diff --git a/ess/TraceWin.py b/ess/TraceWin.py
index c198930a68b6e7470c8c00141dec7855a43c4f98..b742472cadef2d2fc4835bb12ccdd13a539fa093 100644
--- a/ess/TraceWin.py
+++ b/ess/TraceWin.py
@@ -53,3 +53,156 @@ class dst:
         if key in self._columns:
             return self._data[:,i]
+class density_file:
+    '''
+    Simple class to read a TraceWin density file
+    into a pythonized object
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        import numpy
+        self.filename=filename
+        self.fin=file(self.filename, 'r')
+        # first we simply count how many elements we have:
+        counter=0
+        while True:
+            try:
+                self._skipAndCount()
+                counter+=1
+            except IndexError: # EOF reached..
+                break
+        print counter
+        self.fin.seek(0)
+        # set up the arrays..
+        self.i=0
+        # z position [m] :
+        self.z=numpy.zeros(counter)
+        # current [mA] :
+        self.ib=numpy.zeros(counter)
+        # number of lost particles:
+        self.Np=numpy.zeros(counter)
+        self.Xouv=numpy.zeros(counter)
+        self.Youv=numpy.zeros(counter)
+        self._max=numpy.zeros((counter,7))
+        self._min=numpy.zeros((counter,7))
+        self.lost=numpy.zeros((counter,self.Nrun))
+        self.powlost=numpy.zeros((counter,self.Nrun))
+        while self.i<counter:
+            self._getFullContent()
+            self.i+=1
+    def _getHeader(self):
+        import numpy
+        # header..
+        version=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
+        year=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
+        # there is much more data written, but it is undocumented. Our trick to get back "on line":
+        shift=0
+        while year!=2011 or version!=8:
+            shift+=1
+            version=year
+            year=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
+        if shift:
+            raise ValueError("ERROR, shifted "+str(shift*2)+" bytes")
+        self.vlong=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
+        self.Nrun=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
+        self.version=version
+        self.year=year
+    def _skipAndCount(self):
+        import numpy
+        self._getHeader()
+        numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=8344/2)
+        numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=6788/2)
+    def _getFullContent(self):
+        import numpy
+        #self._getHeader()
+        # no need to read the header again:
+        numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=5)
+        nelp=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
+        self.ib[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+        self.z[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+        # Aperture
+        self.Xouv[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+        self.Youv[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+        step=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
+        n=7 # x [m], y[m], Phase [deg], Energy [MeV], R[m], Z[m], dp/p
+        moy=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+        moy2=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+        self._max[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
+        self._min[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
+        if self.version>=5:
+            rms=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+            rms_size2=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+        if self.version>=6:
+            min_pos_moy=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+            max_pos_moy=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+        if self.version>=7:
+            rms_emit=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+            rms_emit2=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
+        self.Np[self.i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
+        #print self.i, self.Np[self.i] # Nrun, nelp, ib, self.z[self.i], Np
+        if self.Np[self.i]:
+            powlost=numpy.zeros(self.Nrun)
+            for i in xrange(self.Nrun):
+                self.lost[self.i,i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
+                self.powlost[self.i,i]=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+            lost2=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
+            Minlost=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
+            Maxlost=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
+            powlost2=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0]
+            Minpowlost=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+            Maxpowlost=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
+            if self.vlong==1:
+                tab=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=n)
+            else:
+                tab=numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=n)
+            if self.ib[self.i]>0:
+                tabp=[]
+                for j in xrange(n):
+                    tabp.append(numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=step))
+        # skip jibberish
+        if self.Np[self.i]:
+            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=2352/2)
+            if self.Nrun==100:
+                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=5572/2)
+        else:
+            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=8032/2)
+            if self.Nrun==100:
+                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=6788/2)