diff --git a/PythonServer/screens/mcu.py b/PythonServer/screens/mcu.py
index 839184e1a2226fc6011b99762f89a019639eae01..7289a83451bd1e875cdaceb0178698c9234b29e8 100755
--- a/PythonServer/screens/mcu.py
+++ b/PythonServer/screens/mcu.py
@@ -2,9 +2,34 @@ import epics
 import json
 import time
 import sys
+import requests
+import pandas
+import datetime
 from threading import Thread
+def get_from_archiver(pv, start_date, end_date):
+    try:
+        url = "http://archiver-utgard.cslab.esss.lu.se:17668/retrieval/data/getData.json?pv=ncount({})&from={}&to={}".format(
+            pv, start_date, end_date
+        )
+        entries = int(requests.get(url).json()[0]["data"][0]["val"])
+        url = "http://archiver-utgard.cslab.esss.lu.se:17668/retrieval/data/getData.json?pv=nth_{}({})&from={}&to={}".format(
+            int(entries // 100), pv, start_date, end_date
+        )
+        r = requests.get(url).json()[0]["data"]
+        raw_data = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(r)
+        return list(
+            zip(
+                (raw_data["secs"] * 1000).astype("int")
+                + (raw_data["nanos"] / 1e6).astype("int"),
+                round(raw_data["val"], 3),
+            )
+        )
+    except Exception:
+        return []
 class mcuScreen(Thread):
     def __init__(self, stop_signal):
@@ -20,71 +45,65 @@ class mcuScreen(Thread):
-        array_points = 200
-        time_interval = 24 * 3600 / array_points  # 1 day
+        intervals = {"2w": 24 * 14, "1w": 24 * 7, "2d": 24 * 2, "1d": 24}
         epics_dict = {}
         for pv in pvs:
             epics_dict[pv] = epics.PV(pv, auto_monitor=True)
-        history = {}
-        for pv in pvs:
-            history[pv] = {
-                "counter": 0,
-                "timestamp": [0],
-                "value": [0],
-                "start": time.time(),
-            }
+        json_dict = {}
+        counter = 0
         while not self.stop_signal.isSet():
-                json_dict = {}
                 for pv in epics_dict:
-                    json_dict[pv] = {}
-                    if epics_dict[pv].connected:
-                        json_dict[pv]["units"] = epics_dict[pv].units
-                        json_dict[pv]["timestamp"] = epics_dict[pv].timestamp
-                        value = epics_dict[pv].value
-                        if type(value) == float:
-                            json_dict[pv]["value"] = round(value, 3)
-                        else:
-                            json_dict[pv]["value"] = value
-                        if (
-                            pv == "LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_Stat"
-                            or pv == "LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_SP"
-                            or pv == "LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:MtrTmp_Stat"
-                        ):
-                            history[pv]["timestamp"][0] = int(time.time() * 1000)
-                            history[pv]["value"][0] = round(
-                                (
-                                    history[pv]["value"][0] * history[pv]["counter"]
-                                    + json_dict[pv]["value"]
-                                )
-                                / (history[pv]["counter"] + 1),
-                                3,
-                            )
-                            history[pv]["counter"] += 1
-                            if (
-                                history[pv]["timestamp"][0]
-                                > (history[pv]["start"] + time_interval) * 1000
-                            ):
-                                history[pv]["timestamp"].insert(
-                                    0, int(time.time() * 1000)
+                    if (
+                        pv == "LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_Stat"
+                        or pv == "LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_SP"
+                        or pv == "LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:MtrTmp_Stat"
+                    ):
+                        if counter % 600 == 0:
+                            if pv not in json_dict:
+                                json_dict[pv] = {}
+                            for interval in intervals:
+                                start_date = (
+                                    datetime.datetime.now()
+                                    - datetime.timedelta(hours=intervals[interval])
+                                ).isoformat() + "Z"
+                                end_date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() + "Z"
+                                json_dict[pv][interval] = get_from_archiver(
+                                    pv, start_date, end_date
-                                history[pv]["value"].insert(0, json_dict[pv]["value"])
-                                history[pv]["counter"] = 1
-                                history[pv]["start"] = time.time()
-                                if len(history[pv]["timestamp"]) > array_points:
-                                    history[pv]["timestamp"].pop(array_points)
-                                    history[pv]["value"].pop(array_points)
-                            json_dict[pv]["array"] = list(
-                                zip(history[pv]["timestamp"], history[pv]["value"])
-                            )
+                            counter = 0
+                        else:
+                            if epics_dict[pv].connected:
+                                if "live" not in json_dict[pv]:
+                                    json_dict[pv]["live"] = []
+                                value = epics_dict[pv].value
+                                if type(value) == float:
+                                    json_dict[pv]["value"] = round(value, 3)
+                                else:
+                                    json_dict[pv]["value"] = value
+                                timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
+                                if type(value) == float:
+                                    json_dict[pv]["live"].append(
+                                        (timestamp, round(value, 3))
+                                    )
+                                if len(json_dict[pv]["live"]) > 100:
+                                    json_dict[pv]["live"].pop(100)
-                        json_dict[pv]["units"] = "n.c."
-                        json_dict[pv]["timestamp"] = ""
-                        json_dict[pv]["value"] = ""
+                        json_dict[pv] = {}
+                        if epics_dict[pv].connected:
+                            json_dict[pv]["units"] = epics_dict[pv].units
+                            json_dict[pv]["timestamp"] = epics_dict[pv].timestamp
+                            value = epics_dict[pv].value
+                            if type(value) == float:
+                                json_dict[pv]["value"] = round(value, 3)
+                            else:
+                                json_dict[pv]["value"] = value
+                        else:
+                            json_dict[pv]["units"] = "n.c."
+                            json_dict[pv]["timestamp"] = ""
+                            json_dict[pv]["value"] = ""
                 tmp_json = json.dumps(json_dict)
                 tmp_json = tmp_json.replace("NaN", "0")
@@ -95,6 +114,7 @@ class mcuScreen(Thread):
+            counter += 1
         for pv in epics_dict:
diff --git a/WebSites/mcu/css/ess.css b/WebSites/mcu/css/ess.css
index fc8cccfb7fc57fe5943eea8b887d2d0749535af2..8ad2ea955e8808a44f2fdb151188807462808766 100644
--- a/WebSites/mcu/css/ess.css
+++ b/WebSites/mcu/css/ess.css
@@ -94,9 +94,10 @@ overflow: hidden;
 border-radius: 50%;
 width: 22px;
 height: 22px;
-border: 2px solid #49707e !important;
+border: 2px solid #cef4ff !important;
 float: left;
-background-color: #0b2d3c !important;
+background-color:#FF1818 !important;
+box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #FF4040;
 margin-right: 8px !important;
diff --git a/WebSites/mcu/dashboard.json b/WebSites/mcu/dashboard.json
index fd64b44c4f58e1848088460c708751a693489e26..7f4e4965090db5cd6a5031ddab02a75ee02b5db2 100644
--- a/WebSites/mcu/dashboard.json
+++ b/WebSites/mcu/dashboard.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 	"version": 1,
 	"header_image": "",
-	"allow_edit": false,
+	"allow_edit": true,
 	"plugins": [],
 	"panes": [
@@ -24,105 +24,102 @@
 					"type": "html",
 					"settings": {
-						"html": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"]; // trick to trigger the update\nvar cols = document.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].getAttribute('data-sizex');\ndocument.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = \"\";\nif (cols == 4){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 50px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 35px; left: 150px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab</div></img></div>\";\n}\nif (cols == 3){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 40px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 45px; left: 100px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab</div></img></div>\";\n}\n\nif (cols == 2){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 24px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 55px; left: 30px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab</div></img></div>\";\n\n}\nif (cols == 1){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 30px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 55px; left: 30px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"></div></img></div>\";\n\tdocument.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = \"Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab\";\n}\n\nreturn text",
+						"html": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"]; // trick to trigger the update\nvar cols = document.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].getAttribute('data-sizex');\ndocument.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = \"\";\nif (cols == 4){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 50px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 35px; left:100px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab</div></img></div>\";\n}\nif (cols == 3){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 35px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 45px; left: 60px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab</div></img></div>\";\n}\n\nif (cols == 2){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 20px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 65px; left: 20px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab</div></img></div>\";\n\n}\nif (cols == 1){\n    text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 30px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 55px; left: 30px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"></div></img></div>\";\n\tdocument.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = \"Mini Chopper in Utgård Lab\";\n}\n\nreturn text",
 						"height": 2
-			"title": "Warning and Alarms",
+			"title": "Motor Temperature",
 			"width": 1,
 			"row": {
-				"1": 25,
-				"2": 25,
-				"3": 25,
-				"4": 7,
-				"7": 7
+				"1": 21,
+				"2": 21,
+				"3": 21,
+				"4": 21,
+				"5": 1,
+				"11": 21
 			"col": {
 				"1": 1,
 				"2": 1,
 				"3": 1,
-				"4": 4,
-				"7": 4
+				"4": 1,
+				"5": 5,
+				"11": 10
-			"col_width": 1,
+			"col_width": 3,
 			"widgets": [
-					"type": "ragIndicator",
-					"settings": {
-						"title": "Ref Alarm",
-						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Ref_Alrm\"][\"value\"]",
-						"green_text": "Ok",
-						"amber_text": "Warning"
-					}
-				},
-				{
-					"type": "ragIndicator",
+					"type": "flot_extended_plugin",
 					"settings": {
-						"title": "Comm Alarm",
-						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Comm_Alrm\"][\"value\"]",
-						"green_text": "Ok",
-						"amber_text": "Alarm"
+						"plot_type": "line",
+						"legend": true,
+						"height": 4,
+						"value": "var series = document.getElementById(\"time-series\").value;\ndata = [\n {label: 'Temperature', data: datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:MtrTmp_Stat\"][series]},\n];\nfreeboard.showLoadingIndicator(false);\nreturn data;",
+						"x_timestamp": true,
+						"zoom": ""
-			"title": "Speed",
+			"title": "Time Selector",
 			"width": 1,
 			"row": {
-				"1": 31,
-				"2": 25,
-				"3": 25,
-				"4": 13,
-				"7": 13
+				"1": 7,
+				"2": 7,
+				"3": 7,
+				"4": 7,
+				"5": 7,
+				"7": 7,
+				"8": 7,
+				"9": 7
 			"col": {
 				"1": 1,
-				"2": 2,
-				"3": 2,
-				"4": 4,
-				"7": 4
+				"2": 1,
+				"3": 1,
+				"4": 1,
+				"5": 1,
+				"7": 1,
+				"8": 1,
+				"9": 1
-			"col_width": 1,
+			"col_width": 3,
 			"widgets": [
-					"type": "text_widget",
-					"settings": {
-						"title": "Actual Speed",
-						"size": "regular",
-						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_Stat\"][\"value\"]",
-						"animate": true
-					}
-				},
-				{
-					"type": "text_widget",
+					"type": "html",
 					"settings": {
-						"title": "Set Point",
-						"size": "regular",
-						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_SP\"][\"value\"]",
-						"animate": true
+						"html": "<script>\n    function setDatasource(event) {\n\t\tfreeboard.showLoadingIndicator(true);\n\t};\n</script>\n<div style=\"position:relative;height:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items:center;\">\n        <select style=\"padding:0px 0px\" onchange=\"setDatasource()\" id=\"time-series\">\n            <option value=\"2w\">Two Weeks</option>\n            <option value=\"1w\">One Week</option>\n            <option value=\"2d\">Two Days</option>\n            <option value=\"1d\">One Day</option>\n            <option value=\"live\">Live</option>\n        </select>\n</div>",
+						"height": 1
+			"title": "Motor Speed",
 			"width": 1,
 			"row": {
-				"1": 7,
-				"2": 7,
-				"3": 7,
-				"4": 7,
-				"7": 1
+				"1": 11,
+				"2": 11,
+				"3": 11,
+				"4": 11,
+				"5": 1,
+				"7": 1,
+				"9": 1,
+				"10": 1
 			"col": {
 				"1": 1,
 				"2": 1,
 				"3": 1,
 				"4": 1,
-				"7": 7
+				"5": 5,
+				"7": 5,
+				"9": 5,
+				"10": 5
 			"col_width": 3,
 			"widgets": [
@@ -132,49 +129,110 @@
 						"plot_type": "line",
 						"legend": true,
 						"height": 4,
-						"value": "data = [\n    {label: \"Actual Speed\", data: datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_Stat\"][\"array\"]},\n    {label: \"Set Point\", data: datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_SP\"][\"array\"]}\n]\nreturn data;",
+						"value": "var series = document.getElementById(\"time-series\").value;\ndata = [\n {label: 'Actual Speed', data: datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_Stat\"][series]},\n {label: 'Set Point', data: datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_SP\"][series]},\n];\nfreeboard.showLoadingIndicator(false);\nreturn data;",
+						"xticks": "6",
 						"x_timestamp": true,
 						"zoom": ""
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"title": "Warning and Alarms",
+			"width": 1,
+			"row": {
+				"1": 31,
+				"2": 31,
+				"3": 31,
+				"4": 7,
+				"5": 7,
+				"6": 7,
+				"7": 7,
+				"8": 7,
+				"9": 7,
+				"11": 7,
+				"12": 7
+			},
+			"col": {
+				"1": 1,
+				"2": 1,
+				"3": 1,
+				"4": 4,
+				"5": 2,
+				"6": 2,
+				"7": 2,
+				"8": 2,
+				"9": 2,
+				"11": 2,
+				"12": 2
+			},
+			"col_width": 1,
+			"widgets": [
+				{
+					"type": "ragIndicator",
+					"settings": {
+						"title": "Ref Alarm",
+						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Ref_Alrm\"][\"value\"]",
+						"green_text": "Ok",
+						"amber_text": "Warning"
+					}
-					"type": "flot_extended_plugin",
+					"type": "indicator",
 					"settings": {
-						"plot_type": "line",
-						"legend": true,
-						"height": 4,
-						"value": "data = [\n    {label: \"Motor Status\", data: datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:MtrTmp_Stat\"][\"array\"]},\n]\nreturn data;",
-						"x_timestamp": true,
-						"zoom": ""
+						"title": "Comm Alarm",
+						"value": "!datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Comm_Alrm\"][\"value\"]",
+						"on_text": "Ok",
+						"off_text": "Alarm"
-			"title": "Status",
+			"title": "Speed",
 			"width": 1,
 			"row": {
 				"1": 37,
 				"2": 31,
-				"3": 25,
-				"4": 19,
-				"9": 33
+				"3": 31,
+				"4": 13,
+				"6": 7,
+				"7": 7,
+				"8": 7,
+				"11": 7,
+				"12": 7
 			"col": {
 				"1": 1,
-				"2": 1,
-				"3": 3,
+				"2": 2,
+				"3": 2,
 				"4": 4,
-				"9": 4
+				"6": 3,
+				"7": 3,
+				"8": 3,
+				"11": 3,
+				"12": 3
 			"col_width": 1,
 			"widgets": [
 					"type": "text_widget",
 					"settings": {
+						"title": "Actual Speed",
 						"size": "regular",
-						"value": "value = datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Park_Stat\"][\"value\"]\nif (value == 0){\n    return \"Not Parked\"\n}\n\nif (value == 1){\n    return \"Parked\"\n}\n\nif (value == 2){\n    return \"Parking\"\n}",
-						"animate": true
+						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_Stat\"][\"value\"]",
+						"animate": true,
+						"units": ""
+					}
+				},
+				{
+					"type": "text_widget",
+					"settings": {
+						"title": "Set Point",
+						"size": "regular",
+						"value": "datasources[\"MCU\"][\"LabS-VIP:Chop-Drv-0101:Spd_SP\"][\"value\"]",
+						"animate": true,
+						"units": ""
@@ -200,4 +258,4 @@
 	"columns": 4
\ No newline at end of file