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Update service file

Simon Rose requested to merge update_service_file into master

The ioc@.service file in the current deployment role has been heavily modified, and this brings the new service file up to date with all of the major changes.

One part that has not been ported over:

  We still have to add the capabilities here to be backwards compatible with older deployments;
  deploying a new IOC with a new service template affects *all* the IOCs deployed on the host
# CAP_SYS_NICE is needed so that chrt can change the process priority
# CAP_IPC_LOCK is needed so that mlock() and mlockall() works
AmbientCapabilities=CAP_SYS_NICE CAP_IPC_LOCK

This may cause some difficulties in the case that a host has a realtime IOC deployed with the old deployment role; in such a case if the IOC host restarts then the IOC will lose some of its realtime capabilities. The solution in that case is to undeploy and redeploy the IOC.

Note that starting or stopping the IOC using the deployment tool should not have an impact at the moment.

Merge request reports