CE-3036: Corrected impossible host status
To fix impossible disabled state for Hosts we needed to define possible states for hosts.
After discussions, see CE-3036 and checking with @domonkosgulyas this is what we landed in:
- Active (status = AVAILABLE)
- Active with alert (status = AVAILABLE && has warnings or errors)
- Inactive (status = UNREACHABLE && only has info alert like "no IOCs have been deployed")
- Inactive with alert (UNREACHABLE && has warnings or errors) which is impossible
To comply with already implemented design for statuses and alerts these are the different scenarios:
- active (available)
- alert (available with severity error)
- warning (available with severity warning)
- inactive (unreachable)
- inactiveAlert (unreachable with severity error)
- inactiveWarning (unreachable with severity warning)
Follow up:
- write tests for different status scenarios, would be good for documental reasons