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Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"></img>\n\t\t\t</div>\n<div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: `+String(fontsize)+`px; color:#ffffff !important; position: absolute; left: `+String(lmargin)+`%; width: `+String(width)+`%; height: 100%; justify-content: center; display: flex; align-items: center;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\">\n\t\t\t\tPublic Operations Screen\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>`;\n\nif (cols == 1){\n text = \"<div style=\\\"position: static; margin-top: -15px;\\\"><img src=\\\"../img/ess-logo.svg\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. Graphics by Dirk Nordt.\\\"><div class=\\\"tw-value\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 30px; color:#ffffff !important; position: relative; bottom: 55px; left: 30px;\\\" title=\\\"Designed by Emanuele Laface with PyEpics and Freeboard. 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i < elements.length; i++) {\n var element = elements[i];\n if (element.innerHTML == datasources[\"POS\"][\"NSO:Ops:Msg\"][\"value\"]) {\n element.style.fontSize = \"18px\";\n }\n}\n\nreturn datasources[\"POS\"][\"NSO:Ops:Msg\"][\"value\"];", "animate": true } }, { "type": "indicator", "settings": { "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"NSO:Ops:ESSSystemPermit\"][\"value\"]", "on_text": "Beam Authorization", "off_text": "Beam Authorization" } }, { "type": "indicator", "settings": { "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"NSO:Ops:ESSSystemPermit\"][\"value\"]", "on_text": "System Permit", "off_text": "System Permit" } } ] }, { "title": "Ion Source", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 25, "2": 17, "3": 15, "4": 15, "5": 17, "6": 7, "7": 7, "8": 7, "10": 7, "11": 7, "12": 7 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 1, "4": 1, "5": 3, "6": 4, "7": 1, "8": 1, "10": 1, "11": 1, "12": 1 }, "col_width": 1, "widgets": [ { "type": "indicator", "settings": { "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"ISrc-CS:ISS-Magtr-01:MwRdy\"][\"value\"]", "on_text": "Magnetron On", "off_text": "Magnetron Off" } }, { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "Power", "size": "regular", "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"ISrc-CS:ISS-Magtr-01:PulsHLvl-S\"][\"value\"]", "animate": true, "units": "W" } }, { "type": "indicator", "settings": { "title": "High Voltage Platform", "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"ISrc-CS:ISS-HVPS-01:Pwr-R\"][\"value\"]", "on_text": "String(datasources[\"POS\"][\"ISrc-CS:ISS-HVPS-01:Vol-R\"][\"value\"].toFixed(0))+\" kV\"", "off_text": "String(datasources[\"POS\"][\"ISrc-CS:ISS-HVPS-01:Vol-R\"][\"value\"].toFixed(0))+\" kV\"" } } ] }, { "title": "Beam Production Table", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 33, "2": 7, "3": 7, "4": 7, "5": 7, "6": 7, "7": 13, "8": 13, "10": 13, "11": 13 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 2, "5": 2, "6": 3, "7": 1, "8": 1, "10": 1, "11": 1 }, "col_width": 1, "widgets": [ { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "Frequency", "size": "regular", "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:ScTable-RB\"][\"value\"].split(\"__\")[1];", "animate": true } }, { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "ISrc Pulse Length", "size": "regular", "value": "valueArray = [];\nrawArray = datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:ScTable-RB\"][\"value\"].split(\"_\")\nrawArray.forEach(function (item, index) {\n if (item != \"\") {\n valueArray.push(item);\n }\n});\n\nreturn valueArray[2];", "animate": true, "units": "µs" } }, { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "LEBT Pulse Length", "size": "regular", "value": "valueArray = [];\nrawArray = datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:ScTable-RB\"][\"value\"].split(\"_\")\nrawArray.forEach(function (item, index) {\n if (item != \"\") {\n valueArray.push(item);\n }\n});\n\nreturn valueArray[3];", "animate": true, "units": "µs" } }, { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "MEBT Pulse Length", "size": "regular", "value": "valueArray = [];\nrawArray = datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:ScTable-RB\"][\"value\"].split(\"_\")\nrawArray.forEach(function (item, index) {\n if (item != \"\") {\n valueArray.push(item);\n }\n});\n\nreturn valueArray[4];", "animate": true, "units": "µs" } } ] }, { "title": "RFQ", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 49, "2": 33, "3": 17, "4": 7, "5": 7, "6": 7, "7": 7, "8": 7, "11": 7 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 1, "3": 2, "4": 3, "5": 4, "6": 5, "7": 3, "8": 3, "11": 3 }, "col_width": 2, "widgets": [ { "type": "indicator", "settings": { "value": "timelength = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncWdt-SP\"][\"value\"]/1000;\npwxdata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-XAxis.[0:100:-1]\"][\"value\"];\npwydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-Cmp0.[0:100:-1]\"][\"value\"];\n\npower = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI2-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"]-datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI3-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"]+datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI4-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"]-datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI5-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"];\n\npwdata = 0;\ncounts = 0;\n\ntimestamp = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-Cmp0.[0:100:-1]\"][\"timestamp\"];\nnow = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);\nenable = 1;\nif (now - timestamp > 60) {\n enable = 0;\n}\n\nfor (i=0; i < pwxdata.length; i++) {\n if (pwxdata[i] > timelength) {\n break;\n }\n\tpwdata += enable*pwydata[i];\n counts += 1;\n}\n\nif (counts == 0) {\n return 0;\n}\n\nif (pwdata/counts < 3) {\n return 0;\n}\n\nreturn 1;", "on_text": "RFQ On", "off_text": "RFQ Off" } }, { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "Average Power", "size": "regular", "value": "power = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI2-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"]-datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI3-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"]+datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI4-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"]-datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI5-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"value\"];\n\ntimestamp = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI2-SMonAvg-Mag\"][\"timestamp\"];\nnow = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);\nenable = 1;\nif (now - timestamp > 60) {\n enable = 0;\n}\n\n\nreturn enable*power.toFixed(3);", "animate": true, "units": "kW" } }, { "type": "flot_extended_plugin", "settings": { "plot_type": "area", "legend": true, "height": 4, "value": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\ntimelength = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncWdt-SP\"][\"value\"]/1000*2;\n\npwxdata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-XAxis.[0:100:-1]\"][\"value\"];\npwydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-Cmp0.[0:100:-1]\"][\"value\"];\n\ntimestamp = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-Cmp0.[0:100:-1]\"][\"timestamp\"];\nnow = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);\nenable = 1;\nif (now - timestamp > 120) {\n enable = 0;\n}\nelse {\n enable = 1;\n}\n\npwdata = [];\n\nfor (i=0; i < pwxdata.length; i++) {\n if (pwxdata[i] > timelength) {\n break;\n }\n\tpwdata.push([pwxdata[i], enable*pwydata[i]]);\n}\n\ndata = [{label: 'Power applied', data: pwdata, color: \"green\"}];\n\nreturn data;", "xticks": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\nvar cols = document.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].getAttribute('data-sizex');\n\ntimelength = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncWdt-SP\"][\"value\"]/1000*2;\nxdata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-XAxis.[0:100:-1]\"][\"value\"];\n\nif (xdata.length == 0) {\n return;\n}\n\nif (timelength > xdata[xdata.length-1]) {\n timelength = xdata[xdata.length-1];\n}\n\nxtick = [];\nsize = 10;\nif (cols == 1) {\n size = 4;\n}\n\nfor (i = 0; i < (size+1); i += 1) {\n xtick.push([timelength*i/size, (timelength*i/size).toFixed(3).toString()]);\n}\nxtick[size/2][1] = xtick[size/2][1]+\"<br>t [ms]\";\n\nreturn xtick;\n\n", "yticks": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"]\n\nif (typeof axes === 'undefined') {\n return;\n}\n\nytick = [];\nfor (i = 0; i < axes.yaxis.ticks.length-1; i += 1) {\n\tytick.push([axes.yaxis.ticks[i][\"v\"], axes.yaxis.ticks[i][\"label\"]]);\n}\n\nytick.push([axes.yaxis.ticks[axes.yaxis.ticks.length-1][\"v\"], \"P [kW]\"]);\nreturn ytick;", "zoom": "xy" } } ] }, { "title": "Beam Energy", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 63, "2": 29, "3": 29, "4": 21, "5": 17, "6": 17, "9": 17, "12": 17 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 1, "4": 4, "5": 2, "6": 3, "9": 2, "12": 2 }, "col_width": 1, "widgets": [ { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "size": "regular", "value": "switch(datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:BDest-Sel\"][\"value\"]) {\n case 0:\n return \"0 keV\";\n break;\n case 1:\n\t\treturn \"75 keV\";\n break;\n\tcase 2:\n\t\treturn String(datasources[\"POS\"][\"PBI-FBPM01:FBPM-01:Energy-R\"][\"value\"].toFixed(2))+\" MeV\";\n break;\n\tcase 3:\n\t\treturn \"DTL2 Energy\";\n break;\n\tcase 4:\n\t\treturn \"DLT3 Energy\";\n break;\n default:\n return \"NO Energy reading\";\n}", "animate": true } } ] }, { "title": "ISrc Beam Current", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 67, "2": 25, "3": 33, "4": 21, "5": 21, "6": 17, "9": 17 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 1, "4": 3, "5": 2, "6": 2, "9": 2 }, "col_width": 1, "widgets": [ { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "size": "regular", "value": "datasources[\"POS\"][\"ISrc-010:PBI-BCM-001:FlatTopCurrentR\"][\"value\"].toFixed(3)", "animate": true, "units": "mA" } } ] }, { "title": "Beam Mode", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 43, "2": 25, "3": 23, "4": 23, "5": 15, "6": 15, "7": 21, "8": 21, "9": 21, "10": 21, "12": 21 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 1, "3": 1, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "7": 3, "8": 3, "9": 3, "10": 3, "12": 3 }, "col_width": 1, "widgets": [ { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "size": "regular", "value": "switch(datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:BMod-Sel\"][\"value\"]) {\n case 0:\n return \"No Beam\";\n case 1:\n return \"Conditioning\";\n case 2:\n return \"Probe Beam\";\n case 3:\n return \"Fast Commissioning\"\n case 4:\n return \"RF Test\";\n case 5:\n return \"Stability Test\";\n case 6:\n return \"Slow Commissioning\";\n case 7:\n return \"Fast Tuning\";\n case 8:\n return \"Slow Tunning\";\n default:\n}", "animate": true } }, { "type": "text_widget", "settings": { "title": "Destination", "size": "regular", "value": "switch(datasources[\"POS\"][\"TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:BDest-Sel\"][\"value\"]) {\n case 0:\n return \"ISrc\";\n break;\n case 1:\n\t\treturn \"LEBT FC\";\n break;\n\tcase 2:\n\t\treturn \"MEBT FC\";\n break;\n\tcase 3:\n\t\treturn \"DTL2\";\n break;\n\tcase 4:\n\t\treturn \"DLT3\";\n break;\n default:\n return \"NO Destination\";\n}", "animate": true } } ] }, { "title": "Beam Current", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 71, "2": 47, "3": 37, "4": 29, "5": 25, "6": 21, "7": 25, "8": 25, "9": 25, "10": 25, "12": 25 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 1, "3": 1, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "7": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "10": 1, "12": 1 }, "col_width": 3, "widgets": [ { "type": "flot_extended_plugin", "settings": { "plot_type": "line", "legend": true, "height": 5, "value": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\nlebtydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"LEBT-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"];\nrfqydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"];\nmebt1ydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"MEBT-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"];\nmebt2ydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"MEBT-010:PBI-BCM-002:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"];\nfclebtydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"LEBT-010:PBI-FC-001:TRC2-ArrayData-Comp.[6500:4:7500]\"][\"value\"];\nfcmebtydata = datasources[\"POS\"][\"MEBT-010:PBI-FC-001:TRC2-ArrayData-Comp.[6500:4:7500]\"][\"value\"];\n\nlebtdata = [];\nrfqdata = [];\nmebt1data = [];\nmebt2data = [];\nfclebtdata = [];\nfcmebtdata = [];\n\nstartroi = 6500;\nendroi = 7500;\n\nfor (i=0; i < lebtydata.length; i++) {\n\tlebtdata.push([((endroi-startroi)/lebtydata.length*i+startroi)/1000, lebtydata[i]]);\n}\n\nfor (i=0; i < rfqydata.length; i++) {\n\trfqdata.push([((endroi-startroi)/rfqydata.length*i+startroi)/1000, rfqydata[i]]);\n}\n\nfor (i=0; i < mebt1ydata.length; i++) {\n\tmebt1data.push([((endroi-startroi)/mebt1ydata.length*i+startroi)/1000, mebt1ydata[i]]);\n}\n\nfor (i=0; i < mebt2ydata.length; i++) {\n\tmebt2data.push([((endroi-startroi)/mebt2ydata.length*i+startroi)/1000, mebt2ydata[i]]);\n}\n\nfor (i=0; i < fclebtydata.length; i++) {\n\tfclebtdata.push([((endroi-startroi)/fclebtydata.length*i+startroi)/1000, fclebtydata[i]]);\n}\n\nfor (i=0; i < fcmebtydata.length; i++) {\n\tfcmebtdata.push([((endroi-startroi)/fcmebtydata.length*i+startroi)/1000, fcmebtydata[i]]);\n}\n\ndata = [{label: 'BCM LEBT', data: lebtdata, color: \"red\"},\n {label: 'BCM RFQ', data: rfqdata, color: \"green\"},\n {label: 'BCM MEBT 1', data: mebt1data, color: \"pink\"},\n {label: 'BCM MEBT 2', data: mebt2data, color: \"black\"},\n {label: 'FC LEBT', data: fclebtdata, color: \"lime\"},\n {label: 'FC MEBT', data: fcmebtdata, color: \"yellow\"}];\n\nreturn data;", "xticks": "", "yticks": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\nif (typeof axes === 'undefined') {\n return;\n}\n\nytick = [];\n\nmax_val = 0;\n\nmax_val = Math.max(Math.max.apply(Math, datasources[\"POS\"][\"LEBT-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"]),\nMath.max.apply(Math, datasources[\"POS\"][\"RFQ-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"]),\nMath.max.apply(Math, datasources[\"POS\"][\"MEBT-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"]),\nMath.max.apply(Math, datasources[\"POS\"][\"MEBT-010:PBI-BCM-002:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275]\"][\"value\"]),\nMath.max.apply(Math, datasources[\"POS\"][\"LEBT-010:PBI-FC-001:TRC2-ArrayData-Comp.[6500:4:7500]\"][\"value\"]),\nMath.max.apply(Math, datasources[\"POS\"][\"MEBT-010:PBI-FC-001:TRC2-ArrayData-Comp.[6500:4:7500]\"][\"value\"]));\n\nif (max_val == 0) {\n\tmax_val = 10;\n}\n\nstep = max_val/10;\n\nfor (i=0; i<max_val; i+=step) {\n ytick.push([i,String(i.toFixed(1))]);\n}\n\nytick.push([max_val+step,\"I [mA]\"]);\n\n\nreturn ytick;", "zoom": "xy" } } ] }, { "title": "Beam Position Monitors", "width": 1, "row": { "1": 83, "2": 59, "3": 49, "4": 41, "5": 37, "6": 21, "10": 37, "11": 37, "13": 37, "14": 37 }, "col": { "1": 1, "2": 1, "3": 1, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 4, "10": 1, "11": 1, "13": 1, "14": 1 }, "col_width": 3, "widgets": [ { "type": "flot_extended_plugin", "settings": { "plot_type": "line", "legend": true, "height": 5, "value": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\nxbpm = [];\nybpm = [];\n\nbpmpositions = [0.400, 0.762, 2.224, 2.424, 2.624, 3.436, 3.636, 3.836];\n\nfor (i=1; i < 9; i++) {\n xpv = \"MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-00\"+String(i)+\":XP-AvgValue\";\n xvalue = datasources[\"POS\"][xpv][\"value\"]/1000;\n if (xvalue == null) {\n xvalue = 0.0;\n }\n xbpm.push([bpmpositions[i-1], xvalue]);\n ypv = \"MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-00\"+String(i)+\":YP-AvgValue\";\n yvalue = datasources[\"POS\"][ypv][\"value\"]/1000;\n if (yvalue == null) {\n yvalue = 0.0;\n }\n ybpm.push([bpmpositions[i-1], yvalue]);\n}\n\ndata = [{label: 'Horizontal', data: xbpm, color: \"lime\"},\n {label: 'Vertical', data: ybpm, color: \"yellow\"}];\n\nreturn data;", "xticks": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\nvar cols = document.getElementsByClassName('gs_w')[0].getAttribute('data-sizex');\n\ndigits = 3;\nbpmxlabel = \"<br>BPM Position from MEBT start [m]\";\n\nif (cols == 2) {\n bpmxlabel = \"<br>BPM pos. [m]\";\n digits = 1;\n}\nif (cols == 1) {\n bpmxlabel = \"<br>BPM pos. [m]\";\n digits = 0;\n}\n\n\nbpmxtick = [];\n\nbpmpositions = [0.400, 0.762, 2.224, 2.424, 2.624, 3.436, 3.636, 3.836];\n\nfor (i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {\n\tbpmxtick.push([bpmpositions[i], String(bpmpositions[i].toFixed(digits))]);\n}\nbpmxtick[2][1] += bpmxlabel;\n\nreturn bpmxtick;", "yticks": "datasources[\"Clock\"][\"numeric_value\"];\n\nytick = [];\n\nfor (i = -4; i < 4; i += 1) {\n\tytick.push([i, String(i)]);\n}\n\nytick.push([4, \"∆X,∆Y [mm]\"]);\n\nreturn ytick;", "points": true, "tooltip": false, "zoom": "xy" } } ] } ], "datasources": [ { "name": "POS", "type": "JSON", "settings": { "url": "/data/api/v1/caget/ISrc-CS:ISS-Magtr-01:MwRdy,ISrc-CS:ISS-Magtr-01:PulsHLvl-S,ISrc-CS:ISS-HVPS-01:Pwr-R,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI2-SMonAvg-Mag,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI3-SMonAvg-Mag,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI4-SMonAvg-Mag,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI5-SMonAvg-Mag,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-XAxis.[0:100:-1],RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-Cmp0.[0:100:-1],LEBT-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275],RFQ-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275],MEBT-010:PBI-BCM-001:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275],MEBT-010:PBI-BCM-002:PRC-TR1-ArrayData.[35772:22:41275],LEBT-010:PBI-FC-001:TRC2-ArrayData-Comp.[6500:4:7500],MEBT-010:PBI-FC-001:TRC2-ArrayData-Comp.[6500:4:7500],MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-001:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-002:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-003:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-004:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-005:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-006:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-007:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-008:XP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-001:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-002:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-003:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-004:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-005:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-006:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-007:YP-AvgValue,MEBT-010:PBI-BPM-008:YP-AvgValue,AccPSS:PSS-Area-1:PSSMode,NSO:Ops:SID,NSO:Ops:Msg,RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncWdt-SP,FBIS::beam_permit_ok, Beam State Status,TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:ScTable-RB,BPROD:Ops:BState,TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:BState-Sts ,TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:BMod-Sel,NSO:Ops:BeamAuthorization,NSO:Ops:ESSSystemPermit,ISrc-CS:ISS-HVPS-01:Vol-R,TD-M:Ctrl-SCE-1:BDest-Sel,PBI-FBPM01:FBPM-01:Energy-R,ISrc-010:PBI-BCM-001:FlatTopCurrentR", "use_thingproxy": false, "refresh": 10, "method": "GET" } }, { "name": "Clock", "type": "clock", "settings": { "refresh": 1, "name": "Clock" } } ], "columns": 6 }