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Commit ceb6eda7 authored by Simon Rose's avatar Simon Rose
Browse files

Cleaning up obsolete references to .tcl files in driver.makefile

parent e8ecc926
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### New Features
* Autocompletion for `iocsh.bash` has been added
* Removed `iocsh_gdb.bash` and `iocsh_nice.bash`, both of whose functionality can be called via `iocsh.bash -dg` and `iocsh.bash -n`, respectively.
### Bugfixes
* `iocsh.bash --help` (and variants) no longer loads tries to load ``.
No preview for this file type
package require Tclx
set debug 0
set global_context [scancontext create]
set file_context [scancontext create]
set skip_context [scancontext create]
scanmatch $global_context {there is no version here} {
scanmatch $global_context {cvs status: failed} {
puts stderr "Error: $matchInfo(line)"
scanmatch $global_context {no such directory `(.*)'} {
puts stderr "checking directory $matchInfo(submatch0): so such directory"
scanmatch $global_context {cvs [status aborted]: there is no version here} {
scanmatch $global_context {^File: .*Up-to-date} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts -nonewline stderr "checking $file: "
catch {unset major minor patch}
scanfile $file_context $matchInfo(handle)
if {![info exists major]} {
puts stderr "revision $rev($file) not tagged => version test"
set version test
puts stderr "revision $rev($file) tag $tag($file) => version $major.$minor.$patch"
if {![info exists version]} {
set version $major.$minor.$patch
} else {
if ![cequal $major.$minor.$patch $version] {
set version test
scanmatch $global_context {^File: .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "checking $file: [lrange $matchInfo(line) 3 end] => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $global_context {^\? .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "checking $file: not in cvs => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $file_context {Working revision:} {
set rev($file) [lindex $matchInfo(line) 2]
scanmatch $file_context {Sticky Tag:.*_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)[ \t]+\(revision: } {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch $matchInfo(submatch2)
set tag($file) "[lindex $matchInfo(line) 2] (sticky)"
scanfile $skip_context $matchInfo(handle)
scanmatch $file_context {Sticky Tag:.*_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)[ \t]+\(revision: } {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch 0
set tag($file) "[lindex $matchInfo(line) 2] (sticky)"
scanfile $skip_context $matchInfo(handle)
scanmatch $file_context {_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)(_([0-9]+))?[ \t]+\(revision: ([\.0-9]+)\)} {
if [cequal $rev($file) $matchInfo(submatch4)] {
set Major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set Minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set Patch [expr $matchInfo(submatch3) + 0]
if {![info exists major] ||
$Major>$major ||
($Major==$major && ($Minor>$minor
|| ($Minor==$minor && $Patch>$patch)))} {
set major $Major
set minor $Minor
set patch $Patch
set tag($file) [lindex $matchInfo(line) 0]
scanmatch $skip_context {=================} {
scanmatch $file_context {=================} {
set git_context [scancontext create]
scanmatch $git_context {fatal: Not a git repository} {
scanmatch $git_context {^\?\? .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: not in git => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^ M .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally modified => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^D .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: deleted (or renamed) but not committed => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^ D .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally deleted => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^A .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally added => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^AM .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally added and modified => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^([ MADRCU][ MADRCU]) .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: $matchInfo(submatch0) (whatever that means) => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {fatal: No names found} {
puts stderr "no tag on this version => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))?$} {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch [expr $matchInfo(submatch3) + 0]
set version $major.$minor.$patch
puts stderr "checking tag $matchInfo(line) => version $version"
scanmatch $git_context {[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)(_([0-9]+))?$} {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch [expr $matchInfo(submatch3) + 0]
set version $major.$minor.$patch
puts stderr "checking tag $matchInfo(line) => version $version"
scanmatch $git_context {(.*[0-9]+[_.][0-9]+([_.][0-9]+)?)-([0-9]+)-g} {
set version test
puts stderr "tag $matchInfo(submatch0) is $matchInfo(submatch2) commits old => version test"
scanmatch $git_context {Your branch is ahead of '(.*)/(.*)'} {
puts stderr "branch \"$matchInfo(submatch1)\" not yet pushed to remote \"$matchInfo(submatch0)\" => version test"
puts stderr "try: git push --tags $matchInfo(submatch0) $matchInfo(submatch1)"
set version test
if {[lindex $argv 0] == "-d"} {
set debug 1
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
# Check all files in top directory and all files specified explicitly in subdirectories
set topfiles [glob -nocomplain GNUmakefile makefile Makefile *.c *.cc *.cpp *.h *.dbd *.st *.stt *.gt]
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "checking $topfiles $argv"
if {[catch {
# fails if we have no git:
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "git status --porcelain $topfiles $argv"
set statusinfo [open "|git status --porcelain $topfiles $argv 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $git_context $statusinfo
# fails if this is no git repo
close $statusinfo
if [info exists version] {
puts $version
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "git describe --tags HEAD"
set statusinfo [open "|git describe --tags HEAD 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $git_context $statusinfo
catch {close $statusinfo}
if ![info exists version] {
puts stderr "Could not find out version tag => version test"
set version test
if {$version != "test"} {
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "git status"
set statusinfo [open "|git status 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $git_context $statusinfo
catch {close $statusinfo}
puts $version
}] && $debug} { puts stderr "git: $errorInfo" }
if {[catch {
# cvs bug: calling cvs status for files in other directories spoils status
# information for local files.
# fix: check local and non local files separately
# fails if we have no cvs or server has a problem
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "cvs status -l -v $topfiles $argv"
set statusinfo [open "|cvs status -l -v $topfiles $argv 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $global_context $statusinfo
# fails if this is no cvs repo
close $statusinfo
# set files {}
# foreach file $argv {
# if {[file tail $file] != $file} {
# lappend files $file
# }
# }
# if [llength $files] {
# set statusinfo [open "|cvs status -l -v $files 2>@ stdout"]
# scanfile $global_context $statusinfo
# close $statusinfo
# }
puts $version
}] && $debug} { puts stderr "cvs: $errorInfo" }
puts stderr "No repository found => version test"
puts "test"
# $Header: /cvs/G/DRV/misc/App/tools/getVersion.tcl,v 1.3 2010/08/03 08:42:40 zimoch Exp $
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