Explore projects
Examples of epics records and other epics related stuff
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Store all PVs to be archived by the EPICS Archiver Appliance.
New gitlab repos have been created for adding PVs
https://gitlab.esss.lu.se/archiver-appliance/archiver-appliance-config-aa-linac-prod -> import from archiver-01/02, should be mainly (only ?) scalar PVS
https://gitlab.esss.lu.se/archiver-appliance/archiver-appliance-config-aa-waveform -> import from archiver-03/04, should be dedicated for waveform
see; INFRA-6857
Archived 5Updated -
simple python wrapper for Archiver and Save and Restore and other EPICS utilities
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Python package to interact with the EPICS Archiver Appliance
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Repository of the screens visible at http://pos.esss.lu.se
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Store all PVs to be archived by the EPICS Archiver Appliance Scalar
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EPICS OPIs for PBI system to be used for (very) low-level development and testing in the control room(s). Low-level means things at a lower level than expected to be used by PBI system lead.
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A small Python framework for setting up test cases and test suites communicating with EPICS IOCs and PLCs.
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