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CE-3196: Separate Lab DB

Imre Toth requested to merge CE-3196_Separate_Lab_DB into develop

Created 2 endpoints to be able to separate IOCs/deployments for Lab, and Technical network.

Endpoints are under /migration/...

The GET endpoint show general info to check IOCs/deployments before or after the DELETE endpoints was called. Example output: { "UNRESOLVABLE_IOCS": "[305, 2049, 54, 1133]", "NOT_FOUND": "12", "NETWORK_CHANGED": "1270", "BOTH_CHANGED": "347", "HOSTNAME_CHANGED": "1586", "USED_NETWORK_SCOPES": "[NIN, TechnicalNetwork]", "CONT_OF_ALL_JOBS": "12320" }

DLETE endpoint need Admin permission. It has a parameter for network(scope)name, and a query param for IOC name prefix (that has never been deployed).

Disclaimer: Every endpoint tries to resolve the host based on the NetBox ID! Which means the hosts are being resolved on the fly. And NetBox Test and Prod environment entities might have different IDs!!

Merge request reports
