Explore projects
Anders Harrisson / module-overview
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ESS EPICS Environment / module-overview
MIT LicenseWeb app for viewing e3 modules hosted on a shared build server
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Simple web tool to import and manage shift schedules. Provides a web server to display a calendar view of the upcoming shifts.
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ESS Control Room Software / openxal
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseESS OpenXAL repository
master branch should always be synced with Github master
ESS development in branches starting with site.ess.devel
site.ess.master our current functioning version
site.ess.stable our current production version
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Repository for Open XAL applications which don't require further development.
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Open XAL application to edit lattice files (UI).
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Anders Harrisson / phoebus
Eclipse Public License 1.0Updated