diff --git a/alarm-01.tn.esss.lu.se/ACCP.xml b/alarm-01.tn.esss.lu.se/ACCP.xml
index e92530b43c4ba1d38bd62cb1b3727cc226421820..aaa73a17e706a374d8c3fe671f4861ca129257aa 100644
--- a/alarm-01.tn.esss.lu.se/ACCP.xml
+++ b/alarm-01.tn.esss.lu.se/ACCP.xml
@@ -2868,15 +2868,6 @@
 					<details>1. Clean / replace the oil filter according chapter 7.3.12 (page 103). 2. Inform customer service. 3. Reduce oil injection rate. 4. Replace oil pressure regulating valve.</details>
-			<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-21000:ComFail">
-				<description>Trip - Communication fail</description>
-				<latching>false</latching>
-				<annunciating>true</annunciating>
-				<guidance>
-					<title>[Operator Action]</title>
-					<details>Depend on root cause.&#10;Contact Linde or Aerzen support</details>
-				</guidance>
-			</pv>
 		<component name="ACCP WCS LP Compressor">
 			<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-23000:GroupTrp">
@@ -3253,15 +3244,6 @@
 					<details>Depend on root cause.&#10;Contact Linde or Aerzen support</details>
-			<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-23000:ComFail">
-				<description>Trip - Communication fail</description>
-				<latching>false</latching>
-				<annunciating>true</annunciating>
-				<guidance>
-					<title>[Operator Action]</title>
-					<details>Depend on root cause.&#10;Contact Linde or Aerzen support</details>
-				</guidance>
-			</pv>
 		<component name="ACCP WCS SP Compressor">
 			<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-24000:GroupTrp">
@@ -3683,15 +3665,6 @@
 					<details>Depend on root cause.&#10;Contact Linde or Aerzen support</details>
-			<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-24000:ComFail">
-				<description>Trip - Communication fail</description>
-				<latching>false</latching>
-				<annunciating>true</annunciating>
-				<guidance>
-					<title>[Operator Action]</title>
-					<details>Depend on root cause.&#10;Contact Linde or Aerzen support</details>
-				</guidance>
-			</pv>
 		<component name="ACCP WCS LP+SP General">
 			<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-24000:EmStopActv">
@@ -4146,5 +4119,46 @@
 					<details>1. Clean / replace the oil filter according chapter 7.3.12 (page 103). 2. Inform customer service. 3. Reduce oil injection rate. 4. Replace oil pressure regulating valve.</details>										
+	</component>
+	<component name="PLC Communication">										
+		<pv name="CrS-ACCP:SC-FSM-300:CommError">										
+			<description>ACCP-1500 PLC failed to communicate with APPC-400 PLC</description>										
+			<latching>true</latching>										
+			<annunciating>true</annunciating>										
+			<guidance>										
+				<title>[Cryo Operator Action]</title>										
+				<details> Check the Status of the ACCP-400 PLC in the G02 Coldbox Building CXB </details>
+				</guidance>										
+		</pv>														
+		<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-21000:ComFail">										
+			<description>ACCP-1500 PLC failed to communicate with HP-400 PLC PLC or Compressor Trip</description>
+			<latching>false</latching>										
+			<annunciating>true</annunciating>										
+			<guidance>										
+				<title>[Cryo Operator Action]</title>										
+				<details> Check the Status of the HP PLC in the  G04 Helium Compressor Building HCB. Contact Aerzen for support.
+			</details>									
+			</guidance>										
+		</pv>
+		<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-23000:ComFail">										
+			<description>ACCP-1500 PLC failed to communicate with LP-400 PLC or Compressor Trip</description>						
+			<latching>false</latching>										
+			<annunciating>true</annunciating>										
+			<guidance>										
+				<title>[Cryo Operator Action]</title>										
+				<details> Check the Status of the L-400 PLC in the  G04 Helium Compressor Building HCB. Contact Aerzen for support. 
+				</details>									
+			</guidance>										
+		</pv>
+		<pv name="CrS-ACCP:CRYO-C-24000:ComFail">										
+			<description>ACCP-1500 PLC failed to communicate with SP-400 PLC or Compressor Trip</description>						
+			<latching>false</latching>										
+			<annunciating>true</annunciating>										
+			<guidance>										
+				<title>[Cryo Operator Action]</title>										
+				<details> Check the Status of the SP-400 PLC in the  G04 Helium Compressor Building HCB. Contact Aerzen for support. 
+				</details>									
+			</guidance>										
+		</pv>
\ No newline at end of file