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						"value": "switch(datasources[\"POS\"][\"AccPSS:PSS-Area-1:PSSMode\"][\"value\"]) {\n  case 0:\n    return \"Alarm\";\n    break;\n  case 1:\n    return \"Open Access\";\n    break;\n  case 2:\n    return \"Search\";\n    break; \n  case 3:\n    return \"Tunnel Closed\";\n    break;\n  case 4:\n    return \"Beam On\";\n    break;\n  case 5:\n    return \"RM Interlock\";\n    break;\n  case 6:\n    return \"RP Survey\";\n    break;\n  case 7:\n    return \"Restricted Access\";\n    break;\n  default:\n    // code block\n}",
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	"datasources": [
			"name": "POS",
			"type": "JSON",
			"settings": {
				"url": "/data/api/v1/caget/AccPSS:PSS-Area-1:PSSMode,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:AI6-SMonAvg-Mag,RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:CycleFreq-RB,RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncWdt-SP,NSO:Ops:SID,NSO:Ops:Msg,NSO:Ops:SL,RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn6-Cmp0.[:350:],RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-101:Dwn0-XAxis.[:350:],RFQ-010:RFS-DIG-102:Dwn4-Cmp0.[:350:]",
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			"name": "Clock",
			"type": "clock",
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				"name": "Clock"
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