diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openepics/names/rest/controller/VerificationController.java b/src/main/java/org/openepics/names/rest/controller/VerificationController.java
index 5dab1f70895f2cbc92795ea2b16655711432110b..8419962dc60d4bd7147d87de0755db9c371207a5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openepics/names/rest/controller/VerificationController.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openepics/names/rest/controller/VerificationController.java
@@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ import org.openepics.names.repository.model.DeviceGroup;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.model.DeviceType;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.model.Discipline;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.model.Name;
+import org.openepics.names.repository.model.Structure;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.model.Subsystem;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.model.System;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.model.SystemGroup;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.old.IDeviceRevisionRepository;
 import org.openepics.names.repository.old.INamePartRevisionRepository;
 import org.openepics.names.util.HolderIRepositories;
+import org.openepics.names.util.ValidateUtil;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration;
 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
@@ -116,8 +118,8 @@ import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Hidden;
  * Note
  * <ul>
  * <li>log statements and output are technical and implementation-like, and meant to give detailed information</li>
- * <li>after migration has been done and verified, this part of REST API no longer holds any function and may be removed.
- * As a suggestion, this may done in the second release of the software.</li>
+ * <li>after migration has been done and verified, this part of REST API no longer holds any function and may be removed
+ * together with related code not used elsewhere. As a suggestion, this may done in the second release of the software.</li>
  * </ul>
  * <p>
@@ -199,32 +201,10 @@ public class VerificationController {
         //         all entries ok
         //         no entry nok
-        // check
-        //     check entry by entry
-        //         each attribute as expected
-        //     ----------
-        //     to check parent uuid
-        //     ----------
-        //     date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-        //     ----------
-        //     e.g.
-        //     system.id                   = namepartrevision.id
-        //     system.version              = namepartrevision.version
-        //     system.uuid                 = namepartrevision.namepart_id      (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid)
-        //     ( system.parent_uuid        = namepartrevision.parent_id        (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid) )
-        //     system.name                 = namepartrevision.name
-        //     system.mnemonic             = namepartrevision.mnemonic
-        //     system.mnemonic_equivalence = namepartrevision.mnemoniceqclass
-        //     system.description          = namepartrevision.description
-        //     system.status               = namepartrevision.status
-        //     system.latest               = true if id = get max id for uuid  (consider status, but not PENDING)
-        //     system.deleted              = namepartrevision.deleted
-        //     system.requested            = namepartrevision.requestdate
-        //     system.requested_by         = namepartrevision.requestedby_id   (useraccount.id --> useraccount.username)
-        //     system.requested_comment    = namepartrevision.requestercomment
-        //     system.processed            = namepartrevision.processdate
-        //     system.processed_by         = namepartrevision.processedby_id   (useraccount.id --> useraccount.username)
-        //     system.processed_comment    = namepartrevision.processorcomment
+        // e.g. if there has been usage of new database tables (new entries) before verification, there are more rows in those tables
+        //     which means new and more ids than in old database tables
+        //     which means those new ids don't exist in old database tables
+        //     --> retrieval of device revisions for those ids will give null
         StringBuilder reportHtml = new StringBuilder();
@@ -336,37 +316,9 @@ public class VerificationController {
         for (SystemGroup systemGroup : systemGroups) {
             namePartRevision = mapIdNamePartRevision.get(systemGroup.getId());
-            check = namePartRevision != null;
-            check = check && systemGroup.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
-            check = check && systemGroup.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
-            check = check && systemGroup.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
-            // no parent uuid for system group
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
-            check = check && ((systemGroup.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
-                                || (systemGroup.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
-            // latest
-            //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-            //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
-            check = check && systemGroup.isLatest() == systemGroup.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdSystemGroup.get(systemGroup.getUuid()));
-            check = check && systemGroup.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
-            // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-            check = check && ((systemGroup.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(systemGroup.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
-            check = check && (systemGroup.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
-            check = check && ((systemGroup.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(systemGroup.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
-            check = check && (systemGroup.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(systemGroup.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+            // no check for parent uuid
+            check = namePartRevision != null
+                    && equals(systemGroup, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxIdSystemGroup);
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -384,38 +336,9 @@ public class VerificationController {
         for (System system : systems) {
             namePartRevision = mapIdNamePartRevision.get(system.getId());
-            check = namePartRevision != null;
-            check = check && system.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
-            check = check && system.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
-            check = check && system.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
-            // parent uuid
-            check = check && system.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(system.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(system.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(system.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(system.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
-            check = check && ((system.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
-                                || (system.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
-            // latest
-            //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-            //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
-            check = check && system.isLatest() == system.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdSystem.get(system.getUuid()));
-            check = check && system.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
-            // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-            check = check && ((system.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(system.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
-            check = check && (system.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(system.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(system.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
-            check = check && ((system.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(system.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
-            check = check && (system.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(system.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(system.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+            check = namePartRevision != null
+                    && equals(system, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxIdSystem)
+                    && system.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -433,38 +356,9 @@ public class VerificationController {
         for (Subsystem subsystem : subsystems) {
             namePartRevision = mapIdNamePartRevision.get(subsystem.getId());
-            check = namePartRevision != null;
-            check = check && subsystem.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
-            check = check && subsystem.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
-            check = check && subsystem.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
-            // parent uuid
-            check = check && subsystem.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
-            check = check && ((subsystem.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
-                                || (subsystem.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
-            // latest
-            //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-            //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
-            check = check && subsystem.isLatest() == subsystem.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdSubsystem.get(subsystem.getUuid()));
-            check = check && subsystem.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
-            // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-            check = check && ((subsystem.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(subsystem.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
-            check = check && (subsystem.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
-            check = check && ((subsystem.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(subsystem.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
-            check = check && (subsystem.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(subsystem.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+            check = namePartRevision != null
+                    && equals(subsystem, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxIdSubsystem)
+                    && subsystem.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -482,37 +376,9 @@ public class VerificationController {
         for (Discipline discipline : disciplines) {
             namePartRevision = mapIdNamePartRevision.get(discipline.getId());
-            check = namePartRevision != null;
-            check = check && discipline.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
-            check = check && discipline.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
-            check = check && discipline.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
-            // no parent uuid for discipline
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(discipline.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(discipline.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(discipline.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(discipline.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
-            check = check && ((discipline.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
-                                || (discipline.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
-            // latest
-            //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-            //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
-            check = check && discipline.isLatest() == discipline.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdDiscipline.get(discipline.getUuid()));
-            check = check && discipline.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
-            // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-            check = check && ((discipline.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(discipline.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
-            check = check && (discipline.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(discipline.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(discipline.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
-            check = check && ((discipline.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(discipline.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
-            check = check && (discipline.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(discipline.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(discipline.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+            // no check for parent uuid
+            check = namePartRevision != null
+                    && equals(discipline, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxIdDiscipline);
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -530,38 +396,9 @@ public class VerificationController {
         for (DeviceGroup deviceGroup : deviceGroups) {
             namePartRevision = mapIdNamePartRevision.get(deviceGroup.getId());
-            check = namePartRevision != null;
-            check = check && deviceGroup.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
-            check = check && deviceGroup.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
-            check = check && deviceGroup.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
-            // parent uuid
-            check = check && deviceGroup.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
-            check = check && ((deviceGroup.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
-                                || (deviceGroup.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
-            // latest
-            //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-            //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
-            check = check && deviceGroup.isLatest() == deviceGroup.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdDeviceGroup.get(deviceGroup.getUuid()));
-            check = check && deviceGroup.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
-            // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-            check = check && ((deviceGroup.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(deviceGroup.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
-            check = check && (deviceGroup.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
-            check = check && ((deviceGroup.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(deviceGroup.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
-            check = check && (deviceGroup.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceGroup.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+            check = namePartRevision != null
+                    && equals(deviceGroup, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxIdDeviceGroup)
+                    && deviceGroup.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -579,38 +416,9 @@ public class VerificationController {
         for (DeviceType deviceType : deviceTypes) {
             namePartRevision = mapIdNamePartRevision.get(deviceType.getId());
-            check = namePartRevision != null;
-            check = check && deviceType.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
-            check = check && deviceType.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
-            check = check && deviceType.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
-            // parent uuid
-            check = check && deviceType.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
-            check = check && ((deviceType.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
-                                || (deviceType.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
-            // latest
-            //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-            //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
-            check = check && deviceType.isLatest() == deviceType.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdDeviceType.get(deviceType.getUuid()));
-            check = check && deviceType.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
-            // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-            check = check && ((deviceType.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(deviceType.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
-            check = check && (deviceType.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
-            check = check && ((deviceType.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
-                                || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(deviceType.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
-            check = check && (deviceType.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
-                                || 	StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
-            check = check && StringUtils.equals(deviceType.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+            check = namePartRevision != null
+                    && equals(deviceType, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxIdDeviceType)
+                    && deviceType.getParentUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getParent().getUuid());
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -661,35 +469,10 @@ public class VerificationController {
         //         all entries ok
         //         no entry nok
-        // check
-        //     check entry by entry
-        //         each attribute as expected
-        //     ----------
-        //     to check  1st, 2nd, 3rd parent to determine if systemgroup, system or subsystem
-        //     otherwise not clear how to make sure if it is supposed to be systemgroup and not system, subsystem and vice versa
-        //     ----------
-        //     date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-        //     ----------
-        //     name.id                                = devicerevision.id
-        //     name.version                           = devicerevision.version
-        //     name.uuid                              = devicerevision.device_id             (device.id      --> device.uuid)
-        //     name.namepartrevision_systemgroup_uuid = devicerevision.section_id            (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
-        //     name.namepartrevision_system_uuid      = devicerevision.section_id            (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
-        //     name.namepartrevision_subsystem_uuid   = devicerevision.section_id            (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
-        //     name.namepartrevision_devicetype_uuid  = devicerevision.devicetype_id         (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
-        //     name.instance_index                    = devicerevision.instanceindex
-        //     name.convention_name                   = devicerevision.conventionname
-        //     name.convention_name_equivalence       = devicerevision.conventionnameeqclass
-        //     name.description                       = devicerevision.additionalinfo
-        //     name.status                            = null
-        //     name.latest                            = true if id = get max id for uuid     (not consider status)
-        //     name.deleted                           = devicerevision.deleted
-        //     name.requested                         = devicerevision.requestdate
-        //     name.requested_by                      = devicerevision.requestedby_id        (useraccount.id --> useraccount.username)
-        //     name.requested_comment                 = null
-        //     name.processed                         = null
-        //     name.processed_by                      = null
-        //     name.processed_comment                 = devicerevision.processorcomment
+        // e.g. if there has been usage of new database tables (new entries) before verification, there are more rows in those tables
+        //     which means new and more ids than in old database tables
+        //     which means those new ids don't exist in old database tables
+        //     --> retrieval of device revisions for those ids will give null
         StringBuilder reportHtml = new StringBuilder();
@@ -747,70 +530,10 @@ public class VerificationController {
         DeviceRevision deviceRevision = null;
         try {
         for (Name name : names) {
-            // e.g. if there has been usage of new database tables (new entries) before verification, there are more rows in those tables
-            //     which means new and more ids than in old database tables
-            //     which means those new ids don't exist in old database tables
-            //     --> retrieval of device revisions for those ids will give null
             deviceRevision = mapIdDeviceRevision.get(name.getId());
-            check = deviceRevision != null;
-            if (check) {
-                check = check && name.getId().equals(deviceRevision.getId());
-                check = check && name.getVersion().equals(deviceRevision.getVersion());
-                check = check && name.getUuid().equals(deviceRevision.getDevice().getUuid());
-                // to check  1st, 2nd, 3rd parent to determine if systemgroup, system or subsystem
-                // otherwise not clear how to make sure if it is supposed to be systemgroup and not system, subsystem and vice versa
-                NamePartRevision parent1 = deviceRevision.getSection() != null
-                        ? mapUuidNamePartRevision.get(deviceRevision.getSection().getUuid())
-                        : null;
-                NamePartRevision parent2 = parent1 != null && parent1.getParent() != null
-                        ? mapUuidNamePartRevision.get(parent1.getParent().getUuid())
-                        : null;
-                NamePartRevision parent3 = parent2 != null && parent2.getParent() != null
-                        ? mapUuidNamePartRevision.get(parent2.getParent().getUuid())
-                        : null;
-                // parent 1    but not parent 2, 3 - system group
-                // parent 1, 2 but not parent 3    - system
-                // parent 1, 2, 3                  - subsystem
-                // else nok
-                UUID systemGroupUuid = name.getSystemGroupUuid();
-                UUID systemUuid = name.getSystemUuid();
-                UUID subsystemUuid = name.getSubsystemUuid();
-                UUID sectionUuid = deviceRevision.getSection().getUuid();
-                if (parent1 != null && parent2 == null && parent3 == null) {
-                    check = check && sectionUuid.equals(systemGroupUuid) && systemUuid == null && subsystemUuid == null;
-                } else if (parent1 != null && parent2 != null && parent3 == null) {
-                    check = check && sectionUuid.equals(systemUuid) && systemGroupUuid == null && subsystemUuid == null;
-                } else if (parent1 != null && parent2 != null && parent3 != null) {
-                    check = check && sectionUuid.equals(subsystemUuid) && systemGroupUuid == null && systemUuid == null;
-                } else {
-                    check = false;
-                }
-                check = check && ((name.getDeviceTypeUuid() == null && deviceRevision.getDeviceType() == null)
-                                    || (name.getDeviceTypeUuid().equals(deviceRevision.getDeviceType().getUuid())));
-                check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getInstanceIndex(), deviceRevision.getInstanceIndex());
-                check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getConventionName(), deviceRevision.getConventionName());
-                check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getConventionNameEquivalence(), deviceRevision.getConventionNameEqClass());
-                check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getDescription(), deviceRevision.getAdditionalInfo());
-                check = check && name.getStatus() == null;
-                // latest
-                //     true if id = get max id for uuid
-                check = check && name.isLatest() == name.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdName.get(name.getUuid()));
-                check = check && name.isDeleted() == deviceRevision.isDeleted();
-                // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
-                check = check && ((name.getRequested() == null && deviceRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
-                                    || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(name.getRequested()), SDF.format(deviceRevision.getRequestDate())));
-                check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getRequestedBy(), deviceRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername());
-                check = check && name.getRequestedComment() == null;
-                check = check && name.getProcessed() == null;
-                check = check && name.getProcessedBy() == null;
-                check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getProcessedComment(), deviceRevision.getProcessorComment());
-            }
+            check = deviceRevision != null
+                    && equals(name, deviceRevision, mapUuidMaxIdName, mapUuidNamePartRevision);
             // add to count
             if (check) {
@@ -1104,4 +827,180 @@ public class VerificationController {
+    /**
+     * Utility method to compare Structure with NamePartRevision.
+     * No check for parent uuid in this method.
+     *
+     * @param structure structure
+     * @param namePartRevision name part revision
+     * @param mapUuidMaxId map with max id for APPROVED entry in line of uuid for structure
+     * @return
+     */
+    private boolean equals(Structure structure, NamePartRevision namePartRevision, HashMap<UUID, Long> mapUuidMaxId) {
+        // check
+        //     check entry by entry
+        //         each attribute as expected
+        //     ----------
+        //     to check parent uuid
+        //     ----------
+        //     date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
+        //     ----------
+        //     e.g.
+        //     system.id                   = namepartrevision.id
+        //     system.version              = namepartrevision.version
+        //     system.uuid                 = namepartrevision.namepart_id      (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid)
+        //     ( system.parent_uuid        = namepartrevision.parent_id        (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid) )
+        //     system.name                 = namepartrevision.name
+        //     system.mnemonic             = namepartrevision.mnemonic
+        //     system.mnemonic_equivalence = namepartrevision.mnemoniceqclass
+        //     system.description          = namepartrevision.description
+        //     system.status               = namepartrevision.status
+        //     system.latest               = true if id = get max id for uuid  (consider status, but not PENDING)
+        //     system.deleted              = namepartrevision.deleted
+        //     system.requested            = namepartrevision.requestdate
+        //     system.requested_by         = namepartrevision.requestedby_id   (useraccount.id --> useraccount.username)
+        //     system.requested_comment    = namepartrevision.requestercomment
+        //     system.processed            = namepartrevision.processdate
+        //     system.processed_by         = namepartrevision.processedby_id   (useraccount.id --> useraccount.username)
+        //     system.processed_comment    = namepartrevision.processorcomment
+        if (ValidateUtil.isAnyNull(structure, namePartRevision, mapUuidMaxId)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        boolean check =  structure.getId().equals(namePartRevision.getId());
+        check = check && structure.getVersion().equals(namePartRevision.getVersion());
+        check = check && structure.getUuid().equals(namePartRevision.getNamePart().getUuid());
+        // no check for parent uuid in this method
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(structure.getName(), namePartRevision.getName());
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(structure.getMnemonic(), namePartRevision.getMnemonic());
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(structure.getMnemonicEquivalence(), namePartRevision.getMnemonicEqClass());
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(structure.getDescription(), namePartRevision.getDescription());
+        check = check && ((structure.getStatus() == null && namePartRevision.getStatus() == null)
+                            || (structure.getStatus().name().equals(namePartRevision.getStatus().name())));
+        // latest
+        //     true if id = get max id for uuid
+        //     special rules for pending, not consider pending
+        check = check && structure.isLatest() == structure.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxId.get(structure.getUuid()));
+        check = check && structure.isDeleted() == namePartRevision.isDeleted();
+        // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
+        check = check && ((structure.getRequested() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
+                            || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(structure.getRequested()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getRequestDate())));
+        check = check && (structure.getRequestedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getRequestedBy() == null
+                            || 	StringUtils.equals(structure.getRequestedBy(), namePartRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername()));
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(structure.getRequestedComment(), namePartRevision.getRequesterComment());
+        check = check && ((structure.getProcessed() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessDate() == null)
+                            || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(structure.getProcessed()), SDF.format(namePartRevision.getProcessDate())));
+        check = check && (structure.getProcessedBy() == null && namePartRevision.getProcessedBy() == null
+                            || 	StringUtils.equals(structure.getProcessedBy(), namePartRevision.getProcessedBy().getUsername()));
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(structure.getProcessedComment(), namePartRevision.getProcessorComment());
+        return check;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Utility method to compare Name with DeviceRevision.
+     *
+     * @param name name
+     * @param deviceRevision device revision
+     * @param mapUuidMaxIdName map with max id for entry in line of uuid for name
+     * @param mapUuidNamePartRevision map with uuid for name part revision
+     * @return
+     */
+    private boolean equals(Name name, DeviceRevision deviceRevision, HashMap<UUID, Long> mapUuidMaxIdName, HashMap<UUID, NamePartRevision> mapUuidNamePartRevision) {
+        // check
+        //     check entry by entry
+        //         each attribute as expected
+        //     ----------
+        //     to check  1st, 2nd, 3rd parent to determine if systemgroup, system or subsystem
+        //     otherwise not clear how to make sure if it is supposed to be systemgroup and not system, subsystem and vice versa
+        //     ----------
+        //     date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
+        //     ----------
+        //     name.id                                = devicerevision.id
+        //     name.version                           = devicerevision.version
+        //     name.uuid                              = devicerevision.device_id             (device.id      --> device.uuid)
+        //     name.namepartrevision_systemgroup_uuid = devicerevision.section_id            (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
+        //     name.namepartrevision_system_uuid      = devicerevision.section_id            (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
+        //     name.namepartrevision_subsystem_uuid   = devicerevision.section_id            (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
+        //     name.namepartrevision_devicetype_uuid  = devicerevision.devicetype_id         (namepart.id    --> namepart.uuid
+        //     name.instance_index                    = devicerevision.instanceindex
+        //     name.convention_name                   = devicerevision.conventionname
+        //     name.convention_name_equivalence       = devicerevision.conventionnameeqclass
+        //     name.description                       = devicerevision.additionalinfo
+        //     name.status                            = null
+        //     name.latest                            = true if id = get max id for uuid     (not consider status)
+        //     name.deleted                           = devicerevision.deleted
+        //     name.requested                         = devicerevision.requestdate
+        //     name.requested_by                      = devicerevision.requestedby_id        (useraccount.id --> useraccount.username)
+        //     name.requested_comment                 = null
+        //     name.processed                         = null
+        //     name.processed_by                      = null
+        //     name.processed_comment                 = devicerevision.processorcomment
+        if (ValidateUtil.isAnyNull(name, deviceRevision, mapUuidMaxIdName)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        boolean check =  name.getId().equals(deviceRevision.getId());
+        check = check && name.getVersion().equals(deviceRevision.getVersion());
+        check = check && name.getUuid().equals(deviceRevision.getDevice().getUuid());
+        // to check  1st, 2nd, 3rd parent to determine if systemgroup, system or subsystem
+        // otherwise not clear how to make sure if it is supposed to be systemgroup and not system, subsystem and vice versa
+        NamePartRevision parent1 = deviceRevision.getSection() != null
+                ? mapUuidNamePartRevision.get(deviceRevision.getSection().getUuid())
+                : null;
+        NamePartRevision parent2 = parent1 != null && parent1.getParent() != null
+                ? mapUuidNamePartRevision.get(parent1.getParent().getUuid())
+                : null;
+        NamePartRevision parent3 = parent2 != null && parent2.getParent() != null
+                ? mapUuidNamePartRevision.get(parent2.getParent().getUuid())
+                : null;
+        // parent 1    but not parent 2, 3 - system group
+        // parent 1, 2 but not parent 3    - system
+        // parent 1, 2, 3                  - subsystem
+        // else nok
+        UUID systemGroupUuid = name.getSystemGroupUuid();
+        UUID systemUuid = name.getSystemUuid();
+        UUID subsystemUuid = name.getSubsystemUuid();
+        UUID sectionUuid = deviceRevision.getSection().getUuid();
+        if (parent1 != null && parent2 == null && parent3 == null) {
+            check = check && sectionUuid.equals(systemGroupUuid) && systemUuid == null && subsystemUuid == null;
+        } else if (parent1 != null && parent2 != null && parent3 == null) {
+            check = check && sectionUuid.equals(systemUuid) && systemGroupUuid == null && subsystemUuid == null;
+        } else if (parent1 != null && parent2 != null && parent3 != null) {
+            check = check && sectionUuid.equals(subsystemUuid) && systemGroupUuid == null && systemUuid == null;
+        } else {
+            check = false;
+        }
+        check = check && ((name.getDeviceTypeUuid() == null && deviceRevision.getDeviceType() == null)
+                            || (name.getDeviceTypeUuid().equals(deviceRevision.getDeviceType().getUuid())));
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getInstanceIndex(), deviceRevision.getInstanceIndex());
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getConventionName(), deviceRevision.getConventionName());
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getConventionNameEquivalence(), deviceRevision.getConventionNameEqClass());
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getDescription(), deviceRevision.getAdditionalInfo());
+        check = check && name.getStatus() == null;
+        // latest
+        //     true if id = get max id for uuid
+        check = check && name.isLatest() == name.getId().equals(mapUuidMaxIdName.get(name.getUuid()));
+        check = check && name.isDeleted() == deviceRevision.isDeleted();
+        // date may be in different format for different objects, to be formatted before being compared
+        check = check && ((name.getRequested() == null && deviceRevision.getRequestDate() == null)
+                            || StringUtils.equals(SDF.format(name.getRequested()), SDF.format(deviceRevision.getRequestDate())));
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getRequestedBy(), deviceRevision.getRequestedBy().getUsername());
+        check = check && name.getRequestedComment() == null;
+        check = check && name.getProcessed() == null;
+        check = check && name.getProcessedBy() == null;
+        check = check && StringUtils.equals(name.getProcessedComment(), deviceRevision.getProcessorComment());
+        return check;
+    }