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E3-700: Add modified specification for new environment

Simon Rose requested to merge e3_700_updated_spec into specification

This adds two new environment files:

These were both generated from a modified version of The only modification included here is that the original output for a module was:

      - "7.0.5-3.4.1/4.41.0-6372ca2-20210426T180353"

but I propose replacing it with

  - ref: 7.0.5-3.4.1/4.41.0-6372ca2-20210426T180353

which makes it simpler to add additional fields which depend on the version.

Note that at the moment, the build-e3 tool has not been modified, and so these cannot be used to load a new specification. This would not be hard to fix, but it is somewhat out of scope of E3-700.

Merge request reports