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E3-1318: Expand and improve on report

Anders Lindh Olsson requested to merge e3-1318_improve into main

Limiting work here to not spend too much time on this.

I have answered some additional questions about modules and versions in use. I have also rewritten the data collection using pvA/CA to use p4p, which allows us to reintegrate this data collection into the jupyter notebook; fetching all of the data takes about 5 seconds (the default timeout duration).

I can not run the notebook on my own machine since I have arm64, which p4p is not distributed for, but I have tested the script standalone (commit ada97fe2) on a VM. I cannot easily test the notebook on a VM since it would require setting up a workstation capable of working with jupyter notebooks... 🙃 Please re-run the entire notebook locally if possible.

Note that p4p has been left out of environment.yaml since that file is created for my arch.

Merge request reports
