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CE-2760: Generation page refactor, Syntax highlighting and BE substitutions

Max Frederiksen requested to merge CE-2760-syntax-and-substitution-from-be into develop

This ticket primary goal was the syntax highlighting and BE substitution... However, since I had been working on these files now for the past couple of tickets and felt like it was necessary to do some cleanup, i decided to do so. It might be easier to review it commit by commit, in hindsight creating seperate MR's might have been a better idea.. Just remember that around 80% of this MR is refactoring and cleanup, which might make it easier.

The cleanup was mostly removing unnecessary components aka containers that didn't really serve a valid enough purpose imo. I also removed a lot of unnecessary useEffect hooks, props, useContext state etc. Since this generation page has quite a lot of moving parts I would really appreciate extra focus on the QA to make sure things work exactly as they did before

  • Follow-up: add templateFilePreview story to this ticket regarding MSW.
  • Follow-up: refactor ConfigFileSelector (move drawer component out and try to remove useEffect)
  • Follow-up Move generate revision loader into dialog and refactor
  • Follow-up: Handle edge case of invalid JSON in configuration_file_content
  • Follow-up: Refine eslint + prettier configurations in pre-commit

One of the stories will be sort of broken now since we still don't have MSW in template yet, ticket above will address this issue.

Remember to use Domonkos BE changes when testing

Edited by Max Frederiksen

Merge request reports
