Structural UI changes
Left hand navigational bar-related changes:
- Should stay expanded/stay open
- Rename "Deployments" -> "Deployment log
- Rename "Hosts" -> "Explore IOC hosts"
- Rename "IOCs" -> "Explore IOCs" should lead to new page (which shows all IOCs)
- Landing page/home should only show your IOCs (remove "explore IOCs")
- Name of tool in upper left corner before info about which page you're on (put placeholder if graphics from Dirk isn't yet available)
- Pressing this should bring you to the landing page
- Remove profile and log out from left hand menu
Create menu from profile in top right corner with log out option
Create notification icon that opens "drop-down" next to profile menu (to the left of profile)
- Doesn't need content right now
Create IOC dialogue-related changes
- Needs a title saying e.g. "Create IOC"
- Error message should stay open longer
- Button to create IOC should move to "IOC view" page; top right corner above list of IOCs
- Move modify IOC button to top right corner of IOC page (instead of next to profile picture)
- Hover-effect over list entries should have slightly darker grey to stick out more
- If you are on one of the pages available in left hand side menu, that entry should be highlighted
- There should be a title over the log-in box for the service (just put "CCCE" as placeholder if name for tool doesn't yet exist)