- Apr 16, 2020
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Tooltip only added when server side processing is used. JIRA INFRA-1893 #action In Progress
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Remove btn-secondary class on datatables button btn-outline-secondary shouldn't be added with btn-secondary anymore with 4.4.1 JIRA INFRA-2021 #action In Progress
- Jan 28, 2020
Benjamin Bertrand authored
JIRA INFRA-1669 #action In Progress
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Apr 24, 2019
Benjamin Bertrand authored
1. It's possible to erase the network when creating a host. The exception raised was due to the ip_in_range validator where a select using the network_id is performed. This is now catched to raise a ValidationError. 2. Add some javascript to remove the is-invalid class on the network and IP fields when changing them JIRA INFRA-810 #action In Progress
- Mar 05, 2019
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Tags were basically only used for IOCs. Tags were linked to the interface (and not the host). But for IOC we assume it should always be the main (first) interface. Using a field on the host table will make it more obvious for users. Created a IOC dynamic group type, to create a group including all IOCs JIRA INFRA-862 #action In Progress
- Feb 28, 2019
Benjamin Bertrand authored
JIRA INFRA-860 #action In Progress
- Nov 09, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- mac is now a column - the id of the input field changed from #mac_address to #mac JIRA INFRA-639
- Nov 06, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Host names are unique (no 2 hosts with same name) - A host name shall not conflict with a cname or interface (if not main interface) - Interface names are unique (no 2 interfaces with same name) - An interface shall not conflict with a cname or host (if not assigned host) - cnames are only unique by domain (2 cnames can have the same name if different domains) - A cname shall not conflict with a host or interface - An interface has to be linked to a host Validation is implemented at the model level. Some is also implemented at the form level as it gives nicer feedback, but not all as it's a bit more complex when it requires check on several fields. JIRA INFRA-245
Benjamin Bertrand authored
selectize-bootstrap4-theme v2.0.2 from https://github.com/const-se/selectize-bootstrap4-theme To use selectize on a Select or MultiSelect field, add the selectize-default class. It initializes selectize with the default options. JIRA INFRA-644 #action In Progress
- Oct 11, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
This saves the state of hosts and items tables (search input, ordering, paging position) so that it can be restored when the user reloads a page. See https://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/state_save.html JIRA INFRA-608 #action In Progress
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- switch to server side processing to retrieve network hosts (the table started to be bigger and takes time to load) - add full text search using elasticsearch Note that only the first IP is displayed in the host table (all interfaces were displayed before). Search can be performed on any interfaces. JIRA INFRA-595 #action In Progress
- Sep 20, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
This is not directly supported by CodeMirror. See https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/issues/850 Add cm-resize library from https://github.com/Sphinxxxx/cm-resize JIRA INFRA-543 #action In Progress
- Jul 11, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Allow to enter Ansible variables on host in YAML format. Use codemirror (http://codemirror.net) to make editing YAML easier. JIRA INFRA-412
- May 25, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Apr 23, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- rename "Virtual" to "Virtual Machine" - add "Virtual IOC" - add several physical devices (Switch, Industrial PC IOC, MicroTCA, VME, PLC)
- Apr 20, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
1. When we have a stack of switches, the same IP is associated to several switches 2. Move the items <-> host assocation to the item create/edit page JIRA INFRA-267
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The interface name doesn't need to be displayed in the form as we force it to the hostname. We set the interface name to the hostname when submitting the form. This fixes the copy/paste issue with the mouse that didn't trigger the keyup event. JIRA INFRA-287
- Apr 10, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Apr 09, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
If an error is raised when submitting the form, we should keep the IP that was entered. JIRA INFRA-285
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The class "is-invalid" is removed on all type=text input on keyup event. JIRA INFRA-285
- Apr 06, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
On page load we have to check the machine type to enable / disable item_id and check / uncheck the random MAC
Benjamin Bertrand authored
"type" field on host replaced with foreign key "machine_type_id" JIRA INFRA-281
- Feb 12, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The network range defines the IP to be allocated. This is to reserve some specific addresses (for gateway for example). An admin user should be able to define an interface outside the network range. The IP address select field was replaced with a string field (initialized to the first available IP). Fixes INFRA-200
- Feb 09, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Fixes INFRA-197
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The interface name shall start with the hostname of the host it is associated to. Note that this is only enforced via the UI (from which most users will interact), not from the API. Fixes INFRA-195
- Dec 19, 2017
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Dec 18, 2017
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Dec 15, 2017
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Use endpoint argument to avoid collision with flask-admin Network
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- disable item field for virtual hosts - pre-fill interface name with hostname
- Dec 14, 2017
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Main blueprint used to declare custom views for all blueprints. (keep inventory blueprint cleaner) - Add url_prefix to each blueprint
- Nov 17, 2017
Benjamin Bertrand authored