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E3-1071: Update specifications

Anders Lindh Olsson requested to merge e3-1071_update_specs into main

I have removed the partial specifications and have updated the full ones, which now only are called by the name of the release (i.e. without the -full post-fix).

To create the updated specifications, I used the develop version of the e3 package and the following script:

from pathlib import Path

import yaml

from e3.definition import BuildDefinition
from e3.fs.environment import InstalledEnvironment
from e3.module import ModuleSource

RELEASE = "2022q1"
REQUIRE_VER = "4.0.0"

env = InstalledEnvironment(Path("/epics"), BASE_VER, REQUIRE_VER)
bdef = BuildDefinition(RELEASE, base_ref="", require_ref="")
mods = [mod for mod in env.modules_directory.iterdir() if mod.is_dir()]
for mod in env.modules_directory.iterdir():
    if not mod.is_dir():
    versions = []
    for ver in mod.iterdir():
        if not ver.is_dir():
        meta_file = ver / f"{}_meta.yaml"
        data = meta_file.read_text()
        tag = yaml.safe_load(data)["wrapper_git_desc"]

    bdef.add_module(ModuleSource(, versions=versions))


Merge request reports