/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Florian Pose, Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH * * This file is part of the IgH EtherCAT Master. * * The IgH EtherCAT Master is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The IgH EtherCAT Master is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with the IgH EtherCAT Master; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * --- * * The license mentioned above concerns the source code only. Using the * EtherCAT technology and brand is only permitted in compliance with the * industrial property and similar rights of Beckhoff Automation GmbH. * * vim: expandtab * ****************************************************************************/ #include <map> using namespace std; #include "Command.h" #include "MasterDevice.h" #include "NumberListParser.h" /*****************************************************************************/ typedef map<uint16_t, ec_ioctl_config_t> AliasMap; typedef map<uint16_t, AliasMap> ConfigMap; /*****************************************************************************/ class MasterIndexParser: public NumberListParser { protected: int getMax() { MasterDevice dev; dev.setIndex(0U); dev.open(MasterDevice::Read); return (int) dev.getMasterCount() - 1; }; }; /*****************************************************************************/ class SlaveAliasParser: public NumberListParser { public: SlaveAliasParser(ec_ioctl_master_t &master, MasterDevice &dev): master(master), dev(dev) {} protected: int getMax() { unsigned int i; uint16_t maxAlias = 0; for (i = 0; i < master.slave_count; i++) { ec_ioctl_slave_t slave; dev.getSlave(&slave, i); if (slave.alias > maxAlias) { maxAlias = slave.alias; } } return maxAlias ? maxAlias : -1; }; private: ec_ioctl_master_t &master; MasterDevice &dev; }; /*****************************************************************************/ class ConfigAliasParser: public NumberListParser { public: ConfigAliasParser(unsigned int maxAlias): maxAlias(maxAlias) {} protected: int getMax() { return maxAlias; }; private: unsigned int maxAlias; }; /*****************************************************************************/ class PositionParser: public NumberListParser { public: PositionParser(unsigned int count): count(count) {} protected: int getMax() { return count - 1; }; private: const unsigned int count; }; /*****************************************************************************/ class AliasPositionParser: public NumberListParser { public: AliasPositionParser(const AliasMap &aliasMap): aliasMap(aliasMap) {} protected: int getMax() { AliasMap::const_iterator i; int maxPos = -1; for (i = aliasMap.begin(); i != aliasMap.end(); i++) { if (i->first > maxPos) { maxPos = i->first; } } return maxPos; }; private: const AliasMap &aliasMap; }; /*****************************************************************************/ Command::Command(const string &name, const string &briefDesc): name(name), briefDesc(briefDesc), verbosity(Normal) { } /*****************************************************************************/ Command::~Command() { } /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setMasters(const string &m) { masters = m; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setVerbosity(Verbosity v) { verbosity = v; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setAliases(const string &a) { aliases = a; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setPositions(const string &p) { positions = p; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setDomains(const string &d) { domains = d; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setDataType(const string &t) { dataType = t; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setForce(bool f) { force = f; }; /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::setOutputFile(const string &f) { outputFile = f; }; /****************************************************************************/ bool Command::matchesSubstr(const string &cmd) const { return name.substr(0, cmd.length()) == cmd; } /****************************************************************************/ bool Command::matchesAbbrev(const string &abb) const { unsigned int i; size_t pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < abb.length(); i++) { pos = name.find(abb[i], pos); if (pos == string::npos) return false; } return true; } /*****************************************************************************/ string Command::numericInfo() { stringstream str; str << "Numerical values can be specified either with decimal (no" << endl << "prefix), octal (prefix '0') or hexadecimal (prefix '0x') base." << endl; return str.str(); } /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::throwInvalidUsageException(const stringstream &s) const { throw InvalidUsageException(s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::throwCommandException(const string &msg) const { throw CommandException(msg); } /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::throwCommandException(const stringstream &s) const { throw CommandException(s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void Command::throwSingleSlaveRequired(unsigned int size) const { stringstream err; err << "The slave selection matches " << size << " slaves. '" << name << "' requires a single slave."; throwInvalidUsageException(err); } /*****************************************************************************/ Command::MasterIndexList Command::getMasterIndices() const { MasterIndexList indices; try { MasterIndexParser p; indices = p.parse(masters.c_str()); } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) { stringstream err; err << "Failed to obtain number of masters: " << e.what(); throwCommandException(err); } catch (runtime_error &e) { stringstream err; err << "Invalid master argument '" << masters << "': " << e.what(); throwInvalidUsageException(err); } return indices; } /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned int Command::getSingleMasterIndex() const { MasterIndexList masterIndices = getMasterIndices(); if (masterIndices.size() != 1) { stringstream err; err << getName() << " requires to select a single master!"; throwInvalidUsageException(err); } return masterIndices.front(); } /*****************************************************************************/ Command::SlaveList Command::selectedSlaves(MasterDevice &m) { ec_ioctl_master_t master; unsigned int i; ec_ioctl_slave_t slave; SlaveList list; m.getMaster(&master); if (aliases == "-") { // no alias given PositionParser pp(master.slave_count); NumberListParser::List posList = pp.parse(positions.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator pi; for (pi = posList.begin(); pi != posList.end(); pi++) { m.getSlave(&slave, *pi); list.push_back(slave); } } else { // aliases given SlaveAliasParser ap(master, m); NumberListParser::List aliasList = ap.parse(aliases.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator ai; for (ai = aliasList.begin(); ai != aliasList.end(); ai++) { // gather slaves with that alias (and following) uint16_t lastAlias = 0; vector<ec_ioctl_slave_t> aliasSlaves; for (i = 0; i < master.slave_count; i++) { m.getSlave(&slave, i); if (slave.alias) { if (lastAlias && lastAlias == *ai && slave.alias != *ai) { // ignore multiple ocurrences of the same alias to // assure consistency for the position argument break; } lastAlias = slave.alias; } if (lastAlias == *ai) { aliasSlaves.push_back(slave); } } PositionParser pp(aliasSlaves.size()); NumberListParser::List posList = pp.parse(positions.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator pi; for (pi = posList.begin(); pi != posList.end(); pi++) { if (*pi < aliasSlaves.size()) { list.push_back(aliasSlaves[*pi]); } else { stringstream err; err << "Warning: Slave " << *ai << ":" << *pi << " does not exist on master " << m.getIndex(); throwCommandException(err); } } } } return list; } /*****************************************************************************/ bool operator<( const ec_ioctl_config_t &a, const ec_ioctl_config_t &b ) { return a.alias < b.alias || (a.alias == b.alias && a.position < b.position); } /*****************************************************************************/ Command::ConfigList Command::selectedConfigs(MasterDevice &m) { unsigned int i; ec_ioctl_master_t master; ec_ioctl_config_t config; ConfigList list; stringstream err; m.getMaster(&master); if (aliases == "-" && positions == "-") { // shortcut for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) { m.getConfig(&config, i); list.push_back(config); } } else { // take the long way home... ConfigMap configs; uint16_t maxAlias = 0; // fill cascaded map structure with all configs for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) { m.getConfig(&config, i); AliasMap &aliasMap = configs[config.alias]; aliasMap[config.position] = config; if (config.alias > maxAlias) { maxAlias = config.alias; } } ConfigAliasParser ap(maxAlias); NumberListParser::List aliasList = ap.parse(aliases.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator ai; for (ai = aliasList.begin(); ai != aliasList.end(); ai++) { ConfigMap::iterator ci = configs.find(*ai); if (ci == configs.end()) { continue; } AliasMap &aliasMap = configs[*ai]; AliasPositionParser pp(aliasMap); NumberListParser::List posList = pp.parse(positions.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator pi; for (pi = posList.begin(); pi != posList.end(); pi++) { AliasMap::const_iterator ci; ci = aliasMap.find(*pi); if (ci != aliasMap.end()) { list.push_back(ci->second); } } } } list.sort(); return list; } /****************************************************************************/ Command::DomainList Command::selectedDomains(MasterDevice &m) { ec_ioctl_master_t master; DomainList list; m.getMaster(&master); PositionParser pp(master.domain_count); NumberListParser::List domList = pp.parse(domains.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator di; for (di = domList.begin(); di != domList.end(); di++) { ec_ioctl_domain_t d; m.getDomain(&d, *di); list.push_back(d); } return list; } /****************************************************************************/ string Command::alStateString(uint8_t state) { string ret; switch (state & EC_SLAVE_STATE_MASK) { case 1: ret = "INIT"; break; case 2: ret = "PREOP"; break; case 3: ret = "BOOT"; break; case 4: ret = "SAFEOP"; break; case 8: ret = "OP"; break; default: ret = "???"; } if (state & EC_SLAVE_STATE_ACK_ERR) { ret += "+ERROR"; } return ret; } /****************************************************************************/