diff --git a/epicsarchiver/channelfinder.py b/epicsarchiver/channelfinder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..355b17019f7f4786a5d827870326efc1908d5134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epicsarchiver/channelfinder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+"""Minimal Channel Finder interface for calculating archiver statistics."""
+import logging
+import urllib.parse
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import Any
+import requests
+import urllib3
+LOG: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Channel:
+    """Outline class of a channel finder channel data.
+    Returns:
+        Channel: includes name, properties and tags of a channel.
+    """
+    name: str
+    properties: dict[str, str]
+    tags: list[str]
+    @classmethod
+    def from_json(cls, json: dict[str, Any]) -> "Channel":
+        """Convert from json direct from channel finder to a "Channel".
+        Args:
+            json (dict): input json dictionary
+        Returns:
+            Channel: corresponding channel
+        """
+        return Channel(
+            json["name"],
+            {p["name"]: p["value"] for p in json["properties"]},
+            [t["name"] for t in json["tags"]],
+        )
+    def __hash__(self) -> int:
+        """Calculates a has of a "Channel".
+        Returns:
+            int: hash of channel
+        """
+        return hash(
+            self.name + str(tuple(sorted(self.properties.items()))) + str(self.tags)
+        )
+class ChannelFinder:
+    """Minimal Channel Finder client.
+    Hold a session to the Channel Finder web application.
+    Args:
+        hostname: Channel Finder url [default: localhost]
+    Basic Usage::
+        >>> from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import ChannelFinder
+        >>> channelfinder = ChannelFinder('channelfinder.tn.esss.lu.se')
+        >>> channel = channelfinder.get_channels(['AccPSS::FBIS-BP_A'])
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hostname: str = "localhost"):
+        """Create Channel Finder object.
+        Args:
+            hostname (str, optional): hostname of channelfinder.
+        """
+        self.hostname = hostname
+        self.session = requests.Session()
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        """String representation of Channel Finder.
+        Returns:
+            str: details including hostname of Channel Finder.
+        """
+        return f"ChannelFinder({self.hostname})"
+    def get_channels(self, pvs: list[str]) -> list[Channel]:
+        """Get the list of channels matching the pv name from channelfinder.
+        Args:
+            pvs (list[str]): pv names
+        Returns:
+            list[Channel]: list of matching channels
+        """
+        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
+            f"https://{self.hostname}", "/ChannelFinder/resources/channels"
+        )
+        urllib3.disable_warnings()  # ignoring warnings that certificate is self signed
+        LOG.debug("GET url: " + url)
+        value = self.session.request(
+            "GET",
+            url=url,
+            params={"~name": ",".join(pvs)},
+            verify=False,
+        )
+        value.raise_for_status()
+        value_json = value.json()
+        LOG.debug("Result from channelfinder search: " + str(value_json))
+        return [Channel.from_json(rs) for rs in value_json]
+    def get_all_channels(
+        self, pvs: list[str], min_prefix: int = 0, group_size: int = 1
+    ) -> dict[str, Channel]:
+        """Get the list of channels matching the pv names from channelfinder.
+        Args:
+            pvs (list[str]): list of pv names
+            min_prefix (int): Minimum length of prefix.
+            group_size (int): Number of pvsearches to submit to channelfinder
+        Returns:
+            list[Channel]: list of matching channels
+        """
+        LOG.info("Get all channels from channel finder with prefix " + str(min_prefix))
+        minimized_pv_list = minimize_searches(pvs, min_prefix)
+        pv_groups = [
+            minimized_pv_list[i : i + group_size]
+            for i in range(0, len(minimized_pv_list), group_size)
+        ]
+        channels = set(chain(*[self.get_channels(pv_group) for pv_group in pv_groups]))
+        pvs_set = set(pvs)
+        channels_dict = {
+            channel.name: channel for channel in channels if channel.name in pvs_set
+        }
+        return channels_dict
+def minimize_searches(strings: list[str], minimum_prefix_len: int) -> list[str]:
+    """Minimizes searches by grouping similar strings.
+    Uses a wildcard symbol '*' to represent common prefixes.
+    Args:
+      strings (list[str]): A list of strings to be minimized.
+      minimum_prefix_len (int): Minimum length of prefix.
+    Returns:
+      list[str]: A list of strings after minimizing searches.
+    """
+    if not strings:
+        return []
+    # Helper function to find common prefix
+    def find_common_prefix(str1: str, str2: str, minimum_prefix_len: int) -> str:
+        prefix = []
+        for c1, c2 in zip(str1, str2, strict=False):
+            if c1 == c2:
+                prefix.append(c1)
+            else:
+                break
+        if len(prefix) < minimum_prefix_len:
+            return ""
+        return "".join(prefix)
+    # Sort the input list for consistent grouping
+    strings.sort()
+    result = [strings[0]]
+    for i in range(1, len(strings)):
+        common_prefix = find_common_prefix(result[-1], strings[i], minimum_prefix_len)
+        if common_prefix:
+            result[-1] = common_prefix + "*"
+        else:
+            result.append(strings[i])
+    return result
diff --git a/epicsarchiver/command.py b/epicsarchiver/command.py
index 161fc181fcddf2ce202c388a38c688a8ede58f1f..054302c68f64707adcdbe8116b79f7e3dd1e5619 100644
--- a/epicsarchiver/command.py
+++ b/epicsarchiver/command.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import click
 from rich.console import Console
 from rich.logging import RichHandler
+from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import ChannelFinder
 from epicsarchiver.epicsarchiver import ArchiverAppliance
 from epicsarchiver.statistics.report import ReportConfig, print_report
@@ -162,6 +163,13 @@ def rename(
     help="Other Achiver Appliance hostname or IP [default: localhost]",
+    "--channelfinder_hostname",
+    "-cf",
+    default="channelfinder.tn.esss.lu.se",
+    type=str,
+    help="Channel Finder hostname or IP [default: localhost]",
@@ -218,6 +226,7 @@ def stats(
     config_files: Path | None,
     mb_per_day_minimum: float,
     events_dropped_minimum: int,
+    channelfinder_hostname: str | None,
     verbose: bool,  # noqa: FBT001
     output: Path,
     debug: bool,  # noqa: FBT001, ARG001
@@ -259,6 +268,9 @@ def stats(
+        channelfinder=ChannelFinder(channelfinder_hostname)
+        if channelfinder_hostname
+        else None,
     LOG.info(f"Collecting statistics with configuration {config}")
diff --git a/epicsarchiver/statistics/_external_stats.py b/epicsarchiver/statistics/_external_stats.py
index 7f1ced222622c425e62954ce36a8e290914be210..e631ff79ddb1232d41c2c8a7974611b6583fdbca 100644
--- a/epicsarchiver/statistics/_external_stats.py
+++ b/epicsarchiver/statistics/_external_stats.py
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@ from os import listdir
 from os.path import isfile, join
 from pathlib import Path
+from numpy import mean
 from epicsarchiver.archive_files import get_pvs_from_files
+from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import ChannelFinder
 from epicsarchiver.epicsarchiver import ArchiverAppliance
 from epicsarchiver.statistics.stat_responses import (
+    Ioc,
@@ -52,3 +57,30 @@ def get_not_configured(
             - {ar["pv"] for ar in get_pvs_from_files(onlyfiles)}
+def get_iocs(channelfinder: ChannelFinder, pvs: list[str]) -> dict[Ioc, list[str]]:
+    """Get the IOC hosts for a list of pvs.
+    Args:
+        channelfinder (str): url of channelfinder
+        pvs (list[str]): list of pv names
+    Returns:
+        dict[str, list[str]]: dictionary mapping ioc name to pv
+    """
+    channels = channelfinder.get_all_channels(
+        pvs, int(mean([len(pv) for pv in pvs]) / 2)
+    )
+    iocs = {pv: Ioc.from_channel(channels[pv]) for pv in channels.keys()}
+    for pv in pvs:
+        if pv not in iocs.keys():
+            iocs[pv] = UNKNOWN_IOC
+    output: dict[Ioc, list[str]] = {}
+    for pv in pvs:
+        if iocs[pv] not in output:
+            output[iocs[pv]] = []
+        output[iocs[pv]].append(pv)
+    return output
diff --git a/epicsarchiver/statistics/report.py b/epicsarchiver/statistics/report.py
index f244783f2c6d47e8e48d33139414675f4cbdf21d..d1072b058a896f62df5d0291738204a97e1397fd 100644
--- a/epicsarchiver/statistics/report.py
+++ b/epicsarchiver/statistics/report.py
@@ -28,13 +28,17 @@ import pytz
 from rich.console import Console
 from epicsarchiver import ArchiverAppliance
+from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import ChannelFinder
 from epicsarchiver.statistics._external_stats import (
+    get_iocs,
 from epicsarchiver.statistics.stat_responses import (
+    Ioc,
 LOG: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -51,6 +55,7 @@ class ReportConfig:
     other_archiver: ArchiverAppliance | None
     mb_per_day_minimum: float
     events_dropped_minimum: int
+    channelfinder: ChannelFinder | None
 class Stat(str, enum.Enum):
@@ -207,10 +212,19 @@ def print_report(
+class _PVStats:
+    name: str
+    stats: dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]
+    def json_str(self) -> dict[str, str]:
+        return {s.name: str(self.stats[s]) for s in self.stats.keys()}
 def generate_all_stats(
     archiver: ArchiverAppliance,
     config: ReportConfig,
-) -> dict[str, dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]]:
+) -> dict[Ioc, dict[str, _PVStats]]:
     """Generate all the statistics available from the Stat list and collate into a dict.
@@ -218,19 +232,42 @@ def generate_all_stats(
         config (ReportConfig): Configuration of the report
-        dict[str, dict[Stat, _BaseResponse]]: Return a dictionary with pv names as keys,
+        dict[Ioc, dict[str, _PVStats]]: Return a dictionary with pv names as keys,
           and detailed statistics after.
-    return _invert_data({stat: stat.generate_stats(archiver, config) for stat in Stat})
+    inverted_data = _invert_data(
+        {stat: stat.generate_stats(archiver, config) for stat in Stat}
+    )
+    if config.channelfinder:
+        return _organise_by_ioc(
+            inverted_data,
+            config.channelfinder,
+        )
+    return {UNKNOWN_IOC: inverted_data}
+def _organise_by_ioc(
+    inverted_report: dict[str, _PVStats],
+    channelfinder: ChannelFinder,
+) -> dict[Ioc, dict[str, _PVStats]]:
+    iocs = get_iocs(channelfinder, list(inverted_report.keys()))
+    LOG.info("IOCS: " + str(_iocs_summary(iocs)))
+    return {ioc: {pv: inverted_report[pv] for pv in iocs[ioc]} for ioc in iocs.keys()}
+def _iocs_summary(iocs: dict[Ioc, list[str]]) -> list[str]:
+    sorted_iocs = [(ioc, len(iocs[ioc])) for ioc in iocs.keys()]
+    sorted_iocs = sorted(sorted_iocs, key=lambda pair: pair[1])
+    return [f"{ioc_pair[0]} has {ioc_pair[1]} BAD PVs" for ioc_pair in sorted_iocs]
 def _summary_report(
-    report: dict[str, dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]]
-) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
+    report: dict[Ioc, dict[str, _PVStats]]
+) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, str]]]:
     """Creates a pure string and dictionary data output summary of the generated data.
       Easily converted to json and creates a sample output of:
-      {
+      "IOCName iocHostName": {
         "PV:1": {
             "TypeChange": "Dropped 31 events by TypeChange"
@@ -244,22 +281,24 @@ def _summary_report(
-          report (dict[str, dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]]): Base input data in form of
+          report (dict[str, _PVStats]): Base input data in form of
             pv mapped to Stat and responses from the archiver.
           dict[str, dict[str, str]]: pv to dictionary of Stat name and problem summary
-    summary_report = {}
-    for pv in report.keys():
-        stat_strs = {s.name: str(report[pv][s]) for s in report[pv]}
-        summary_report[pv] = stat_strs
-    return summary_report
+    summary_report: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, str]]] = {}
+    for ioc in report.keys():
+        pv_summary_report: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {}
+        for pv in report[ioc].keys():
+            pv_summary_report[pv] = report[ioc][pv].json_str()
+        summary_report[f"IOC:{ioc.name}, host:{ioc.hostname}"] = pv_summary_report
+    return dict(sorted(summary_report.items()))
-def _invert_data(
-    data: dict[Stat, dict[str, BaseStatResponse]]
-) -> dict[str, dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]]:
+def _invert_data(data: dict[Stat, dict[str, BaseStatResponse]]) -> dict[str, _PVStats]:
     """Inverts data from being by statistic, to be by PV.
@@ -267,7 +306,7 @@ def _invert_data(
             dictionary with pv name keys
-        dict[str, dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]]: Output with Pv name keys.
+        dict[str, _PVStats]: Output with Pv name keys.
     dict_data: dict[str, dict[Stat, BaseStatResponse]] = {}
     for stat in data:
@@ -275,4 +314,5 @@ def _invert_data(
             if pv not in dict_data.keys():
                 dict_data[pv] = {}
             dict_data[pv][stat] = data[stat][pv]
-    return dict(sorted(dict_data.items()))
+    output = {pv: _PVStats(pv, dict_data[pv]) for pv in dict_data.keys()}
+    return dict(sorted(output.items()))
diff --git a/epicsarchiver/statistics/stat_responses.py b/epicsarchiver/statistics/stat_responses.py
index eb1e0e44527b4fdc26011eed93495ed1fa10eaa5..8bfdde3bbcadeabb5b5dbf729160487c8bf14e76 100644
--- a/epicsarchiver/statistics/stat_responses.py
+++ b/epicsarchiver/statistics/stat_responses.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ from dataclasses import dataclass
 import pytz
+from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import Channel
 class DroppedReason(str, enum.Enum):
     """List of reasons why a PV could be dropping events.
@@ -254,3 +256,19 @@ class NoConfigResponse(BaseStatResponse):
             str: f"Archived but not in config."
         return "Archived but not in config."
+class Ioc:
+    """Minimal info on an Ioc."""
+    hostname: str
+    name: str
+    @classmethod
+    def from_channel(cls, channel: Channel) -> "Ioc":
+        """Gets IOC info from a channel."""
+        return Ioc(channel.properties["hostName"], channel.properties["iocName"])
+UNKNOWN_IOC: Ioc = Ioc("unknown.ioc", "UNKNOWN:IOC")
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 4e38f96bb93f9717852624753dcfb5a502490348..356492f197464063118eece134c7c6b9fc3b7098 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ lint = [
-  "mypy-protobuf",
+  "mypy-protobuf"
 test = [
diff --git a/tests/statistics/test_report.py b/tests/statistics/test_report.py
index cf5f3b4d177bcf41c54568720123bfd33e1fdd6e..1119b21cec4b0514058524629ec7314c37fabe53 100644
--- a/tests/statistics/test_report.py
+++ b/tests/statistics/test_report.py
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ from pathlib import Path
 import pytz
 from pytest_mock import MockFixture
+from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import Channel, ChannelFinder
 from epicsarchiver.epicsarchiver import ArchiverAppliance
 from epicsarchiver.statistics.report import (
+    _PVStats,
 from epicsarchiver.statistics.stat_responses import (
@@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ from epicsarchiver.statistics.stat_responses import (
+    Ioc,
@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ def test_generate_buffer_overflow_stat(mocker: MockFixture) -> None:
+        channelfinder=ChannelFinder("channelfinder.example.org"),
     actual = Stat.BufferOverflow.generate_stats(archiver, config)
     assert actual == {
@@ -108,6 +112,7 @@ def mock_get_pvs_dropped(
 def test_generate_all_stats(mocker: MockFixture) -> None:
+    channel = Channel("MY:PV", {"iocName": "IOCNAME", "hostName": "IOCHOSTNAME"}, [])
@@ -132,6 +137,10 @@ def test_generate_all_stats(mocker: MockFixture) -> None:
+    mocker.patch(
+        "epicsarchiver.channelfinder.ChannelFinder.get_all_channels",
+        return_value={"MY:PV": channel},
+    )
     archiver = ArchiverAppliance("archiver.example.org")
     other_archiver = ArchiverAppliance("other_archiver.example.org")
     config = ReportConfig(
@@ -142,7 +151,10 @@ def test_generate_all_stats(mocker: MockFixture) -> None:
+        channelfinder=ChannelFinder("channelfinder.example.org"),
+    ioc = Ioc(channel.properties["hostName"], channel.properties["iocName"])
     actual = generate_all_stats(archiver, config)
-    assert "MY:PV" in actual.keys()
-    assert expected_all_stats == actual["MY:PV"]
+    assert ioc in actual.keys()
+    assert "MY:PV" in actual[ioc].keys()
+    assert _PVStats("MY:PV", expected_all_stats) == actual[ioc]["MY:PV"]
diff --git a/tests/test_channelfinder.py b/tests/test_channelfinder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa781fd3c8fa31b3f6057c2c9481481f7843534a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_channelfinder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import logging
+import responses
+from rich.logging import RichHandler
+from epicsarchiver.channelfinder import (
+    Channel,
+    ChannelFinder,
+    minimize_searches,
+    level=logging.DEBUG,
+    handlers=[RichHandler(rich_tracebacks=True)],
+LOG: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def test_get_channels() -> None:
+    channelfinder = ChannelFinder()
+    url = "https://localhost/ChannelFinder/resources/channels?~name=fred"
+    data = [
+        {
+            "name": "fred",
+            "owner": "recceiver",
+            "properties": [
+                {
+                    "name": "hostName",
+                    "owner": "recceiver",
+                    "value": "host.blah",
+                    "channels": [],
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "iocName",
+                    "owner": "recceiver",
+                    "value": "FredsIOC",
+                    "channels": [],
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "pvStatus",
+                    "owner": "recceiver",
+                    "value": "Inactive",
+                    "channels": [],
+                },
+            ],
+            "tags": [],
+        }
+    ]
+    responses.add(responses.GET, url, json=data, status=200)
+    r = channelfinder.get_channels(["fred"])
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert len(r) == 1
+    expected_channel = Channel(
+        "fred",
+        {"hostName": "host.blah", "iocName": "FredsIOC", "pvStatus": "Inactive"},
+        [],
+    )
+    assert r[0] == expected_channel
+def test_get_all_channels() -> None:
+    channelfinder = ChannelFinder()
+    urla = "https://localhost/ChannelFinder/resources/channels?~name=a*,ba"
+    dataa = [
+        {
+            "name": "ab",
+            "properties": [
+                {
+                    "name": "hostName",
+                    "value": "host.a",
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "iocName",
+                    "value": "AIOC",
+                },
+            ],
+            "tags": [],
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "ac",
+            "properties": [
+                {
+                    "name": "hostName",
+                    "value": "host.a",
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "iocName",
+                    "value": "AIOC",
+                },
+            ],
+            "tags": [],
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "ad",
+            "properties": [
+                {
+                    "name": "hostName",
+                    "value": "host.a",
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "iocName",
+                    "value": "AIOC",
+                },
+            ],
+            "tags": [],
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "ba",
+            "properties": [
+                {
+                    "name": "hostName",
+                    "value": "host.b",
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "iocName",
+                    "value": "BIOC",
+                },
+            ],
+            "tags": [],
+        },
+    ]
+    responses.add(responses.GET, urla, json=dataa, status=200)
+    r = channelfinder.get_all_channels(["ac", "ab", "ba"], min_prefix=1, group_size=2)
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert len(r) == 3
+    expected_channels = {
+        "ab": Channel(
+            "ab",
+            {"hostName": "host.a", "iocName": "AIOC"},
+            [],
+        ),
+        "ac": Channel(
+            "ac",
+            {"hostName": "host.a", "iocName": "AIOC"},
+            [],
+        ),
+        "ba": Channel(
+            "ba",
+            {"hostName": "host.b", "iocName": "BIOC"},
+            [],
+        ),
+    }
+    assert r == expected_channels
+def test_minimize_zero_prefix() -> None:
+    assert [] == minimize_searches([], 0)
+    assert ["a"] == minimize_searches(["a"], 0)
+    assert ["a", "b"] == minimize_searches(["a", "b"], 0)
+    assert ["a*"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac"], 0)
+    assert ["a*", "ba"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac", "ba"], 0)
+    assert ["a*", "b*"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac", "ba", "bc"], 0)
+    assert ["a*", "b*", "s"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac", "s", "ba", "bc"], 0)
+def test_minimize_two_prefix() -> None:
+    assert [] == minimize_searches([], 2)
+    assert ["a"] == minimize_searches(["a"], 2)
+    assert ["a", "b"] == minimize_searches(["a", "b"], 2)
+    assert ["ab", "ac"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac"], 2)
+    assert ["ab", "ac", "ba"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac", "ba"], 2)
+    assert ["ba*"] == minimize_searches(["bab", "bac"], 2)
+    assert ["ab", "ac", "ba*"] == minimize_searches(["ab", "ac", "bab", "bac"], 2)
+    assert ["ab", "ac", "ba*", "s"] == minimize_searches(
+        ["ab", "ac", "s", "bab", "bac"], 2
+    )
diff --git a/tests/test_epicsarchiver.py b/tests/test_epicsarchiver.py
index 072a2f4454d32c399715879aa6e076f691aec281..7d8c1627c79a3710ed434d4dac7fac05ce85817e 100644
--- a/tests/test_epicsarchiver.py
+++ b/tests/test_epicsarchiver.py
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ def test_get_or_post_comma_separated_list() -> None:
         len(responses.calls) == 1
     )  # ignore for https://github.com/getsentry/responses/pull/690
-    assert responses.calls[0].request.body == pvs  # type: ignore
+    assert responses.calls[0].request.body == pvs
     assert r == data
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ def test_pause_pv_comma_separated_list() -> None:
         len(responses.calls) == 1
     )  # ignore for https://github.com/getsentry/responses/pull/690
-    assert responses.calls[0].request.body == pvs  # type: ignore
+    assert responses.calls[0].request.body == pvs
     assert r == data
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ def test_resume_pv_comma_separated_list() -> None:
         len(responses.calls) == 1
     )  # ignore for https://github.com/getsentry/responses/pull/690
-    assert responses.calls[0].request.body == pvs  # type: ignore
+    assert responses.calls[0].request.body == pvs
     assert r == data