diff --git a/vmmTblApp/Db/channels.template b/vmmTblApp/Db/channels.template
index 6e97182a095948e62e8a89b7e5b1812bbfc7bccf..1c42aada374f5121b8f3892ca2a7d1c98ba9432d 100644
--- a/vmmTblApp/Db/channels.template
+++ b/vmmTblApp/Db/channels.template
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 ##### Records to set all register channels for given Hybrid
-##### and given VMM chip.
-##### The aao record sets the register channel by channel.
-##### The bo record sets all channels at once.
+#     and given VMM chip.
+#     The aao record sets the register channel by channel.
+#     The bo record sets all channels at once.
-# ST register
 record(aao, "$(P)$(R)Hyb$(HYB)Vmm$(VMM)ST-S") {
     field(DESC, "Set ST channels array")
     field(DTYP, "asynInt8ArrayOut")