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Script for preparing ifc14xx for deployment. Update u-boot, rcw and fman ucode. Set environment variables. Copy everything to backup flash.
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E3 Specific Module for tsc kernel driver, tsclib linux library and TscMon linux application
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Definition files and PLC handlers for the devices used in the Target Station Water Cooling Control Systems =ESS.TS.CUP.K01 and =ESS.TS.CUP.K02. The code is based on ICS library used in the CMS project, just without the functions that are not needed.
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ics-ansible-galaxy / ics-ans-role-netbox
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
pytest-based test suite for motion control crates Could test TwinCAT code by using ADS and testing agains tc_mca_std_lib Could test TwinCAT+EPICS by using channel access or pvacces Could test ecmc via EPICS by using channel access or pvacces
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Beam Position Monitor support based on Struck SIS8300 AMCs
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IOC for the Target Intermediate Water Cooling Control System (sys1046)
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ics-ansible-galaxy / ics-ans-role-ioc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
ecdc / ess-dmsc / nicos
Apache License 2.0NICOS instrument control system (see forge.frm2.tum.de/review/frm2/nicos/nicos)
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ics-ansible-galaxy / ics-ans-role-openxal
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
ics-ansible-galaxy / ics-ans-role-csentry
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
ics-ansible-galaxy / ics-ans-role-powerdns
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
ics-ansible-galaxy / ics-ans-role-devenv-base
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Beam Diagnostics / bde / modules / tldc3100
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated