diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cc9e24cd594e89530c519c4b58544d2baa4a56b7..c60b3cce733387178565c2b6d4281e613e64d7da 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,63 +7,33 @@ The purpose of Naming is to handle Naming of ESS wide physical and logical devic
 Naming backend is a web application implemented as a REST style web service backed by a relational database. The web service is implemented as a Spring Boot application and the database is available as PostgreSQL.
 See `docs` and sub folders to learn how ESS Naming Convention is implemented in Naming backend.
-* what an ESS name is and how to think about it (to better understand how to work with it)
-* concepts & terminology
-* application & database, architecture & design
-* flow of code
-* user & developer perspectives
 ### Environment
-* Java  17 - openjdk
+* Java 17 - openjdk
 * Maven 3.8+
-* PostgreSQL - 9.6 client lib
+* PostgreSQL - client lib 9.6
 * Docker - engine 18.06.0+ or later, compose 1.29.2 or later, compose file version 3.7 to be supported
 * Git
+More on configuration and setting of environment variables is available in [Configuration](docs/configuration.md).
-* postgresql
-* springdoc
-* springframework
-* testcontainers
+### Start application
-In addition, Hibernate is used through Springframework.
+Start application and database via Docker. For first time users, recommended way is with demo content. See Note for more on configuration.
-### Set up development environment and test
+* build and run
+    * `mvn clean install`
+    * `docker-compose up --build`
+    * `docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up --build`
+*  browse to
+    * `http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html`
-#### Checkout and build
+More on how to start application is available in [Start application](docs/start_application.md).
-* `git clone https://gitlab.esss.lu.se/ics-software/naming-backend.git`
-* `cd directory`
-* `mvn clean install`
-#### Start application
-For first time users, recommended way to start application is with Docker and database with demo content. See Note for more on configuration.
-Either with Docker
-* start application & database
-    * existing database container
-       * `docker-compose up --build`
-    * empty
-       * `docker-compose -f docker-compose-integrationtest.yml up --build`
-    * demo content
-       * `docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up --build`
-* browse to `http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html`
-or with `java -jar`
-* make sure database available as in `src/main/resources/application.properties`
-* start application
-    * `java -jar target/naming-backend-*.jar`
-    * `java -jar -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/discs_names target/naming-backend-*.jar`
-* browse to `http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html`
-#### Integration tests with Docker containers
+### Integration tests with Docker containers
 Purpose of integration tests is to ensure REST API works as expected for parts and as a whole by running tests against running instances of application and database.
@@ -82,15 +52,8 @@ JUnit tests start a docker container for the application (Naming backend) and an
 Thereafter a number of http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) are run towards the application to test behavior (CRUD - create, read, update, delete) and replies are received and checked if content is as expected.
-#### Note
+### Note
-* *Do not*
-    * *commit sensitive data*
-    * *modify application properties and docker-compose files unless necessary - there are multiple dependencies*
-* Not yet
-    * Authentication / Authorization
-    * Flyway
-* If tools need to be installed or upgraded, recommendation is to install or upgrade to most recent versions that are available, unless otherwise stated.
 * Configuration
     * Application and database may be started separately, with or without Docker, in which case configuration set by environment variables, docker compose files and `application.properties` must reflect this. An example of this is hostname/ip address/port for database that is to be available for application. Configuration must not be in conflict with environment in which application and database run.
 * Pre-populated database to be available if data to be available at start of application. Otherwise database may be populated through `curl` at command line or Swagger UI.
diff --git a/docs/configuration.md b/docs/configuration.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55342da1abeb24985b4a26355b81cb18be471761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/configuration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+### Configuration
+Configuration may be set using SpringBoot's configuration file (application.properties).
+Environment variables
+| Variable                   | Default                                     | Description                                           |
+| NAMING_BACKEND_SWAGGER_URL | http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html       | default url for Swagger UI                            |
+| NAMING_DATABASE_URL        | jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/discs_names | JDBC URL for the database connection                  |
+| NAMING_DATABASE_USERNAME   | discs_names                                 | user name for the database connection                 |
+| NAMING_DATABASE_PASSWORD   | discs_names                                 | password for the database connection                  |
+| NAMING_MAIL_ADMINISTRATOR  |                                             | comma-separated list of administrator email addresses |
+| NAMING_MAIL_NOTIFICATION   | false                                       | true/false if mail notications are to be sent         |
+| NAMING_SMTP_HOST           | mail.esss.lu.se                             | DNS name of server that accepts connections for SMTP  |
+| NAMING_SMTP_PORT           | 587                                         | port to use for SMTP, 587 for SMTP Secure             |
+| NAMING_SMTP_USERNAME       |                                             | username for SMTP server                              |
+| NAMING_SMTP_PASSWORD       |                                             | password for SMTP server                              |
diff --git a/docs/db/Schema_data_migration.txt b/docs/db/Schema_data_migration.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea427cc7b164df949dfd4d71f239ffdbfcdd912..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/db/Schema_data_migration.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- About
---     migration script
---     postgresql 9.6.7
--- Content
---     structures
---     name
---     data structures level 1
---     data structures level 2
---     data structures level 3
---     data name level 1
---     data name level 2
---     data name level 3
---     index
---     latest
---     foreign key
---     index
---     sequence
---     primary key
---     function
--- Note
---     order of items is important
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- structures
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    name text,
-    mnemonic text,
-    mnemonic_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    parent_uuid text,
-    name text,
-    mnemonic text,
-    mnemonic_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    parent_uuid text,
-    name text,
-    mnemonic text,
-    mnemonic_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    name text,
-    mnemonic text,
-    mnemonic_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    parent_uuid text,
-    name text,
-    mnemonic text,
-    mnemonic_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    parent_uuid text,
-    name text,
-    mnemonic text,
-    mnemonic_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- name
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    version integer,
-    uuid text,
-    systemgroup_uuid text,
-    system_uuid text,
-    subsystem_uuid text,
-    devicetype_uuid text,
-    instance_index text,
-    convention_name text,
-    convention_name_equivalence text,
-    description text,
-    status text,
-    latest boolean NOT NULL,
-    deleted boolean NOT NULL,
-    requested timestamp without time zone,
-    requested_by text,
-    requested_comment text,
-    processed timestamp without time zone,
-    processed_by text,
-    processed_comment text
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data structures level 1
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-insert into systemgroup (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    name,
-    mnemonic,
-    mnemonic_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select npr1.id, npr1."version", np1.uuid, npr1."name", npr1.mnemonic, npr1.mnemoniceqclass, npr1.description, npr1.status, false, npr1.deleted,
-npr1.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, npr1.requestercomment, npr1.processdate, ua_p.username as processedBy, npr1.processorcomment
-from namepartrevision npr1
-inner join namepart np1 on npr1.namepart_id = np1.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on npr1.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-left join useraccount ua_p on npr1.processedby_id = ua_p.id
-where np1.nameparttype = 'SECTION' and npr1.parent_id is null;
-insert into discipline (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    name,
-    mnemonic,
-    mnemonic_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select npr1.id, npr1."version", np1.uuid, npr1."name", npr1.mnemonic, npr1.mnemoniceqclass, npr1.description, npr1.status, false, npr1.deleted,
-npr1.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, npr1.requestercomment, npr1.processdate, ua_p.username as processedBy, npr1.processorcomment
-from namepartrevision npr1
-inner join namepart np1 on npr1.namepart_id = np1.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on npr1.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-left join useraccount ua_p on npr1.processedby_id = ua_p.id
-where np1.nameparttype = 'DEVICE_TYPE' and npr1.parent_id is null;
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data structures level 2
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-insert into system (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    parent_uuid,
-    name,
-    mnemonic,
-    mnemonic_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select npr2.id, npr2."version", np2.uuid, np22.uuid,
-npr2."name", npr2.mnemonic, npr2.mnemoniceqclass, npr2.description,
-npr2.status, false, npr2.deleted, npr2.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, npr2.requestercomment, npr2.processdate, ua_p.username as processedBy, npr2.processorcomment
-from namepartrevision npr2
-inner join namepart np2  on npr2.namepart_id = np2.id
-inner join namepart np22 on npr2.parent_id   = np22.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on npr2.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-left join useraccount ua_p on npr2.processedby_id = ua_p.id
-where np2.nameparttype = 'SECTION' and npr2.parent_id in
-(select npr1.namepart_id from namepartrevision npr1, namepart np1 where npr1.namepart_id = np1.id and np1.nameparttype = 'SECTION' and npr1.parent_id is null);
-insert into devicegroup (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    parent_uuid,
-    name,
-    mnemonic,
-    mnemonic_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select npr2.id, npr2."version", np2.uuid, np22.uuid,
-npr2."name", npr2.mnemonic, npr2.mnemoniceqclass, npr2.description,
-npr2.status, false, npr2.deleted, npr2.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, npr2.requestercomment, npr2.processdate, ua_p.username as processedBy, npr2.processorcomment
-from namepartrevision npr2
-inner join namepart np2  on npr2.namepart_id = np2.id
-inner join namepart np22 on npr2.parent_id   = np22.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on npr2.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-left join useraccount ua_p on npr2.processedby_id = ua_p.id
-where np2.nameparttype = 'DEVICE_TYPE' and npr2.parent_id in
-(select npr1.namepart_id from namepartrevision npr1, namepart np1 where npr1.namepart_id = np1.id and np1.nameparttype = 'DEVICE_TYPE' and npr1.parent_id is null);
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data structures level 3
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-insert into subsystem (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    parent_uuid,
-    name,
-    mnemonic,
-    mnemonic_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select npr3.id, npr3."version", np3.uuid, np32.uuid,
-npr3."name", npr3.mnemonic, npr3.mnemoniceqclass, npr3.description,
-npr3.status, false, npr3.deleted, npr3.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, npr3.requestercomment, npr3.processdate, ua_p.username as processedBy, npr3.processorcomment
-from namepartrevision npr3
-inner join namepart np3  on npr3.namepart_id = np3.id
-inner join namepart np32 on npr3.parent_id   = np32.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on npr3.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-left join useraccount ua_p on npr3.processedby_id = ua_p.id
-where np3.nameparttype = 'SECTION' and npr3.parent_id in
-select npr2.namepart_id from namepartrevision npr2, namepart np2 where npr2.namepart_id = np2.id and np2.nameparttype = 'SECTION' and npr2.parent_id in
-(select npr1.namepart_id from namepartrevision npr1, namepart np1 where npr1.namepart_id = np1.id and np1.nameparttype = 'SECTION' and npr1.parent_id is null)
-insert into devicetype (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    parent_uuid,
-    name,
-    mnemonic,
-    mnemonic_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select npr3.id, npr3."version", np3.uuid, np32.uuid,
-npr3."name", npr3.mnemonic, npr3.mnemoniceqclass, npr3.description,
-npr3.status, false, npr3.deleted, npr3.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, npr3.requestercomment, npr3.processdate, ua_p.username as processedBy, npr3.processorcomment
-from namepartrevision npr3
-inner join namepart np3  on npr3.namepart_id = np3.id
-inner join namepart np32 on npr3.parent_id   = np32.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on npr3.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-left join useraccount ua_p on npr3.processedby_id = ua_p.id
-where np3.nameparttype = 'DEVICE_TYPE' and npr3.parent_id in
-select npr2.namepart_id from namepartrevision npr2, namepart np2 where npr2.namepart_id = np2.id and np2.nameparttype = 'DEVICE_TYPE' and npr2.parent_id in
-(select npr1.namepart_id from namepartrevision npr1, namepart np1 where npr1.namepart_id = np1.id and np1.nameparttype = 'DEVICE_TYPE' and npr1.parent_id is null)
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data name level 1
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-insert into name (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    systemgroup_uuid,
-    system_uuid,
-    subsystem_uuid,
-    devicetype_uuid,
-    instance_index,
-    convention_name,
-    convention_name_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select dr.id, dr.version, d.uuid,
-dr.instanceindex, dr.conventionname, dr.conventionnameeqclass, dr.additionalinfo, null, false, dr.deleted,
-dr.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, null, null, null, dr.processorComment
-from devicerevision dr
-inner join device d on dr.device_id = d.id
-inner join namepart np_s on dr.section_id    = np_s.id
-left outer join namepart np_d on dr.devicetype_id = np_d.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on dr.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-where dr.section_id in
-select np.id from namepart np, namepartrevision npr where np.id = npr.namepart_id and npr.parent_id is null
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data name level 2
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-insert into name (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    systemgroup_uuid,
-    system_uuid,
-    subsystem_uuid,
-    devicetype_uuid,
-    instance_index,
-    convention_name,
-    convention_name_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select dr.id, dr.version, d.uuid,
-dr.instanceindex, dr.conventionname, dr.conventionnameeqclass, dr.additionalinfo, null, false, dr.deleted,
-dr.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, null, null, null, dr.processorComment
-from devicerevision dr
-inner join device d on dr.device_id = d.id
-inner join namepart np_s on dr.section_id    = np_s.id
-left outer join namepart np_d on dr.devicetype_id = np_d.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on dr.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-where dr.section_id in
-select np.id from namepart np, namepartrevision npr where np.id = npr.namepart_id and npr.parent_id in
-    (
-    select np2.id from namepart np2, namepartrevision npr2 where np2.id = npr2.namepart_id and npr2.parent_id is null
-    )
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data name level 3
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-insert into name (
-    id,
-    version,
-    uuid,
-    systemgroup_uuid,
-    system_uuid,
-    subsystem_uuid,
-    devicetype_uuid,
-    instance_index,
-    convention_name,
-    convention_name_equivalence,
-    description,
-    status,
-    latest,
-    deleted,
-    requested,
-    requested_by,
-    requested_comment,
-    processed,
-    processed_by,
-    processed_comment
-select dr.id, dr.version, d.uuid,
-dr.instanceindex, dr.conventionname, dr.conventionnameeqclass, dr.additionalinfo, null, false, dr.deleted,
-dr.requestdate, ua_r.username as requestedBy, null, null, null, dr.processorComment
-from devicerevision dr
-inner join device d on dr.device_id = d.id
-inner join namepart np_s on dr.section_id    = np_s.id
-left outer join namepart np_d on dr.devicetype_id = np_d.id
-left join useraccount ua_r on dr.requestedby_id = ua_r.id
-where dr.section_id in
-select np.id from namepart np, namepartrevision npr where np.id = npr.namepart_id and npr.parent_id in
-    (
-    select np2.id from namepart np2, namepartrevision npr2 where np2.id = npr2.namepart_id and npr2.parent_id in
-        (
-        select np3.id from namepart np3, namepartrevision npr3 where np3.id = npr3.namepart_id and npr3.parent_id is null
-        )
-    )
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- index
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CREATE INDEX systemgroup_id_idx ON systemgroup (id);
-CREATE INDEX systemgroup_uuid_idx ON systemgroup (uuid);
-CREATE INDEX systemgroup_mnemonic_idx ON systemgroup (mnemonic);
-CREATE INDEX systemgroup_status_idx ON systemgroup (status);
-CREATE INDEX systemgroup_deleted_idx ON systemgroup (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX system_id_idx ON system (id);
-CREATE INDEX system_uuid_idx ON system (uuid);
-CREATE INDEX system_parent_uuid_idx ON system (parent_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX system_mnemonic_idx ON system (mnemonic);
-CREATE INDEX system_status_idx ON system (status);
-CREATE INDEX system_deleted_idx ON system (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_id_idx ON subsystem (id);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_uuid_idx ON subsystem (uuid);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_parent_uuid_idx ON subsystem (parent_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_mnemonic_idx ON subsystem (mnemonic);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_status_idx ON subsystem (status);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_deleted_idx ON subsystem (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX discipline_id_idx ON discipline (id);
-CREATE INDEX discipline_uuid_idx ON discipline (uuid);
-CREATE INDEX discipline_mnemonic_idx ON discipline (mnemonic);
-CREATE INDEX discipline_status_idx ON discipline (status);
-CREATE INDEX discipline_deleted_idx ON discipline (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_id_idx ON devicegroup (id);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_uuid_idx ON devicegroup (uuid);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_parent_uuid_idx ON devicegroup (parent_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_mnemonic_idx ON devicegroup (mnemonic);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_status_idx ON devicegroup (status);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_deleted_idx ON devicegroup (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_id_idx ON devicetype (id);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_uuid_idx ON devicetype (uuid);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_parent_uuid_idx ON devicetype (parent_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_mnemonic_idx ON devicetype (mnemonic);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_status_idx ON devicetype (status);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_deleted_idx ON devicetype (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX name_uuid_idx ON name (uuid);
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- latest
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-update systemgroup sg set latest = true where sg.id = (
-  select max(sg2.id) from systemgroup sg2 where sg2.uuid = sg.uuid and sg2.status = 'APPROVED'
-update system sys set latest = true where sys.id = (
-  select max(sys2.id) from system sys2 where sys2.uuid = sys.uuid and sys2.status = 'APPROVED'
-update subsystem sub set latest = true where sub.id = (
-  select max(sub2.id) from subsystem sub2 where sub2.uuid = sub.uuid and sub2.status = 'APPROVED'
-update discipline di set latest = true where di.id = (
-  select max(di2.id) from discipline di2 where di2.uuid = di.uuid and di2.status = 'APPROVED'
-update devicegroup dg set latest = true where dg.id = (
-  select max(dg2.id) from devicegroup dg2 where dg2.uuid = dg.uuid and dg2.status = 'APPROVED'
-update devicetype dt set latest = true where dt.id = (
-  select max(dt2.id) from devicetype dt2 where dt2.uuid = dt.uuid and dt2.status = 'APPROVED'
-update name en set latest = true where en.id = (
-  select max(en2.id) from name en2 where en2.uuid = en.uuid
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- foreign key
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- index
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CREATE INDEX name_id_idx ON name (id);
-CREATE INDEX name_namepartrevision_systemgroup_uuid_idx ON name (systemgroup_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX name_namepartrevision_system_uuid_idx ON name (system_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX name_namepartrevision_subsystem_uuid_idx ON name (subsystem_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX name_namepartrevision_devicetype_uuid_idx ON name (devicetype_uuid);
-CREATE INDEX name_convention_name_idx ON name (convention_name);
-CREATE INDEX name_status_idx ON name (status);
-CREATE INDEX name_deleted_idx ON name (deleted);
-CREATE INDEX systemgroup_latest_idx ON systemgroup (latest);
-CREATE INDEX system_latest_idx ON system (latest);
-CREATE INDEX subsystem_latest_idx ON subsystem (latest);
-CREATE INDEX discipline_latest_idx ON discipline (latest);
-CREATE INDEX devicegroup_latest_idx ON devicegroup (latest);
-CREATE INDEX devicetype_latest_idx ON devicetype (latest);
-CREATE INDEX name_latest_idx ON name (latest);
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- sequence
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CREATE SEQUENCE systemgroup_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE system_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE subsystem_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE discipline_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE devicegroup_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE devicetype_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE name_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-SELECT setval('systemgroup_id_seq', (select max(id) from systemgroup));
-SELECT setval('system_id_seq', (select max(id) from "system"));
-SELECT setval('subsystem_id_seq', (select max(id) from "subsystem"));
-SELECT setval('discipline_id_seq', (select max(id) from discipline));
-SELECT setval('devicegroup_id_seq', (select max(id) from devicegroup));
-SELECT setval('devicetype_id_seq', (select max(id) from devicetype));
-SELECT setval('name_id_seq', (select max(id) from "name"));
-ALTER SEQUENCE systemgroup_id_seq OWNED BY systemgroup.id;
-ALTER SEQUENCE system_id_seq OWNED BY system.id;
-ALTER SEQUENCE subsystem_id_seq OWNED BY subsystem.id;
-ALTER SEQUENCE discipline_id_seq OWNED BY discipline.id;
-ALTER SEQUENCE devicegroup_id_seq OWNED BY devicegroup.id;
-ALTER SEQUENCE devicetype_id_seq OWNED BY devicetype.id;
-ALTER SEQUENCE name_id_seq OWNED BY name.id;
-ALTER TABLE ONLY systemgroup ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('systemgroup_id_seq'::regclass);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY system ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('system_id_seq'::regclass);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY subsystem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('subsystem_id_seq'::regclass);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY discipline ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('discipline_id_seq'::regclass);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY devicegroup ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('devicegroup_id_seq'::regclass);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY devicetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('devicetype_id_seq'::regclass);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY name ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('name_id_seq'::regclass);
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- primary key
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ALTER TABLE systemgroup ADD CONSTRAINT systemgroup_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);
-ALTER TABLE subsystem ADD CONSTRAINT subsystem_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);
-ALTER TABLE discipline ADD CONSTRAINT discipline_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);
-ALTER TABLE devicegroup ADD CONSTRAINT devicegroup_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);
-ALTER TABLE devicetype ADD CONSTRAINT devicetype_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- function
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_mnemonic_path_system_structure(convention_name text)
-    RETURNS text
-    LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    pos int;
-    pos = strpos(convention_name, ':');
-    IF pos > 0  THEN
-        RETURN substr(convention_name, 1, pos-1);
-    END IF;
-    RETURN convention_name;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_mnemonic_path_device_structure(convention_name text)
-    RETURNS text
-    LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    pos int;
-    mnemonic_path text;
-    nbr_delimiters int;
-    pos = strpos(convention_name, ':');
-    IF pos > 0  THEN
-        mnemonic_path = substr(convention_name, pos+1);
-        nbr_delimiters = array_length(string_to_array(mnemonic_path, '-'), 1) - 1;
-        IF nbr_delimiters = 2 then
-            mnemonic_path = reverse(mnemonic_path);
-            mnemonic_path = substr(mnemonic_path, strpos(mnemonic_path, '-')+1);
-            RETURN reverse(mnemonic_path);
-        ELSIF nbr_delimiters = 1 then
-            return mnemonic_path;
-        ELSE
-            RETURN null;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    RETURN null;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_instance_index(convention_name text)
- RETURNS text
- LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    len int;
-    pos int;
-    mnemonic_path text;
-    nbr_delimiters int;
-    pos = strpos(convention_name, ':');
-    IF pos > 0  THEN
-        mnemonic_path = substr(convention_name, pos+1);
-        nbr_delimiters = array_length(string_to_array(mnemonic_path, '-'), 1) - 1;
-        IF nbr_delimiters = 2 then
-            mnemonic_path = reverse(mnemonic_path);
-            len = length(mnemonic_path);
-            pos = strpos(mnemonic_path, '-');
-            mnemonic_path = reverse(mnemonic_path);
-            RETURN substr(mnemonic_path, len - pos + 2);
-        ELSE
-            RETURN null;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    RETURN null;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_mnemonic_path_system(system_uuid text)
-    RETURNS text
-    LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    system_mnemonic text;
-    select mnemonic into system_mnemonic from "system" where uuid = system_uuid and latest = true;
-    if system_mnemonic is not null then
-        return system_mnemonic;
-    else
-        return null;
-    end if;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_mnemonic_path_subsystem(subsystem_uuid text)
-    RETURNS text
-    LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    subsystem_mnemonic text;
-    system_uuid text;
-    system_mnemonic text;
-    select parent_uuid, mnemonic into system_uuid, subsystem_mnemonic from subsystem where uuid = subsystem_uuid and latest = true;
-    select mnemonic into system_mnemonic from "system" where uuid = system_uuid and latest = true;
-    if system_mnemonic is not null and subsystem_mnemonic is not null then
-        return concat(system_mnemonic, '-', subsystem_mnemonic);
-    else
-        return null;
-    end if;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_mnemonic_path_devicegroup(devicegroup_uuid text)
-    RETURNS text
-    LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    discipline_uuid text;
-    discipline_mnemonic text;
-    select parent_uuid into discipline_uuid from devicegroup where uuid = devicegroup_uuid and latest = true;
-    select mnemonic into discipline_mnemonic from discipline where uuid = discipline_uuid and latest = true;
-    if discipline_mnemonic is not null then
-        return discipline_mnemonic;
-    else
-        return null;
-    end if;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_mnemonic_path_devicetype(devicetype_uuid text)
-    RETURNS text
-    LANGUAGE plpgsql
-    devicetype_mnemonic text;
-    devicegroup_uuid text;
-    discipline_uuid text;
-    discipline_mnemonic text;
-    select parent_uuid, mnemonic into devicegroup_uuid, devicetype_mnemonic from devicetype where uuid = devicetype_uuid and latest = true;
-    select parent_uuid, mnemonic into discipline_uuid from devicegroup where uuid = devicegroup_uuid and latest = true;
-    select mnemonic into discipline_mnemonic from discipline where uuid = discipline_uuid and latest = true;
-    if discipline_mnemonic is not null and devicetype_mnemonic is not null then
-        return concat(discipline_mnemonic, '-', devicetype_mnemonic);
-    elsif devicetype_mnemonic is not null then
-        return devicetype_mnemonic;
-    else
-        return null;
-    end if;
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+### Start application
+For first time users, recommended way to start application and database with demo content with Docker.
+Either with Docker
+* start application & database
+    * existing database container
+       * `docker-compose up --build`
+    * empty
+       * `docker-compose -f docker-compose-integrationtest.yml up --build`
+    * demo content
+       * `docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up --build`
+* browse to `http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html`
+or with `java -jar`
+* make sure database available as in `src/main/resources/application.properties`
+* start application
+    * `java -jar target/naming-backend-*.jar`
+    * `java -jar -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/discs_names target/naming-backend-*.jar`
+* browse to `http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html`