diff --git a/WebSites/ts2/plugins/thirdparty/plugin_highcharts.js b/WebSites/ts2/plugins/thirdparty/plugin_highcharts.js
index d36c89d792e9a6b0d0a079c344a9f23a17738082..29dba06b64313d5d5f5a36daa30336e302818fa6 100644
--- a/WebSites/ts2/plugins/thirdparty/plugin_highcharts.js
+++ b/WebSites/ts2/plugins/thirdparty/plugin_highcharts.js
@@ -9,450 +9,460 @@
 // └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\
 (function() {
-	//
-	//
-	var HIGHCHARTS_ID = 0;
-	var ONE_SECOND_IN_MILIS = 1000;
-	var MAX_NUM_SERIES = 3;
-	//
-	//
-	// Get coordinates of point
-	function xy(obj, x, y) {
-		return [obj[x], obj[y]]
-	}
-	function isNumber(n) {
-		return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
-	}
-	//
-	//
-	var highchartsLineWidgetSettings = [{
-		"name": "timeframe",
-		"display_name": "Timeframe (s)",
-		"type": "number",
-		"description": "Specify the last number of seconds you want to see.",
-		"default_value": 60
-	}, {
-		"name": "blocks",
-		"display_name": "Height (No. Blocks)",
-		"type": "number",
-		"default_value": 4
-	}, {
-		"name": "chartType",
-		"display_name": "Chart Type",
-		"type": "option",
-		"options": [{
-			"name": "Area",
-			"value": "area"
-		}, {
-			"name": "Spline",
-			"value": "spline"
-		}]
-	}, {
-		"name": "title",
-		"display_name": "Title",
-		"type": "text"
-	}, {
-		"name": "xaxis",
-		"display_name": "X-Axis",
-		"type": "calculated",
-		"default_value": "{\"title\":{\"text\" : \"Time\"}, \"type\": \"datetime\", \"floor\":0}"
-	}, {
-		"name": "yaxis",
-		"display_name": "Y-Axis",
-		"type": "calculated",
-		"default_value": "{\"title\":{\"text\" : \"Values\"}, \"minorTickInterval\":\"auto\", \"floor\":0}"
-	}];
-	for (i = 1; i <= MAX_NUM_SERIES; i++) {
-		var dataSource = {
-			"name": "series" + i,
-			"display_name": "Series " + i + " - Datasource",
-			"type": "calculated"
-		};
-		var xField = {
-			"name": "series" + i + "label",
-			"display_name": "Series " + i + " - Label",
-			"type": "text",
-		};
-		highchartsLineWidgetSettings.push(dataSource);
-		highchartsLineWidgetSettings.push(xField);
-	}
-	freeboard
-		.loadWidgetPlugin({
-			"type_name": "highcharts-timeseries",
-			"display_name": "Time series (Highcharts)",
-			"description": "Time series line chart.",
-			"external_scripts": [
-				"https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js",
-				"https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"
-			],
-			"fill_size": true,
-			"settings": highchartsLineWidgetSettings,
-			newInstance: function(settings, newInstanceCallback) {
-				newInstanceCallback(new highchartsTimeseriesWidgetPlugin(
-					settings));
-			}
-		});
-	var highchartsTimeseriesWidgetPlugin = function(settings) {
-		var self = this;
-		var currentSettings = settings;
-		var thisWidgetId = "highcharts-widget-timeseries-" + HIGHCHARTS_ID++;
-		var thisWidgetContainer = $('<div class="highcharts-widget" id="' + thisWidgetId + '"></div>');
-		function createWidget() {
-			Highcharts.theme = {
-				global: {
-					useUTC: false
-				},
-				colors: ["#2b908f", "#90ee7e", "#f45b5b", "#7798BF", "#aaeeee",
-					"#ff0066", "#eeaaee", "#55BF3B", "#DF5353", "#7798BF", "#aaeeee"
-				],
-				chart: {
-					backgroundColor: null,
-					style: {
-						fontFamily: "'Open Sans', sans-serif"
-					},
-					plotBorderColor: '#606063'
-				},
+    var rcoddioTimer;
+    $(window).bind('resize', (event) => {
+        clearTimeout(rcoddioTimer);
+        if(event.cancelable) return;
+        rcoddioTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+            window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize", { "cancelable":true }))
+        }, 1000);
+    });
+    //
+    //
+    var HIGHCHARTS_ID = 0;
+    var ONE_SECOND_IN_MILIS = 1000;
+    var MAX_NUM_SERIES = 3;
+    //
+    // HELPERS
+    //
+    // Get coordinates of point
+    function xy(obj, x, y) {
+        return [obj[x], obj[y]]
+    }
+    function isNumber(n) {
+        return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
+    }
+    //
+    //
+    var highchartsLineWidgetSettings = [{
+        "name": "timeframe",
+        "display_name": "Timeframe (s)",
+        "type": "number",
+        "description": "Specify the last number of seconds you want to see.",
+        "default_value": 60
+    }, {
+        "name": "blocks",
+        "display_name": "Height (No. Blocks)",
+        "type": "number",
+        "default_value": 4
+    }, {
+        "name": "chartType",
+        "display_name": "Chart Type",
+        "type": "option",
+        "options": [{
+            "name": "Area",
+            "value": "area"
+        }, {
+            "name": "Spline",
+            "value": "spline"
+        }]
+    }, {
+        "name": "title",
+        "display_name": "Title",
+        "type": "text"
+    }, {
+        "name": "xaxis",
+        "display_name": "X-Axis",
+        "type": "calculated",
+        "default_value": "{\"title\":{\"text\" : \"Time\"}, \"type\": \"datetime\", \"floor\":0}"
+    }, {
+        "name": "yaxis",
+        "display_name": "Y-Axis",
+        "type": "calculated",
+        "default_value": "{\"title\":{\"text\" : \"Values\"}, \"minorTickInterval\":\"auto\", \"floor\":0}"
+    }];
+    for (i = 1; i <= MAX_NUM_SERIES; i++) {
+        var dataSource = {
+            "name": "series" + i,
+            "display_name": "Series " + i + " - Datasource",
+            "type": "calculated"
+        };
+        var xField = {
+            "name": "series" + i + "label",
+            "display_name": "Series " + i + " - Label",
+            "type": "text",
+        };
+        highchartsLineWidgetSettings.push(dataSource);
+        highchartsLineWidgetSettings.push(xField);
+    }
+    freeboard
+        .loadWidgetPlugin({
+            "type_name": "highcharts-timeseries",
+            "display_name": "Time series (Highcharts)",
+            "description": "Time series line chart.",
+            "external_scripts": [
+                "https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js",
+                "https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"
+            ],
+            "fill_size": true,
+            "settings": highchartsLineWidgetSettings,
+            newInstance: function(settings, newInstanceCallback) {
+                newInstanceCallback(new highchartsTimeseriesWidgetPlugin(
+                    settings));
+            }
+        });
+    var highchartsTimeseriesWidgetPlugin = function(settings) {
+        var self = this;
+        var currentSettings = settings;
+        var thisWidgetId = "highcharts-widget-timeseries-" + HIGHCHARTS_ID++;
+        var thisWidgetContainer = $('<div class="highcharts-widget" id="' + thisWidgetId + '"></div>');
+        function createWidget() {
+            Highcharts.theme = {
+                global: {
+                    useUTC: false
+                },
+                colors: ["#2b908f", "#90ee7e", "#f45b5b", "#7798BF", "#aaeeee",
+                    "#ff0066", "#eeaaee", "#55BF3B", "#DF5353", "#7798BF", "#aaeeee"
+                ],
+                chart: {
+                    backgroundColor: null,
+                    style: {
+                        fontFamily: "'Open Sans', sans-serif"
+                    },
+                    plotBorderColor: '#606063'
+                },
                                 plotShadow: false,
-				title: {
-					style: {
-						color: '#E0E0E3',
-						fontSize: '20px'
-					}
-				},
-				subtitle: {
-					style: {
-						color: '#E0E0E3',
-						textTransform: 'uppercase'
-					}
-				},
-				xAxis: {
-					gridLineColor: '#707073',
-					labels: {
-						style: {
-							color: '#E0E0E3'
-						}
-					},
-					lineColor: '#707073',
-					minorGridLineColor: '#505053',
-					tickColor: '#707073',
-					title: {
-						style: {
-							color: '#A0A0A3'
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				yAxis: {
-					gridLineColor: '#707073',
-					labels: {
-						style: {
-							color: '#E0E0E3'
-						}
-					},
-					lineColor: '#707073',
-					minorGridLineColor: '#505053',
-					tickColor: '#707073',
-					tickWidth: 1,
-					title: {
-						style: {
-							color: '#A0A0A3'
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				tooltip: {
-					backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)',
-					style: {
-						color: '#F0F0F0'
-					}
-				},
-				plotOptions: {
-					series: {
-						dataLabels: {
-							color: '#B0B0B3'
-						},
-						marker: {
-							lineColor: '#333'
-						}
-					},
-					boxplot: {
-						fillColor: '#505053'
-					},
-					candlestick: {
-						lineColor: 'white'
-					},
-					errorbar: {
-						color: 'white'
-					}
-				},
-				legend: {
-					itemStyle: {
-						color: '#E0E0E3'
-					},
-					itemHoverStyle: {
-						color: '#FFF'
-					},
-					itemHiddenStyle: {
-						color: '#606063'
-					}
-				},
-				credits: {
+                title: {
+                    style: {
+                        color: '#E0E0E3',
+                        fontSize: '20px'
+                    }
+                },
+                subtitle: {
+                    style: {
+                        color: '#E0E0E3',
+                        textTransform: 'uppercase'
+                    }
+                },
+                xAxis: {
+                    gridLineColor: '#707073',
+                    labels: {
+                        style: {
+                            color: '#E0E0E3'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    lineColor: '#707073',
+                    minorGridLineColor: '#505053',
+                    tickColor: '#707073',
+                    title: {
+                        style: {
+                            color: '#A0A0A3'
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                yAxis: {
+                    gridLineColor: '#707073',
+                    labels: {
+                        style: {
+                            color: '#E0E0E3'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    lineColor: '#707073',
+                    minorGridLineColor: '#505053',
+                    tickColor: '#707073',
+                    tickWidth: 1,
+                    title: {
+                        style: {
+                            color: '#A0A0A3'
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                tooltip: {
+                    backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)',
+                    style: {
+                        color: '#F0F0F0'
+                    }
+                },
+                plotOptions: {
+                    series: {
+                        dataLabels: {
+                            color: '#B0B0B3'
+                        },
+                        marker: {
+                            lineColor: '#333'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    boxplot: {
+                        fillColor: '#505053'
+                    },
+                    candlestick: {
+                        lineColor: 'white'
+                    },
+                    errorbar: {
+                        color: 'white'
+                    }
+                },
+                legend: {
+                    itemStyle: {
+                        color: '#E0E0E3'
+                    },
+                    itemHoverStyle: {
+                        color: '#FFF'
+                    },
+                    itemHiddenStyle: {
+                        color: '#606063'
+                    }
+                },
+                credits: {
                                         enabled: false,
-					style: {
-						color: '#666'
-					}
-				},
-				labels: {
-					style: {
-						color: '#707073'
-					}
-				},
-				drilldown: {
-					activeAxisLabelStyle: {
-						color: '#F0F0F3'
-					},
-					activeDataLabelStyle: {
-						color: '#F0F0F3'
-					}
-				},
-				navigation: {
-					buttonOptions: {
-						symbolStroke: '#DDDDDD',
-						theme: {
-							fill: '#505053'
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				// scroll charts
-				rangeSelector: {
-					buttonTheme: {
-						fill: '#505053',
-						stroke: '#000000',
-						style: {
-							color: '#CCC'
-						},
-						states: {
-							hover: {
-								fill: '#707073',
-								stroke: '#000000',
-								style: {
-									color: 'white'
-								}
-							},
-							select: {
-								fill: '#000003',
-								stroke: '#000000',
-								style: {
-									color: 'white'
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					inputBoxBorderColor: '#505053',
-					inputStyle: {
-						backgroundColor: '#333',
-						color: 'silver'
-					},
-					labelStyle: {
-						color: 'silver'
-					}
-				},
-				navigator: {
-					handles: {
-						backgroundColor: '#666',
-						borderColor: '#AAA'
-					},
-					outlineColor: '#CCC',
-					maskFill: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)',
-					series: {
-						color: '#7798BF',
-						lineColor: '#A6C7ED'
-					},
-					xAxis: {
-						gridLineColor: '#505053'
-					}
-				},
-				scrollbar: {
-					barBackgroundColor: '#808083',
-					barBorderColor: '#808083',
-					buttonArrowColor: '#CCC',
-					buttonBackgroundColor: '#606063',
-					buttonBorderColor: '#606063',
-					rifleColor: '#FFF',
-					trackBackgroundColor: '#404043',
-					trackBorderColor: '#404043'
-				},
-				// special colors for some of the
-				legendBackgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
-				background2: '#505053',
-				dataLabelsColor: '#B0B0B3',
-				textColor: '#C0C0C0',
-				contrastTextColor: '#F0F0F3',
-				maskColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'
-			};
-			Highcharts.setOptions(Highcharts.theme);
-			// Get widget configurations
-			var thisWidgetXAxis = JSON.parse(currentSettings.xaxis);
-			var thisWidgetYAxis = JSON.parse(currentSettings.yaxis);
-			var thisWidgetTitle = currentSettings.title;
-			var thisWidgetChartType = currentSettings.chartType;
-			//console.log('chartType:' + currentSettings.chartType + ' ' + thisWidgetChartType);
-			var thisWidgetSeries = [];
-			for (i = 1; i <= MAX_NUM_SERIES; i++) {
-				var datasource = currentSettings['series' + i];
-				if (datasource) {
-					var serieno = "series" + i + "label";
-					var label = currentSettings[serieno];
-					console.log('label: ', label);
-					var newSeries = {
-						id: 'series' + i,
-						name: label,
-						fillColor: {
-							linearGradient: {
-								x1: 0,
-								y1: 0,
-								x2: 0,
-								y2: 1
-							},
-							stops: [
-								[0, Highcharts.getOptions().colors[i - 1]],
-								//[1, 'rgba(2,0,0,0)']
-								[1, Highcharts.Color(Highcharts.getOptions().colors[i - 1]).setOpacity(0).get('rgba')]
-							]
-						},
-						data: [],
-						connectNulls: true
-					};
-					thisWidgetSeries.push(newSeries);
-				}
-			}
-			// Create widget
-			thisWidgetContainer
-				.css('height', 60 * self.getHeight() - 10 + 'px');
-			thisWidgetContainer.css('width', '100%');
-			thisWidgetContainer.highcharts({
-				chart: {
-					type: thisWidgetChartType,
-					animation: Highcharts.svg,
-					marginRight: 20
-				},
-				title: {
-					text: thisWidgetTitle
-				},
-				xAxis: thisWidgetXAxis,
-				yAxis: thisWidgetYAxis,
-				plotOptions: {
-					area: {
-						marker: {
-							enabled: false,
-							symbol: 'circle',
-							radius: 2,
-							hover: {
-								enabled: true
-							}
-						},
-						lineWidth: 2,
-						states: {
-							hover: {
-								lineWidth: 2
-							}
-						},
-						threshold: null
-					}
-				},
-				tooltip: {
-					formatter: function() {
-						return '<b>' + this.series.name + '</b><br/>' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
-							this.x) + '<br/>' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1);
-					}
-				},
-				series: thisWidgetSeries
-			});
-		}
-		self.render = function(containerElement) {
-			$(containerElement).append(thisWidgetContainer);
-			createWidget();
-		}
-		self.getHeight = function() {
-			return currentSettings.blocks;
-		}
-		self.onSettingsChanged = function(newSettings) {
-			currentSettings = newSettings;
-			createWidget();
-		}
-		self.onCalculatedValueChanged = function(settingName, newValue) {
-			// console.log(settingName, 'newValue:', newValue);
-			var chart = thisWidgetContainer.highcharts();
-			var series = chart.get(settingName);
-			if (series) {
-				var timeframeMS = currentSettings.timeframe * ONE_SECOND_IN_MILIS;
-				var seriesno = settingName;
-				var len = series.data.length;
-				var shift = false;
-				// Check if it should shift the series
-				if (series.data.length > 1) {
-					var first = series.data[0].x;
-					//var last = series.data[series.data.length-1].x;
-					var last = new Date().getTime();
-					// Check if time frame is complete
-					var diff = last - first;
-					//                                         console.log('last :', last);
-					//                                         console.log('first:', first);
-					//                                         console.log('diff :', diff);
-					if (last - first > timeframeMS) {
-						shift = true;
-					}
-				}
-				if (isNumber(newValue)) { //check if it is a real number and not text
-					var x = (new Date()).getTime();
-					// console.log('addPoint:', x,currentSettings[seriesno], Number(newValue));
-					var plotMqtt = [x, Number(newValue)]; //create the array+ "Y"
-					series.addPoint(plotMqtt, true, shift);
-				};
-			}
-		}
-		self.onDispose = function() {
-			return;
-		}
-	}
+                    style: {
+                        color: '#666'
+                    }
+                },
+                labels: {
+                    style: {
+                        color: '#707073'
+                    }
+                },
+                drilldown: {
+                    activeAxisLabelStyle: {
+                        color: '#F0F0F3'
+                    },
+                    activeDataLabelStyle: {
+                        color: '#F0F0F3'
+                    }
+                },
+                navigation: {
+                    buttonOptions: {
+                        symbolStroke: '#DDDDDD',
+                        theme: {
+                            fill: '#505053'
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                // scroll charts
+                rangeSelector: {
+                    buttonTheme: {
+                        fill: '#505053',
+                        stroke: '#000000',
+                        style: {
+                            color: '#CCC'
+                        },
+                        states: {
+                            hover: {
+                                fill: '#707073',
+                                stroke: '#000000',
+                                style: {
+                                    color: 'white'
+                                }
+                            },
+                            select: {
+                                fill: '#000003',
+                                stroke: '#000000',
+                                style: {
+                                    color: 'white'
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    inputBoxBorderColor: '#505053',
+                    inputStyle: {
+                        backgroundColor: '#333',
+                        color: 'silver'
+                    },
+                    labelStyle: {
+                        color: 'silver'
+                    }
+                },
+                navigator: {
+                    handles: {
+                        backgroundColor: '#666',
+                        borderColor: '#AAA'
+                    },
+                    outlineColor: '#CCC',
+                    maskFill: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)',
+                    series: {
+                        color: '#7798BF',
+                        lineColor: '#A6C7ED'
+                    },
+                    xAxis: {
+                        gridLineColor: '#505053'
+                    }
+                },
+                scrollbar: {
+                    barBackgroundColor: '#808083',
+                    barBorderColor: '#808083',
+                    buttonArrowColor: '#CCC',
+                    buttonBackgroundColor: '#606063',
+                    buttonBorderColor: '#606063',
+                    rifleColor: '#FFF',
+                    trackBackgroundColor: '#404043',
+                    trackBorderColor: '#404043'
+                },
+                // special colors for some of the
+                legendBackgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
+                background2: '#505053',
+                dataLabelsColor: '#B0B0B3',
+                textColor: '#C0C0C0',
+                contrastTextColor: '#F0F0F3',
+                maskColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'
+            };
+            Highcharts.setOptions(Highcharts.theme);
+            // Get widget configurations
+            var thisWidgetXAxis = JSON.parse(currentSettings.xaxis);
+            var thisWidgetYAxis = JSON.parse(currentSettings.yaxis);
+            var thisWidgetTitle = currentSettings.title;
+            var thisWidgetChartType = currentSettings.chartType;
+            //console.log('chartType:' + currentSettings.chartType + ' ' + thisWidgetChartType);
+            var thisWidgetSeries = [];
+            for (i = 1; i <= MAX_NUM_SERIES; i++) {
+                var datasource = currentSettings['series' + i];
+                if (datasource) {
+                    var serieno = "series" + i + "label";
+                    var label = currentSettings[serieno];
+                    console.log('label: ', label);
+                    var newSeries = {
+                        id: 'series' + i,
+                        name: label,
+                        fillColor: {
+                            linearGradient: {
+                                x1: 0,
+                                y1: 0,
+                                x2: 0,
+                                y2: 1
+                            },
+                            stops: [
+                                [0, Highcharts.getOptions().colors[i - 1]],
+                                //[1, 'rgba(2,0,0,0)']
+                                [1, Highcharts.Color(Highcharts.getOptions().colors[i - 1]).setOpacity(0).get('rgba')]
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        data: [],
+                        connectNulls: true
+                    };
+                    thisWidgetSeries.push(newSeries);
+                }
+            }
+            // Create widget
+            thisWidgetContainer
+                .css('height', 60 * self.getHeight() - 10 + 'px');
+            thisWidgetContainer.css('width', '100%');
+            thisWidgetContainer.highcharts({
+                chart: {
+                    type: thisWidgetChartType,
+                    animation: Highcharts.svg,
+                    marginRight: 20
+                },
+                title: {
+                    text: thisWidgetTitle
+                },
+                xAxis: thisWidgetXAxis,
+                yAxis: thisWidgetYAxis,
+                plotOptions: {
+                    area: {
+                        marker: {
+                            enabled: false,
+                            symbol: 'circle',
+                            radius: 2,
+                            hover: {
+                                enabled: true
+                            }
+                        },
+                        lineWidth: 2,
+                        states: {
+                            hover: {
+                                lineWidth: 2
+                            }
+                        },
+                        threshold: null
+                    }
+                },
+                tooltip: {
+                    formatter: function() {
+                        return '<b>' + this.series.name + '</b><br/>' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+                            this.x) + '<br/>' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1);
+                    }
+                },
+                series: thisWidgetSeries
+            });
+        }
+        self.render = function(containerElement) {
+            $(containerElement).append(thisWidgetContainer);
+            createWidget();
+        }
+        self.getHeight = function() {
+            return currentSettings.blocks;
+        }
+        self.onSettingsChanged = function(newSettings) {
+            currentSettings = newSettings;
+            createWidget();
+        }
+        self.onCalculatedValueChanged = function(settingName, newValue) {
+            // console.log(settingName, 'newValue:', newValue);
+            var chart = thisWidgetContainer.highcharts();
+            var series = chart.get(settingName);
+            if (series) {
+                var timeframeMS = currentSettings.timeframe * ONE_SECOND_IN_MILIS;
+                var seriesno = settingName;
+                var len = series.data.length;
+                var shift = false;
+                // Check if it should shift the series
+                if (series.data.length > 1) {
+                    var first = series.data[0].x;
+                    //var last = series.data[series.data.length-1].x;
+                    var last = new Date().getTime();
+                    // Check if time frame is complete
+                    var diff = last - first;
+                    //                                         console.log('last :', last);
+                    //                                         console.log('first:', first);
+                    //                                         console.log('diff :', diff);
+                    if (last - first > timeframeMS) {
+                        shift = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (isNumber(newValue)) { //check if it is a real number and not text
+                    var x = (new Date()).getTime();
+                    // console.log('addPoint:', x,currentSettings[seriesno], Number(newValue));
+                    var plotMqtt = [x, Number(newValue)]; //create the array+ "Y"
+                    series.addPoint(plotMqtt, true, shift);
+                };
+            }
+        }
+        self.onDispose = function() {
+            return;
+        }
+    }