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CE-3387: Removed two way dependecy

Johanna Szepanski requested to merge CE-3387-remove-two-way-dependency into develop

Note: This is a pre clean-up for the real issue CE-3388

rtk enhanced endpoints gives the possibilty to add features on top of the auto generated endpoints. In this case I added tags on a few specific endpoints that are dependent on each other. For example the getType should fetch new data when a type has been updated. So providesTags states what tags an endpoint subscribes to and it forces a re-fetch when one of those tags are invalidated. If the requests are in the same scope.

What do you think of this solution as opposed to what it was @skybrewer @maxfrederiksen

This also includes job for CE-3389, I needed to update this component anyway so...

Edited by Johanna Szepanski

Merge request reports
