The purpose of Naming is to handle Naming of ESS wide physical and logical devices according to ESS Naming Convention.
Naming backend
Naming backend is a web application implemented as a REST style web service backed by a relational database. The web service is implemented as a Spring Boot application and the database is available as PostgreSQL.
Background and motivation, application and database design, and more, is available through content in docs folder.
- Java 17 (openjdk)
- Maven 3.8+ (e.g. 3.8.5)
- PostgreSQL (9.6 client lib)
- Docker (docker, docker-compose)
- Git
- postgresql
- springdoc
- springframework
- testcontainers
Set up development environment and test
Checkout and build
git clone
cd directory
mvn clean install
Start application (with database)
- start the application and database
docker-compose up --build
- make sure database available as in
- start the application
java -jar target/naming-backend-*.jar
- browse to
Integration tests with Docker containers
See src/test/java
and packages
JUnit tests start a docker container for the application (Naming backend) and another docker container for the database (Postgresql) through docker-compose-integrationtest.yml
public static final DockerComposeContainer<?> ENVIRONMENT =
new DockerComposeContainer<>(new File("docker-compose-integrationtest.yml"))
.waitingFor(ITUtil.NAMING, Wait.forLogMessage(".*Started NamingApplication.*", 1));
Thereafter a number of http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) are run towards the application to test behavior (CRUD - create, read, update, delete) and replies are received and checked if content is as expected.
- Pre-populated database to be available if data to be available at start of application. Otherwise database may be populated through
at command line or Swagger UI.- See
and sub folders for database scripts. - If no prior database is available, see integration tests for examples on how to populate database. E.g. tests may be debugged and database content may be examined at any debug point. It's possible to backup database at such debug point and later restore it outside test. In such way, database may be set to state of choice.
- See
- Have local docker-compose file for database alone if there is need to backup or restore database.