Explore projects
Repository of the screens visible at http://pos.esss.lu.se
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ESS OpenXAL repository
master branch should always be synced with Github master
ESS development in branches starting with site.ess.devel
site.ess.master our current functioning version
site.ess.stable our current production version
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EPICS OPIs for PBI system to be used for (very) low-level development and testing in the control room(s). Low-level means things at a lower level than expected to be used by PBI system lead.
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Simple areaDetector that produces random analog data to be used as the simulation for the Emmittance Meter Unit (EMU) DAQ hardware
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The Controls Configuration Database (CCDB) enables the collection, storage, and distribution of (static) controls configuration data needed to install, commission and operate the European Spallation Source (ESS) control system.
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The Cable Database (CDB) is meant to properly manage the information about cables that the ESS Machine Directorate’s Divisions (and, eventually, its in-kind collaborators) will be responsible for.
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Simple web tool to import and manage shift schedules. Provides a web server to display a calendar view of the upcoming shifts.
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