This project provides a web interface for the [CE deploy & monitor back-end](, written in React.
npm ci
npm start
- NodeJS and npm
- Credentials from ESS' Artifactory, with permissions to the ics-npm registry
All necessary configuration is stored in a config file in the `public` folder, called [config.js](public/config.js). The config file has to be included in the [index.html](index.html) file.
The following values can be set in the file:
| Environment variable | Description |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `SERVER_ADDRESS` | The backend server base URL _(host:port)_ (if backend server is running natively on the same host as the UI then the value has to be empty, and proxy has to be set!) |
| `API_BASE_ENDPOINT` | The context path of the application's REST API _(e.g. /api/spec)_ |
| `SUPPORT_URL` | The URL for where to ask for more support (i.e. service desk) |
| `TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL` | Time interval to renew JWT auth token _(in milliseconds)_ |
| `NAMING_ADDRESS` | Naming service base URL (used for IOC name references feature) |
| `NETBOX_ADDRESS` | NetBox base URL (used for IOC host references) |
| `ENVIRONMENT_TITLE` | Adds a (sub)text to the HTLM title, and also for the appBar header. Supposed to show information to the user which environment they are using. The default value is empty. _Optional field!_ |
| `FRONTEND_VERSION` | Version of application to display on help page |
Refering to a value in the JS source code is: _window.field-name_ (e.g. `window.SERVER_ADDRESS`).
See [](