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Make sure no intermediate states leak from UserProvider

John Sparger requested to merge fix-UserProvider-states into develop

This is a fix for two bugs in UserProvider.

Bug 1: setUser(await getUserInfo())

The first bug was simply that setUser was being passed the output of getUserInfo which always returns undefined. Although there was an effect being used to setUser properly, some race condition could let this undefined value be the last value set. This bug has been in the code for a long time but just now appeared after some extra renders were eliminated.

Bug 2: The UserProvider context was leaking intermediate user states. In order to be logged in we need both the userInfo and the userRoles data. However, these are currently separate API queries and it was possible for UserProvider to be in a state where only one of these was defined. This happened any time one query returned while the other was still processing. In bug #1, userRoles was defined but userInfo (through the bug) was set to undefined. This is not really a valid state for the user context, but it was still passed down to all context subscribers.

The fix is to create a new hook useUser which combines these two API calls and returns a single user state which is always valid. Then, UserProvider can use a new state value which is updated only when everything is in a valid state.

One benefit of this is reduced renders of the Application tree. During login, the previous version of UserProvider caused around 6 rerenders of all child components (almost the whole App tree). Now, there are only 3: (initial load, not logged in, logged in)

Edited by John Sparger

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