diff --git a/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex b/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex
index 601db0d933cf5fde4a62e04defa6d852360e1757..1b08615d716ad9ca795f7113ca28716efae8b050 100644
--- a/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex
+++ b/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 \usepackage{amsmath} % for \text{}
@@ -2987,37 +2988,27 @@ follow the below commands:
 Table~\ref{tab:config} lists important configuration switches and options.
-  \caption{Configuration options}
-  \label{tab:config}
-  \vspace{2mm}
-  \begin{tabular}{l|p{.3\textwidth}|l}
+  \caption{Configuration options}\rule[-5ex]{0mm}{0mm}
+  \label{tab:config}\\
+\textbf{Option/Switch} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Default}\\\hline
-\bf Option/Switch & \bf Description & \bf Default\\\hline
+\textbf{Option/Switch} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Default}\\\hline
 \lstinline+--prefix+ & Installation prefix & \textit{/opt/etherlab}\\
 \lstinline+--with-linux-dir+ & Linux kernel sources & Use running kernel\\
-\lstinline+--with-rtai-dir+ & RTAI path (only for RTAI example) & \\
+\lstinline+--with-module-dir+ & Subdirectory in the kernel module tree, where
+the EtherCAT kernel modules shall be installed. & \textit{ethercat}\\
-\lstinline+--enable-tool+ & Build the command-line tool ``ethercat'' (see
-sec.~\ref{sec:tool}). & yes\\
-\lstinline+--enable-userlib+ & Build the userspace library. & yes\\
-\lstinline+--enable-eoe+ & Enable EoE support & yes\\
-\lstinline+--enable-cycles+ & Use CPU timestamp counter. Enable this on Intel
-architecture to get finer timing calculation. & no\\
-\lstinline+--enable-debug-if+ & Create a debug interface for each master & no\\
-\lstinline+--enable-debug-ring+ & Create a debug ring to record frames & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-generic+ & Build the generic Ethernet driver (see
+sec.~\ref{sec:generic-driver}). & no\\
 \lstinline+--enable-8139too+ & Build the 8139too driver & yes\\
@@ -3035,11 +3026,37 @@ architecture to get finer timing calculation. & no\\
 \lstinline+--with-r8169-kernel+ & r8169 kernel & $\dagger$\\
-\lstinline+--enable-generic+ & Build the generic Ethernet driver (see
-sec.~\ref{sec:generic-driver}). & no\\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \vspace{2mm}
+\lstinline+--with-rtai-dir+ & RTAI path (only for RTAI example) & \\
+\lstinline+--enable-debug-if+ & Create a debug interface for each master & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-debug-ring+ & Create a debug ring to record frames & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-eoe+ & Enable EoE support & yes\\
+\lstinline+--enable-cycles+ & Use CPU timestamp counter. Enable this on Intel
+architecture to get finer timing calculation. & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-hrtimer+ & Use high-resolution timer to let the master
+state machine sleep between sending frames. & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-regalias+ & Read alias address from register. & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-tool+ & Build the command-line tool ``ethercat'' (see
+sec.~\ref{sec:tool}). & yes\\
+\lstinline+--enable-userlib+ & Build the userspace library. & yes\\
+\lstinline+--enable-tty+ & Build the TTY driver. & no\\
+\lstinline+--enable-wildcards+ & Enable \textit{0xffffffff} to be wildcards
+for vendor ID and product code. & no\\
@@ -3048,8 +3065,6 @@ extracted from the Linux kernel sources.
 \section{Building the Interface Documentation}