,
-	convert_LONG_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_LONG_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_LONG_to_LONG, 
-	convert_LONG_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_LONG_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_LONG_to_STRING, 
-    },	
-    {
-	convert_FLOAT_to_INVALID,
-	convert_FLOAT_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_FLOAT_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_FLOAT_to_LONG, 
-	convert_FLOAT_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_FLOAT_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_FLOAT_to_STRING,
-    },	
-    {
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_INVALID,
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_LONG, 
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_DOUBLE_to_STRING,
-    },	
-    {
-	convert_STRING_to_INVALID,
-	convert_STRING_to_CHAR, 
-	convert_STRING_to_SHORT, 
-	convert_STRING_to_LONG, 
-	convert_STRING_to_FLOAT, 
-	convert_STRING_to_DOUBLE, 
-	convert_STRING_to_STRING, 
-    }
- *,v
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:15  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/03/06 19:21:04  wlupton
- * misc error reporting and type conversion mods
- *
- */
diff --git a/src/pv/pvKtlCnv.h b/src/pv/pvKtlCnv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b71484d..00000000
--- a/src/pv/pvKtlCnv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found
-in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
-/* Definitions for EPICS sequencer KTL type conversion (pvKtlCnv)
- *
- * Uses large amounts of code from the cdevData class
- *
- * William Lupton, W. M. Keck Observatory
- */
-#ifndef INCLpvKtlCnvh
-#define INCLpvKtlCnvh
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "pv.h"
-#include "ktl.h"
-#include "ktl_keyword.h"
-// ktlCnv class (static members/methods only)
-class ktlCnv
-    // type (index into conversion table */
-    // map types to ktlCnv types (indices into conversion table)
-    static type getType( pvType t );
-    static type getType( KTL_DATATYPE t );
-    // conversion method
-    static int convert( type inpType, int inpCount, const void *inpValue,
-		        type outType, int outCount, void *outValue );
-    // constructors
-    ktlCnv() {}
- * pvKtlCnv.h,v
- * Revision  2000/04/04 03:22:15  wlupton
- * first commit of seq-2-0-0
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/03/06 19:21:04  wlupton
- * misc error reporting and type conversion mods
- *
- */
-#endif /* INCLpvKtlCnvh */
diff --git a/src/pv/ b/src/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index d020b49d..00000000
--- a/src/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* Routine to create a system object for a named message system
- * (will eventually load dynamically)
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define epicsExportSharedSymbols
-#include "pv.h"
-#if defined( PVCA )
-#include "pvCa.h"
-#if defined( PVFILE )
-#include "pvFile.h"
-#if defined( PVKTL ) && !defined( vxWorks )
-#include "pvKtl.h"
- * Routine:     newPvSystem
- *
- * Purpose:     return pointer to appropriate pvSystem sub-class
- *
- * Description:
- */
-epicsShareFunc pvSystem * epicsShareAPI newPvSystem( const char *name, int debug ) {
-#if defined( PVCA )
-    if ( strcmp( name, "ca" ) == 0 )
-	return new caSystem( debug );
-#if defined( PVFILE )
-    if ( strcmp( name, "file" ) == 0 )
-	return new fileSystem( debug );
-#if defined( PVKTL ) && !defined( vxWorks )
-    if ( strcmp( name, "ktl" ) == 0 )
-	return new ktlSystem( debug );
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/src/pv/pvType.h b/src/pv/pvType.h
index 8fc0d570..8524db77 100644
--- a/src/pv/pvType.h
+++ b/src/pv/pvType.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
 #define INCLpvTypeh
 #include "epicsTime.h"		/* for time stamps */
+#include "epicsTypes.h"
 #include "pvAlarm.h"		/* status and severity definitions */
@@ -34,55 +35,15 @@ typedef enum {
     pvTypeTIME_STRING = 11
 } pvType;
-#define PV_SIMPLE(type) ((type)<=pvTypeSTRING)
+/* these must correspond to corresponding types in db_access.h */
+typedef epicsUInt8      pvChar;     /* dbr_char_t   */
+typedef epicsInt16      pvShort;    /* dbr_short_t  */
+typedef epicsInt32      pvLong;     /* dbr_long_t   */
+typedef epicsFloat32    pvFloat;    /* dbr_float_t  */
+typedef epicsFloat64    pvDouble;   /* dbr_double_t */
+typedef epicsOldString  pvString;   /* dbr_string_t */
-#define pv_type_is_valid(type) ((type)>=0&&(type)<=pvTypeTIME_STRING)
-#define pv_type_is_plain(type) ((type)>=0&&(type)<=pvTypeSTRING)
- * Value-related types (c.f. db_access.h)
- */
-typedef epicsInt8    pvChar;
-typedef epicsInt16   pvShort;
-typedef epicsInt32   pvLong;
-typedef epicsFloat32 pvFloat;
-typedef epicsFloat64 pvDouble;
-typedef char         pvString[40]; /* use sizeof( pvString ) */
-#define PV_TIME_XXX(type) \
-    typedef struct { \
-	pvStat	  status; \
-	pvSevr    severity; \
-	epicsTimeStamp  stamp; \
-	pv##type value[1]; \
-    } pvTime##type
-PV_TIME_XXX( Char   );
-PV_TIME_XXX( Short  );
-PV_TIME_XXX( Long   );
-PV_TIME_XXX( Float  );
-PV_TIME_XXX( Double );
-PV_TIME_XXX( String );
-typedef union {
-    pvChar       charVal[1];
-    pvShort      shortVal[1];
-    pvLong       longVal[1];
-    pvFloat      floatVal[1];
-    pvDouble     doubleVal[1];
-    pvString     stringVal[1];
-    pvTimeChar   timeCharVal;
-    pvTimeShort  timeShortVal;
-    pvTimeLong   timeLongVal;
-    pvTimeFloat  timeFloatVal;
-    pvTimeDouble timeDoubleVal;
-    pvTimeString timeStringVal;
-} pvValue;
-/* deprecated, use pv_value_ptr */
-#define PV_VALPTR(type,value)\
-    ((PV_SIMPLE(type)?(void*)(value):\
-                      (void*)(&value->timeCharVal.value)))
+typedef void            pvValue;    /* abstract */
 #define pv_is_simple_type(type)\
@@ -91,15 +52,15 @@ typedef union {
 #define pv_is_valid_type(type)\
-#define pv_status_ptr(pv,type)\
+#define pv_status(pv,type)\
-    (pvStat *)(((char *)pv)+pv_status_offsets[(type)-pvTypeTIME_CHAR]))
-#define pv_severity_ptr(pv,type)\
+    (pvStat)*(epicsInt16 *)(((char *)pv)+pv_status_offsets[(type)-pvTypeTIME_CHAR]))
+#define pv_severity(pv,type)\
-    (pvSevr *)(((char *)pv)+pv_severity_offsets[(type)-pvTypeTIME_CHAR]))
-#define pv_stamp_ptr(pv,type)\
+    (pvSevr)*(epicsInt16 *)(((char *)pv)+pv_severity_offsets[(type)-pvTypeTIME_CHAR]))
+#define pv_stamp(pv,type)\
-    (epicsTimeStamp *)(((char *)pv)+pv_stamp_offsets[(type)-pvTypeTIME_CHAR]))
+    *(epicsTimeStamp *)(((char *)pv)+pv_stamp_offsets[(type)-pvTypeTIME_CHAR]))
 #define pv_value_ptr(pv,type)\
     (assert(pv_is_valid_type(type)),(void *)(((char *)pv)+pv_value_offsets[type]))
diff --git a/src/seq/seqCom.h b/src/seq/seqCom.h
index bcb627fe..49e84965 100644
--- a/src/seq/seqCom.h
+++ b/src/seq/seqCom.h
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
 #include "shareLib.h"
 #include "pvAlarm.h"
-#include "pvType.h"
 #include "epicsThread.h"
 #include "epicsTime.h"
diff --git a/src/seq/seqPvt.h b/src/seq/seqPvt.h
index 6f2cead9..b52b9ffa 100644
--- a/src/seq/seqPvt.h
+++ b/src/seq/seqPvt.h
@@ -124,10 +124,9 @@ struct pv_meta_data
 struct db_channel
 	char		*dbName;	/* channel name after macro expansion */
-	void		*pvid;		/* PV (process variable) id */
+	pvVar		pvid;		/* PV (process variable) id */
 	unsigned	dbCount;	/* actual count for db access */
 	boolean		connected;	/* whether channel is connected */
-	void		*monid;		/* monitor id (supplied by PV lib) */
 	boolean		gotOneMonitor;	/* whether got at least one monitor */
 	PVMETA		metaData;	/* meta data (shared buffer) */
 	PVMETA		*ssMetaData;	/* array of meta data,
@@ -172,9 +171,7 @@ struct program_instance
 	int		instance;	/* program instance number */
 	unsigned	threadPriority;	/* thread priority (all threads) */
 	unsigned	stackSize;	/* stack size (all threads) */
-	void		*pvSys;		/* pv system handle */
-	char		*pvSysName;	/* pv system name ("ca", "ktl", ...) */
-	int		debug;		/* pv system debug level */
+	pvSystem	pvSys;		/* pv system handle */
 	CHAN		*chan;		/* table of channels */
 	unsigned	numChans;	/* number of channels */
 	QUEUE		*queues;	/* array of syncQ queues */
@@ -224,28 +221,25 @@ struct pvreq
 /* Internal procedures */
 /* seq_task.c */
-void sequencer (void *arg);
+void sequencer(void *arg);
 void ss_write_buffer(CHAN *ch, void *val, PVMETA *meta, boolean dirtify);
 void ss_read_buffer(SSCB *ss, CHAN *ch, boolean dirty_only);
 void ss_read_buffer_selective(SPROG *sp, SSCB *ss, EV_ID ev_flag);
 void ss_wakeup(SPROG *sp, unsigned eventNum);
-void seqCreatePvSys(SPROG *sp);
 /* seq_mac.c */
 void seqMacParse(SPROG *sp, const char *macStr);
 char *seqMacValGet(SPROG *sp, const char *name);
 void seqMacEval(SPROG *sp, const char *inStr, char *outStr, size_t maxChar);
 void seqMacFree(SPROG *sp);
 /* seq_ca.c */
-void seq_get_handler(void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-	pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status);
-void seq_put_handler(void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-	pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status);
-void seq_mon_handler(void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-	pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status);
-void seq_conn_handler(void *var,int connected);
+pvConnFunc seq_conn_handler;
+pvEventFunc seq_event_handler;
 pvStat seq_connect(SPROG *sp, boolean wait);
 void seq_disconnect(SPROG *sp);
 pvStat seq_camonitor(CHAN *ch, boolean on);
 /* seq_prog.c */
 typedef int seqTraversee(SPROG *prog, void *param);
 void seqTraverseProg(seqTraversee *func, void *param);
@@ -253,11 +247,14 @@ SSCB *seqFindStateSet(epicsThreadId threadId);
 SPROG *seqFindProg(epicsThreadId threadId);
 void seqDelProg(SPROG *sp);
 void seqAddProg(SPROG *sp);
 /* seqCommands.c */
 typedef int sequencerProgramTraversee(SPROG **sprog, seqProgram *pseq, void *param);
 int traverseSequencerPrograms(sequencerProgramTraversee *traversee, void *param);
 /* seq_main.c */
 void seq_free(SPROG *sp);
 /* debug/query support */
 typedef int pr_fun(const char *format,...);
 void print_channel_value(pr_fun *, CHAN *ch, void *val);
diff --git a/src/seq/seq_ca.c b/src/seq/seq_ca.c
index 676d0d9d..a593b685 100644
--- a/src/seq/seq_ca.c
+++ b/src/seq/seq_ca.c
@@ -33,23 +33,8 @@ in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
 #include "seq.h"
 #include "seq_debug.h"
- * Event type (extra argument passed to proc_db_events().
- */
-enum event_type {
-static const char *event_type_name[] = {
-	"get",
-	"put",
-	"mon"
 static void proc_db_events(pvValue *value, pvType type,
-	CHAN *ch, SSCB *ss, enum event_type evtype, pvStat status);
+	CHAN *ch, SSCB *ss, pvEventType evtype, pvStat status);
 static void proc_db_events_queued(SPROG *sp, CHAN *ch, pvValue *value);
@@ -76,13 +61,12 @@ pvStat seq_connect(SPROG *sp, boolean wait)
 		DEBUG("seq_connect: connect %s to %s\n", ch->varName,
 		/* Connect to it */
-		dbch->pvid = NULL;
 		status = pvVarCreate(
 				sp->pvSys,		/* PV system context */
 				ch->dbch->dbName,	/* PV name */
 				seq_conn_handler,	/* connection handler routine */
+				seq_event_handler,	/* event handler routine */
 				ch,			/* private data is CHAN struc */
-				sp->debug,		/* debug level (inherited) */
 				&dbch->pvid);		/* ptr to PV id */
 		if (status != pvStatOK)
@@ -154,8 +138,8 @@ pvStat seq_connect(SPROG *sp, boolean wait)
  * seq_get_handler() - Sequencer callback handler.
  * Called when a "get" completes.
-void seq_get_handler(
-	void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status)
+static void seq_get_handler(
+	pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status)
 	PVREQ	*rq = (PVREQ *)arg;
 	CHAN	*ch = rq->ch;
@@ -166,15 +150,15 @@ void seq_get_handler(
 	freeListFree(sp->pvReqPool, arg);
 	/* ignore callback if not expected, e.g. already timed out */
 	if (ss->getReq[chNum(ch)] == rq)
-		proc_db_events(value, type, ch, ss, GET_COMPLETE, status);
+		proc_db_events(value, type, ch, ss, pvEventGet, status);
  * seq_put_handler() - Sequencer callback handler.
  * Called when a "put" completes.
-void seq_put_handler(
-	void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status)
+static void seq_put_handler(
+	pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status)
 	PVREQ	*rq = (PVREQ *)arg;
 	CHAN	*ch = rq->ch;
@@ -185,14 +169,14 @@ void seq_put_handler(
 	freeListFree(sp->pvReqPool, arg);
 	/* ignore callback if not expected, e.g. already timed out */
 	if (ss->putReq[chNum(ch)] == rq)
-		proc_db_events(value, type, ch, ss, PUT_COMPLETE, status);
+		proc_db_events(value, type, ch, ss, pvEventPut, status);
  * seq_mon_handler() - PV events (monitors) come here.
-void seq_mon_handler(
-	void *var, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status)
+static void seq_mon_handler(
+	pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, void *arg, pvStat status)
 	CHAN	*ch = (CHAN *)arg;
 	SPROG	*sp = ch->sprog;
@@ -200,7 +184,7 @@ void seq_mon_handler(
 	assert(dbch != NULL);
 	/* Process event handling in each state set */
-	proc_db_events(value, type, ch, sp->ss, MON_COMPLETE, status);
+	proc_db_events(value, type, ch, sp->ss, pvEventMonitor, status);
 	if (!dbch->gotOneMonitor)
 		dbch->gotOneMonitor = TRUE;
@@ -215,17 +199,39 @@ void seq_mon_handler(
+ * seq_get_handler() - Sequencer callback handler.
+ * Called when a "get" completes.
+ */
+void seq_event_handler(
+	pvEventType evt, void *arg, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *value, pvStat status)
+	switch (evt)
+	{
+	case pvEventGet:
+		seq_get_handler(type, count, value, arg, status);
+		break;
+	case pvEventPut:
+		seq_put_handler(type, count, value, arg, status);
+		break;
+	case pvEventMonitor:
+		seq_mon_handler(type, count, value, arg, status);
+		break;
+	}
 /* Common code for completion and monitor handling */
 static void proc_db_events(
-	pvValue	*value,
-	pvType	type,
-	CHAN	*ch,
-	SSCB	*ss,		/* originator, for put and get */
-	enum event_type evtype,
-	pvStat	status)
+	pvValue		*value,
+	pvType		type,
+	CHAN		*ch,
+	SSCB		*ss,		/* originator, for put and get */
+	pvEventType	evtype,
+	pvStat		status)
 	SPROG	*sp = ch->sprog;
 	DBCHAN	*dbch = ch->dbch;
+	static const char *event_type_name[] = {"get","put","mon"};
 	assert(dbch != NULL);
@@ -233,7 +239,7 @@ static void proc_db_events(
 		dbch->dbName, event_type_name[evtype], status);
 	/* If monitor on var queued via syncQ, branch to alternative routine */
-	if (ch->queue && evtype == MON_COMPLETE)
+	if (ch->queue && evtype == pvEventMonitor)
 		proc_db_events_queued(sp, ch, value);
@@ -247,9 +253,9 @@ static void proc_db_events(
 		PVMETA meta;
 		/* must not use an initializer here, the MS C compiler chokes on it */
-		meta.timeStamp = *pv_stamp_ptr(value,type);
-		meta.status = *pv_status_ptr(value,type);
-		meta.severity = *pv_severity_ptr(value,type);
+		meta.timeStamp = pv_stamp(value,type);
+		meta.status = pv_status(value,type);
+		meta.severity = pv_severity(value,type);
 		meta.message = NULL;
 		/* Set error message only when severity indicates error */
@@ -262,16 +268,16 @@ static void proc_db_events(
 		/* Write value and meta data to shared buffers.
 		   Set the dirty flag only if this was a monitor event. */
-		ss_write_buffer(ch, val, &meta, evtype == MON_COMPLETE);
+		ss_write_buffer(ch, val, &meta, evtype == pvEventMonitor);
 	/* Signal completion */
 	switch (evtype)
+	case pvEventGet:
+	case pvEventPut:
@@ -346,8 +352,7 @@ void seq_disconnect(SPROG *sp)
 		DEBUG("seq_disconnect: disconnect %s from %s\n",
 			ch->varName, dbch->dbName);
 		/* Disconnect this PV */
-		status = pvVarDestroy(dbch->pvid);
-		dbch->pvid = NULL;
+		status = pvVarDestroy(&dbch->pvid);
 		if (status != pvStatOK)
 			errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "seq_disconnect: var %s, pv %s: pvVarDestroy() failure: "
 				"%s\n", ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
@@ -368,25 +373,21 @@ pvStat seq_camonitor(CHAN *ch, boolean on)
-	if (on == (dbch->monid != NULL))			/* already done */
+	if (on == pvMonIsDefined(dbch->pvid))		/* already done */
 		return pvStatOK;
 	DEBUG("calling pvVarMonitor%s(%p)\n", on?"On":"Off", dbch->pvid);
 	dbch->gotOneMonitor = FALSE;
 	if (on)
 		status = pvVarMonitorOn(
-				dbch->pvid,		/* pvid */
+				&dbch->pvid,		/* pvid */
 				ch->type->getType,	/* requested type */
 				ch->count,		/* element count */
-				seq_mon_handler,	/* function to call */
-				ch,			/* user arg (channel struct) */
-				&dbch->monid);		/* where to put event id */
+				ch);			/* user arg (channel struct) */
-		status = pvVarMonitorOff(dbch->pvid, dbch->monid);
+		status = pvVarMonitorOff(&dbch->pvid);
 	if (status != pvStatOK)
 		errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "seq_camonitor: pvVarMonitor%s(var %s, pv %s) failure: %s\n",
 			on?"On":"Off", ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
-	else if (!on)
-		dbch->monid = NULL;
 	return status;
@@ -394,9 +395,9 @@ pvStat seq_camonitor(CHAN *ch, boolean on)
  * seq_conn_handler() - Sequencer connection handler.
  * Called each time a connection is established or broken.
-void seq_conn_handler(void *var, int connected)
+void seq_conn_handler(int connected, void *arg)
-	CHAN	*ch = (CHAN *)pvVarGetPrivate(var);
+	CHAN	*ch = (CHAN *)arg;
 	SPROG	*sp = ch->sprog;
 	DBCHAN	*dbch = ch->dbch;
@@ -404,13 +405,6 @@ void seq_conn_handler(void *var, int connected)
 	assert(dbch != NULL);
-	/* Note that CA may call this while pvVarCreate is still running,
-	   so dbch->pvid may not yet be initialized. */
-	if (!dbch->pvid)
-		dbch->pvid = var;
-	DEBUG("seq_conn_handler(%p,%d), dbch->pvid=%p\n", var, connected, dbch->pvid);
-	assert(dbch->pvid == var);
 	if (!connected)
 		DEBUG("%s disconnected from %s\n", ch->varName, dbch->dbName);
@@ -453,7 +447,8 @@ void seq_conn_handler(void *var, int connected)
-			dbCount = pvVarGetCount(var);
+			assert(pvVarIsDefined(dbch->pvid));
+			dbCount = pvVarGetCount(&dbch->pvid);
 			assert(dbCount >= 0);
 			dbch->dbCount = min(ch->count, (unsigned)dbCount);
diff --git a/src/seq/seq_if.c b/src/seq/seq_if.c
index 35ba19aa..6df3bd65 100644
--- a/src/seq/seq_if.c
+++ b/src/seq/seq_if.c
@@ -160,10 +160,9 @@ epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvGet(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, enum compT
 	/* Perform the PV get operation with a callback routine specified.
 	   Requesting more than db channel has available is ok. */
 	status = pvVarGetCallback(
-			dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
+			&dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
 			ch->type->getType,	/* request type */
 			ch->count,		/* element count */
-			seq_get_handler,	/* callback handler */
 			req);			/* user arg */
 	if (status != pvStatOK)
@@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvPut(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, enum compT
 	if (compType == DEFAULT)
 		status = pvVarPutNoBlock(
-				dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
+				&dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
 				ch->type->putType,	/* data type */
 				count,			/* element count */
 				(pvValue *)var);	/* data value */
@@ -460,11 +459,10 @@ epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvPut(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, enum compT
 		ss->putReq[varId] = req;
 		status = pvVarPutCallback(
-				dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
+				&dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
 				ch->type->putType,	/* data type */
 				count,			/* element count */
 				(pvValue *)var,		/* data value */
-				seq_put_handler,	/* callback handler */
 				req);			/* user arg */
 		if (status != pvStatOK)
@@ -592,8 +590,7 @@ epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvAssign(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, const c
 	if (dbch)	/* was assigned to a named PV */
-		status = pvVarDestroy(dbch->pvid);
-		dbch->pvid = NULL;
+		status = pvVarDestroy(&dbch->pvid);
 		sp->assignCount -= 1;
@@ -658,8 +655,8 @@ epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvAssign(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, const c
 			sp->pvSys,		/* PV system context */
 			dbch->dbName,		/* DB channel name */
 			seq_conn_handler,	/* connection handler routine */
+			seq_event_handler,	/* event handler routine */
 			ch,			/* user ptr is CHAN structure */
-			sp->debug,		/* debug level (inherited) */
 			&dbch->pvid);		/* ptr to pvid */
 		if (status != pvStatOK)
@@ -1010,9 +1007,9 @@ static void *getq_cp(void *dest, const void *value, size_t elemSize)
 		/* Copy status, severity and time stamp */
-		meta->status = *pv_status_ptr(value,type);
-		meta->severity = *pv_severity_ptr(value,type);
-		meta->timeStamp = *pv_stamp_ptr(value,type);
+		meta->status = pv_status(value,type);
+		meta->severity = pv_severity(value,type);
+		meta->timeStamp = pv_stamp(value,type);
 		count = ch->dbch->dbCount;
 	return memcpy(var, pv_value_ptr(value,type), ch->type->size * count);
diff --git a/src/seq/seq_main.c b/src/seq/seq_main.c
index f9506d11..ae224006 100644
--- a/src/seq/seq_main.c
+++ b/src/seq/seq_main.c
@@ -97,20 +97,6 @@ epicsShareFunc void epicsShareAPI seq(
 		threadName = sp->progName;
-	/* Specify PV system name (defaults to CA) */
-	str = seqMacValGet(sp, "pvsys");
-	if (str && str[0] != '\0')
-		sp->pvSysName = str;
-	else
-		sp->pvSysName = "ca";
-	/* Determine debug level (currently only used for PV-level debugging) */
-	str = seqMacValGet(sp, "debug");
-	if (str && str[0] != '\0')
-		sp->debug = atoi(str);
-	else
-		sp->debug = 0;
 	/* Specify thread priority */
 	sp->threadPriority = THREAD_PRIORITY;
 	str = seqMacValGet(sp, "priority");
diff --git a/src/seq/seq_prog.c b/src/seq/seq_prog.c
index c2702731..cc0742e6 100644
--- a/src/seq/seq_prog.c
+++ b/src/seq/seq_prog.c
@@ -123,19 +123,18 @@ static int addProg(SPROG **ppInstances, seqProgram *pseq, void *param)
     SPROG *sp = (SPROG *)param;
     if (!ppInstances || !pseq) {
-        if (!sp->pvSys) {
-            seqCreatePvSys(sp);
+        if (!pvSysIsDefined(sp->pvSys)) {
+            pvStat status = pvSysCreate(&sp->pvSys);
+            if (status != pvStatOK) {
+                errlogPrintf("pvSysCreate() failure\n");
+            }
         return FALSE;
-    assert(sp->pvSysName);
-    /* search for an instance with the same pvSysName */
-    if (!sp->pvSys) {
+    if (!pvSysIsDefined(sp->pvSys)) {
         SPROG *curSP;
         foreach(curSP, *ppInstances) {
-            if (strcmp(sp->pvSysName, curSP->pvSysName) == 0) {
-                DEBUG("Found a program instance (%p[%d]) with pvSys=%s.\n",
-                    curSP, curSP->instance, curSP->pvSysName);
+            if (pvSysIsDefined(curSP->pvSys)) {
                 sp->pvSys = curSP->pvSys;
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ static int addProg(SPROG **ppInstances, seqProgram *pseq, void *param)
         DEBUG("Added program %p, instance %d to instance list.\n",
             sp, sp->instance);
-        if (sp->pvSys)
+        if (pvSysIsDefined(sp->pvSys))
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/seq/seq_task.c b/src/seq/seq_task.c
index f996b265..afbf72f1 100644
--- a/src/seq/seq_task.c
+++ b/src/seq/seq_task.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void sequencer (void *arg)	/* ptr to original (global) state program table */
 	   and if necessary create pvSys */
-	if (!sp->pvSys)
+	if (!pvSysIsDefined(sp->pvSys))
 		sp->die = TRUE;
 		goto exit;
@@ -485,15 +485,6 @@ void epicsShareAPI seqStop(epicsThreadId tid)
-void seqCreatePvSys(SPROG *sp)
-	int debug = sp->debug;
-	pvStat status = pvSysCreate(sp->pvSysName,
-		max(0, debug-1), &sp->pvSys);
-	if (status != pvStatOK)
-		errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "pvSysCreate(\"%s\") failure\n", sp->pvSysName);
  * ss_wakeup() -- wake up each state set that is waiting on this event
  * based on the current event mask; eventNum = 0 means wake all state sets.
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index 69fa3481..1bb8d33e 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ TOP = ..
 include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
 DIRS += compiler
-DIRS += pv
 DIRS += validate
 ifeq '$(EPICS_HAS_UNIT_TEST)' '1'
diff --git a/test/pv/Makefile b/test/pv/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bf1326e..00000000
--- a/test/pv/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-TOP = ../..
-include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
-# purify support (uncomment to enable)
-#CXX := purify $(CXX)
-#  Profiling doesn't work for threaded applications?
-#arrput_CXXFLAGS = -p
-#arrputCA_CXXFLAGS = -p
-#  Generate snc main programs
-#  Products
-TESTPROD_HOST += arrput
-TESTPROD_HOST += pvsimpleC
-TESTPROD_HOST += pvsimpleCC
-TESTPROD_HOST += pvtest
-#  Libraries
-PROD_LIBS += seq pv
-include $(TOP)/configure/RULES
diff --git a/test/pv/ b/test/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9593411..00000000
--- a/test/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* Loop putting simulated values to an array-valued PV */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "epicsThread.h"
-#include "pv.h"
-#define  SYSNAME "ca"		/* system name (hard-coded for CA) */
-#define	 REPORT \
-    if ( sys.getSevr() != pvSevrNONE ) \
-	printf( "%s: %d %d %d %s\n", name, sys.getStatus(), \
-		sys.getSevr(), sys.getStat(), sys.getMess() )
-/* main program */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
-    const char *prog  = ( argc > 0 ) ? argv[0] : "prog?";
-    const char *name  = ( argc > 1 ) ? argv[1] : "k0:ao:wc:tl:dmActVec";
-    int         cycle = ( argc > 2 ) ? atoi( argv[2] ) : 0;
-    double      delay = ( argc > 3 ) ? atof( argv[3] ) : 0.05;
-    double      scale = ( argc > 4 ) ? atof( argv[4] ) : 1.0 / ( 32767 * 10 );
-    double      zero  = ( argc > 5 ) ? atof( argv[5] ) : 0.0;
-    printf( "%s: name=%s, cycle=%d, delay=%g, scale=%g, zero=%g\n",
-	    prog, name, cycle, delay, scale, zero );
-    pvSystem   &sys   = *newPvSystem( SYSNAME, 0 );
-    REPORT;
-    pvVariable &var   = *sys.newVariable( name );
-    sys.pend( 1.0 );
-    REPORT;
-    int         count = var.getCount();
-    pvValue    &value = * ( pvValue * ) new double[count];
-    srand( time( NULL ) );
-    for ( int i = 0; i < cycle || cycle == 0; i++ ) {
-	for ( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
-	    value.doubleVal[j] = ( ( double ) rand() ) * scale + zero;
-	var.put( pvTypeDOUBLE, count, &value );
-	epicsThreadSleep( delay );
-    }
diff --git a/test/pv/ b/test/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f997fb6..00000000
--- a/test/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* Loop putting simulated values to an array-valued PV (CA version) */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "epicsThread.h"
-#include "cadef.h"
-#define	 REPORT SEVCHK( status, name )
-/* main program */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
-    const char  *name  = ( argc > 1 ) ? argv[1] : "k0:ao:wc:tl:dmActVec";
-    int         cycle = ( argc > 2 ) ? atoi( argv[2] ) : 0;
-    double      delay = ( argc > 3 ) ? atof( argv[3] ) : 0.05;
-    double      scale = ( argc > 4 ) ? atof( argv[4] ) : 1.0 / ( 32767 * 10 );
-    int		status;
-    chid	chid;
-    status = ca_task_initialize();
-    REPORT;
-    status = ca_search_and_connect( name, &chid, NULL, NULL );
-    REPORT;
-    status = ca_pend_io( 1.0 );
-    REPORT;
-    int         count = ca_element_count( chid );
-    double     *value = new double[count];
-    srand( time( NULL ) );
-    for ( int i = 0; i < cycle || cycle == 0; i++ ) {
-	for ( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
-	    value[j] = ( ( double ) rand() ) * scale;
-	status = ca_array_put( DBR_DOUBLE, count, chid, value );
-	epicsThreadSleep( delay );
-    }
diff --git a/test/pv/pvsimpleC.c b/test/pv/pvsimpleC.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bfbda6ab..00000000
--- a/test/pv/pvsimpleC.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found
-in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution.
-/* Very simple C program to demonstrate pv classes */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pv.h"
-/* event handler (get/put completion; monitors) */
-static void event( void *var, pvType type, unsigned count,
-        pvValue *val, void *arg, pvStat stat ) {
-    printf( "event: %s=%g\n", pvVarGetName( var ), val->doubleVal[0] );
-/* main program */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
-    /* system and variable names */
-    const char *sysNam = ( argc > 1 ) ? argv[1] : "ca";
-    const char *varNam = ( argc > 2 ) ? argv[2] : "demo:voltage";
-    void *sys;
-    void *var;
-    int status;
-    /* create system */
-    status = pvSysCreate( sysNam, 0, &sys );
-    if ( status ) {
-	printf( "pvSysCreate( %s ) failure\n", sysNam );
-	return -1;
-    }
-    /* create variable */
-    status = pvVarCreate( sys, varNam, NULL, NULL, 0, &var );
-    if ( status ) {
-	printf( "pvVarCreate( %s, %s ) failure\n", sysNam, varNam );
-	return -1;
-    }
-    /* monitor variable as double (assume scalar) */
-    status = pvVarMonitorOn( var, pvTypeDOUBLE, 1, event, NULL, NULL );
-    if ( status ) {
-	printf( "pvVarMonitorOn( %s ) failure\n", varNam );
-    }
-    /* shouldn't need this! */
-    pvSysPend( sys, 1, FALSE );
-    /* block for 10 seconds */
-    pvSysPend( sys, 10, TRUE );
-    /* tidy up */
-    pvVarDestroy( var );
-    pvSysDestroy( sys );
-    return 0;
diff --git a/test/pv/ b/test/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d4abe0..00000000
--- a/test/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Very simple C++ program to demonstrate pv classes
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pv.h"
-// event handler (get/put completion; monitors)
-static void event( void *obj, pvType type, unsigned count,
-        pvValue *val, void *arg, pvStat stat ) {
-    pvVariable *var = ( pvVariable * ) obj;
-    printf( "event: %s=%g\n", var->getName(), val->doubleVal[0] );
-// main program
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
-    // system and variable names
-    const char *sysNam = ( argc > 1 ) ? argv[1] : "ca";
-    const char *varNam = ( argc > 2 ) ? argv[2] : "demo:voltage";
-    // create system
-    pvSystem *sys = newPvSystem( sysNam );
-    if ( sys == NULL ) {
-        printf( "newPvSystem( %s ) failure\n", sysNam );
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // create variable
-    pvVariable *var = sys->newVariable( varNam );
-    if ( var == NULL ) {
-        printf( "%s->newVariable( %s ) failure\n", sysNam, varNam );
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // monitor variable as double (assume scalar)
-    int status = var->monitorOn( pvTypeDOUBLE, 1, event );
-    if ( status ) {
-        printf( "%s->monitorOn() failure\n", varNam );
-    }
-    // shouldn't need this!
-    sys->pend( 1, FALSE );
-    // block for 10 seconds
-    sys->pend( 10, TRUE );
-printf( "after pend\n" );
-printf( "after exit\n" );
-    // tidy up
-//  delete var;
-//  delete sys;
-    return 0;
diff --git a/test/pv/ b/test/pv/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24765647..00000000
--- a/test/pv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* Test pv classes */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pv.h"
-#define TYPE(_type) \
-    ( _type[0] == 'c' ? pvTypeTIME_CHAR   : \
-      _type[0] == 'h' ? pvTypeTIME_SHORT  : \
-      _type[0] == 'l' ? pvTypeTIME_LONG   : \
-      _type[0] == 'f' ? pvTypeTIME_FLOAT  : \
-      _type[0] == 's' ? pvTypeTIME_STRING : \
-			pvTypeTIME_DOUBLE )
-#define OUTPUT(_type,_val,_ind) \
-    ( _type == pvTypeTIME_CHAR  ? \
-		printf( "%d", _val->timeCharVal.value[_ind] & 0xff ) : \
-      _type == pvTypeTIME_SHORT  ? \
-		printf( "%hd", _val->timeShortVal.value[_ind] ) : \
-      _type == pvTypeTIME_LONG   ? \
-		printf( "%d", _val->timeLongVal.value[_ind] ) : \
-      _type == pvTypeTIME_FLOAT  ? \
-		printf( "%g", _val->timeFloatVal.value[_ind] ) : \
-      _type == pvTypeTIME_STRING ? \
-		printf( "\"%s\"", _val->timeStringVal.value[_ind] ) : \
-		printf( "%g", _val->timeDoubleVal.value[_ind] ) )
-void conn( void *, int connected ) {
-    printf( "conn: connected=%d\n", connected );
-void event( void *, pvType type, unsigned count, pvValue *val, void *arg,
-	    pvStat stat) {
-    if ( stat != pvStatOK ) {
-	printf( "event%p: stat=%d\n", arg, stat );
-    }
-    else {
-	printf( "event%p: tim=%d, val=", arg, val->timeDoubleVal.stamp.
-		secPastEpoch );
-	OUTPUT( type, val, 0 );
-	if ( count > 1 ) {
-	    printf( " ... " );
-	    OUTPUT( type, val, count - 1 );
-	}
-	printf( "\n" );
-    }
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
-    char     *snm = ( argc < 2 ) ? ( char * ) "ca" : argv[1];
-    int	      deb = ( argc < 3 ) ? 1 : atoi( argv[2] );
-    pvSystem *sys = newPvSystem( snm, deb );
-    if ( sys == NULL ) {
-	printf( "newPvSystem( %s ) failure\n", snm );
-	return -1;
-    }
-    printf( "%s: %d %d %d %s\n", snm, sys->getStatus(), sys->getSevr(),
-	    sys->getStat(), sys->getMess() );
-    char     *nam = ( argc < 4 ) ? ( strcmp( snm, "ca" ) == 0 ? \
-	       ( char * ) "k1:ao:sc:cpu" : ( char * ) "ao1.aosccpu" ) : argv[3];
-    pvVariable *var = sys->newVariable( nam, conn, NULL, deb );
-    if ( var == NULL ) {
-	printf( "%s->newVariable( %s ) failure\n", snm, nam );
-	return -1;
-    }
-    printf( "%s: %d %d %d %s\n", nam, var->getStatus(), var->getSevr(),
-	    var->getStat(), var->getMess() );
-    char     *typ = ( argc < 5 ) ? ( char * ) "d" : argv[4];
-    int       cnt = var->getCount();
-    var->monitorOn( TYPE( typ ), cnt, event, ( void * ) 0 );
-    sys->pend( 1, FALSE );
-    if ( var->getStat() == pvStatOK )
-	printf( "%s: connected=%d, type=%d, count=%d, private=%p\n", nam,
-		var->getConnected(), var->getType(), cnt, var->getPrivate() );
-    pvValue *val = new pvValue[cnt];
-    var->get( TYPE( typ ), cnt, val );
-    sys->pend( 1, FALSE );
-    printf( "%s: %d %d %d %s\n", nam, var->getStatus(), var->getSevr(),
-	    var->getStat(), var->getMess() );
-    if ( var->getStat() == pvStatOK ) {
-	OUTPUT( TYPE( typ ), val, 0 );
-	printf( "\n" );
-    }
-    var->getCallback( TYPE( typ ), cnt, event, ( void * ) 1 );
-    sys->pend( 1, TRUE );
-    printf( "%s: %d %d %d %s\n", nam, var->getStatus(), var->getSevr(),
-	    var->getStat(), var->getMess() );
-    sys->pend( 10, TRUE );
-    printf( "%s: %d %d %d %s\n", nam, var->getStatus(), var->getSevr(),
-	    var->getStat(), var->getMess() );
-    delete var;
-    delete sys;
-    return 0;