from __future__ import print_function class dst: ''' Simple class to read in a TraceWin distribution file Class afterwards hold the following dictionary items: - x [m] - xp [rad] - y [m] - yp [rad] - phi [rad] - E [MeV] (kinetic energy) ''' def __init__(self, filename=None, freq=352.21, mass=938.272, Ib=0.0): # easy storage.. self.filename = filename # used to create dict behaviour.. self._columns = ['x', 'xp', 'y', 'yp', 'phi', 'E'] if filename: # read in the file.. self._readBinaryFile() else: import numpy self.Np = 0 self.Ib = Ib self.freq = freq self._data = numpy.zeros((self.Np, 6)) self.mass = mass def append(self, x=0.0, xp=0.0, y=0.0, yp=0.0, E=0.0, phi=0.0): ''' Append one particle to the distribution - Kinetic Energy in MeV - x,y in m - xp,yp in rad - phi in rad ''' import numpy self._data = numpy.append(self._data, [[x, xp, y, yp, phi, E]], 0) self.Np += 1 def append_many(self, array): ''' Append a matrix of particle vectors. Matrix on form 6xN, where N is number of particles. Each row should hold [x,xp,y,yp,phi,E] Units m,rad, MeV ''' import numpy self._data = numpy.append(self._data, array, 0) self.Np += len(array) def combine_dst(self, other): ''' Appends the particles from another dst object to this one ''' if self.mass != other.mass: raise ValueError("You are trying to add two distributions with differing mass: {} and {}".format( self.mass, other.mass)) if self.freq != other.freq: raise ValueError("You are trying to add two distributions with differing freq: {} and {}".format( self.freq, other.freq)) self.append_many(other._data) self.Ib = ( self.Ib*self.Np + other.Ib*other.Np ) / ( self.Np + other.Np) def remove(self, i=None): ''' Removes all particles from the distribution, or the line specified by i ''' import numpy if i is None: self._data=numpy.delete(self._data,numpy.s_[:], 0) self.Np=0 else: self._data=numpy.delete(self._data, i, 0) self.Np-=1 def _readBinaryFile(self): # Thanks Ema! import numpy fin=open(self.filename,'r') # dummy, Np, Ib, freq, dummy Header_type = numpy.dtype([ ('dummy12', numpy.int16), ('Np', numpy.int32), ('Ib', numpy.float64), ('freq', numpy.float64), ('dummy3', numpy.int8) ]) Header = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1) self.Np = Header['Np'][0] self.Ib = Header['Ib'][0] self.freq = Header['freq'][0] # Some toutatis distributions has an undocumented 7th line of 0's Table = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=self.Np*7+1) if len(Table)==self.Np*7+1: self._data = Table[:-1].reshape(self.Np, 7) elif len(Table)==self.Np*6+1: # this is true in most cases self._data = Table[:-1].reshape(self.Np, 6) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect table dimensions found:", len(Table)) # convert x,y from cm to m: self._data[:,0] *= 1e-2 self._data[:,2] *= 1e-2 self.mass = Table[-1] def keys(self): return self._columns[:] def __getitem__(self, key): # makes the class function as a dictionary # e.g. dst['x'] returns the x array.. try: i=self._columns.index(key) return self._data[:, i] except: raise ValueError("Available keys: "+str(self._columns)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): try: i=self._columns.index(key) self._data[:,i] = value except: raise ValueError("Available keys: "+str(self._columns)) def save(self, filename, toutatis=False): ''' Save the distribution file so it can be read by TraceWin again :param filename: Name of file :param toutatis: Include 7th column of zeros Stolen from Ryoichi's (with permission) ''' from struct import pack import numpy fout=open(filename, 'wb') fout.write(pack('b', 125)) fout.write(pack('b', 100)) fout.write(pack('i', self.Np)) fout.write(pack('d', self.Ib)) fout.write(pack('d', self.freq)) fout.write(pack('b', 125)) data = self._data.copy() if toutatis and data.shape[1]==6: data = numpy.append(data,numpy.zeros((len(data),1)),1) elif not toutatis and data.shape[1]==7: data = data[:,:-1] # convert x,y from m to cm: data[:,0] *= 1e2 data[:,2] *= 1e2 if toutatis: data = data.reshape(self.Np*7, 1) else: data = data.reshape(self.Np*6, 1) fout.write(pack('{}d'.format(len(data)),*data)) fout.write(pack('d', self.mass)) fout.close() def subplot(self, index, x, y=None, nb=100, mask=None): ''' Create a subplot histogram similar to TraceWin. Example:: import numpy as np from ess import TraceWin from matplotlib import pyplot as plt data=TraceWin.dst('part_dtl1.dst') m=np.where(data['E']>3.5) data.subplot(221,'x','xp',mask=m) data.subplot(222,'y','yp',mask=m) data.subplot(223,'phi','E',mask=m) data.subplot(224,'x','y',mask=m) ''' from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np units={ 'x': 'mm', 'y': 'mm', 'xp': 'mrad', 'yp': 'mrad', 'E': 'MeV', 'phi': 'deg' } # get X and Y data dx=np.array(self[x]) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): dx = dx[mask] if y!=None: dy = np.array(self[y]) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): dy=dy[mask] if x in ['x','y','xp','yp']: dx*=1e3 if y in ['x','y','xp','yp']: dy*=1e3 if x in ['phi']: dx-=np.average(dx) dx*=180/np.pi if y in ['phi']: dy-=np.average(dy) dy*=180/np.pi if x in ['E'] and max(dx)<0.1: dx*=1e3 units['E']='keV' if y in ['E'] and max(dy)<0.1: dy*=1e3 units['E']='keV' plt.subplot(index) if y!=None: plt.hist2d(dx, dy, bins=nb, norm=LogNorm()) plt.title('{} [{}] - {} [{}]'.format(x,units[x],y,units[y])) hist,bin_edges=np.histogram(dx,bins=nb) b=bin_edges[:-1]+0.5*(bin_edges[1]-bin_edges[0]) plt.plot(b,hist*0.2*(max(dy)-min(dy))/max(hist)+min(dy),'k',lw=1.5,drawstyle='steps') hist,bin_edges=np.histogram(dy,bins=nb) b=bin_edges[:-1]+0.0*(bin_edges[1]-bin_edges[0]) plt.plot(hist*0.2*(max(dx)-min(dx))/max(hist)+min(dx),b,'k',lw=1.5,drawstyle='steps') else: # plot a simple 1D histogram.. plt.hist(dx, bins=nb) plt.title('{} [{}]'.format(x,units[x])) class plt: ''' Simple class to read in a TraceWin plot file Class afterwards hold the following dictionary items: - Ne (number of locations) - Np (number of particles) - Ib [A] (beam current) - freq [MHz] - mc2 [MeV] - Nelp [m] (locations) each plt[i], where i is element number, holds: - Zgen [cm] (location) - phase0 [deg] (ref phase) - wgen [MeV] (ref energy) - x [array, m] - xp [array, rad] - y [array, m] - yp [array, rad] - phi [array, rad] - E [array, MeV] - l [array] (is lost) Example:: plt=ess.TraceWin.plt('calc/dtl1.plt') for i in [97,98]: data=plt[i] if data: print(data['x']) ''' def __init__(self, filename): # easy storage.. self.filename=filename # used to create dict behaviour.. self._columns=['x','xp','y','yp','phi','E', 'l'] # read in the file.. self._readBinaryFile() def _readBinaryFile(self): # Thanks Emma! import numpy fin=open(self.filename,'r') # dummy, Np, Ib, freq, dummy Header_type = numpy.dtype([ ('dummy12', numpy.int16), ('Ne', numpy.int32), ('Np', numpy.int32), ('Ib', numpy.float64), ('freq', numpy.float64), ('mc2', numpy.float64), ]) SubHeader_type = numpy.dtype([ ('dummy12', numpy.int8), ('Nelp', numpy.int32), ('Zgen', numpy.float64), ('phase0', numpy.float64), ('wgen', numpy.float64), ]) Header=numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1) self.Np=Header['Np'][0] self.Ne=Header['Ne'][0] self.Ib=Header['Ib'][0] self.freq=Header['freq'][0] self.mc2=Header['mc2'][0] self._data=[] self.Nelp=[] i=0 while i<self.Ne: SubHeader=numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=SubHeader_type, count=1) # unfinished files need this fix (simulation still running) if len(SubHeader['Nelp'])==0: break i=SubHeader['Nelp'][0] self.Nelp.append(i) Table=numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=self.Np*7) Table=Table.reshape(self.Np,7) data={} for key in ['Zgen','phase0','wgen']: data[key]=SubHeader[key][0] for j in range(7): c=self._columns[j] data[c]=Table[:,j] # convert x,y from cm to m if c in ['x', 'y']: data[c]*=1e-2 self._data.append(data) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.Nelp: import numpy i=self.Nelp.index(key) ret={} # some particles are lost, exclude those: lost_mask=self._data[i]['l']==0 for key in self._data[i]: if isinstance(self._data[i][key], numpy.ndarray): ret[key]=self._data[i][key][lost_mask] else: ret[key]=self._data[i][key] return ret else: print("No data to plot at element",key) def calc_s(self): ''' Generates self.s which holds the position of each element in metres ''' import numpy self.s=[] for i in self.Nelp: self.s.append(self[i]['Zgen']/100.0) self.s=numpy.array(self.s) def calc_avg(self): ''' Calculates averages of 6D coordinates at each element, such that e.g. self.avg["x"] gives average X at each location. Units: m, rad, MeV ''' import numpy self.avg=dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[], phi=[]) vals=self._columns[:-1] for i in self.Nelp: data=self[i] for v in vals: self.avg[v].append(numpy.average(data[v])) def calc_rel(self): ''' Calculates relativistic gamma/beta at each position, based on AVERAGE beam energy (NOT necessarily reference) ''' import numpy if not hasattr(self,'avg'): self.calc_avg() self.gamma = [] self.beta = [] for i,j in zip(self.Nelp,range(len(self.Nelp))): Eavg = self.avg['E'][j] self.gamma.append((self.mc2 + Eavg) / self.mc2) self.beta.append(numpy.sqrt(1. - 1. / self.gamma[-1]**2)) self.gamma = numpy.array(self.gamma) self.beta = numpy.array(self.beta) def calc_minmax(self, pmin=5, pmax=95): ''' Calculates min/max values of beam coordinates in percentile, pmin is lower and pmax upper. Units: cm ''' import numpy self.min = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[]) self.max = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[]) for i in self.Nelp: data = self[i] for v in self.min.keys(): self.min[v].append(numpy.percentile(data[v], pmin)) self.max[v].append(numpy.percentile(data[v], pmax)) for v in self.min.keys(): self.min[v]=numpy.array(self.min[v]) self.max[v]=numpy.array(self.max[v]) def calc_sigma(self): ''' Calculates the sigma matrix Creates self.sigma such that self.sigma[i,j] returns the sigma matrix for value i,j. The numbering is: 0: x 1: xp 2: y 3: yp 4: E 5: phi ''' import numpy if not hasattr(self,'avg'): self.calc_avg() vals = self._columns[:-1] self.sigma = [] for j in range(len(self.Nelp)): i = self.Nelp[j] data = self[i] self.sigma.append([[numpy.mean((data[n] - self.avg[n][j]) * (data[m] - self.avg[m][j])) for n in vals] for m in vals]) self.sigma = numpy.array(self.sigma) def calc_std(self): ''' Calculates the beam sizes ''' import numpy if not hasattr(self, 'sigma'): self.calc_sigma() vals = self._columns[:-1] self.std = {} for j in range(len(vals)): v = vals[j] self.std[v] = numpy.sqrt(self.sigma[:, j, j]) def calc_twiss(self): ''' Calculates emittance, beta, alfa, gamma for each plane, x-xp, y-yp, and E-phi ''' import numpy if not hasattr(self, 'sigma'): self.calc_sigma() if not hasattr(self, 'gamma'): self.calc_rel() self.twiss_eps = [] for j in range(len(self.Nelp)): self.twiss_eps.append([numpy.sqrt(numpy.linalg.det(self.sigma[j][i:i + 2][:, i:i + 2])) for i in (0, 2, 4)]) self.twiss_eps = numpy.array(self.twiss_eps) # Calculate normalized emittance: # TODO: this is NOT correct normalization for longitudinal self.twiss_eps_normed = self.twiss_eps.copy() for i in range(3): self.twiss_eps_normed[:, i] *= self.gamma * self.beta # Calculate beta: # This is a factor 10 different from what TraceWin plots self.twiss_beta = [[self.sigma[j][i][i] / self.twiss_eps[j, i // 2] for i in (0, 2, 4)] for j in range(len(self.Nelp))] self.twiss_beta = numpy.array(self.twiss_beta) # Calculate alpha: self.twiss_alpha = [[-self.sigma[j][i][i + 1] / self.twiss_eps[j, i // 2] for i in (0, 2, 4)] for j in range(len(self.Nelp))] self.twiss_alpha = numpy.array(self.twiss_alpha) def get_dst(self, index): ''' Returns the dst corresponding to the given index ''' import numpy dset = self[index] _dst = dst() _dst.freq = self.freq _dst.Ib = self.Ib * 1000 _dst.Np = len(dset['x']) _dst.mass = self.mc2 _dst._data = numpy.array([dset['x'], dset['xp'], dset['y'], dset['yp'], dset['phi'], dset['E']]).transpose() return _dst def save_dst(self, index, filename): ''' Saves the dst at the specified index to file Returns the same dst object. ''' _dst = self.get_dst(index) return _dst class density_file: ''' Simple class to read a TraceWin density file into a pythonized object Class afterwards hold the same items as found in the TraceWin documentation: z, nelp, ib, Np, Xouv, Youv, dXouv, .. ''' def __init__(self, filename, envelope=None): import numpy import sys self.filename = filename self.fin = open(self.filename, 'r') if envelope is None: # try to guess if filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] == 'Density_Env': self.envelope = True else: self.envelope = False else: self.envelope = envelope # currently unknown: self.version = 0 # first we simply count how many elements we have: counter = 0 while True: try: self._skipAndCount() counter += 1 except IndexError: # EOF reached.. break if sys.flags.debug: print("Number of steps found:", counter) # set up the arrays.. self.i = 0 # z position [m] : self.z = numpy.zeros(counter) # element index number self.nelp = numpy.zeros(counter) # current [mA] : self.ib = numpy.zeros(counter) # number of lost particles: self.Np = numpy.zeros(counter) self.Xouv = numpy.zeros(counter) self.Youv = numpy.zeros(counter) if self.version >= 9: self.dXouv = numpy.zeros(counter) self.dYouv = numpy.zeros(counter) self.moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) self.moy2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) self._max = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) self._min = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) if self.version >= 11: self.phaseF = numpy.zeros((counter)) self.phaseG = numpy.zeros((counter)) if self.version >= 10: self.maxR = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) self.minR = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) if self.version >= 5: self.rms_size = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) self.rms_size2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) if self.version >= 6: self.min_pos_moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) self.max_pos_moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7)) if self.version >= 7: self.rms_emit = numpy.zeros((counter, 3)) self.rms_emit2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 3)) if self.version >= 8: self.energy_accept = numpy.zeros(counter) self.phase_ouv_pos = numpy.zeros(counter) self.phase_ouv_neg = numpy.zeros(counter) self.lost = numpy.zeros((counter, self.Nrun)) self.powlost = numpy.zeros((counter, self.Nrun)) self.lost2 = numpy.zeros(counter) self.Minlost = numpy.zeros(counter) self.Maxlost = numpy.zeros(counter) self.powlost2 = numpy.zeros(counter) self.Minpowlost = numpy.zeros(counter) self.Maxpowlost = numpy.zeros(counter) while self.i < counter: self._getFullContent() self.i += 1 if sys.flags.debug and self.i % 100 == 0: print('Read status', self.i) def _getHeader(self): import numpy # header.. version = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0] year = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0] # in case we did not read all data, this will detect our mistake: shift = 0 while year != 2011 or version not in [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]: shift += 1 version = year year = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0] if shift: print(year, version) raise ValueError("ERROR, shifted " + str(shift * 2) + " bytes") self.vlong = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0] self.Nrun = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0] self.version = version self.year = year def _skipAndCount(self): import numpy self._getHeader() if self.envelope: if self.version == 8: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=292 // 2) elif self.version == 9: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=300 // 2) elif self.version == 10: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=356 // 2) else: raise TypeError("It is not possible to read this format..") elif self.Nrun > 1: # WARN not 100% sure if this is correct.. if self.version <= 9: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=((5588 + self.Nrun * 12) // 2)) elif self.version == 10: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=((20796 + self.Nrun * 12) // 2)) else: raise TypeError("It is not possible to read this format..") elif self.version == 8: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12344 // 2) elif self.version == 9: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12352 // 2) elif self.version == 10: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12408 // 2) elif self.version == 11: numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12416 // 2) else: raise TypeError("It is not possible to read this format..") def _get_7dim_array(array): ''' Unused? ''' return dict(x=array[0], y=array[1], phase=array[2], energy=array[3], r=array[4], z=array[5], dpp=array[6], ) def _getFullContent(self): import numpy # self._getHeader() # no need to read the header again: # (though only if we are SURE about content!) ver,year,vlong = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=3) Nrun = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0] self.nelp[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0] self.ib[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] self.z[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] # Aperture self.Xouv[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] self.Youv[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] if self.version >= 9: dXouv = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] dYouv = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] step = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0] n = 7 # x [m], y[m], Phase [deg], Energy [MeV], R[m], Z[m], dp/p self.moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:] self.moy2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:] self._max[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:] self._min[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:] if self.version >= 11: self.phaseF[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] self.phaseG[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] if self.version >= 10: self.maxR[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:] self.minR[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:] if self.version >= 5: self.rms_size[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n) self.rms_size2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n) if self.version >= 6: self.min_pos_moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n) self.max_pos_moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n) if self.version >= 7: self.rms_emit[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)[:] self.rms_emit2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)[:] if self.version >= 8: self.energy_accept[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1) self.phase_ouv_pos[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1) self.phase_ouv_neg[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1) self.Np[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0] if self.Np[self.i]: for i in range(self.Nrun): self.lost[self.i, i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0] self.powlost[self.i, i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] self.lost2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0] self.Minlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0] self.Maxlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0] self.powlost2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0] self.Minpowlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] self.Maxpowlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0] if self.vlong == 1: tab = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=n * step) else: tab = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=n * step) if self.ib[self.i] > 0: tabp = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=3 * step) def _avg_merge(self, other, param): ''' returns the average of the parameter weighted by how many Nruns in self and other object This allows for different lengths of the two arrays.. ''' mine = getattr(self, param) new = getattr(other, param) if len(mine) > len(new): ret = mine.copy() ret[:len(new)] = (mine[:len(new)] * self.Nrun + new * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun) elif len(mine) < len(new): ret = new.copy() ret[:len(mine)] = (mine * self.Nrun + new[:len(mine)] * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun) else: ret = (mine * self.Nrun + new * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun) return ret def _sum_merge(self, other, param): ''' returns the sum of the parameter This allows for different lengths of the two arrays.. ''' mine = getattr(self, param) new = getattr(other, param) if len(mine) > len(new): ret = mine.copy() ret[:len(new)] += new elif len(mine) < len(new): ret = new.copy() ret[:len(mine)] += mine else: ret = mine + new return ret def _concatenate_merge(self, other, param): ''' returns the concatenation of the two matrices This allows for different lengths of the two arrays/matrices.. ''' import numpy mine = getattr(self, param) new = getattr(other, param) ret = numpy.zeros((max([len(mine), len(new)]), len(mine[0]) + len(new[0]))) ret[:len(mine), :len(mine[0])] = mine ret[:len(new), len(mine[0]):] = new return ret def _fun_merge(self, other, function, param): ''' returns the function applied on the parameter This allows for different lengths of the two arrays.. ''' mine = getattr(self, param) new = getattr(other, param) if len(mine) > len(new): ret = mine.copy() ret[:len(new)] = function(mine[:len(new)], new) elif len(mine) < len(new): ret = new.copy() ret[:len(mine)] = function(mine, new[:len(mine)]) else: ret = function(mine, new) return ret def merge(self, objects): ''' Merge with list of objects ''' import numpy if not isinstance(objects, list): raise TypeError("You tried to merge a non-list") # for now we only allow objects with same version.. for o in objects: if self.version != o.version: raise ValueError("Cannot merge files with differing version") # merge info.. for o in objects: if len(self.ib) < len(o.ib): raise ValueError("Sorry, not implemented yet. Complain to Yngve") self.ib = self._avg_merge(o, 'ib') # this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does.. self.moy = self._sum_merge(o, 'moy') self.moy2 = self._sum_merge(o, 'moy') self._max = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, '_max') self._min = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, '_min') if self.version >= 5: # this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does.. self.rms_size = self._sum_merge(o, 'rms_size') self.rms_size2 = self._sum_merge(o, 'rms_size2') if self.version >= 6: self.max_pos_moy = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, 'max_pos_moy') self.min_pos_moy = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, 'min_pos_moy') if self.version >= 7: # this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does.. self.rms_emit = self._sum_merge(o, 'rms_emit') self.rms_emit2 = self._sum_merge(o, 'rms_emit2') if self.version >= 8: # Warning: TraceWin does NOT merge these data in any way self.energy_accept = self._avg_merge(o, 'energy_accept') self.phase_ouv_pos = self._avg_merge(o, 'phase_ouv_pos') self.phase_ouv_neg = self._avg_merge(o, 'phase_ouv_neg') # Note, we don't get into the problem of differing table sizes # particles are lost, because we have written zeroes for # the rest of the tables self.lost = self._concatenate_merge(o, 'lost') self.powlost = self._concatenate_merge(o, 'powlost') self.lost2 = self._sum_merge(o, 'lost2') self.powlost2 = self._sum_merge(o, 'powlost2') self.Minlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, 'Minlost') self.Maxlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, 'Maxlost') self.Minpowlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, 'Minpowlost') self.Maxpowlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, 'Maxpowlost') # Note: We are ignoring tab/tabp data... # merge final info (make sure to do this last!) self.Np = self._sum_merge(o, 'Np') self.Nrun += o.Nrun def savetohdf(self, filename='Density.h5', group='TraceWin', force=False): ''' Saves data to HDF5 ''' import h5py import sys fout = h5py.File(filename, 'a') if group in fout: if force: del fout[group] else: if sys.flags.debug: print("Group {} already exist in {}".format(group, filename)) return group = fout.create_group(group) # header attributes.. group.attrs['version'] = self.version group.attrs['year'] = self.year group.attrs['Nrun'] = self.Nrun group.attrs['vlong'] = self.vlong length = len(self.z) partran = sum(self.Np) > 0 # one number per location arrays = ['z', 'nelp', 'ib', 'Np', 'Xouv', 'Youv'] array_units = ['m', '', 'mA', '', 'm', 'm'] if self.version >= 8: arrays += ['energy_accept', 'phase_ouv_pos', 'phase_ouv_neg'] array_units += [ 'eV', 'deg', 'deg'] if partran: arrays += [ 'lost2', 'Minlost', 'Maxlost', 'powlost2', 'Minpowlost', 'Maxpowlost'] array_units += [ '', '', '', 'W*w', 'W', 'W'] # 7 numbers per location.. coordinates = ['moy', 'moy2', '_max', '_min'] coordinate_units = ['m', 'm*m', 'm', 'm'] if self.version >= 5 and partran: coordinates += ['rms_size', 'rms_size2'] coordinate_units += [ 'm', 'm*m'] if self.version >= 6 and partran: coordinates += ['min_pos_moy', 'max_pos_moy'] coordinate_units += [ 'm', 'm'] for val, unit in zip(arrays, array_units): data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length,), dtype='f') data_set[...] = getattr(self, val) if unit: data_set.attrs['unit'] = unit for val, unit in zip(coordinates, coordinate_units): data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length, 7), dtype='f') data_set[...] = getattr(self, val) if unit: data_set.attrs['unit'] = unit if self.version >= 7 and partran: # 3 numbers per location.. emit_data = ['rms_emit', 'rms_emit2'] emit_units = ['m*rad', 'm*m*rad*rad'] for val, unit in zip(emit_data, emit_units): data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length, 3), dtype='f') data_set[...] = getattr(self, val) if unit: data_set.attrs['unit'] = unit if partran: # 1 numbers per location and per run.. data = ['lost', 'powlost'] units = ['', 'W'] for val, unit in zip(data, units): data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length, self.Nrun), dtype='f') data_set[...] = getattr(self, val) if unit: data_set.attrs['unit'] = unit fout.close() class remote_data_merger: def __init__(self, base='.'): self._base = base self._files = [] def add_file(self, filepath): import os if os.path.exists(filepath): fname = filepath else: fullpath = os.path.join(self._base, filepath) if os.path.exists(fullpath): fname = fullpath else: raise ValueError("Could not find file " + filepath) if fname not in self._files: self._files.append(fname) def generate_partran_out(self, filename=None): ''' Creates a string to be written to file each line is a list. If filename is given, writes directly to output file. ''' import numpy as np h1 = [] h2 = [] d1 = [] d2 = [] d3 = [] if self._files: for f in self._files: string = open(f, 'r').read() split = string.split('$$$') if split[9] != 'Data_Error': raise ValueError("Magic problem, please complain to Yngve") thisdata = split[10].strip().split('\n') if not h1: h1 = [thisdata[0] + " (std in paranthesis)"] h2 = thisdata[2:10] d1.append(thisdata[1].split()) d2.append(thisdata[10]) d3.append(thisdata[11]) # fix d1: for i in range(len(d1)): for j in range(len(d1[0])): d1[i][j] = float(d1[i][j]) d1 = np.array(d1) means = d1.mean(axis=0) stds = d1.std(axis=0) d1 = [] for i in range(len(stds)): if stds[i] / means[i] < 1e-10: stds[i] = 0.0 for i in range(len(stds)): # some small std are removed.. if stds[i] / means[i] > 1e-8: d1.append('%f(%f)' % (means[i], stds[i])) else: # error is 0 d1.append(str(means[i])) d1 = [' '.join(d1)] # create data: data = h1 + d1 + h2 + d2 + d3 if filename: open(filename, 'w').write('\n'.join(data)) return data class partran(dict): ''' Read partran1.out files.. ''' def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self._readAsciiFile() def _readAsciiFile(self): import numpy stream = open(self.filename, 'r') for i in range(10): line = stream.readline() if line.strip()[0] == '#': break self.columns = ['NUM'] + line.split()[1:] = numpy.loadtxt(stream) self._dict = {} for i in range(len(self.columns)): self[self.columns[i]] =[:, i] class field_map: ''' Class to read in the field map structures WARNING: Work in progress!! ''' def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename self._load_data(filename) def _load_data(self, filename): import os import numpy if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ValueError("Cannot find file {}".format(filename)) fin = open(filename, 'r') l = fin.readline().split() self.header = [] self.start = [] self.end = [] numindexes = [] while len(l) > 1: [self.header.append(float(i)) for i in l] numindexes.append(int(l[0]) + 1) if len(l) == 2: self.start.append(0.0) self.end.append(float(l[1])) else: self.start.append(float(l[1])) self.end.append(float(l[2])) l = fin.readline().split() if len(self.start) == 1: self.z = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0]:self.end[0]:numindexes[0]*1j] print(new_z,self.z) elif len(self.start) == 2: self.z, self.x = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0]:self.end[0]:numindexes[0]*1j, self.start[1]:self.end[1]:numindexes[1]*1j] elif len(self.start) == 3: self.z, self.x, self.y = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0]:self.end[0]:numindexes[0]*1j, self.start[1]:self.end[1]:numindexes[1]*1j, self.start[2]:self.end[2]:numindexes[2]*1j] self.norm = float(l[0]) self.header.append(self.norm) = numpy.loadtxt(fin).reshape(numindexes) def get_flat_fieldmap(self): totmapshape = 1 for i in totmapshape *= i return def interpolate(self, npoints: tuple, method='cubic'): ''' Interpolate the map into a new mesh Each value should be an integer with the number of mesh points in each dimension intervals should be tuple-like with same number of elements as the map dimension, e.g. [0.8,0.8] for 2D Can also be a float if you want same interpolation factor in all planes method can be 'linear', 'nearest' or 'cubic' ''' import numpy from scipy.interpolate import griddata if len(self.start) == 1: points=self.z[:] self.z = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0]:self.end[0]:npoints[0]*1j],values,self.z) if len(self.start) == 2: points=numpy.array([self.z.flatten(), self.x.flatten()]).transpose() self.z, self.x = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0]:self.end[0]:npoints[0]*1j, self.start[1]:self.end[1]:npoints[1]*1j],values,(self.z,self.x)) if len(self.start) == 3: points=numpy.array([self.z.flatten(), self.x.flatten(), self.y.flatten()]).transpose() self.z, self.x, self.y = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0]:self.end[0]:npoints[0]*1j, self.start[1]:self.end[1]:npoints[1]*1j, self.start[2]:self.end[2]:npoints[2]*1j],values,(self.z,self.x,self.y)) self.header[0]=npoints[0]-1 self.header[2]=npoints[1]-1 self.header[5]=npoints[2]-1 def savemap(self, filename): fout = open(filename, 'w') for n, s in zip(, self.size): fout.write('{} {}\n'.format(n - 1, s)) fout.write('{}\n'.format(self.norm)) totmapshape = 1 for i in totmapshape *= i data = for j in data: fout.write('{}\n'.format(j))