CE-2273: Use confirm action dialog from ess-common
Note: Needs version update before merge
Merge request reports
requested review from @christinajenks and @domonkosgulyas
assigned to @johannaszepanski
added 1 commit
- e7289359 - upgraded common version and also updated to new usePolling name
I spotted a problem that I've confirmed is true in common (so if it is fixed there, it'll be fixed here):
if you open the confirm dialog, type out the passphrase so that the confirm button becomes enabled, but then close and reopen the dialog, the input is empty but the button is enabled (instead of disabled as expected). This happens regardless if you've clicked cancel, clicked outside the modal, or pressed ESC.
Edited by Christina Jenks@christinajenks common is updated and merged. Updated version number for template
requested review from @imretoth
added 4 commits
44410c54...f8c4866b - 2 commits from branch
- a1d3ee93 - Fixed merge conflict
- 96508431 - updated useSafePolling to usePolling in logdetails
44410c54...f8c4866b - 2 commits from branch
Resolve the merge conflicts and I'll approve @johannaszepanski
added 3 commits
96508431...01240700 - 2 commits from branch
- 9edf0ff2 - fixed merge conflict
96508431...01240700 - 2 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 5de840df